The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 36 (Vol. 34, No.11) March 15, 1969
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
PSI A A Meet Opens Tomorrow ♦LARGEST CIRCULATION ♦ ♦ IN THE BICOL REGION X ♦ ALBAY I ♦ CAM. NORTE X t CAM. SUR X ♦ CATANDUANES ♦ MASBATE X t SORSOGON J IRIGA CITY < LEGAZPI CITY X t NAGA CITY X J 5 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Year 36 • Vol. 34 • No. 11 • City of Naga. March 15, 1969 • 10 Pages * 10 Centavos M e s s a g epsiaa Program < M e s s a g e OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES Malacanang I am happy to greet the offi­ cials, delegates, and participating ath'etes in the 1969 Public Schools Interscholastic Athletic Association Meet, which is scheduled to be held from March 16-22, 1969, in Pili, Camarines Sur. Regional athletic competitions are an important extra-curricular activity in our schools not only as a means for developing physical fitness of the participants, but also for discovering potential ath­ letic giants. It is through these meets that we can develop the skills and stamina of our ath­ letes for future world competitions. My best wishes to the officials and athletes of the PSIAA for a most successful and fruitful meet, Vice Pres. LOPEZ and may the best team win. Manila January 22, 1969 (Sgd.) FERNANDO LOPEZ Vice President Republic of the Philippines CITY OF NAGA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Message I join all Bicolanos in wel­ coming the guests and the eight regional delegations to the 1969 Public Schools Interscholastic AtAthletic Association Meet. This meet will project not only the value of sportsmanship but the need to support athletic de­ velopment in the country. In the very poorly in international ath___ ____ _____„_ __ _ - knows, this is the result of our apathetic attitude towards the development of otir sports. We hope, therefore, that this 1969 PSIAA Meet will open the people’s mind Mayor S1BULO past several years, our nation fared letic competitions. As everyone for a better and bigger support to athletic growth in our country. Again, welcome to all the guests and participants in the Meet. (Sgd.) VICENTE P. SIBULO City Mayor Sunday, March 16-Opening Ceremonies-Part 1-12:30, Assembly of Athletic Delegations at the Cam. Sur High School Campus, Naga City. 1 p.m. Motorcade around Naga City and the Muni­ cipality of Pili to Interscholastic Meet Grounds. Part II-1 p.m. Blessing of the Marcos Stadium. Cutting of cere­ monial ribbon by the First Lady, Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, assisted by high government officials and their ladies. Blessing of the Grandstand and Swimming Pool by Archbishop Teopisto V. Al­ berto of Caceres Diocese. Part III-2 p.m. entrance of the parade into the Athletic grounds, with the different dele­ gations of athletes and officials of the meet and bands. Part IV-Opening program. Mu­ nicipal Mayor Jose Velarde of Pili and Prov. Gov. Armando B. Cledera will give the welcome addresses and followed by speech of President Ferdinand E. Marcos, the guest of honor and speaker of the day. Mass playground demonstrations will close the afternoon’s program, participated in by thousands of school child­ ren and teachers. Demonstrations and folk dances are scheduled in the afternoon of March 16, 19, and 22. From March 15 to 21 there will be social and cultural affairs sponsored by different entities in the afternoon or evening at dif­ ferent places. Track and field events, softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, ar­ chery, badminton, table tennis (boys and girls) except baseball, will be played from March 17 to 22. Participating athletic associations of public schools are Northern Luzon, Central Luzon, ManilaPasav - Quezon - Caloocan Cities, Southern Tagalog, Bicol, Eastern Visayas, Western Visayas and Mindanao. Being the biggest athletic event of the Philippines and the first one to be held here in Cam. Sur, it is believed that a big crowd of expectators will witness the games thruout the meet. High government officials of the dif­ ferent provinces and of Manila are also present. TANGGAPAN NG PANGULO NG PILIPINAS (Office of the President of the Philippines) The Interscholastic Meet in Pili, Camarines Sur offers oppor­ tunities for enhancing our pre­ sent effort to promote physical fitness and raise athletics to a higher level. The administration has initiated this twin program as a way of restoring the high prestige our country once enjoyed in world sports. But more than that, we want citizens who are finely balanced in mind and body. It is my pleasure, therefore, to welcome the delegates and con­ gratulate the sponsors of this meet, with the earnest hope that our youth, in striving for per­ fection under the disciplines of Pres. MARCOS sports, will also strive for meaningful participation in nation-building under the disciplines of good citizenship. (Sgd.) FERDINAND E. MARCOS President of the^Philippines Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAM. SUR OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR City of Naga As a nation, it behooves that we should all be concerned for Governor CLEDERA our nationol survival like any other nation of the world. The fundamental objective of any na­ tion is to build a civilized and healthy citizenry. The program of government for agricultural and commercial progress calls for the backing of a sturdy, vibrant and healthy people both in mind and body for its successful realization. From the beginning of time, when Empires and Kingdoms sprouted on the surface of the earth, whether in battles fought by each other or in the race for implementation of government programs for material progress, the nation who had the best phy­ sical development training always emerged triumphant. We fave already proved our physical capabilities both in the battlefield and in the fields of sports and we shall continue to build ourselves energit.ically. Wishing all our visitors and guests full enjoyment during their shortgsojourn in our province. To all the athletes I say exert (Continued on page 5) Marcos Stadium at Pili, Capital of Camarines Sur TI1E BICOL STAR March 15, 1969 t * ' ^irof .Star ENlERE0,^S(^ECpND CLASS MAIL f^ATT POST OFFICE,' CITY OF NAGA. PHlLfl ON MAY 20. 1933. PUBLISHED. EVERY ^TURD^Y jOomiitpo '{A. Escalante GENERAL MANAGER. PUBLISHER & EDITOR JXntiri-s (S’. litre ASSOCIATE EDITOR ^>eitn^ (Eafoagint J&ilberto .Alcala $lal. jfH. JDun«iguin Jaime be Iob Jsantoa f - ADVERTISING, & PROMOTION Borneo 111. ^Escalante * 2? CIRCULATION a SUBSCRIPTION " I • SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P4.00 PHR YEAR: P2.50 6 MONTHS I P. O. BOX 123. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES MANILA BUREAU. 1963 DAPITAN. SAMPALOC--- TEL. 60-66-55 ^Bernarhinu JXngeleB fUafaagnit—Manager f--------- ->■---------|------------ ------------------------------------------------S------- ;------J <_ Editorial Presidential Case Needs People’s Judicious Thinking President Ferdinand E. Marcos is definitely coming to Camarines Sur to inaugurate the beautiful landmark which he lovingly dedica­ ted to the welfare and happiness of our citi­ zens. The beautiful landmark which we jnean is the now terminated Public Schbol Interjscholastic Athletic Field which cost dur government r[l,200,000. It stands as one of the big public projects which was' terminated at the exact cost estimated for its construction. No taxpayer of this province lost a peso through Fed tape, tong and padded payroll which Senator Osmeha bravely charged as 'attributes of the present Nacionalista administration. ' ) , . No taxpayer of this province has also known of any tong and kickback, to have benefit ted anybody from the appropriation of P6,000,000 given by President Marcos to this province for the construction of the now almost completed huge Irrigation System at Iriga which will Supply water to all the rice fields opRincionada towns. The concern of President Marcos for the welfare of our province is’ shown .by deeds because it is in the" many school buildings allocated to us. It is in the cemented and as­ phalted toads and in the continuing work of cementing and asphalting roads and highways. IT is ■■ in the1 several Irrigation Projects already concluded. It is in his ceaseless efforts to increase farm production. It is in his end­ less desire to help us and to serve us. It is therefore, paradoxical that the big Liberal leaders would come now and then for no other purpose than to criticize, traduce, vilify and redicule the very person who is .doing his very best to help us, the Bicolanos. For the sake af justice, the Liberals should exercise prudence specially because they them­ selves know they did nothing beneficial for Camarines Sur during the 4 year period of their Macapagal administration. -A. G. Diez. ★ i 'Farm & Food ! To Start Next i Beginning next issue, the Bicol Star starts a new column, "Farm and Food Tips” by Juan S. Deborde, press relations officer of the A$qetaf University Founda­ tion in Malabon, Rizal. The column will entertain questjpns and pther solutions that may be feent iifl by the readerespeciallv the Bicol farmers and housewives. Deborde started young as a w: cr. li: was a staffer of the The Scout officials toured the entire Jamboree site and made an occular inspection of their respective sub-camps where they designated the contingent ca’mp-, sites. Earlier in the day, the/ visited Fort Magsaysay where they were greeted by General Garcia who showed them around the area and explainedthe Various projects being un&ertalten in the fort. . f.", ' ★ Tips' Column Week "Blue and Gold” of the Ateneo de Naga where he graduated from the secondary honors course in 1959. In college he became news editor, associate editor and editor-in-chief of the FURROWS, student newsmagazine of Araneta University where he finished his B.A. course in 1963. An agricultural writer, he has contributed popular articles in the Philippine Farms and Garden and the Weekly Graphic. He edited the Philippine Farmer’s Digest and the Golden Harvest Newsletter. He is at present editor of the Alumni Newsletter, a quarterly publication of the Araneta Alumni Association of which he is the executive sec­ retary. A Bicolano, Deborde was born in San Isidro, Pamplona, Cama­ rines Sur. He is married to the former Luisa Intac of Cuenca, Bitongas. wi'h whom he has three children. BSP officials visit Jamboree site Buy Scout officials all over the country, \Hio attended the kick-off ceremonies for the BSP Member-1 ship Campaign at Malacanhng, recently‘Visited" the site of the/ 4th National 'JamboieC' of the” Boy Scbbts Of the Philippines in" Palayan’Cif/ <rh<K'$-3 Mis 1 Gene E. Balfermoso FROM HILLTOP ......... 4..... and scout exJfutiveS representing Listen and Learn Diplomacy 69 local" cbuhcils in the Philip-' pines wete accdmpanied by seve­ ral membefi df’the fiatjonal exe- ' cutive bo^tjd %f the! ‘^SP ^aticl members of the national staff/ ' THE NIXON WA Y - As a fgrinef business executive — the incumbent' President of the United States has been rtmembers of the1 national s'taff. Jo ast Americans and as Chic' Thev were warmlv welcomed bv ' Executtve the most powerful, super-power, President Milrxr ............? hails N ixon will have a chanci: to gel restive and oftener will hnyg ihg'npn'Arinnitn 1q *,'•$*! SVSF'J sll# Of thf! IlIDrIfI thru his 'listeri-and-learn' tours. Completing his western Europebm visit' recently, he is out Solmding his allies about -his projected sUrrtmer itinerary to Soviet'Russia for a face-toface dialogue with thei Kfemlin leaders. As ,a two-terjner. vice-president under the Eisenhower administration Mr. Nixon nevertheless covered almost, all .coun­ tries,,in South America, Europe and, Asia wiih the exception of course of Red China. Ip South America' as, fit . goodwill representative of Pres. Eisenhower - Mr. Nixon on several occasions had been spitted at and thrown with tomatoes and eggs. And at a Moscow agricultural and industrial, exposition while visiting the American fair he ,is remembered for his famous ‘kitchen debate' with the former Soviet Premier Nikita’ Khruschev. With the above experiences - we can very well foresee that the Nixonian theory of ‘learn-dnd-listen diplomacy’ will give the American leader on-the-spot observations to understand world problems and to effect factual remedies with a view to ease world tensions and to avoid the dangers of a growing menace of nuclear confrontation. X -X' ABRIDGEMENT OF PRESS FREEDOM officials of Nueva Ecija. led by. W" ° C,U!nCe nr P Jose P. Dizon, president of the ^ve ^ opportunity Jo visit every ajly of the Jree world Nueva Ecija Boy Scout council. The 4th National Jamboree, with an expected attendance of 9,000 Scouts and Scouters all over the country and from over- . seas, will be held on May 10 lb in Palayan City. 1 ’ ’ The visitors were inpfessed by the progress of the work being done to build the Jamboree City. They were surprised to see at once lonely spot slowly being transformed into a big commu­ nity with complete facilities. The task of building the Jamboree city was laid squarely on the Physical Arrangements Committee of the Jamboree headed by Un­ dersecretary bf' Public'Wotk's and Communications Manuel B. Syquio. The action group of this ' Committee is dubbed Task Force 69 whose officer in charge is General' Eduardo Garcia, (2om- ‘ mandipg General of tfie ' First" Tabat Division at Jj'ort 'Magsay-' / say- '' ■■■ \ General Garcia briefed the visitors on the work being done to build the Jamboree City. He said that the road network • wre^completed and that buildings that would housed the offices of the various Jamboree services were nearing completion. Garcia assured the delegates that the Jamboree will have lots of water and such facilities as light, com­ munication system, post-telegraph services, trading post?, central mess, radio-TV center, ecume­ nical chapel, medical clinics and hospital, motor pool and many other services. Garcia said that the Jamboree City will be com­ pleted by the end of March. General Garcia and Provincial Commander Jose B. Gutierrez allayed fears on the peace and order situation by saying that Nueva Ecijs is a peaceful place and that all-out efforts will be exerted by military and police agencies to keep the Jamboree City, safe and secure. The full implementation of the security plain laid out by the authorities will insure peace and order in the Jamboree City. I LET THE FLOWERS BLOOM - At the least this writer would, like to congratulate that segment of our youth activist'whose propensity it is to advocate for reforms against the backlash of alleged malpractices among local columnists, newswriters and radio commentators. The 'protest’ indeed 1 should consider as deserving more than just a ‘grain of salt’. Insofar as the motives are concerned-responsed is a matter of dire necessity among members of the fourth estaters. Let alone that our budding newsmen are ‘on the level’ so to saythe challenge is an encouragement that should be developed without a whimper if to attain the perspective of a newsman 'on the beat’ is a Y ARDSTICK for self-analysis and improvement. ACCELERATED APPROACHES-I was able to listen by remote control coverage al my hilltop hideaway to a sizable portion of the student (press week) rally at Naga City Quezon Square. For obvious reasons known only to. the student activistsI could not discern a formal presentation of an’accelerated guide­ line’ intended to improve the performance of a ‘misfit’ columnist, a newsman or the radio commentator. By reading a glossary of names will not make the name any better. Nick Joaquin of the Free Press is a mere high school graduate yet his short stories and other writings are superb. So then what is the index of a good writer? Is it because he is a lawyer or a doctor of philosophy degree holder? I knew of someone who during his freshmen days in col­ lege would excel in composition writing. A number of his writings were selected by the English professor and read be­ fore lhe different English composition classes for sheer mas­ tery of simplicity, beauty and thought. I understand the pro­ fessor is now the dean of graduate studies of a leading univer­ sity, an acknowledged international short story writer and a novelist of standing in the country today. I would delight to the encouragement that the professor gave to the freshman: “Your writings can be compared to the best ten in the U. P." LET FREEDOM RING- Congressman Ramon H. Feli­ pe in a subsequent CSPA press and radio interview- March 2 in relevance to the (press week) student rally at Quezon Square intimated that he should be for complete and unabridged free­ dom for the members of the press and radio commentators. He said any imposition on thought control is muzzling pres, freedom and the mass media which is fundamental to our maturing democracy. It is to be inferred that members of the fourth estate and mass media hove a way for articulating varied styles and idiosyncracies and as a composite group their affinities also are varied as the complexities of ordinary humdrum life. For it can be pointed out that although what they think or say are faultless or flawless to respond to sophisticated criticsms - yet it can likewise be inferred that the role played by the newsmen and commentators are dismensional in lhe categorical stand of fiscalizing the thoughts and actions of our leaders who enjoy the glamours and pleasures of private and public life. In our ‘troubled’ democracy - the columnists, the newsmen, the commentators who keep the beat going altho disregarding ethics yet theirs are the toil to keep the ramparts of freedom shielded by their criticisms day in and day out - intended to preserve our democracy against the of insvrmcunla le ’evils’ attendant in our times. • LEGAL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— PEDRO C. ARBISO, and ESTELA BEREDO. Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF EXTRAJU­ DICIAL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 As Amended and/or Act 1508 By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deed of mortgages executed by the spouses Pedro C. Arbiso and Estela Beredo of the City of Naga, in favor < f the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, under dates of August 16, 1962 and August 27, 1962 and for the satisfaction of the debt of SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY SIX and FIFTY TWO CENTAVOS (P64,726.52), Philippine Currency plus 7% annual interest on the amount of P64,726.52 from Nov­ ember 21, 1968, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P6,472.66 together with the sheriff’s fees and other incidental expenses in connection with this foreclosure, the undersigned Ex Officio Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur ANNOUNCES that on March 24, 1969, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, he will sell at pflblic auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, at the she­ riff’s office on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Cama lines Sur, all the rights, title, interest dominion and participa­ tion which the mortgagors have or might have in and over the following real properties, together with the improvements thereon, and the herein described chattels, A. LANDS: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE No. 279-Naga City Tax Dec. No. 1182-Ass’d Value-Pl,220.00 “A parcel of land (Lot 2-H 3 of the subdivision plan Psd-38339, being a portion of Lot 2-H des­ cribed, on plan Psd 14228, G.L.R.O. Record No. 24801), situated in the City of Naga. Bounded on the N., by Lot 2-H-2 of the subdivision plan; on the SE., by property of Adela Ravago; and on the W., by Lot 2-H-6 of the subdivision plan, x x x x containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHT (408) square meters, more or less." TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE No. 1012-Naga City Tax Dec. No. 8313—Ass’d. Va!ue-P690.00 Lot No. 1801, Cad-290 "A parcel of land situated in the barrio of Carolina, Naga City. Bounded on the N., along line 1-2 by Road; along line 2-3 bv Lot 920, Cad-290; along line 3-4 by Lot 938, Cad-290 and along line 4-1 by Lot 937, Cad-290. xxx containing an area of TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUN­ DRED AND NINETY EIGHT (2,898) square meters.” TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE No. 1013-Naga City Tax Dec. No. 8312-Ass’d. Value P670.00 "A parcel of land (Lot 937-B of the subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-19237, being a portion of Lot 937; Naga Cadastre, (F-10359), LRC (GLRO) Cad. Re ord No. N-81 (Fp-V-33185) situated in the Barrio of Carolina, Naga City. Bounded on the N., points 2 to 3 by Provincial Road (15.00 m. wide); on the E., and N., points 3 to 5 by Lot 937-A of the subdivision plan; on the E., points 5 to 6 by Lot 1801; on the S. ’ points 6 to 1 bv Lot 938 both of Naga Cadastre; and on the W., points 1 to 2 by Road (10.00m. wide), xxx containing an area of TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTY THREE (2.053) square meters, more or less. B-BUILDINGS: 1. Camarin (erected on Lot 937-B coveted by above TCT No. 1013) posts on concrete footings; concrete flooring and elevated wood flooring for living quarters; wood sidings; BCB folding exterior door and nipa roofing on wooden trussess, Floor Area - 90 square meters. Note: Nipa roofing replaced with cor. G.I. sheets. 2. Residential building (erected on the land covered by above TCT No. 279). A bungalow un­ painted residential building of wood frame in good condition and with the following features; post on concrete footings; con­ crete flooring; C.H.B. sidings and stone cut sidings on socalo; stone cut wood ceiling on exposed rafters; plywood D.W. partition, T & B with concrete flooring and concrete sidings with 1st class toilet fixtures; glass sash windrws; plywood flush interior doors; Narra sliding exterior doors; Narra sliding exterior door. C-TRANSPORTATION UNITS: Located at Naga City 1. One (1) 2nd hand "WILLY’s” Truck, brand new, Model J6LC5 - X with Cab and Chasis Motor No. 5/J6 128584 Ser. No. 141153, with diesel engine (330 cu. in) 900 x 20 12 ply tires; Two Extra Tires 900 x 20 12 ply, and extra equipment: In accordance with the law this notice of extra judicial sale will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional news­ paper published and edited in the City of Naga with a general circulation in the province of Ca­ marines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale, for the same period of time three copies of this notice will be posted on three conspicuous and public places in the City of Naga where the above mentioned properties can be found and loca­ ted and another three copies of the same be posted on the bul­ letin Board of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and encumbrances thereon, if there be any for the protection ot their interest. City of Naga, Philippines, this 11th day of February, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff Pub. March 1, 8, & 15, 1969. Republic of the P ilippine COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga Read the OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK. Mortgagee, —versus— WILFREDO ESTRADA & SALUD FULAY, Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE x---------------------x NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICI­ AL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTY Under Act SIS'S As Amended By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgige executed by the spouses WILFREDO ES­ TRADA & SALUD FULAY, of Pasacao, Camarines Sur under date of April 4, 1962, in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATION­ AL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction of the debt of SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY FIVE (P745.00) PESOS, Philip­ pine currency, plus interest of the rate of eleven and one half per cent 01-1/2%) per annum on the amount of P450 or a daily interest of P0.1418 daily and plus attorney’s fees and the sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident to this fore­ closure-sale, the undersigned Pro­ vincial Sheriff ex officio announ­ ces that on March 21, 1969 between the hours of nine o’clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon, will sell at public auction in the sheriff’s office, located on the second floor of the Provincial Capitol of Cama­ rines Sur, in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following mortgaged property together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LIST OF PROPERTY LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 2390 “A parcel of residential lot with all the improvements thereon, situated at the Poblacion, Pasacao, Camarines Sur. Bounded on the North, by Asuncion Miranda; now by Leonardo Lucena; on the East, by Sto. Domingo St.; on the South, by Morada Street; and on the West, by Damaso Regnim, containing an area of 216 square meters, more or less. Assessed at_______P.” In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be pub­ lished in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper, pub­ lished and edited in the City of Naga, having a general wide cir­ culation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Cama­ rines Sui and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auc­ tion sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three (3) copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and cons­ picuous places in the municipality of Pasacao, Camarines Sur where the foregoing property is situated; and another three (3) copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auction sale will be conducted, for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described property, are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own interest. Naga City, Philippines, Feb­ ruary 26, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. March 1, 8, 15, 1969. March 15, 1969 THE BICOL STAB 3 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, - versus - PEDRO BALUIS, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED X............................................. X Nolice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By viitue of the power of at­ torney inserted in ti e deed of real estate mortgage executed by PEDRO BALUIS, Lubgan, Bula, Camarines Sur, Philippines in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, under date of December 16, 1959 and with a Promissory Note dated February 13, 1961, and for the satisfaction of the debt of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR PESOS (P104.70) and Seventy Centavos as of January 3, .1969, plus interest of the rate of ten and one-half per cent (10-1/2%) per annum on the amount of P90.00 from January 4, 1969 to the date of sale and plus attor­ ney’s fees and the sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses inci­ dent to this foreclosure-sale, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies, an­ nounces that on March 21, 1969, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, at the sheriff’s office, located on the Second Floor of the Provin­ cial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, the following real property together with all the improvements thereon, described as follows, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged Lot 1631, Cad-294 Land Tax Dec. No. 5959 Assessed at P10 "A parcel of land, together with all the improve m e nt s thereon, situated in the Barrio of Lubgan, Municipality of Bula, Province of Camarines Sur, containing an area of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN (2,777) SQUARE METERS, more or less. Bound­ ed on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 2043, Cad. 294; along lines 2-5, by Creek; and along lines 5-6 and 6 1 by Lot 2041, Cad. 294. “Of which premises the mort­ gagor is the registered owner in accordance with the Land Registration Act, his title there­ to being evidenced by OCT No. 7015 of the Land Records of Camarines Sur-” In . accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property under Act 3135 as amended will be publish­ ed in the BICOL STAR, a week­ ly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a general wide circulation in the Bicol region including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first pub­ lication to take place' at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three (3) copies of this notice will be posted on three public and cons­ picuous places in Bula, Cama­ rines Sur where the foregoing described property is located and another three (3) copies of same notice will be posted in the City of Naga and on the Bulletin Board Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INS TANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District Bianch-IlINTESTATE OF THE LATE LORENZO AVENIDO JUAN ABE, Petitioner. SPEC. PROCS. NO, 1090 X - - - - - X NOTICE OF HEARING A verified petition having been filed with this Court by Juan Abe represented by Atty. Abel FLores, praying among others, that he be appointed adminis­ trator of the estate left by the decedent Lorenzo Avenido who, as alleged in the petition died intestate on January 8. 1963 in the municipality of Magarao, Camarines Sur, which was his residence at the time of his death, leaving real properties with an approximate value of Pl,960.00; WREREFORE, notice is here­ by given that the said petition will be heard on March 27, 1969 at 8:30 o’clock AM in the session hall of the 2nd branch of this Court at Naga City, on which date, time and place, all persons having opposi­ tion thereto may appear to show cause if any they have, why said petition should not be granted. Let this notice of hearing be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three (3) consecu­ tive weeks in the “BICOL STAR” a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga and. of general circulation in this province, for the information of all concerned. Naga City, Philippines. Feb­ ruary 25, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO . Clerk of Court Pub. March 1, 8, 15, 1969. NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extra­ judicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights has been executed by the Mrs. of Gregoria L. Alisago and Maximo Sabio, both deceased, the first having died in 1962 and the second in 1967, namely; Elvira Sabio-Llagas, Fiorentina Sabio-Parco Beatriz Sabio Oliva and Manuel A. Sabio, over a parcel of residen­ tial land in San Antonio, Nabua Camarines Sur with an area of 192 sq. m., more or less. Said Heirs, have waived their rights . over the property in favor of one of them, namely to Manuel A. Sabio. The instrument was executed February 28, 1969, before Nota­ ry7 Public Hilario Espano of Canaman, Camarines Sur under Doc. No. 218 Pags No. 45, Book No. XXIV, Series of 1969. Pub. March 1, 8, and 15, 1969 ' at the Provincial Capitol Building for the information of all con­ cerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described property are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for their own interest. Naga City, Philippines, Feb­ ruary 28, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Provincial Sheriff Ex Uffiejc Pub. March 1, 8, and 15, 196 . 4--------THE BICOL STAR-------- M._reh_i5j9c,9 2 Bicol Governors Get Pres. Marcos Book • LEGKL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE CITY SHERIFF PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— REMEDIOS RUEDAS ALMONEDA, et al., Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE x-------------- x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties Under Act 3135 As Amended By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgages by REME­ DIOS RUEDAS ALMONEDA for herself and guardian of mi­ nors Olga, Santiago, Antonio, Angela, Leonardo, Francisco, Javier and Veronica, all surnamed ALMONEDA and as Attorney­ in-Fact of Carlos, Milagros, Ho­ racio and Ofelia all surnamed ALMONEDA of Bagumbayan, City of Naga in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, under date of December 10, 1964 and with a Promissory Note dated Decem­ ber 16, 1964, and for the satis­ faction of the debt of FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUN­ DRED NINETY TWO PESOS AND FIFTY CEN T A V O S (P4,392.50), Philippine currency, as of December 27, 1968, plus interest of the rate of 11-1/2 % per annum on the amount of P3,000 from December 28, 1968 to the date of sale, plus attorney’s fees and sheriff’s fees for the service of this execution and other lawful expenses incident thereto, the undersigned City Sheriff Ex Officio of Naga City, announces that on March 31, 1969, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., will sell at public auction at the sheriff’s office, located on the Second Floor of the Provin cial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine cur­ rency, the following described real property, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 11371—ASSESSED AT P2,660—NAGA CITY ‘‘A parcel of land and build­ ing erected thereon, and all improvements thereon, situated in Bagumbayan, City of Naga, Philippines, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FIF­ TEEN (315) SQUARE ME­ TERS, MORE OR LESS. Bounded on the N., by Ciriaca Fernandez; on the E., by pro­ perty of Adela Pelonio; on the S., by property of Esperanza Cabalquinto and on the W., by property of Delfin Cabal­ quinto.” In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property under Act 3135 as amended will be publish­ ed in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper pub­ lished and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general cir­ culation in the Bicol region and in the City of Naga, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, three (3) copies of this notice will be posted in the City of Naga on three public and conspicuous places for the same period of time and on the Bul­ letin Board of the Provincial LEGALN OTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the Late Ber­ nardo Melchor, who died intestate on July 4, 1967 at Tigaon, Cam. Sur consisting of a parcel of agri, land situated in Bolo, Sagnay, Cam. Sur with an area of 41,157 sq. m., and covered by OC.T. No, 239*13 (Free Pat.), has been settled by his heirs extra-judiciallv; the children waiving their respec­ tive heridetary shares in favor of their mother, Demetria B. Vda. de Melchor, said deed executed before Not. Pub. Rosendo Barra meda, per Doc. No. 223; Page No. 84; Book XXXVI; S. of 1969 on March 4, 1969 Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the deceased Pas­ cual Surara, who died in the Municipality of Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, Philippines, on November >16, 1961, have execu­ ted an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of the the said deceased contained in that instrument exe­ cuted and ratified before Notary Public, Mr. R. Barrameda, per Docket No. 233, Page No. 86, Book No. XXXVI, Series of 1969, dated March 6, 1968, of the latter’s notarial Registry. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, Petra S Vda. de Yanto, widow of the decedent; Maximo Melchora, Na­ talia, Marcela, and Anicia, all surnamed Yanto, of legal age,chil­ dren of decedent Eustaquio Yan­ to who died intestate in May, 1968, at Brcelonita, Cabusao, Cam Sur, executed an Extrajudi­ cial Settlement of Estate with Sale over a parcel of riceland, located in sitio Biong, barrio of Barcelonita, Cabusao, Camarines Sur with an area of 9.9012 Has. under Tax Dec No. 481 and assessed at P2,341, adjudicating unto themselves said estate and subsequently sold it for a consi In a surprise number at the Naga Rotary Dinner - meeting held at the Holiday Hotel re­ cently, Benjamin A. Gray pre­ sented autographed copies of his book, “RENDEZVOUS WITH DESTINY”, to Wenceslao Vinsons, Jr. ex-governor of Camarines Norte and Governor Armando B. Cledera of Cam. Sur. Dedicated to the Filipino Youth, who “will foiter the cons­ tructive and positive feelings of belonging; advance our people's will toward peace, safety and progress in the Republic; t-nd wage effectively the defense of liberty, free<'om aid aenociacy in Asia RENDEZVOUS WITH DEgTlNY’ is the latest and only Marcos biography written by a Filipino author who says NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule '74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Pantaleon, Luisa, Ricardo, Melchora, and Jose, all surnamed BEL TRANO; Teopista Docot and Estanislao Togade, all of legal age, Filipinos, of Nabua, Cam. Sur are the sole legal heirs of the late Sps. Maxima Beltrano who died in 1941 at Bula, Cam. Sur and Don. Eligio Raquipo who also died long ago, executed an Extraju­ dicial Patition of Estate over a parcel of land located in barrio of Itangon, Bula, Cam. Sur covered by TCT No. 612 C. Sur, Tax Dec, No. 407 valued at Pl,360, adjudicating it unto them­ selves pro-indiviso and with them as co owners, The instrument was ack on wledged by them before Notary Public B. Usigan on April 28, 1956 at Nabua, C.S. per Doc. No. 324; Page 13; Bk. 9; S. 1956. Pantaleon Beltrano, et al. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. deration of P9,000 unto Domin­ go Ravis, Filipino, of legal age, married to Leonila Ibasco of 1623 Soler St., Sta. Cruz, Mani­ la. The document was acknow­ ledged by them before Notary Public Jose C. Claro at Libmanan, Cam. Sur on Feb. 26, 1969 per Doc. No. 13; Page 3; Book III; S. 1969. MAXIMO YANTO, et al. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. his work is calculated to stir readers to "a purposive’ struggle to help make his country stand out tall and straight among nations”. This 424-page book, clot, bound, in English, came off the press on Novcmbe 29, 1968, when the (Continued on page 6) Author Benjamin A. Gray, handing an auto­ graphed copy of the "Rendezvous With Destiny", most recent biography of President F. E. Marcos to C. S. Provincial Governor Armando B. Cledera during the dinner-meeting of the Naga Rotary Club, Feb. 22, 1969 at the Holiday Hotel. Author Gray handing the autographed copy of the book “Rendezvous With Destiny", a biography of President Marcos, to former Governor Wenceslao G. Vinzon (facing the camera) of Camarines Norte with PNR Manager Jimenez, guest speaker and Naga Rotary Club Pres. Gregorio Aq. Limjoco congratulating Vinzons. NOTICE The estate of the late INOCEN­ CIO RAMIREZ comprising a parcel of land of 20 HECTARES 62 ARES and 49 CENTARES situated at Curry, Pili, Camarines Sur and more particularly des­ cribed under OCT No. 1455, Camarines Sur assessed at P36, 935 under Tax No. 5463 has been extrajudicially settled by his heirs per document acknowledged before notary public Jose Penas bearing Doc. No. 260! Page No. 53; Book No. Ill; Series of 1968 Naga City, Phils., March 6. 1969. MARIA MISTOLA VDA DE RAMIREZ Pub. March 8, 15, & 22, 1969. Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the foregoing described pro­ perty are hereby enjoined to in­ vestigate for themselves the title of the property and the encum­ brances thereon, in case there be any for their own interest. Naga City, Philippines, March 5, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio City Sheriff of Naga City Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. L P Vote WHOM DO YOU CHOOSE TO BE THE CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE LIBERAL PARTY IN THE NEXT NOVEMBER ELECTION? Check your choice from among those listed below or name your own choice other than those listed hereof. Send the straw ballot to P.O. Box 123, Naga City. SERGIO OSMENA (--..) ANTONIO QUIRINO ( .. . .) (....) AMBROSIO PADILLA (....) CORNELIO VILLAREAL (....) -------------------------------( •••) Send your straw vote at once in order to be received in Naga City March 12, 1969.) The result will be published in the March 15 issue of the on or before Bicol Star. March 15, 1969 THE BICOL STAR 5 Republic of the Philippines House of Representatives Manila I extend my heartfelt greet­ ings to the public schools offi­ cials, teachers and delegates participating in the current Public Schools Interscholastic Athletic Association Meet being held this year in Pili, Camarines Sur. Tht PSIAA sportiest, I trust, will provide a fine occa­ sion for everyone to revive the spirit of sportsmanship so greatly needed in the various arena of life. We know that the good sport is always hailed like an idol even in defeat. But we must always strive for a clean victory to which there is no substitute. The sports festival, I hope, will serve to instill among the youth the need for developing not only their menial faculties but also their physical capabili­ ties. A sound mind in a sound body remains as the valid goal of our educational system. The PSIAA sports events undoubt­ edly will contribute much to that ideal. Again, my best wishes and congratulations. Manila, March 16, 1969. (Sgd.) JOSE B. LAUREL, JR. Speaker Speaker LA UREL Republic of the Philippines Dep irtment of Education Manila Spirit, speed, strength, sta­ mina, style and sportsmanship. Allgood athletes must deve­ lop these qualities. A ll good citizens must appreciate them. No nation can be great without them. The 1969 Public Schools Interscholastic Athletic Asso­ ciation Meet in Pili, Camari­ nes Sur is lhe climax o/ the schools' athletic and physical fitness program this year. I congratulate, the officials of the province and the region for hosting the Meet. The laurel of victory beck­ ons to all the delegations, and may fortune smile upon them all! (Sgd) ONOFRE D. CORPUZ Secretary 15 January 1969 This is an opportunity to stress in the national cons­ ciousness the importance o> bringing the people to a necessary stale of health and physical vigour, in addition to intellectual development and moral, excellence, as an essential prerequisite for successful national social and economic development. To this end of achieving oDtimum physical well-being, athletic activities constilute an important contributing factor. / hope, therefore, that the 1969 Public Schools Inter­ scholastic Meet shall go a long way in encouraging the population, especially the Youth, toward increased athletic activities for their enjoyment, for their physical development, for their edu­ cation in sportsmanship, and for general discipline. A popu­ lation of excellent composition always makes for a progres­ sive nation. Good wishes and carry onl (Sgd.) GilJ.PUYAT Sen. Pres. PUYAT Republic of the Philippines House of Representatives Manila The Province of Camarines Sur is fortunate indeed for having been chosen as the site of the 1969 Public Schools Interscholastic Association Rep. R. H. FELIPE, Jr. (PSIAA) Meet. It is a great opportunity for us to host the biggest and most popular amateur sportsfest in the country today. The importance of athletics in the education of our youth can never be ernphasi:ed enough, for true education is the full and harmonious development of the mental, moral and PHYSICAL power of man. On this historic and memo­ rable occasion, it is, therefore a distinct honor for me to welcome all officials, guests and athletes to our province, which is one of the biggest in the entire country. At the same time, I wish the PSIAA all success in this annual na­ tional sports carnival, which has produced many o] our entries in international athle­ tic meets. (Sgd.) R. H. FELIPE, Jr. Congressman First District of Cam. Sur Congress of the Philippines House of Representatives Manila On the occasion of the 1969 Public Schools Interscholastic Athletic Association Meet, which is scheduled at Pili, Camarines Sur from March 16 to 22, I gladly join my fellow Bicolanos in extendii g my warm and hearty welcome to the visitors, guests and the representatives ot the various competing athletic regions which would participate in this annual national sportsfest. It is indeed a pride and a token for the Bicolanos parti­ cularly in my district to host such a wonderful affair. It is worthwhile to note that the recognition ot President Ferdinand E. Marcos to the Bicol affairs with the release of P9OO,000.00 in making this event a success attest, his sincerity and full dedication in the development of this region. This event is but a sheer manifestation of the true signi­ ficance of sports as a token and as a way of life in our daily activities. Above all these, the P.S.I.A A. is an event whose primary aim is to inculcate and at the same time instill in the minds of the youth a deep sense and regard Rep. FUENTEBELLA of sportsmanship so that they may become a true leader and therefore a perject gentle­ man. However, it is my earnest hope that this year’s event will prove very successful for being reflective of the unified cooperation and sports-mindedness of the various committees and entities responsible for the success of this national affair. (Sgd) F. A. FUENTEBELLA Representative 2nd District, Camarines Sur Congress, Manila January 29, 1969 As Co-President of Board of Directors of the 1969 PSIAA meet and the oldest member of the BAA Board of Directors, I gladly extend my cordial greet­ ings to all athletes, officials, and guests to this year’s biggest sports festivals. To host this national sportfest in my new Division at Pili, this Province, is not only a rare opportunity for the oldest region­ al athletic association to assume this gigantic job but also a big challenge to our leadership. We, too, are proud that our climate for regional athletic competition has been responsible for the Bicol Athletic Association to become an enduring institution for genera­ tions. Past generations had pro­ duced such brave men as Nepomuceno, Saavedra, Taduran, White, Espiritu, Amante, and a host of other Bicolano athletes that made our country great. Though greater is the challenge to forge ahead inspite of difficult­ ies, our people have constantly proven that like the “molave” in Isarog, Mavon, Bulusan and Virac they have defied the strong­ est typhoons. We, of the Bicol Athletic As­ sociation have consistently de­ monstrated that even as we are the smallest of the regional ath­ letic Associations, we cannot set­ tle for something less, trophy or medal-less, we shall stick to play it fair than win. In every na­ tional meet we have participated our athletes and coaches have done their best and determina­ tion to do better next time have greatly edified and ennobled our spirit. With our best wishes, may God bless us all! (Sgd.) TAIME T. MALANYAON Division Superintendent Co-President PSIAA Message (Continued from page 1) your best but courteously to your contenders to win the game. But to my provincemates I say, may you succeed to win back the honor to our province lavishly conferred upon the late Genaro Saavedra as the Philippine King of sprinters and the late Juan Taduran, the only athlete award­ ed Chiang Kai Shek trophy for being the best of all athletes during his time. (Sgd.) ARMANDO B. CLEDERA Governor Rep ublic of the Philippines Senate Manila The holding of the 1969 BPIAA meet in the Municipality of Pili Pili, Camarines Sur, is a prideful and welcome event for us all Bicolanos. For we feel no greater happi­ ness than to manifest our traditional hospitality on friends and visitors. In behalf, therefore, of the people of Bicolandia, particularly the residents of Pili, I would like to extend to all the athletes, school officials, teachers and other visitors our war­ mest welcome and best wishes. In any competition, there are bound to be victors as well as losers. And in this 1969 BP SI A A meet. I have no doubt that the victors will be magnanimous, while the losers will be resolute to do better next time. But another equally important thing in an athletic contest such as in this BPSIAA sportsfest is the spirited participation of the athletes with­ in the framework of sportsmanship and fair play. To our visitors, and friends: Welcome and may all of you enjoy your stay in Camarines Sur - the venue of the 1969 BPSIAA meet. (Sgd.) D. AYTONA For the second time in seven­ teen years the Bicol region will play host to the Public Schools Intercholastic Athletic Association Meet which will be held in the capital town of Pili, Camarines Sur from March 16-22, 1969. The first was in 1952 when Legazpi City, then the capital town of the province of Albay, was the seat of this national sport­ fest. It needed the joint efforts of all Bicolanos in the government and in the private sector to con­ vince all and sundry to give the nod to the bid of Camarines Sur to host the 1969 "little Olympics” of the Philippines. It remains for the officials of Camarines Sur, Naga City, and Iriga City with support of the people especially of the teaching force of the pub­ lic schools to exert their level best and undergo all sorts of sacrifices in time, effort, and money to make possible all the preperations, the construction of the infrastructure needed in an eight-hectare athletic site. True to the traditional hospitality of the Bicolanos, no stones is left unturned to make possible the holding of the 1969 PSIAA Meet, one proof of the unity of all Bicolanos when the occasion and the time call for such unity. I am extending to all visiting athletic delegations, officials, and visitors from all over the Philip­ pines a most cordial and warm welcome. I hope that this meet will not only develop the health and stamina of our youth, which is the primordial objective of the athletic program of the present administration, but also promote unity and sportmanship among our people. (Sgd.) Toribio S. JOVELLANOS. Division Superintendent of Schools Camarines Sur Trial By Jury (Continued from prge 8) Leonardo, Mrs. Alejandra O. Papica, Mrs. Carmen B. Pena, Mrs. Ausberta Federis, Miss Flavia Reyes, Mrs. Milagros I. Peralta, Mrs. Nieves Gulliman, Mrs. Con­ suelo J. Timario, Miss Rechilda del Rio, Emjl Quiros, Jesus Grageda, Jose Arena, Mrs. Maria Acacia Escalante, Mrs. Nena Pasilaban, Engineer Rndulfo For­ tuno, Atty. Rolando Alberto, Dr. Juan Hidalgo, Luis Aguirre, Manuel Torres, Miss Pura Jacobo, Mrs. Carmen F. Cervantes, Mrs. Pilar Milla Ragragio, Mrs. Vic toria Enojado, Matias Oliva, Sr. Domingo Vite, Matias Oliva, Jr., Jacinto Enriquez, and others. 6 THE BICOL STAR March 15,1969 UNESCO - NSDB - UST Chemistry Teaching Summer Programme A summer training program­ me on chemistry teaching will be held under the auspices of the National Study Group on Chemistry Teaching on May 5 to June 13, 1969 by the Univer­ sity of Santo Tomas with the co-operation and support of the National Science Development Board and UNESCO. This will be a 5-unit course creditable towards an MS or MA degree to be developed by the UST gra­ duate school. The course will be conducted for six weeks (105 hours of labo­ ratory and 60 hours cf lecture) by a team selected chemistry professors. The obejectives of the pro­ gramme are (1) to broaden the teachers’ background in modern concepts and techniques of che­ mistry teaching; (2) to improve techniques of demonstrating and supervising classroom experiments in chemistry; and (3) to develop leaders, in outlaying districts where there has been little prior opportunity, who would be will­ ing to spread their experiences to other teachers in the region. The course will be titled “Se­ lected Topics in Chemistry Teach­ ing" and will cover: molecules, the periodic table, equilibrum, energy of reactions, electro-che­ mistry, and evaluative techniques. Participation will be limited to 30 secondary chemistry teachers from government and private schools who will be provided tuition, book allowance, materials, and field trip expenses by NSDB. Travel expenses from and back to the trainee’s post will be for his account. The trainees will use for the first time the new chemistry laboratory equipment donated by UNESCO Paris. This group of Teacher sum­ mer trainees will ais0 have the opportoni-y t0 try out the mistry teaching materials prepared during tbe workshop con<jucte i by the National Study Groun on Chemistry Teaching at the Uni­ versity of Santo Tomas in Sep­ tember 1968. Preference will be given to teachers who have not received a scholarship or grant during lhe last five years and who have taught chemistry for the last two years. Invitations to nominate candidates were sent to principal® of high schools in Central and Northern Luzon regions. All. apolications should be re­ ceived by the National Study Group on Chemistry Teaching, c/o Unesco National Commission of the. Philippines, 1580 Taft Ave., Manila, not later than March 17, 1969. Applicants selected will be advised by April 7, 1969. 2 Bicol Governors (Continued from page 4) author presented the first copy, a leather - bound volume, to President Ferdinand E. Mar­ cos. Copies were released to the public on Dec. 7, an eventfull day for the President. For it was on Dec. 7, 1938 when Marcos, as a law student was arrested in the University of the Philip­ pines’ College of Law for the al­ leged murder in 1935 of the late Julio Nalundasan, congressman­ elect of the second district of Ilocos Norte; it was also on Dec. 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked treacherously by Ja­ pan. Both events made Marcos a famous man. leading his way on to Malacanang. Incidentally, Dec. 7 is also the birthday of Mrs. Ester AbayaGray, the author’s wife, -bmd Naga City’s Problems Mailed in Malacanang PRESIDENT MARCOS discusses local problems of Naga City with Councilors Roberto Ruelo, Felicisimo Deasis, Reynaldo P. Borja and Car­ los del Castillo of this city, who called on the President in Malacanang recently. Ex-Municipal Treasurer Gregorio Borja Marks His 79th Natal Day Last Wednesday in Pasacao Gregorio Borja, former muni­ cipal treasurer (now retired) in six municipalitites in Camarines Sur, namely, Gainza, Pasacao (twice), Pamplona, Minalabac, Baao, (twice) and Cabusao ob­ served his 79th birthday anniver­ sary last Wednesday in Pasacao with his wife and members of the family. He is a native of Baao. Mr Borja altho more than three quarters of a century in age, is in excellent health, living a nor­ mal contented life. He goes to church and attend to his little farm daily. He is z very religious GREGORIO BORJA municipalities before, namely, Juan Abano, Estanislao Agravante, Doroteo Parco, and Sixto Boncodin had also been appoint­ ed municipal treasurers to dif­ ferent municipalities of Cama­ rines Sur are now also retired from government service like him. Mr. Borja said that it is a great consolation to him to recall that those who worked under him had rendered efficient long ser­ vice to the government. He is proud of’ them. . . Those in the photo with their old government positions (taken in Pasacao, C.S., in ,1936)-Sitting (left to right) Fernando Bonnevie, councilor; Vice.nte Amador, Vice­ mayor; Gregorio Olivan, councilor; Macario Oliver, mayor; Antero Madrigal, councilor; Esteban de la Cruz, councilor (all deceased), and Gregorio Borja, mun.treasurer. Standing, second row (1 to r) Genaro de la Cruz, mun. secretary; Bonifacio Regnim, clerk; Atty. Medichem Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ayala Corner Makati Ave. MAKATI, RIZAL ... P. O. Box 4019, Manila man and a member of the Adoracion Nocturna Filipina, Pasacao Turno, Naga - Camarines Sur Section. He is a high school under­ graduate but because of his ex­ perience and devotedness to his work he was able to pass the third, second and first grade Civil Service Examinations. He got a rating of 99% in experience. He served the government for 42 years—11 years as a mere clerk and 31 years as municipal treasurer. Four of his former principal clerks in his office in different Roberto Zurbano, municipal judge of Pasacao, now judge of the court of first instance in Albay and recently appointed associate justice, Court of Appeals, Dr. Jose Prieto (municipal doctor) now deceased; Jacinto Solomon, postmaster; Sixto Boncodin, principal clerk. Third row, at the back, same order, Daniel Paibay, policeman (now Actg. Chief); Zosimo Miseril­ ia, chief of police (deceased); Zoilo Espinas, policeman and Fe­ lix Borja, policeman (deceased.) legal notice Notice i8 hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extraju­ dicial Settlement of Estate with Waiver of Rights has been exe­ cuted by the Hrs. of Felipe Muralla, namely, FLORA, EUGENIA and ESTELITA, all surnamed MURALLA over a parcel of re­ sidential land in Buhi, Camarines Sur, with an area of 1,501 Sq. M., under Tax No. 2257 and valued at P2,570.00. The two heirs waived their rights in favor of Eugenia Muralla, one of the heirs. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Hilario Espano of Canaman, Camarines Sur on March 14, 1969 under Doc.' No. 290; Page No. 57, Book XXIV; Series of 1969. Pub. March 15, 22 and 29, 1969. One thing that sometimes makes him sad, he said, is when­ ever he looks at the group pic­ ture here with him, sitting with his friends who are now living in the Great Beyond. “Should I die, I would not regret for I’m sure it’s the will of God.“ Mr. Borja softly remarked. The members of his family are: . Mrs. Rafaela Babilonia Borja, his wife, 69. is also a native of the town of Baao. They have eight children. They are Fidel, chief clerk of the Prov. Fiscal’s office of Cam. Sur and married to former Miss Lourdes G. Ma­ ningas of Nueva Ecija; Dionisia, single; Cristino, married to Car­ men Victoria: Bienvenido who is in Austria today as chief radio operator in a commercial boat; then Nenita who is also married to Juanito Bombase; Antonio who is connected with the BIR and married to Amparo Oliveros; Lorenzo, married to Remedios Maningas the- younger sister of the wife of Fidel; and the last is Dolores, single, a public school teacher. Welcome President Marcos and Party — ROCHA HARDWARE Business is going on as usual at the same address Gen. Luna St. City of Naga For your construction materials — Brand new stocks at jour remodelled store for your full satisfaction. Happy greetings to PSIAA Officials, Athletes and Visitors — Leonardo Pacheco, Jr. Professional Service Representative For Cam. Norte — Cam. Sur I* Villareal Former Speaker Cornelio T. \ illareal, LP presidential aspirant tor nomination today appealed to delegates to the party •consensus” on March 22 to cast their vote tor the aspirant who has dis­ played steadfast loyalty to the paity and with an abernative program of government. Villareal also urged to the de­ legates to nominate a candidate whose honesty and integrity can­ not he assailed. 'What is important too," the former Speaker added, "is to nominate a candidate with an enviable record of public service.” Villareal pointed out that he has always remained a Liberal. "In times of stress and strain, ■when most of our party leaders either refused to stand by the opposition and some even left us to join the NP, I have stood by the party, nourishing and pre­ paring it for eventual return to power," Villareal declared. He also stressed that in his 34 years of continuous public service, he has, never even for once, been linked to any scan­ dal involving graft and corruption. “My record as a public serAppeals to VILLAREAL vant remains untarnished, and I intend to keep it as such, until I shall have retired in the ser­ vice of my country and people," he declared. On an alternative program of government, the former Speaker pointed out, that he is the only presidential aspirant for nomina­ tion possessed of such a program. He pointed to his welfare state program as the answer to Delegates the ills and problem confronting the country today. All over the world today, all progressive and democratic coun­ tries have become welfare states, he said. Summing up, Villareal said that he had "absolute and un­ faltering faith in the capacity and candor of the delegates to select the ideal presidential nominee of the Liberal Party.” He expressed confidence that he would get the nomination and lead the opposition to victory in the November elections. The LP called for a meeting of members of the National Di­ rectorate and a delegate for every 20,000 voters who voted in the last elections to nominate the party’s presidential candidate. The "consensus” will be held on March 22. Some 850 directorate members and delegates are expected to meet in Manila to choose the LP presidential candidate. The decision of the concensus will be finalized and made official on June 15 in accordance with law. March 15, 1969 THE BICOL STAR 7 I Best wishes and welcome to all Officials and Athletes of the PSIAA Athletic Meet Salvador D. Alcala Auditor Camarines Sur National Agricultural School Pili Camarines Sur Welcome to all PSIAA Delegations! May you enjoy your sojourn in Bicolandia - - - - Bonifacio E. Carino Equipment Engineer BICOL REGION EQUIPMENT DEPOT Concepcion Grande Naga City Welcome & Best Wishes to Officials Athletes and Visitors Sotero B. Escandor, Jr. REGIONAL AUDITOR GAO Regional Office NO. IV Naga City Buenaventura Babao Auditor Bicol Region Equipment Depot Concepcion Grande, Naga City AUDITOR Ac MRS. Santiago Aquino Naga City Highway Auditor City of Naga GAINZA RURAL HEALTH Unit Gainza, Cam. Sur Dr. Salve Badiola Claros Mun. Health Officer Mrs. Crispina B. Alcala Public Health Nurse Mrs. Rebecca Antonio Rural Health Midwife Mr. Santiago Constantino Rural Sanitary Inspector Bristol Laboratories Phil. • Inc. Mandaluyong, Rizal Medical Representative: JUSTO B. DE DIOS Railroad spurs commercial and industrial activity in all the regions it serves. It is the catalyst that provides momentum and fires change in underdeveloped areas of a country. Every railroad transport system deserves more than just a token support. To improve, to continue to set the pace of national development. To prompt progress by meeting the ever-increasing demand for low cost, reliable transportation due expanding agriculture and industrial dispersal, amplification of employment opportunities and increasing levels of income. It should get our patronage and the government’s support. Countries in the world today proclaim railroads as the principal land transportation artery. This is rightly so. History proves that when the railroad roars into any town, progress is never far behind. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BAILWAYS TUTUBAN TERMINAL. 943 CLARO M RECTO AVENUE. MANILA TEL. 2-00-11 When the railroad comes into any town, grass always the first arrival! THE BICOL STAR March 15, 1969 NOTICE ★ "The Star Witness” * ★ By ELI X ABEJERO Thank You Mr. President I had been a real witness to the tough drive un­ dertaken by the members of the Camarines Sur Pro­ vincial Board headed by Gov. Armando B. Cledera after they have resolved to bid for the holding of the Interscholastic games here-this year. Tough, in the sense that before they actually tangled with the other interested parties at Zamboanga City, they have already encountered local resistance he reabouts by way of press and allied criticism when they started for the south - towards their objectives. ★ ★ Having won the first round of the "battle” at Zamboanga, ABC and his team braced for the next encounter; the toughest of them all - the procure­ ment of the necessary funds. Little did they realized, it seemed, that their envisioned project was to cost over a million pesos, and by that time the province of Camarines Sur was only capable of putting-up one third of it. In fact, they have only appropriated 300 thousand pesos, purportedly for ground prepara­ tions and other incidental requirements. Malacanang has only released a counterpart of another 300 thousand and hinted that their participations ends with it. ★ ★ After Pres. Marcos laid the cornerstone of the would-be Inrerscholastic-village in Pili. on Oct. 6, last year, and after he himself said that athletic com­ plexes doesn’t fall within the priorities of his infra­ structure program, all expectations about the real­ ization of Gov. Cledera’s and his people’s dreams started to fade towards frustrations. Like a swimmer who has just realized to be alone by himself at mid­ stream, ABC and his team resolved to mobilize all resources at their command to complete the project by all means as planned. Some bright boys however, who have an access to the Presidential ears seemed to have whispered something, possibly mentioning among others - the so called hard-line attitude of the Cama­ rines Sur Governor towards Malacanang. Such sup­ posed "attitude” haying been played-up by the Gov­ ernor’s critic intentionally or otherwise. ★ ★ As if a real blessing in disguise, FM suddenly made a second look at the press reports of the Gov­ ernor’s manifestations; and then decided to take active participation in the Governor's pet project by way of providing the funds badly needed for the purpose. The rest is history as they appear now of course, s.nd so, as the people ot Camarines Sur jointly congratulate Gov. Cledera and his team (the provincial Board), for their untiring efforts and dedi­ cation in causing the attainment of such a magni­ ficent objective, the Interscholastic Village of Cama­ rines Sur. We, on the opening of this year’s PSIAA games here, also say in unison - THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT !! ! More power to you, and May the Lord be always with you. To Publish in Book Form Works of Filipino Writers, Journalists National Library officials, Direc­ tor Serafin D. Quiason and As­ sistant Director Andres Cristobal Cruz recently discussed plans for the publication in book form selected works of Filipino writers, journalists, columnists, editorial­ ists, feature writers an! prize­ winning pictures of Filipino photo­ graphers. Philippine National Bank Director Renato Tayag, journalist and author of the well-known Sinners of Angeles book, said the PNB plans to assist in the project through the creation of revolving fund. Assistant Director Cristobal Cruz said the project will also include publishing the works of Filipino writers and scholars who have not yet been published in book form. Director Quiason said the National Library-PNB pub­ lishing project will also consider translations of vernacular litera­ ture into English and vice-versa as well as reprinting of now out-of-print Tagalog literary works from the 1900s. Director Tayag said the project is not only in recognition of the significant contributions of Fili­ pino writers to Philippine litera­ ture, journalism and scholarship, but is also designed to meet the need for more Filipino written books published and printed in the Philippines. Executive Editor of the Natio­ nal Library-PNB project, Andres Cristobal Cruz, was the publisher of the Filipino Signatures, Ma­ naging editor of the Alemar-Phoenix Publishing House, and a writer in both English and Fili­ pino. His works have earned the TOYM award, Palanca prizes and the Republic Cultural HenPursuant to Section 1, Rule 74, of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate left by the late EDUVEGIS BRUJAN (spouse of Si­ mon Atienza) who died in the year 1967 at Ocampo, Cam. Sur, consisting of a six parcels of land, to wit: I. located in Bungltw, Moriones, Ocampo, Cam. Sur, under Tax No. 1368 with an area of 80,017 sq. m., more or less, ass’d. at P5,990; II. located in Kilantao, Sagnay, Cam. Sur under Tax No. 220 ass’d. at P2,310 With an area of 40,000 sq. m., more or less; III. located in Kilantao, Sagnay, Cam. Sur, under Tax No. 1329 with an area of 84,455 sq. m., more or less, valued at P5.990; IV. located in San Isidro, Sagnay, Cam. Sur, under Tax No. 695 with an area of 68,002 sq. m., more or less, valued at Pl, 150; V. located in Kilantao, Sagnay, Cam. Sur, under Tax No. 212 with an area of 38,886 sq. m., more or less, valued at Pl,840; VI. loca­ ted in Moriones, Ocampo, Cam. Sur under Tax No. 1784 with an area of 12,686 sq. m., covered by OCT No. 2334 ass’d. at P4,010, have been the subject of an Extrajudicial Set­ tlement of estate acknowledged before Notary Public Hilario Es­ pano at Canaman, Cam. Sur on March 13, 1969 per Doc. No. 282; Page 57; Bk. 24; S. 1969. SIMON ATIENZA, et al. Pub. March 15, 22, 29, 1969NOTICE Republic of the Philippines ) CITY OF NAGA ) s.s. AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS I, MACARIO A. MARIANO, of legal age, married and a resi­ dent of Mayon Avenue, Naga City, after being duly sworn in accordance with law, depose and say: That I am the owner of twen­ ty (20) shares of stocks of the Sta. Clara Construction Co., Inc.; That said shares of stocks were evidenced by Stock Certificate No. 5 issued in my favo, on Oct­ ober 12, 1949 by the Sta. Clara Construction Co., Inc. which has its main office at the City of Ma­ nila; That despite deligent efforts, said stock certificates could no longer be located in my file and possession, hence, I believe the same to have been lost; That this affidavit therefore is executed to declare the loss of said stock certificates and to mani­ fest before the Sta. Clara Cons­ truction Co., Inc. for the issuance of a new certificate in lieu thereof and after due compliance with all the legal requisites required therefor. Further, I sayeth not. (Sgd.) MACARIO A. MARIANO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, in the City of Naga, this 10th day of March 1969, affiant exhibited to me his Res. Cert. No.-A 3035242 issued in Naga City on Jan. 20, 1969. (Sgd.) BENIGNO TOLOSA Notaty Public Until December 31, 1970 Doc. No. 321 Page No. 66 Book No. Ill Series of 1969. Pub. March 15, 22 & 29, 1969 tage Award. Director Quiason added that the National Library-PNB pub­ lishing project fits into the Nation­ al Library’s program to acquire and distribute to the national library’s extension libraries in the provinces, cities, municipalities and barrios more Filipino au thored and Philippine printed books. Trial By Jury Repeat Performance The Bicol Music Circle Inc. will give a repeat performance of Gilbert-Sullivan’s TRIAL BY JURY Operetta on Thursday March 20, 1969 at the Colegio de Santa Isabel Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. Gala Night. This is in Miss Juliet B. Fulo Among Six U N C Nurses Who Passed CSC Examinations Miss Juliet B. Fulo Miss Juliet B. Fulo, youngest daughter of former Vice-Mayor and Mrs. Querubin B. Fulo of Bulusan, Sorsogon recently pass­ ed the Nurses Examination given by the Civil Service Commission held in Manila last December 10, 1968 at the Manuel L. Quezon NOTICE Puasuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the late HONESTO T. MEDROSO who died intestate on June 6, 1938 in Calabanga, Cam. Sur, namely, Maria Maristaza, widow of the decedent; Rosalia, and Liticia, both surnamed Mearoso, children of decedent, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate over three parcels of land under OCT No. 1790 (RP-654) under Tax No. 1550 valued at P430 with an area of 6,023 Sq. M.; Tax No. 1573 valued at P640, with an area of 9,977, located in Sto. Domingo, Calabanga, C.S.; Tax No. 2023, valued at P3.450 with an area of 9,977 Sq. M. located in San Lucas, Calabanga, C.S., dividing and adjudicatiog unto tbemeselves said estate proindiviso in equal shares. The document was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Hilario Espano at Canaman, C.S. on March 14, 1969 per Doc. No. 290; Page 56; Bk. 24; S. 1969. Pub. March 15, 22, 29, 1969. answer to public clamor and ac­ claim and will also serve as a cultu­ ral presentation for the entertain­ ment of our guests and delegates to the Interscholastic Meet. Meanwhile, in Iriga City last Sunday March 9th the Bicol Mu­ sic Qircle gave a successful per­ formance of this TRIAL BY JU­ RY Operetta as a fund-raising drive to help raise money for the construction of a church for the pew parish of Santiago in Iriga City under Rev. Fr. Ben Clemeno. The elite of Iriga City and neighboring towns came to see the Operetta which was held at the La Consolacion College Auditorium. The crowd present acclaimed and praised the beautiful perfor­ mance of the players. The actors are Miss Marilou (Continued On page 5) University. Juliet is presently a staff nurse of the St. Jude Hospital at Iriga City. She started working last June 14 after graduating from the UNC School of Nursing which prevented her from taking up the same examination last Jurie, 1968. Of the 753 who took the exam­ ination, 500 passed, 250 failed and three were given conditional grades. The names of 10 candi­ dates, however, were not released due to administrative case and for failure to comply with certain requirements. The new nurses and all those who passed the previous nurse examinations who have not as yet taken their professional oath, will take their oath at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, at the Phil­ ippine Christian Colleges social hall on Taft Ave., Manila. Among those who successfully passed the examination who are also from the UNC School of Nursing are: Juliet B. Fulo, Cora­ zon Badilla, Emilia Efondo, Cielo V. Marcellana, Ariadne T. Padillo and Shirley G. Rabulan.—qbf NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the legal heits of the late CAT A LINA M-.REILLES VDA. DE RANADA, who died intestate in the year 1956 in Buhi, Cam. Sur, executed an Extrajudicial Settle­ ment of Estate with Waiver of Rights over a parcel of resident­ ial land located in Sta. Elena, Buhi, Cam. Sur, declared under Tax No. 11851 with an area of 171 Sq. M., more or less and valued at P520 and subsequently sold it to Benito Dasmarin as 2/3 of the whole estate for P3.000 and the remaining 1/3 was ad­ judicated to Roque and Nena RANADA share and share alike as their shares thereof. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Hi­ lario Espano at Buhi, Cam. Sur on March 10, 1969 per Doc. Nd. 261; Page 53; Bk. 24; S. 1969. BENITO DASMARINAS Pub. March 15, 22, 29, 1969. 1st Philippine Coco Oil Export to Bulgaria Bi): RAMON AG. MEDINA Masbate Press & R^dio Club, Inc. M^bate, Masbate A shipment of coconut oil to Bulgaria, the 1st Philippine ex­ port to a qomnuintst country, will usher ip a ne\v era of Ph'lippipe trade in the wealthy markets of Eastern Europe. The sale of 5|Q0 long tops of coconut oil by Legaspi Oil Com­ pany to pranexport, a trading firm based in Spfia, ^ulgarja, was scheduled last February, 1969. The terms of the salt: arp in accord with the framing rules and regulations which goyern export sales to ot|ier European pities like London, Amsterdam, and RotterdBm. The (nitial contact between tfte Bulgarian firm an^i Legaspi Qil Co., was made by representatives of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce (PCC) ^uring a tour of Eastern Europe After a study of Granexports’ ptjoposaJ, the Philippine^’’ National Export Coordinating Center (NECCJ recommended approval of (the ex­ port transaction. Its recommen­ dation y^as premised on the feasi­ bility of discovering new markets fpr Philippine traditional exports, Other trade arrangements and cpvenanfs with Bulgaria, Yugos­ lavia, and Poland have been for­ mally suggested, whe-eby the Philippines would vend ‘textile, coconut, oil, shoes, and possibly rice. Shopld these trade prospects bp consummated, it would mean increased outlets for Philippine prodppts which have hitherto been exported to traditional markets spch Japan and U.S.A, . In ratifying the 1st transaction with Bulgaria, however. Pres. Mar­ cos state fhat the safe not being taken, as a precedent but only as a, jingle case of a practical and! acceptable nature. AH future tran­ sactions, wifi be op a case to case basis. Among others, the tran­ saction must follow the mechanics a e. JXllnta'o Imnfok . Died in the Peace of Our Lord at 5:00 A. Mj. Maic,h 9, 1969, ai the age of 6d; interred March 11, at Peftafrancia Cemetery her bergaved husban^ ANGEL ROMERO' LUNTOK, Area Supervisor, Bureau,of Private Schools; sons, ANGEL and ISIDQRO;. daughters, TERESITA and LAQRIMASi son-ip-law, EDDIE GALANG; daughter-inTlaw, ALICE EMBESTRO; grandchildren;, brothers, DR. FRANCISCOi ALBUERO and- REV. FR, SALVADOR ALBUERO; sisters, MRS. GENEROSA SALAZAR, MRS. FRLICITiAS FAJARDQ; brothers ip-law; sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and other relatives, reapest a prayer tor, the eternal repose of her sopl. Jose B. Penetrante Asst. District Director (NAMAWU-MIF) BICOL DISTRICT OFFICE IRIGA CITY. PRES. MARCOS 'Became Aircns & National Mines & Allied Workers’ Union MPS. MARCOS Javier A Barbado District Director , ROQUE G. MANRIQUE District Secretary EXPED I TO POOT Liaison Officer JOSE L. PAJARIN President, Local 109 PAULINO GONZALES President, ,Local 11), Iriga City ANTONIO P. CLERIGO President, Local 119, Legazpi City RAFAEL G. RUB1T, JR. General Clerk' DEOGRACIAS PEfiA President, Local 110, Naga? City ' SALVADOR A. DAYRO President, Local 112, ’Legazpi City*' SERAPIO L. JOLO Prtesident, Local 113, Sorsogon, Sorsogon LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ithe Estate left by the Late Donata Ramos, who died intestate on Get. 28,, 1968, at Ragay, C. Sur, consisting of certain land situated in Brnahian, Ragay, CS. identified as Lot B of the Subd. Plan (LRC) Psd-16393 and cover­ ed by T.C.T. No. 9290 has been adjudicated unto himself by Aguedo Corod, the Surviving hueband, alleging to be the sole heir of his deceased wife, who subsequent­ ly sold the same unto Heracleo Valenzuela in consideration of P5.500 00, said deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Jose R. Ruy of Ragay, C. Sur, per Doc. No. 44; Page No. 95; Book VIII; S. of 1969. Pub. March 15, 22, 29, 1969. set up by the National Export Company which has been desig­ nated as a clearing house for ex­ port sales ot native goods and lo­ cal products. The trade mission of the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, headed by Teopisto Guingona, Jr., in its report to Pres. Marcos, scheduled the fol­ lowing 35> products which could be exported to. Eastern Europe; Refined sugar, coco oil, copra, hemp,, rope, rice, maize, bananas, pineapple, coffee beans, ground nuts, onions, vegetables, food ve­ getable oils, tobacco, shoes, iron ore, manganese ore, chromium ore, asbestos, zinc concentrates,, copper, lead, plywood, veneer sheets, saw logs, round lumber, building lumber, coniferous lum­ ber, cement, cottomfabrics, carpets, cotton,handkerchiefs,,and domes­ tic sewing machines.. Ir- . ■■•r-r-3 »<>♦♦♦<> 111.—. Read the JBtar March 15, 1969 THE BICOL STAR 9 Welcome to all PSIAA Delegations! May you enjoy your sojourn in Bicolandia - - ‘ • BENJAMIN L. LEDDA Acting Regional Coofdinatcif Abaca Development Board B. P. L Region 1V e SAN AGUSTIN, PILI CAMARINES SU# Can you Save PIO a Month for Your Family Security? i Progress Bonds- are the most popular investment1 in the Philippines today. Because they’re safe and pay you a guarantee 7% tax-free interest every year. And now you can save for Progress-Bonds with as little as P10 a month! See or Write f ! DBP NAGA BRANCH< NAGA CITY ‘ ABOUT T11E DftP PAYROLSAVINGS PL AN 10 THE BICOL STAR March 15, 1969 These people should be shot. Speakout Bicolandia By JUAN G. FRIVALDO The transformation of Gen. Carlos P. Romulo from a staunch fanatical pro American to com­ munist coddling foreign secretary has become a juicy topic of speculation. Some say he is being used as a tool by President Marcos to threaten the United States. Others aver Romulo is too smart to be fooled by Marcos. It could be the other way. Insiders claim General Romulo has set his target on the job of U Thant as U. N. secretary gene­ ral. The term of the top UN official expires this year. That would be the crowning gtory for the last man to leave Corregidor. The Coco Chemical Industries of the Philippines, managed by our good friend Juancho Trivino, has such a big appetite for pub­ lic funds. It has consumed its capital of PIO million and has reportedly eaten up P10M more. The salaries of its staff are OnassiS. It keeps hiring more and more people. It has been inuagurated last month but up to now it is still not operating. It is still losing money but it does not stop giving fat bonusses —- Christmas and mid year. It is even buying a helicopter. It might yet purchase a yacht. Preserving our patrimony is good reading material. Until vou learn that 87% of our lumber industry is in alien hands. Most licenses are in the name of Fili­ pinos but actually they are leased on royalty basis to aliens. Right in the Bicol region, look at your forest concessionaires lumber dealers and log exporters. Right in Camarines Norte, the home province of our chairman of the House committee on Forestry, the lumber business is in alien hands. Mainly to blame are our government and our people for selling our patrimony. The biggest culprit is the government. Because although lumber is the No. 1 dollar earner, it does not extend financial assistance to Filipino lumber men. Most of our big Filipino lumbermen in Mindanao get their financing from Japanese and Chinese — but hardly from Filipinos nor ■ Filipino banks. The cycle is sickening and disgusting. Maybe we will wake up and apply remedies when there are no more forests, when the floods come more oftener, when we would not even have water to drink. That is what is happening to our Bicol National Park. The commercial forest zones have been denuded. The greedy forest lum­ bermen are despoiling our parks. Most Bicol politicians are now cramming overnight planning how to make for campaign purposes. Hardly has some of our Bicol majority leaders used this season of easy fund releases to bring an industry into Sorsogon. This would have been the best time to push through that abaca pulp plant, sugar central, extend the railroad to Sorsogon, start developing the Tiwi geo-thermal works and t e Batan coal mines. Three years has passed and President Marcos still has to com­ plete that refrigeration plant in Magallanes or put up a PNR refrigerated wagon. Everybody hankers and hopes for a refri­ gerated train but nobody in Malacanang gives a helping hand to Nick Jimenez. We are new building that P200 million Greater Manila Food Ter­ minal but we still have not start­ ed to develop the market. Maybe on inauguration time, that would be the occasion to buy 200 refri­ gerated trucks and a dozen trains. We always think of big things on pinhead resources. Ordinarily at this time turncoatism would be seen a flood to­ wards Malacanang. The reverse is true. Most NP bigwigs are ma­ king secret rendezvous with the Liberals. A big hurricane must be approaching. Welcome President Marcos and Party, PSIAA Officials, Delegations & Visitors May you enjoy the Athletic Meet and your sojourn in Bicol. Try to visit our beauty spots in Bicolandia— Congratulations to the Jaycees for reviving the Operation Quick Count. I still have to see the varsitarians and ROTCs making ac­ tive preparations to keep this elec­ tion clean. What would their demonstrations amount to if there is no more democracy in this country. Demonstrations are not allowed in dictatorship and com­ munist states. And remember this warning. If we do not act now, this might be our last election. We have a ruthless and almost conscienceless administration, deaf and callous to the people’s cries. Rep. VENANCIO ZIGA Sen. TECLA S.A. ZIGA First District, Albay Philippines TABACO, ALBAY MANILA Compliments oi— STEDMAN TEXTILE TAILORING All new textiles and new Master Cutter from Manila at our modern and remodelled building for the con­ venience of our friends and customers— Gen. Luna St. City of Naga You Are Welcome ! Ready to serve you Golden Bakery & Restaurant 46 Jen. Luna St. (CENTRO) City of Naga at the same place but a new building, comfortable, sanitary, well ventilated with electric fans. Coffee—Bread - Refreshments—Chinese & Filipino menu TIA AH TIN - Proprietor Welcome and Best Wishes to — President & Mrs. Ferdinand E. Marcos, BPSIAA Officials, Delegations & Visitors! Rep. RAMON H. FELIPE, Jr. First District of Camarines Sur Forget and Forgive the shortcomings of the Bicolanos — • But take with you and spread to all our good things and hospitality — Thank you! CONGRESSMAN & MRS. RAMON H. FELIPE, JR. CITY OF NAGA W E L C O M E 1 President Ferdinand E. Marcos & Party THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT for the release of P900,000 for this In­ terscholastic Meet Project under Rep. Act 5412 and to con­ certed effort and support of the NP Bicol Solons, with­ out which this should not have been made possible. Happy greetings to BPSIAA Officials, Delegations and Visitors— Rep. FELIX A. FUENTEBELLA Rep. FELIX A. FUENTEBELLA Second District of Camirines Sur Welcome and Thank You Mr. President & Mrs. Morcos ! Indeed, the Bicolanos, the whole country and the PSIAA are very grateful to you for your help and cooperation for the realization to have the MARCOS STADIUM Constructed at Pili, Camarines Sur, the site of the Public Schools Interscholastic Athletic Association Meet this March 16-22, 1969. Salamat po—Mabuhay ! SENATOR & MRS. DOMINADOR R. AYTONA SEN D. AYTONA PRESIDENT & MRS. F. E. MARCOS