The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 37 (Vol. 35, No.17) April 25, 1970
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
LARGEST CIRCULATION? IN THE BICOL REGION X ■ALBAY CAM. NORTE ; CAM. SUR catanduanes MA SB ATE SORSOGON IRIGA CITY LEGAZPI CITY NAGA CITY Year 37 * Vol. 35 • No. 17 • City of Naga, April 25, 1970 • 6 Pages * 15 Centavos ►»♦«»»« : JADE THEATRE » Fully air - conditioned !(NAGA’s FINEST CINEMA) X ****^***27*— May***'1970*** ♦ > "Shadows in the Dark"* > A film based on the report on X * ''Venereal Diseases-Today" „ > also £ •War in Wild Kurdistan f • ♦ President F. Marcos Guest of Lions Meet Explanation of the Negative Vote of Rep. Felipe on the National Budget Fiscal Year 1970 - 1971 (APRIL 15, 1970 - 7:00 P.M.) PFM tops Guests of Lions 21st State Convention in Naga City on April 30 - May 3, 1970 REP. FELIPE, JR. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (MR. SAN JUAN). Gentkm.n from Camarines Sur. MR. FELIPE- Mr. Speaker, may I explain my vote. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Continued on page 6) Workshop - Seminar on Mushroom & Vegetable Culture April 27 to May 11 atCSN AS,Pili LEGAZPI CITY-In a con­ certed move to tap Bicol Region’s potentials in mushroom and vegetable r production, the Bicol Development Planning Board (BDPB), Bureau of Plant Indus­ try (BPI) and Camarines Sur National Agricultural School (CSNAS) will lunch a two-week seminar-workshop on this parti­ cular aspect. This workshop-seminar on Mushroom and Vegetable Cul­ ture will be held on April 27 to May 11 at the CSNAS in Pili, Camarines Sur. Participants to the said semi­ nar will come from various government agencies (municipal and city levels) and private sec­ tors interested along this line. This training program is being initiated by the BDPB in our effort to train competent men in the Bicol area in the production of mushroom spawn to supply he need of our prospective (Mr. San Juan). The gentlemen has three minutes. MR. FELIPE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In his Bataan Day message last April 9th, our warrior-President stated that our people are clamoring for “drastic” changes in government and in the private srctor, and he assured us that the government is ready to make the necessary “drastic” changes. In his budget message to us. he also stated, as one of the guide­ lines in the preparation of the budget, to enact a budget with fiscal restraint.” I was very happy, Mr. Speaker, upon learn­ ing this because I know that people are becoming restless and our students have grown very vocal against the extravagance and the graft and corruption in our government. But I was very much disillutioned, Mr. Speaker, when we passed a budget on mushroom growers and to train in participants as future trainers in their respective provinces and cities in the field of MushroomVegetable production geared to­ wards market-oriented approach. The subject matter will cover the economic importance, market­ ing, laboratory technique, har­ vesting, packing, preservation of mushroom. Subject matter on vegetable will cover: Seed pro­ duction and treatment, cultural practices such as seed bed pre­ paration, sowing, pest and diseases control, fertilization, multiple cropping scheme, grading and marketing. Meanwhile, the BDPB has acquired recently the services of Mr. Dan Berdin of APC. He will serve as BDPB Agricultural Development Officer. Mr. Berdin is a graduate of Araneta Univer­ sity and has undergone specialized training on rice at the IRRI,— f. b. ubalde Tour guiding Seminar Sked May 19-23 here On May 19 to 23 this year, the City Mayor’s Office of the City of Naga and Regional Office of the . Board of Travel and Tourist Industry (BTTI) will be holding a Seminar on Tour Guiding. Graduates of this semi­ nar will be licensed as tourist guides by the BTTI. The following are the qualifi­ cations: a. male or female, 18 to 25 years of age; b. a college graduate or at least a second year college; c. pleasing personality; d. good command of English and other languages. Application forms can now be obtained from the Research and Statistics Office, City Hall. The deadline for the submission of application forms will be April 30th. The applicants will be interviewed and screened by a panel of top personnel from the BTTI Manila Office on May 17 and 18 at the City Mayor’s Office. There will be a seminar fee of P30 for each participant. Tour guiding graduates will have the opportunity of meeting different people and learn a lot of them. They will undergo a thorough instruction on the tech­ niques of tour guiding, back­ ground on Philippine culture and history, detailed descriptions of tourist spots and other rele­ vant subjects. The site of the seminar will be the air-conditioned CPA Re­ view Room of the University of Nueva Caceres. Other information and details of the tour guiding seminar can be obtained from the Research & Statistics Office. City Hall, City of Naga. Rev. Fr. Romeo P. Zantua Newly ordained priest says Thanksgiving Mass Rev. Fr. Remeo Prado Zantua who was recently ordained as Catholic priest celebrated his Thanksgiving Mass last Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock at the Carmelite Chapel in barrio Con­ cepcion, City of Naga. Rev. Zan­ tua is from this city. Dr. Amando H. Zantua and Mrs. Carmen Prado-Zantua, the parents of the celebrant, enter­ tained their friends and relatives at a reception party held at the lawn of the Carmelite Monastery after the Mass. ‘ PRES. MARCOS The City of Naga will be the site of the 21st Lion-i State Con­ vention in the Philippines fr<.m SPOT NEWS ! ! ! Local Soroptimists await Mrs. Batten’s Arrival Mrs. Pluma Batten, Soropti­ mists Directress of Extension Asian-Pacific Areas is expected to arrive here in Naga City on Monday, April 27, as guest of the local soroptimists club headed by its president, Mrs. Virginia F. Perez, the Vice-Mayor of Naga City. A welcome dinner party will be given in her honor at seven o’clock in the evening at the Hotel Lindez Deck House Res­ taurant . . . s. martinez. PNR Southern Termi Ligao; for Freight: The Philippine National Rail­ ways announced yesterday that its southern terminal for passen­ ger trains will be temporarily transferred to Ligao, Albay and its freight terminal to Naga effective Monday, April 27, 1970. General Manager Nicanor T. Jimenez said that this move has become necessary because of its dwindling motive power which has come down to only 15 heavy locomotives. Jimenez said that at present there is one locomotive in Leg­ aspi which does nothing but to push all trains coming from that end on account of the steep grade between the present Leg­ aspi and Camalig terminal. He Apr il 30 to May 3, 1970. The meeting will be held at the University of Nueva Caceres Sports Palace. Delegates of the different Lions Clubs in the Philippines and some guests from other countries are attending the convention. Registration will be next Wednesday, April 29 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Opening cere­ monies of the convention will be on April 30 at 1:30 p.m. Pres. F. E. Marcos will be the main speak­ er of the convention on May 2. Umekichi Yasuda from Japan will be the keynote speaker during the opening program. Nicanor T. Jimenez, the general manager of the PNR will be the lunchean speaker on April 30 at the UNC students pavilion. Sen. D. Aytona, president of the Bicol Bloc and Director Juan F. Trivino of the PNB are the other guest speak­ ers of the convention. Hosts of the luncheons are PNR, Filipinas Life Assurance Co., Inc., Coco Chemicals Philip­ pines, GSIS, and Banco Filipino. The Air Manila will host the dinner-dance on May 1. Other donors to the convention are PCI Bank, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola firms. 35 Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Domingo M. Guevarra are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary next Monday morning, April 27 with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass to be held at the Penafrancia Shrine. The celebrants with their family from Manila will entertain their relatives and friends with break­ fast at the Cursillo House, ad­ joining the Penafrancia Shrine. nal for Passengers: Naga] Temporarily explained that with Ligao as terminal the company could utilize the pusher engine to pull one train. ■t*' The PNR head said that the move is only tempdrary and Legaspi will be restored as the southern terminal just as soon as spare parts ordered will arrive. But more permanent solution would be the construction of the diversion line from Guinobatan to Daraga, he added. Freight trains Nos. 535 and 536 running between Naga and Legaspi will likewise be- cancelled affective April 27, and henceforth no freight shipments will be accepted for points south of Naga. (Continued on page 6) 2 THE BICOL STAR April 25, 1970 ft he ^icnl Jitar ENTERED, AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER At THE POST OFFICE, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 20. 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ★ ^Bnntingo (A. jEscalante GENERAL MANAGER. PUBLISHER & EDITOR Anbres <§• Siez ASSOCIATE EDITOR feting ®afoagon JSilberin ^Icala JEal. ,d9fL ^uwaguitt Rainie be Iob Ratites ADVERTISING & PROMOTION JRntnen jp. ^fsralanie CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P5.00 PER YEAR; P3.00 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES MANILA BUREAU, 1963 DAPITAN. SAMPALOC----TEL. 60-66-55 ^ernarbinn (Angeles ©afuagott-—Manager Editorial: Our Naturalization Law is Bad One of the imperative measures which calls for immediate action by the present Congress is the amendment of our Naturalization Law. As all will remember, this law has been the subject of hot controversies in many past elect­ ion campaigns. The case of Manuel Leelin who ran for Congressman for the second district of Camarines Sur in the last election was one of them that was hotly debated by the two major political parties. Even our known legal luminaries have been contradicting each other in their opinions on this controversial matter regarding acquired rights and privileges of a naturalized citizen. In order to save our people from the trou­ bles that emanate from what is purely a Chris­ tian generosity of granting foreigners citizen­ ship in our country, I am suggesting the following conditions and inhibitions which should be incorporated into a new law that we are recommending for congressional approval as soon as possible. Conditions for Admission to Philippine Citizenship 1. He should be at least a graduate of the second­ ary course in our public high schools which means to say that his education should be obtained exclusively from our public schools. 2. He should be married to a Philippine citizen. 3. Of good moral character. 4. He should have an income of not less than P6,000 a year. 5. He should have no record of conviction in any court for any crime committed. Inhibitions 1. He should not be allowed to run for any elect­ ive public office. 2. He is not to be given an employment in our Department of Foreign Affairs. 3. He should be allowed to purchase residential lots not exceeding the total of 4,000 square meters. 4. He should not be allowed to own more than 24 hectares of agricultural lands. Grounds for Annulment 1. Conviction for the crime of concubinage. 2. Evasion of payment of taxes. 3. Conviction for the crime of smuggling. 4. Conviction for crimes under capital punishment. It is to be regretted that up to this time, after many long years of suffering bitter con­ sequences from financial exploitation by those we have granted the right and privilege to be citizens of our country, our Congress has not done anything to correct this evil either per­ haps because they have been continuously bribed or they simply have been dispossessed by nature of the spirit of love of country above anything else. To continue overlooking this critical maAs I see It by B. M. Dumaguin From an unknown peninsula of Bataan, it became twenty eight years ago one of the most exalted symbols of democracy and free­ dom. It was not So much the magnitude of the battle which took place there that made Bataan so. Rather, it was the spirit of freedom that kept alive the defenders’ will to fight des­ pite numerical odds, hunger, and hepelessness. Thus defeat, became victory; shame became glory. Twenty eight years has not dimmed our memory for those who fought, suffered, and died in this hallowed peninsula. Time cannot touch their heroic deeds, for they have become timeless. To the Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor we can only say: Yous sacrifices are be in vain. Two weeks ago, on April 9, 1970, we commemorated the ve­ ry memorable day. A day, which must at all times be very dear and very close to our hearts. Twenty eight years ago Bataan capitulated. The cream of our youth fought and died there so that DEMOCRACY and FREE­ DOM in our country will live; so that peace and liberty can be enjoyed. But the odds were great, so Bataan fell. A chapter of our history was closed and another was begun. The atmosphere brought about by the heroic deeds of our youth twenty eight years ago, seems to be good after all. Liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of ma­ king millions of money are being enjoyed. Alien businessmen are in our midst making the best of the situation to make millions because they enjoy the blessings of freedom, liberty, and democ­ racy, not to say the least, secu­ rity; because they are guaranteed in their business ventures; be­ cause they are cashing-in millions. Thanks to the sacrifices of our youth who gave their lives in the battlefields of Bataan and Cor­ regidor. Twenty eight years, however, did not teach so many to be grateful. Businessmen, aliens or otherwise, upon mention of the FALL OF BATAAN and CORRE­ GIDOR they just do not give a hoot about the matter. To ask them to cooperate in a way so that we may remember the day in a way fitting only to BATAAN and CORREGIDOR, the first reaction that these beneficiaries of the sacrifices of our youth is “SORRY”, next time. These are the beneficiaries that should be shot, hanged, and demonstrated upon and whose millions should be confiscated. May the passing of the twenty eight years after the historic event, however, brings maturity and change of attitude to our seemingly friendly business visi­ tors. May it bring ihem a cer­ tain degree of cooperation, espe­ cially to the Community News­ papers, if only to show that they area lot of gratefull beneficiaries... A Manila magazine columnist said that there now came the fourth kind of rich ... the re­ cent rich. These are the counterfiet rich, he said. They are backed by up the peso, the (Continued on page 5) lady that is taking place in our country is the same as abandoning our last precious in­ heritance for the benefit of foreign reptiles and crocodiles.—AGD Cong. Ramon H. Felipe chides Gene Balfermostfs column "From the Hilltop” April 11, 1970 The Editor The Bicol Star Naga City Dear Sir: I was somewhat amused by the following item in Mr. Gene E. Balfermoso’s column entitled “From the Hilltop” in your issue of April 4, 1970: - "Cam. Sur Partition-This gob­ bledegook in partition can be termed ‘Filipenization’. In other words, it is more of a ‘political dilettantism’. The Sorsoguenos as, reported instantly demonstrated against partition. This is a good sign of vigilance. “We believe over exercise of ‘political deletantism’ on the part of our politicians made this country what it is: economically incapable, a country of vested interests where 90% of the nation’s wealth are in the hands of a privileged few. In which case the rich grows richer and the poor becomes poorer. "Once in a while the citizenry should forge and cross party lines to put up a solid front against the desultory tactics of politicians who would always think in terms of staying in power- ' advocating parapatriotic partition for progress’ but actuality would turn out partition for political aggrandizement, political tie-up and control.” Apparently, in spite of his fondness for high-sounding word0, such as “obbledegook”, Felipenization”, “political dilettantism”, “parapatriotic”, “political aggran­ dizement”, Mr. Balfermoso can­ not read simple English or Bicol! In my letter to you, Mr. Edit­ or, dated March 17, 1970, which was published in the Bicol Star and other local papers. 1 made it clear that ,Rep. Fuentebella and myself had., not yet filed any bill in Congress for the division of Camarines Sur; that we just wanted to provoke open and healthy discussion of the idea to find out the consensus of public opinion. The division of Sorsogon and the creation of the Municipality of Larap, Camarines Noite are entirely different from the case of Camarines Sur, because in the former the bills were presented by their sponsors, Rep. Rafael Aquino and Rep. Fernando Pajarillo without even consulting their constituents on the matter. I am, therefore, to say the least, why Mr. Balfermoso should in­ dulge in insulting and uncharita­ ble "Reflections after Easter”. I always thought that Easter was a time for charity and joy. But it seems that Mr. Balfermoso practices a different brand of Christianity from ours. Frankly, I cannot see anything wrong in “floating” an idea to find out the reaction of the public. On the contrary, I believe that Rep. Fuentebella and myself are only being truly democratic in consulting our constituents before taking any positive action on the REP. R. FELIPE, JR. idea. Why then should Mr. Balfermoso abuse and insult us? If he is opposed to the idet of partition, he could have just stated his reasons against, with­ out descending to personalities. But, apparently, from his “HILL­ TOP” perch, Mr. Balfermoso now thinks that he is one of the gods on Mt. Olympus, and any mortal who disagrees with his personal views should be condemned to Hades. Nevertheless, in spite of some columnists like Mr. Balfermoso, I have always been for freedom of the press. But at the same time, I believe that congressmen and other government officials have a similar freedom to con­ sult their constituents on import­ ant public issues without being accused maliciously of ulterior motives. If I had any ulterior motive, I could have just filed the bill in Congress without consulting anyone. Thank you. Yours in Christian charity, RAMON FELIPE, Jr. Congressman Buhi Hosted ANF Annual Confab Buhi, C.S. — This tourist town hosted the 17th General Annual Convention ot Adoracion Nocturna Filipina (ANF) Saturday April 11 with local Turnos Nos. 392 and 394 as participating hosts. Brother Guillermo Alteza also incumbent member of the Buhi Municipal Council was most instrumental in having the affair something to remember. Some 300 delegates from all over the province of Cam Sur delighted in seing the tourist town of Buhi. The faithfuls were served during the luncheon by whitely-uniformed St Bridget’s students on the spacious halls of the St Bridget’s School SBS girl serenaders kept the occasion lively and while the luncheon lasts the delegates were admira­ bly outspoken on the tables - Buhi’s smallest fish. Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Ma. Guer­ rero, S. J. ANF National Dir­ ector, guest of the convent.on made the gist the Adoracion Nocturna Filipina counts with 45,000 members in the Philip­ pines and 1,200 active turnos have been registered actively with the organization. Fr. Guer­ rero further elaborated that the spirit of the Adoracion Nocturna in the service to Christ never changes even in the midst of tbs couutry’s political and economic upheavals. Page A The STAR April 25. 1970 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE PROVIN­ CIAL SHERIFF GOITO FABRICANTE, Plaintiff, — versus — MARIANO MANUEL, et al., Defendants. Civil Case No. 295 Mun. Court of Sipbcot, C.Sur Notice of Public Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the Alias Execution Under Section 8, Rule 72 of the Rules of Court issued by the Hon. Rhodie A. Nidea, Municipal Judge of the Municipality of Sipocot, Province of Camarines Sur, un­ der d rte of March 19, 1970 in connexion with the above - en­ titled case, whereby the Provin­ cial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies was commanded to make effective against the Plaintiff hereof, the sum of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P 1,000.00), Philippine currency; Whereas, upon indication of of the defendants hereof, the un­ dersigned, Renato R. Madera, Special Deputy Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur, levied upon and attached all the rights, title, interest, dominion and par­ ticipation that the plaintiff here­ of have or migth have in and over the following described pro­ perty together with all the im­ provements thereon, on April .20, 1970, to wit: “A parcel of coconut land, containing an area of 5.3400 hec­ tares, more or less, situated in Catamac,/ Beguito, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, with 160 coconut fruit bearing trees. Bounded on the North, by Sino Era; on he South, by Ciriaco Contrerai and Pablo Macarilay; on the East, by Lupe Dilanco; and on the West, Ramon Perpetua. Declared under Tax No. 540 and assessed at Pl,180.” Wherefore, by virtue of the aforecited Alias Execution, lery & attachment and pursuant to Secticn 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the undersigned Spe­ cial Deputy Provincial Sheriff announces that on May 20, 1970, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon, he will sell at public auction at the office of the I r >vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur, on the Se­ cond Floor of the Provincial Ca­ pitol Building in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine cutrency, the fore­ going described property toge­ ther with the improvements therjon, in order to satisfy there­ from the amount of the execu­ tion, sheriff's fees and other law­ ful expenses incident to this execution and sale. In accordance with law, this notice of public auction will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the Ci­ ty of Naga, having a wide ge­ neral circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF TABACO RURAL BANK, INC., Mortgagee, —versus— ROGELIO NALE & ADORA­ CION ALEGRE, Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties Under Act 3135 As Amended By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deeds of real estate and chattel mortgages and ptomissory note under date of September 12, 15, and 19, 1967, respectively, in favor of the TABACO RURAL BANK, INC. executed by spouses RO­ GELIO NALE AND ADORA­ CION ALEGRE, with residence and postal address at Bad vag, Minalabac, Camarines Sur, Phi­ lippines and for the p yment and full satisfaction of the debt in the sum of SIXTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDR E D SEVENTEEN PESOS (P16.317) Philippine currency, with interest of 12% per annum from September 19, 1958’ to the date of sale, plus the amount of Pl,631.70 as attorney's fees to­ gether with the sheriff's fees and other lawful expenses incident to this foreclusure-sale, the un­ dersigned Angel LI. Burj>, De­ puty Provincial Sheriff of Ca­ marines Sur. announces that on June 29, 1970 at ten o’clock in the morning (10 00 a.m.), will sell at public aucti n in the Off ce of the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur, the real estate properties together with all the improvements thereon which are first publication to take p'ace at least twensy (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Like­ wise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous plaaes in the Municipality ftof Libmanaa, Camarines Sur, where the foregoing described property is situated; and another three co­ pies of same notice will be pos­ ted on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building of Camarines Sur in Naga City, where the auction sale will be conducted for the information of all concerned and the pub­ lic. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described property are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title of the property and the encum­ brances thereon, in case there be any, for their own interest. Naga City, Philippines, April 22, 1970. FOR THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFP OF CAM, SUR By RENATO R. MADERA Special Deputy Prov. Sheriff Pub April 25, May 2, & 9,1970 described below and the chattel properties will be sold at pub­ lic auction at the residence of Mr. Joseph V. 'Bonnevie at Bato, Camarines Sur at three o’clock in the afternoon of June 29, 1970, to the highest bidder in cash, Philippine currency, to wit: List of Mortgaged Real Properties ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2264 CAM. SUR “A parcel of coconut, abaca land under Tax Declaration No. 1296. assessed at P4.250 in the name of PABLO ALSUM. Be­ ginning at point marked ‘‘1” on plan H 163112, s. 72-50’ W., 1947.77 m. more or less from B.L.M. No. 2, Bo. of San Jose, Mp. of Minalabac, thence N. 54-20’ W. 91.91 m. to point 2; N. 39-04’ E. 62.02 m. to point 3; N. 12-26' E., 43.95 m. to po­ int 4; S. 51-23' E.. 26.62 m. to point 5; N. 60 10’ E. to point 6; S. 86-53’ E. 69.33 m. to point 7; N. 38-54’ E., 75.86 m. to point 8; N. 32-41' E , 144 26 m. to point 9; N. 60-02' 71 09 m to point 10; N. 83-34' E. 58.64 m. to point 11; S. S. 47-34' E., 36.39 m. to point 12; S. 6-38' E. 97-43 m. to point 13; S. 7 33’ W., 85 03 m. to point 14; S. 8-44' W., 183.74 m. to point 15; S. 50-30' W., 18.17 m. to point 16; S. 24-37’ W., 51-53 m. to point 17; N. 78-14' W.» 332 24 m. to point 1; point of beginning. Containing an area of 11.7696 hectares. Point 1,16, and 17, Old B.L. Cone. Mons. Point 2, 4, 6, 7,8 and 11 B.L. on Stones; Point 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14 ‘‘X” on trees and point 15, Old “X” on Tree. Bounded on the North by Bank Protection of Creek (No Name) and proper­ tv of Feliciano Algamen; on the Northeast, by the propertv of Antonio San Jose; on the East, by the Property Antonio San Jose and Pablo Devinaflores; on the Southeast, by the property of Felix Quiro; on the S >uthwest, by the property of Eusebia Alsumend, the Bank Projec­ tion of Mabacong Creek; on the Northwest by the Bank Project­ ion of Mabacong Creek and Creek no name. Bearing r .e Declination 0-50' E., Point re­ ferred to are marked on plan H-163112. Surveyed under au­ thority of Chapter IV, Common­ wealth Act No. 141 and in ac­ cordance with existing regulation of the Bureau of Lands, by Fe­ liciano Balmaceda, Jr. Under the Supervision of Felipe Fer­ nando, Public Land Surveyor, Aug. 27-28, 1949 and Approved on Dec. 5, 1940. Special Power of Attorney at­ tached hereto is made an integ­ ral part hereof. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 6912 - CAM. SUR “A parcel of coconut, abaca and upland rice, TCT No. 6912. Tax Declaration No. 5034 and assessed at P2,890.00 in the name of ROGELIO NALE. Situated at Baliwag, Municipali­ ty of Camarines Sur, on the Island of Luzon. “Beginning at a point marked “1”, on plan H-134063, S. 7250’ W., 1947.77 m. more or less from B.L.B.M. No. 2 Barrio of San Jose, Municipality of Mina­ labac, Cam. Sur; thence S. 7814’ 332.24 m. to point 2; thence S. 34 deg. 30’ E to point 3; S. 34-34’ W., 219.55 m. to point 4; S. 87-45’, 189.26 m. to point 7; N. 1-20’ W„ 25.23 m. to point 8; N. 82-26’ E., 19.44 m. to point 9; N. 34-10’ E„ 53-41 m. to point 10; N. 11 - 55 E., 66-64 m. to point 11; N. 3547’ W., 138.62 m. to point 12; N. 61-28’ E., 74-08 m. to point I; point of begnining. Contain­ ing an area of 9.0003 hectares. Points 1,5 to 12 inclusive, on bank of Mabacong Creek. Boun­ ded on the North, by Maba­ cong Creek and the property of Pablo Alsum; on the East by property claimed by Felix Quiro and Julio Borde; on the South by property claimed by Leoncio Medrano and on the West Mabacong Creek. Bearing true. Declination 0-30’ E. Point re­ ferred to are marked on plan H.-134963. Surveyed under the authority of Section 12 to 22, Act No. 2874, and in accordance with existing regulation of the Bureau of Lands by Pedro Gobuyon, Public Land Surveyor on January 7, 1931. Note; All corners from 1 to 5 are B.L. Cyl. Cone. Mens. 15 x 60 cm. Corners 6 to 12 are Stakes. Description written in the Bu­ reau of Land Office by C. Manalo on October 31, 1931." CHATTEL PROPERTIES MORTGAGED One (1) unit FORD 3000 SUPER DEXTA TRACTOR, Agricultural all purpose Tractor, with 3 cylinder 46 BHP diesel engine, adjustable front axle and re r wheels 52” to 76” tread, manual steering steel pan goat, vertical exhaust with raincap, 12-volt HD. battery, electric and lighting consisting of two headlights, side lights, rear lights, rear plowing light, 8 speed for­ ward and 2 reverse transmission, PTO 540 RPM, differencial lock, fully live hadrualics with draft control, position control, flow cmtrol, auxiliary services control valve, double acting gauge, ins­ trument illumination, dual fuel filter, PTO guard, 5.50 x - 16 6 ply tires, and 13.6/12 x 28 6 ply rear tires, rear and front wheel weights, swinging drawbar with with clovis, toolbox and set of of tool. One (1) Unit HOWARD ROTAVATOR MODEL EMV-50, mounted on Tractor 3 - point hitch, 50” width of cut reter po­ sition offset 35” R and 15” L of tractor centerline, PTO drive and shielded telescopping heavy duty universal drive, shaft, rub­ ber cushion section safety on reter shaft, retor engagement dog clutch, gearbox with precisi in gear, totally bathed i.1 oil, with selecta tilh or 4 gears to change rotor speed in about 30 seconds to any of 4 speeds for tilth control and tractor shield, depth control wheel, depth li­ mit skid, trailing shield, trans­ mission chain in sealed oil batch, with super blades. One (1) per GAMI PADDY WHEELS, Ford 3,000 Tractor, each 15” wide to give additio­ nal traction to tractor in wet fields. Wherefore, in accordance with law, this notice of extra­ judicial sale of mortgaged pro­ perties under Act 3135 as amen­ ded will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regio­ nal newspaper, published and edited in the(Citv of Naga, once a week, for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least Sixty (60) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three (3) copies of this notice will be pos­ ted on three different public and conspicuous places in the Municipality of Minalabac, Ca­ marines Sur where the real pro­ perties described above are sit­ uated and another three copies of same will be posted in Bato, Camarines Sur where the chat­ tel properties are located and Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAM. SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF TABACO RURAL BANK, INC. Mortgagee, -versusWILFREDO VERGARA & PERSEVERANDA BADIOLA, Mortgagors. EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 As Amended X - - - - X Notice of Extra-Judicial Sal? of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted tn the deed of real estate mortgage executed by the spouses WILFREDO VER­ GARA & PERSEVERANDA B1DIOLA of Libmanan, Cama­ rines Sur, Philippines under date of June 27, 28 and 29, 1967 in favor of the TABACO RURAL BANK, INC. of Tabaco, Alb iy, and for the payment and fu 1 satisfaction of the amount of EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN 30/100 PESOS (P8,797.30), Phil­ ippine currency, with interest of 12% per annum from June 29, 1968 until the whole indebtedness including interest thereon are fully paid by the mortgagors, plus the amount of P879 73 for attorney’s fees together with the sheriff’s and other lawful expenses incident to the foreclosure sale, the undersigned Angel LI. Borja. Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur announces that on June 29, 1970, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, he wi 1 sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in Philippine currency, at the Office of the Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur in Naga City, located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, the following described real property together with all the improvements there­ on, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. 1424-C. SUR Declared under Tax No. 7245 —Assessed at Pl,130 Lot 8, Psu-140704 (F-V-14113) Beginning at a point m irked "l”of Lot 8, on plan Psu-140704, being S. 18 39’W 12707-71 m. from B L L. Mp. of Sipocot,, Province of Camarines Sur; thence N O-06’E., 151 29 m to point 2; N. 7-15’W, 281 93 m. to point 3; N. 88 43‘E„ 440.61 m, to point 4; S. 37-56’E , 152 93m. to point 5; S. 1-32’ E., 286 09 m. to point 6; S. 61 04’ W . 151.54 m to point 7; N. '84.02’ W’, 376.29 m. to point of begin(Continued on page B) another three copies on the Bul­ letin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building, in Naga City where the auction sale of the real properties will be conduc­ ted for the information of all concerned and the general pub­ lic. Prospective bidders or buyers of the ab we-described proper­ ties are hereby enjoined to incontinued on page B) P ■ * * x 3 ' Notice pf Extra-Judicial‘" vestigat? ifor , themsslstes (the titjes of ‘the properties and the en­ cumbrances thereon, in case the be any for > their f)ojvn <n(ei. rest. , Naga City, , Philippines) u April 24, 1R70. Sf)(| ANGEL LI.' BORJA I. Pppufy ,Pro^mcial $hpji$ of Cam. Sur Pub. April 25, May 2, 9, 1970 . •• < » C 111£*!»I , Notice, of Public Auction ning. Containing'. an. area of |TW0 “HUNDRED TWENTY SIX THOUSAND, FOUR HUN* DRED • AND "FIFTY ISEVEN (226,457) n-SQUARE "METERS' more br less. All pbints referred to ire indicated on Ithe1 plan and are marked on the glrdund es follows: point 2 by 1P.L.1S. Boulder;'point's 3 and!4 by. P.L«S. stones) and the 'rest; by P.L-.S. Cone. Mons."Bounded Ion 'the N.. bv Lot 4 of bthe plan Psu 140704 oti * the Northeast, and East by Lot. 9 ofWthe plan Psu140704; on- *he SE., and $.., iby Lot No -12 of -the plan Psu140704;' on the. West-, By.- Lot -No." 7 - of 'the plan Rsu’-140704. ^Bearings- trite declination i, (L5T E. This dot dwas surveyed -under authority of Chapiter VII, 'Com­ monwealth 'Act 141,' as' amended bnd in accordance with: existing regulations Oof the Bureau of Lands, by Pedro Terrado; Public Land Surveyor from December 12 td 16,' 1953 -and/ approved on April 28, 1964. NOTE; This lot is. covered by Fpa,- No. v YJa Cruz.!’ i . I . - Wherefore; in accordance, jvith .wl/h dawf. thjs'' notice. eX/extth-jiidicial jkala of mortgaged pr-o* petty. a,ader Act! 3135<as' amend* ed, will be published, in jthe Bl* COL .STAR, a - weekly, regional newspaper i -published and,' edited in the .City of .-Nagay having a -wide general. . circulation in ithe iBicol provinces, Uncle a week for three consecutive -weeks, - the first publication n to, take "place pt. least Sixty (60) days ■ b/fore ithe auction gale. Likewise, three copies of thisi notice ■ will i -be ported on three different* public and1 conspicuous places in th? Municipality of >- Sipocot/ Cam?rinesnSur where the foregoing d scribed i property is , situated* Ar other three copies of. ' same will be iposted tn, three-different public, and i conspicuous places in the City-of - Naga- and on the Bulletin1 Board-at ,the Brow* iridal Capitol of Camarines Sur, where the auction sale will be fonfjuctpdy for /he' informat on of all concerned. FOR ^JiEJRbV'L1 SH^JFp; By ANGEL LI. BORJA Deputy Provincial Sheriff •V A-f 2of Cbm. Suf, “7'1 Pub. April 25, May 2, 9, 1970FOR BETTER REVOLT -*, , ADVERTISE UN — : 1? 1U 1 "3 , ‘ Whe 3@tcal JBfar ♦***♦♦ >«*«****»*♦* sLAR ' " ' .April ^25, 1970 .. . • ' ;■■' ■ ~ Repbblic Of the Philippines COURT OF'FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR ()” 5.0th Jhididial District ; City ofi Naga OFFICE DFi THE • PROVENin ,CIAL SHERIFF' I’ i PACl ' C STAR, INCORPO­ RATED, Plaintiff, \ "'.RO . C . i' -versus- jn,>; Ambrosio guBaton, Defendant. ’ -r---x , ' , in W Cjvit, Cape N?. ,758?? „ , Qt. of First Ins,, hjanija Whereas,. by virtue <pf - the Writ ofbexecution. issued - by the Court of First Instance of Ma­ nila,. .Philippines, /dated.. January 12, 1979, commanding, the Prov­ incial Sheriff of < Camarines Sur or iany of his lawful deputies to make -effective against the defohdant hereof - the sum) -of pIGHT THOUSAND- -FIVE HUND­ RED PESOS AND. SEVENTY CENTAVOS' (P8,500.70); Phi­ lippine -currency,-plus--* the-,she­ riff's fees for the service of this execution and other lawful expeiikek incident' 'to this 'Wbcu^ tibn; and' , f 1 ' -I Whereas,- upon I indication of the counsel for, the plaintiff, the undersigned Provincial .Sheriff of Cam. Sur, on March 4, 1970, llevied - upon ,and attached .all, the rights, title, interest, . dominion and participation .that the defen­ dant hereof haye .or.imight have in and over the following des­ cribed real p/opqrtiep ;toge)h?r with all th? jmpfovepients the,rer on, to, wit: ., . ,. , w i‘,‘A. parcel of riceland, (irrigat tad), situated -at, Bajite, - San Francisco, -Baao, Camarines, Sur, with an area ,x>f 2.4295 hectares, mor? or.less; bounded, on, the Northeast by -Barit River, Lot 2 Bsurl 16574; on the East, N&rthprpstfi -Em-eterio Regalado; qq the .South - /Southeast, , Narciso Blazado; qn the West,.....,.This parcel of land is declared in the nanpe of Ambrosio Gubaton, Under Tax No. 1 ,733 and as­ sessed' 'at P11550.”, a -- “A. parcel bf niceland,- irrigat ted, situated ,at San. Francisco, Baao, { Camarinbsf Sur, with an area of 1.0350 hectares, bounded On 'th? North, ,by the property of ■ Mariano - Plefado; mon I the East, -by . Salbg- na Daan; on the South, by property of,-Fortunato Badong;! on the Webt, by Mapawo Ditch This parcel - op land is declared in the name of Ambrosjo Quhaton) under ,Tax D?c. No. 738 and le.sses^cd at ?7§0.” “A parcel of coconut land, situated] at Panganibanj Nabuay Camarines Sur with an area of .0118 hectare; bounded.- on-,the North,, j'jy prop:rty - of Marce’a Florece; on .the East -by -property of.Justa Gubaton; 'on-tne South, hy. .piapertv ofjgnacio Celebrado; dn the West, by property, "of ’Igr nacip ''Celebrado. , This , parcel -of land is: deck ed in the name of Ambrosio Gubaton. under Tax Dep..No. 26,833, with an assessed vajue of B90?’ ‘ ' ^ 7 . “A parcel of- riceland; ynirri* gated, situated at La Punisima*. Nabuat ' Camarines1-Sur, with an area of< .9191 hectare; bounded on.the 'North; ' by ' property, of Heirs. of ' Mariano Beato and EdUardo Regala; , on the -Eagt', by .property of " Eduardd' Regala; on the- South, 1 by. River; on the West;- by property of , the Hdirs of Antero Regala. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ambrosio Gubaton under Tax Dec. Np. 26832 with an assessed yalue of P2°0»” - * . . - y “Av parcel ,-of swaknpy - and riceland (uninrigated),- situated) at San Francisco, Baao, Camarines Sur, pfith an area of 13,2186 and 2 hectares, .repectively; bounded bn the North, i, by property, of the «Heirs of Paula iRelato; on the East, by property of ■ the -Heirs! of Fortunato Badong; on the-South/ by Barit River 'and property of the Heirs of Fortu­ nato Badong; on - the,!-West, by Barit River. This- fparcel lof, land is ,ideclared iin. the name of Ambrosio Gubaton, under Tax Dec* No.,10156 with an assessed yalye pL.PJ,690" , t |. „ , “A parcel-of land, suitable for grazing situated at San Francis­ co, Baao, - Camarines Sur, with an. area of ,5.0000 hectares, boun­ ded, on the North, by property of - Deogr-acias- Aborito; on the East, by Barit River; on the South, by .property of Gregorio Soroa.n; on the West, by Rivpr. This parcel-pf, land us . declared in the hame of Ambrosio Gu­ baton, under Tax Dec. No. 7687^ ap4k-with- ap assessed value S>f,|2/0.” , ' ( ,i “A .'parcel of riceland, - unirrsituated'at (Balite) San Francis­ co, Baao, Camarines - Sur,, i^vith an qnea .pf -.3550 • hectare, bound­ ed on the North, , by property of Pablo Regalado; on the East, by properly of Ambrosio Gubathn; on the South; by property of Isabelo, Razon;,on . the West, bv property bf Isabelo . Razon; This .parcel of 1 land, is - declared in1 the name of Ambrosio Gu-baton under Tax Dec/, Nb. 5552 with ian‘ assessed value of P2601’’ , “A parcel, of riceland,, situated at San Francisco, Baao, Cainaripes ,Sur, (withi an area of.2.5000 hectares,, bounded on the North, by property of Emeterio / Regar lade; ion the -East, < by -property of ApolAnio -Redondo;! on |tbe South, by .property ,of i Narciso Blazado-/ onthe West, by (Dabu) River. This, iparcel land -is decHred 'iri the name of Ambrosio Gybaton, under Tax Dec No. 3109' with an asspske'd .. value of Pr.5.50"' ' 1 ' ' ' - ' “■A parcel, of 1 unirrigated riceiand,‘,’si uated, at San -. Francisco, Baao, .Carnitines 1 Sur, •- with an ^rea of 3 - hectares: 1 bounded 00 the,, N o r t h; by property of Fortunato, Badong) on the East* by Salog na . Daan; on t e South, by. property 1 of Jesus Baldoza; ot the- West, by ■ pro­ perty of Fortunato Badong. This parqelpof land - is .defclarefd in the name of Ambrosio Gubaton, und^r JCaxJ|D,ep. N0.1 8-15 , with an assessed valup ,of F2,120,!’ , “A .parcel of riceland, unirri­ gated, situated at-San F-rancisco, Baao, Gamar.ines Sur, ' with- an area of 2 hectares; bounded on the North, by property of Fortundto Badong, on .the ,E 1 "by Salog na Daan;'bn . the South; by pro­ perty of [esus Baldoza; on -the West', by property of (Fortunato Baionfe. This parcel/ of,land -is declared in the name of Ambro­ sio'Gubaton, .under T^axn Dec. No. §14 with and assessed value of P1.480.”- , - , , t"A parcel of riceland, - unirri; gated, situated, at (Mapajo);San Francisco, Baao, Camarines Sur* with an area ! of,, 3 , hectares, bounded on the North, by Salog Ua Daap; on -the SEasth by pro­ perty of Jesus . Baldoza; on ithe South, by property, of Relagio Blazado; .on the West, by pro­ perty of Fortunato .Badong. This parcel of land is declatfed in the named of Ambrosio Gubaton, under ’ppx; ,Deq. Nb- 768/ with ^n a^sessjed ,yalue of - Rl,490.” Wherefore, by virtue of the aforecited order of execution, levy and attachment and in purRepublic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES ;SUR. 10th Judicial District City of Naga 1 OFFICE OF THE PROVIN­ CIAL SHERIFF PACIFIC STAR, INCORPO­ RATED) - • ri.;. - Plaintiff,-versusILDEFQNSQ. TI PONES', . . ; , Defendant. , , CIVIL CASE-NO. 177990 ClTV "COURT OF MANILA BRANCH. Ill , Notice of Public Auction 1 Whereto, by virtue of, the suaht of Section 16,' Rule 39 of the Ftiiles df Cojirt1, notice, js hereby,given 'to all Qf those concerned that jthe undersigned Spe­ cial , Deputy Provincial Sfteriff’of Gamiarihes §ui, on May 22, 19^70, ' at 10: dO'o‘clock in the morning, a(t the office ot the Pro­ vincial Sheriff, located bn thd Second Floor ‘of the Provincial' Gqpltbl of damarine's Slur, >Jaga, C<ty, will sell at\'public .auc­ tion to' the highest bid­ der'for' cash' in P^ilippine currency, the for'egbing 'described real pro­ pertied together with all the imprbvehisri'ts there­ of in' o?der.' to ‘ satisfy ’therefrom the amodnt bf t'he execution, sheriff's fetis' and other lawful ex­ panses incident thereto! ' In accordance with lawj this notice ’ of ^au'ctibh s'ald Mil pe 'published 1 in it He Bicol . Star, a 'weekly rfegfonal hew^pa/jer' pub­ lished and edited ih the City'of ’ Sf'aga,' -having a wide general cjrcutati'on iri the Bicol region'inclpdin^ t'he pipvi'hce of1 Ca­ marines Sur, once a wee^ fbr t li r e e consecutive weeks, t'he first' publica­ tion' to ' tak'e5 place bt least' Iwen'y (2))' day^ before the 'date' of the auction' sale.' Likewise, for the' "sarhe ( period of ti'rhe, three coplies bf'this riotice will 'be pjosted on tpre^ different' 'pubiic and conspicuous1 ,plades iri the 'municipalities , of Baao,' and Nybua,t Ca­ tharines' Sug respectively wherb ‘the a'bdv^ - pescribecj properties, are sit­ uated arid a'npther tfire'e QoSes' on the ’ Bulletin Bo'ard at the Prdvin'cial Gfa i t o I of Catherines Sur, in Naga, City, where the a'ucti6nv( sale will Be conducted. 1 Prospective 1 bidders' or bhyers of1 the1 foregoing described properties a f e hereby'enjoined to inves­ tigate for theinSelVeS the titles of ' (he properties dnd the iiehcuihbt,anihes thereon, in case there be any fo^ , their own pro­ tection. , 1 /■ 1 Done ip Nfcgal City, Philippines, this April 15, 1970.' RENATO R. MADERA Special Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. April 25, May 2, 9, 1970. writ of execution issued by the City , Court of Manila, Branch III, - dated; June 20, 1969, com­ manding • the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies to make effective the , sum of SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED PESOS AND NINETEEN CENTAVOS (F6,100.19), Philippine currency, representing deficiency judgment as per letter of Atty. Vicente Polias, -- counsel for the plaintiff hereof, dated February 21, 1970, plus the sheriff's fees and other lawful expenses ,, incident to this execution; and 1 , < Whereas, upoh indication of Atty. 1 Vicente Pelias, counsel for the i plairitiff,. the undersigned Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of .Camarines - Stir, cjn March 14, 11970, ' levied upon and attached all the , -rights, title' interest, dominion and. partitipation that the defendant hereof have or might have, in *and over the following described properties together ,,with ,all the improve-? ments jthprepn, <0, wit; ■ "A; Iparcel 'of riceland, unirragated, situated ati Dalipay, Milaor, Camarines Spr with an area of .7221 - hectare; bounded on the North, bv property of An­ tonio Verdadiro; on the East, by the . property of-Luis Fedepzon;>on-the South, by. the pro­ perty of. the! Heirs of Juan Saayedra) on the West, by the pro­ perties of* Nicolas 'Osoc and Victoriano Latumibo. This par/ cel, of > land is declared in the name- of. Ildefonso- Tipones and Consolatrix V. Tipones, under Tax, Declarflfiop .No., 2009 with , assessed valqe pf; P390.” I “A parcel of-riceland, irrigated; situated at Cabugao, Milaor Camarines Sur with san area of 1.4483. hectares/ bounded on the North,, by'the property of Ber­ nardo Marquez/ East,- by the properties of.- Ramon and Pedro Bubeloni^;. South,, by the - proper­ ty - -of jArsenio -imperial; on the West, by the properties of-Do­ mingo Reyes and I Braullio Port?ria.‘ i This' parcel ./of Hand jis declared ' in the name of Ilde­ fonso Tipones under Tax Dec. No.. 1823, with an .assessed ‘value pf P91(0.” | , , , . . I VA parcel of rioeland, irrigated situated .at SanAritonio,' Milaor, Camarines Sur,) 1 with: >ant area of 1 0045 hectares, bounded on the Notrh, by the IRoaid tio Phlestina; East,- by the property of Sofronio -Parra) on the South,' by property of Bonifacio Lennim; on the > Wes't, by property 1 of Vrictorio Tipones. This parcel of land is! declared in1 the name of Ildefonso Tipones, under Tax D:claratjo,n., No .173,8* with, an ass??se<J yalue of -P700,” | I “A .parcel, of. riceland, 'irrigated situated >at 'GapDalipay, Milaor; Gamarjines Sur, ' with .an "area of 1 0086 hectares; bounded on the North, by the property >of Sixto Wares) on the East, by thle pro* perty of i 'Pelagio Tosoc; on the South/ by Road to Balestina; on the Wtot, - by property Marcelo Tosoc. This parcel .of. land is declared in the name of Ilde­ fonso Tipones, under Tax. dec­ laration No, 1622, witl) an as­ sessed value of|P670." 4 iVA parcel of ricetand. iirrigated and coconut, land. 1 situated at Cap-Dalipay, Milaor, .Camarines Sur,* with an area of .9249 and .2413 hectares, respectively, bound* ed on the North, by San Ramon Creek; on the.Erst, by the pro­ perty of S4ntos Tosoc: on.the South, bv the Road to* Palestina: and on the West, by the pro­ perty of Quiriuo Tosoc. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipones, under Tax Declaration No. 595, with (Cont. on page C) The BICOL STAR Page C Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District CITY OF NAGA OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL & CITY SHERIFF DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES Formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corporation Mortgagee, -versusFAUSTO P. MARCO & VICTORIA B. MARCO, Mortgagors, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED Under Act 3135 as Amended & Act 1508 NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGE PROPERTY/IES Under Act 3135, AS AMENDED & ACT 1508 By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in. the deed of mortgage/s executed by the spouses, FAUSTO P. MARCO and VICTORIA B. MARCO, both of legal age, Filipinos, with resi­ dence and postal address at Prieto St., Naga City in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly RE­ HABILITATION FINANCE CORPORATION, under date/s of July 17, 1964 and for the satisfaction of the debt of P46.348.51 plus 7% annual interest on the amount of P4,634.85 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by the said mortgage/s, the undersigned City Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on May 29, 1970 at nine o'clock in the morning (9:00 a.m.) at the Office of the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur, 2nd Floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, in the City of Naga, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real property/ies, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 183 - CITY OF NAGA Tax Declaration No. 8505 P30,000.00 A parcel of land (Lot 1217-A-Lot 3156 of the Cadastral Survey of Naga, Plan Csd-6792, L.R. Case No. N-1131. L.R.C. Record No. N-22508), with the improvements thereon, situated in the District of Sabang, Naga City. Bounded on the NW., by Lot 1227; on the E., by lot 1235; on the SW., and W., by Jot 1217B and on the NW., by Lots 1218 and 1222. Containing an area of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE (3,855) SQUARE METERS, mote or less. One (1) Ricemill Camarin Warehouse constructed on the lot covered by Original Certificate of Title Title No, 183. NOTE: The following chattel properties will be sold at the Ricemill Camarin Warehouse in Sabang Poro, (Wakat) City of.Na­ ga at two o’clock in the afternoon (2:00 p.m.) May 29, 1970, to the highest bidder for. cash in Philippine currency, to wit: One (1) Brand new “ASAA” Diesel Engine, 24 HP., .800 Rpm., Serial No. 10117 and Type F-155, made in Denmark. One (1) “JG” Midget Semi-portable Cone Type Ricemill, 60-65 cavans of palay milling capacity per 12 hours, consisting of the following: One .(1) compart paddy huller and rice polisher, 450 x 350 mm. in diameter with tiki-tiki scraper; One (1) paddy separator of 12 compartments; Two (2) single bucket elevator assembly. for palay and un­ polished rice; One (1) revolving screen for hu'led grains; One (1) double exhauster for husk, rice cooler and cleaner with pipngs, trap cleaner and cyclone; One (1) set of transmission consisting of pillow block, ball bearings bearing stand, beltings and belts; One (1) set cf prefabricated steel base; One (1) double sifter assembly for palay and polished rice. In accordance with law, this notice of sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly newspaper, published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bi­ col provinces including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week, for three consecutive weeks, the first publica­ tion to take place at least (20) twenty days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three co­ pies of this notice will be posted on three public and conspicuous places in the City of Naga, where the real properties are located and where the chattel properties are found. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title/s of the said property/ies and the en­ cumbrances thereon, if any, there. City of Naga, Philippines, April 30, 1970. FOR THE PROVINCIAL & CITY SHERIFF: By ANGELES BOAQUINA Deputy Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. May 2, 9, 16, 1970 The Bicol Star Notice of Extra-Judicial (Continued fiom page B) an assessed value of P890.” “A parcel of coconut land, situated at San Antonio, Milaor, Camarines Sur, with an area of .5680 hectare, bounded on the North, by the property of Clau­ dio Tipones: on the East, by the property of Ildefonso Tipo­ nes; on the South, by the pro­ perty of Damian Tipones; on the West, by a Creek. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipones, under Tax Declaration No. 145, and assessed at P280.” "A parcel of riceland, irrigated and cocoland, situated at San An­ tonio, Milaor, Camarines Sur, with an are of .0903 and .6595 hectare, respectively; bounded on the North, by the property of Claudio Tipones; on the East, by the property of Susana Tipones; on the South; by the Road to Palistina; on the West, by the property of Damiana Tipones. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipo­ nes, under Tax Declaration No. 129; and assessed at P390.” "A parcel of riceland, irrigated, situated at Cabugao, Milaor, Ca­ marines Sur, with an area of 3.8188 hectares, bounded on the North, by the Road to Palestina, on the E'St, by the property of Fiorentina Alivarvar; and on the West, by the property of Antonio Marquez. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipones under Tax Declaration No. 2130 with an assessed value of P2,430." "A parcel of riceland, irrigated, situated at Maydaso, Milaor, Ca­ marines Sur, with an .area of 3 5761 hectares, bounded on the North, by the Road to Palestina; . on the East, by the property of Florentino Alivarvar; on the South, by the property of Juan Amador; on the West, by the property Carmen Marquez: This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipones, under Tax declaration No. 2501 with an assessed value of Pl,790.” "A parcel of riceland, irrigated, situated at Cabugao, Milaor, Ca­ marines Sur, with an area of 2.7662 hectares, bounded on the North, by the Road to Palestina; on the East, by Fiorentina Alivar­ var; on the South, by the pro­ perty of Juan Amador; and on the West, by the property of Carmen Marquez. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Ildefonso Tipones, under Tax Declaration No. 2481, with an assessed value of Pl,760.” Wherefore, by virtue of the aforecited writ of execution, levy and attachment and in pursuant of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the undersigned Special Deputy Provincial Sheriff ex officio of Camarines Sur an­ nounces that on May 25, 1970 at 10:00 o’clock in the morning, he will sell at public auction at the office of the Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur, located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philip­ pine currency, the foregoing described real properties together with all the improvements there­ on, in order to satisfy therefrom the amount of the execution, sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident thereto. In accordance with law, this notice of public auction will be published in the BICOL. STAR, a weekly regional newspaper pub­ lished and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general I Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVIN­ CIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur City of Naga RURAL BANK OF NUEVA CACERES, INC. Mortgagee -versusSPS. SILVERIO VELUZ & LUCIA BALUYOT; BELEN PIMENTEL & JUAN ROJANO, Mortgagors. EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ESTAl’E MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDI­ CIAL SALE . Whereas; by virtue of the po­ wer of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by SILVERIO VELUZ, et al., of Bagumbayan, Naga City and Dei Gallego, Camarines Sur, Philip­ pines, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF NUEVA CACERES, INC., of NAGA CITY, under date of August 1,1963 and for the satisfaction and full payment of the loanof FIVE THOUSAND TWENTY-SEVEN PESOS AND SIXTY-ONE CENTAVOS (P5,027.61) Philippine currency, plus interest thereon of twelve per cent (12%) per annum from June 6,1964 - B.Pementel; May 20,1966 - Juan Rojano, plus ten per cent (10%) of the total amount due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Notes, aside from the sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all secured by said mortgage (s), the Provincial Sheriff of Cama­ rines Sur (thru rhe undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff) an­ nounces that on July 6,1970, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at his Office on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Cama­ rines Sur, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in circulation in the Bicol Region, including the province of Cama­ rines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first pub­ lication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on the three different public and conspicuous places in Milaor, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described properties are situated, and another three copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City; where the auction sale will be conducted for inform­ ation of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of the properties and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own protection. Naga City, Philippines, April 15, 1970. RENATO R. MADERA Special Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Caro. Sur Pub May 2, 9, 16, 1970. The BICOL STAR. Philippine currency, thefdlow'ng real estate properties, more par­ ticularly described as follows, to wit. 1. Cogon-banana land, situa­ ted at Sta. Rita, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, containing an area of 6.1155 hectares, bounded on the North, by Lot 890 of Del Gallego Cad. Pls-199; East, and South, by Road and West, by Lot 904 of Del Gallego Cad. Pls.-199. Declared under Tax Dec. No. 2304 in the name of Silverio B. Veluz with an ass­ essed value of P420.” Registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cam. Sur under TCT No., 3938, Naga Ci­ ty, March 16, 1962. 2. Caraan land, situated at San Pablo, Del Gallego, Cama­ rines Sur, containing an area of of 4.0610 hectarss, bounded on the North, by Lot No. 118: E., by lot 136; South, by Lot 137; and West, by Lot 161 of Del Gallego Gss-161. Declared under Tax Dec. No. 2229. in the name of Lucy B. Veluz and assessed at P200. Registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of the province of Camarines Sur un­ der TCT No. 15492 at Naga City on Sept. 19, 1961.” Wherefore, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended, this Notiee of Extra judicial sale wiil be published in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide ge­ neral circulation in the Bicoi region including the province cf Camarines Sur, once a week, for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least Sixty (60) days before the date of the auction sale. L’kewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the mucicipality of Del Gallego, Cam. Sur where the foregoing des­ cribed properties are sit­ uated and another three copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building, in Na­ ga City,where the auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders of buyers of the above-described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of the properties and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own,interest. Naga City, Philippines, 24th day of April, 1970. GETULIO A. BRUCELAS Deputy Prov. Sheriff of C. Sur Pub.May 2,9,16,1970. Bicol Star. FOR BETTER RESULT ADVERTISE IN— ®lp Birni JStar ♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« NOTICE APRIL 25, 1970 THE BICOL STAR 3 Republic of the Philippines COUtLT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAM. SUR 10th Judicial District Branch V, Naga City PEOPLE OF THE PHILIP■NES, Complainant, — versus — DOMINADOR CHAVEZ, et al Accused. CRIM. CASE NO. L-327 Notice of Public Auction Sale WHEREAS, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the court of First Instance of Cam. Sur dated January 22, . 1970 wherein the Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur or any of his lawful diputies was commanded to make effective the payment of the amount of THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00) from the bondsmen in the above-entitled case, in favor of the government; WHEREAS, on Jan. 30, 1970 the undersigned Deputy Provin­ cial Sheriff of Cam. Sur by virtue of writ of execution, levied upon all the rights, title, interest, do­ minion and participation which the bondsmen Francisco Otordoz ot Naga City have or might have over the property particularly described below, to wit: Of the bondsman: Francisco Otordoz; “A parcel of abaca, Carasn and forest land with an area of 250.0000 Has. situated at Olaon, San Vicente, Tinambac, Cam. Sur, bounded on the North by Felicsima Pena, on the South by Olaon Creek on the East by Public Land and on the West by Olaon Creek declared in the name of Francisco Otordoz under Tax Declaration No.' 8875 and asses­ sed at Pl 1,500.00." WHEREFORE, the undersign­ ed Deputy Sheriff of Cam. Sur, by virtue of the said writ of execution and pursuant to the Rules of Court, Rule 39, Sec. 16, will sell at public auction for cash and in Philippine Currency to the highest bidder on May 25, 1970 between the hours of 9:00 o‘clock in the morning and 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, in his office located at the second floor of the Provincial Capitol of Cam. Sur, Naga City, to satisfy there­ from the import of the execution, sheriff’s fees, and all other ex­ penses incident thereto; This notice of public auction sale will be published in the Bicol Star, of general circulation in the province of Cam. Sur and edited in the City of Naga, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication is to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Three copies of this notice will be posted in three (3) public and conspicuous places in ihe municipality of Tinambac, Cam. Suf, where the propeity is located, and likewise in the city of Naga where the auction sale will take place. Prospective bidders or buyers NOTICE The estate of the late LUCIA ABRIAN VDA. DE SUMILANG consisting of a parcel of land situated at San Vicente, Pamplo­ na, Camarines Sur with an area of 6.0022 hec. and more parti­ cularly described under TCT No. 8829, Camarines Sur has been extra-judicially settled among her heirs on December 27, 1967 before Notary Pnblic Roger Ca­ rino, said document bearing Doc. No. 164; Page No. 34; Book No. Ill; Series of 1967 of his nota­ rial register. Naga City, April 15, 1970. VICTORINO ABRIAN, et al. Pub. April 18, 25 and May 3, 1970. NOTICE Pursuant to Section I, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court notice is hereby given that Bruna Martinez married to Cipriano Sahurda; Ricardo Martinez, widower; Ber­ nardo Martinez, widower; Fran­ cisco Martinez, married to Pela­ gia Vargas, acting for and in representation of his deceased father, Ramon Martinez; Macario Martinez married to Asuncion Padregone, acting for and in rep­ resentation of his deceased father, Mariano Martinez and ApoIonia Martinez married to Victor Dacuba, Filipinos, of legal age, re­ sidents of Buhi, Cam. Sur exe­ cuted an Extrajudicial Partition and Sale over two parcels of land located in Buhi, Cam. Sur, in accordance with the Court’s De­ cision in Civil Case No. 1774 CFI of Cam. Sur, to wit: Parcel A, the land situated in the bar­ rio of San Vicente, Buhi, Cam. Sur covered by Tax Dec. No. 3902 shall be the common pro­ perty of Ricardo, Bernarao, Ra­ mon, Mariano and ApoIonia, all surnamed Martinez; Parcel B, the land situated in barrio Sagrada Familia, Buhi, Caro. Sur shall be the property solely of Bruna Mar­ tinez, married to Cipriano Sahur­ da. It is under Tax Dec. No. 1469, designated as Lot No. 5040, Cad-296 of Buhi; that for a consideration of P2.000, Bruna Martinez sold this parcel of land to Teofilo Martinez, of legal age, married to Delia Nogales of 58 Corumi St., Masambong, Quezon City. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Ireneo A. Zamora at Buhi, Cam. Sur on December 9, 1969 per Doc. No. 376; Page 30; Book XVI; S. 1969, of his notarial records. Pub. April 18, 25, May 2, 1970. Bicol Star are enjoined to investigate for themselves the titled of the pro­ perties above-described, and the encumbrances thereon if aoy there be, for the protection of their interest. City of Naga, Jan. 30, 1970 FOR THE EX-OFFICIO PROV. SHERIFF OF CAM. SUR By: - ANGEL LL. BORJA Deputy Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. April 18, 25, May 2, 1970 The Bicol Star The estate of the late Zacarias Modino covering a parcel of land situated at Sta. Cruz, San Fer­ nando, Camarines Sur with an area of 9.6765 hectares designated as Lot 1 psu-105864 under OCT No. 240, Camarines Sur has been extrajudicially settled among his heirs on April 8, 1970 before notary public Hilario Abonal, said document bearing Doc. No. 14 Page No. 14, Book No. VI, Series of 1970 of his notarial re­ gister and the share adjudicated therein to the Heirs of Nicolas Modino is confirmed to by them to have been sold to Blas Modi­ no of San Fernando, Camarines Sur. DANIEL MODINO, et al. Naga City, April 15, 1970 Date of publication: April 18, 25 & May 2, 1970 NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court notice is hereby given that the heirs of the late Miguela Nonato and Judith Nonato Nacindo who both died intestate on May 14, 1944 and July 10, 1965, respectively, namely, Luminosa Nonato-Noble and Leovigildo T. Nacinto, both married, of legal age, Filipino citizens with residence and postal address at Buhi, Cam. Sur, exe­ cuted an Extrajudicial-Settlement of Estate with Sale over a parcel of land, located in Daraga, barrio San Isidro, Buhi, Cam. Sur with an area of 14,000 sq. m, under Tax Dec. No. 3460 and assessed at Pl,300 adjudicating said estate between the said heirs share and share alike and subsequently sold it to Florencio Felices, Filipino, married to Josefina Arroyo of Baao, Cam. Sur for a considera­ tion of P6,000. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Ireneo A. Zamora at Buhi, Cama­ rines Sur on October 21, 1969, per Doc. No. 313; Page 18; Book 16; Series of 1969 of his notarial records. Pub. April 18, 25, and May 2, 1970. Bicol Star. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late spouses CANDIDO ALTAMARINO and DOROTEA FLORDELIS con­ sisting of a parcel of land situa­ ted at Barrio of Sinuknipan, Municipality of Del Gallego, Cam. Sur, containing an area of 3 Has. 99 ares and 81 centares and covered by OCT (HP) No. 1062 has been settled extra­ judicially by his heirs who sub­ sequently sold the same in favor of BUENAVENTURA MARUDO for the sum of Pl,800 per Doc. No. 435; Page No. 37; Book No. XIII; S. of 1968 of Not. Pub. Quirino Fabul of Naga City. Pub. April 11, 18, 25, 1970. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudical Settlement of Estate With Sale of a Portion,was executed by the Hrs. of Marciano Guadalupe, namely: Artemia Saripong, as the surviving wife and Gabriel, Teresa and Lucio, all surnamed Guada­ lupe, over the parcel of land of 3,354 sq. m., covered by Tax No. 14066 and assessed at P100. A portion of 182 sq. m., has LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudi­ cial Settlement of Estate With. Sale has been executed by the Heirs of Pilar Brusas, namely: Juan Caceres, the surviving hus­ band and the children named Tranquilino, Epifanio, Prudencio and Macario, all surnamed Cace­ res, over the parcel of land situa­ ted in San Antonio, Milaor, Ca­ marines Sur, with an area of FOR SALE SECOND HAND G. E. ELECTRIC MOTOR 15-HP 3-Phase • Very Low Price © In Good Running Condition Interested party come to — BICOL BATTERY SERVICE Railroad St. (Bonifacio St.) Tabuco, Naga City R8Vei..yia *** SHFE • ECONOMICAL »> EFFICIENT TEL. 21-00-11 SCHEDULE OF PNR TRAIN (SOUTHERN LINES) SOUTHERN TRAINS: TRAIN: DEPARTURE DESTINATION ARRIVAL 511 Manila 6:05 a.m. Camalig 7:35 p.m. 515 Manila 6:30 p.m. Camalig 8:36 a.m. 503 Manila 7:20 p.m. Naga 3:14 p.m. 517 (T-Ma-1) ” 5:45 p.m. Camalig 6:20 a.m. (Mayon Ltd) 505 Manila 9:10 a.m. Naga 7:56 p.m. ' 535 Manila 4:00 p.m. Legazpi 10:27 p.m. NORTHBOUND TRAINS: 512 Legazpi 7:00 a.m. Manila 9:04 p.m. 516 Legazpi 6:00 p.m. Manila 8:50 a.m. 504 Naga 10:50 a.m. Manila 6:28 a.m* 518 T-Lg-2 Leg. 5:00 p.m. Manila 6:43 a.m. (Mayon Ltd.) 506 Naea 4:00 a.m. Manila 3:38 p-m536 Legazpi 4:00 a.m. Naga 8:33 a.m. been sold to the spouses Gerundio Hugo ann Catalina Portes is covered by Tax No. 289 87and assessed at P150. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Hilario Espano under Doc. No. 633; Page No. 25; Book No. XXVI1; Series of 1970, Pub. April 11, 18 and 25, 1970. 1,300 square meters, covered by Tax No. 3859 and assessed at P130. The same property is be­ ing sold to Benito Gavino for P3,000 as appearing in an ins­ trument executed April 8, 1970, before Notary Public Hilario Es­ pano of Canaman, Camarines Sur under Doc. No. 595; Page No. 18 Book No. XXVII; Se­ ries of 1970. Pub. April 11, 18 and 25, 1970. naca .CHAMPION e AUTOMOTIVE $PANGAU1BAN ST- MACHINE COR. BLUMENTRiTT. etmWK NAOA CITY CRANKSHAFT w PRUH CYLINDER 7®®REBORING MACWtMS BORINQ MACHINE The BICOL STAR April 25, 1970 NOTICE 4 Albay Stu des hold demonstration rally or teach-in LEGAZPI CITY -A rally de­ monstration or teach-in for the non-intervention of private intities with vested interests in the coming constitutional convention and other local issues was held recently at the Penaranda Park of Legazpi City. Among the listed speakers in the program were Rafael A. Banzuela, Jr., Secretary-General of Bicol Union of Students (BUS) and the following: Noling Cabredo, Henry Lunas, Conrado Bootan, Jr., Alberto Realubit, Roger Azupardo, Reynaldo Princesa, Antonio Sajuela, Orland Naag, Oscar Apuli, Eligio Barzaga and others. Domingo Rodriguez, president of the BUS read the manifesto and clarified the stand of the BUS in the issues deliberated upon. The "Manifesto” reads as fol­ lows: We, the members of the Bikol Union of Students, publicly manifest our aspiration for a peaceful and real democratic so­ ciety and thereby make known our appeal and stand in the is­ sues that greatly affect the des­ tiny and posterity of our country; 1. We appeal for and support the non-partisan election of dele­ gates to the coming Constitutional Convention; 2. We appeal that we, the youth of today that comprise the majority of the present population of the Philippines, be given a greater share of responsibilities in the amending of the funda­ mental law of the land to suit the needs and sentiments of the Filipino people, unstained with Governor Estevez Plans to Construct Cultural Center in Legazpi City LEGAZPI CITY - The plan of Governor Jose S. Estevez of Albay to establish a center for the advancement of cultural awareness side by side with his socio-economic program of the province is now fast shaping up. A sizable amount to be drawn from the proceeds of the Karangahan ’69 Fair and National Funds will be earmarked in the construction of a Provincial Cultural Center here soon. The two-storey edifice will house the latest findings in our historical and cultural aspect in the Bicol area. The Governor disclosed that the cultural development program has for its aims the following: 1) To save what may yet be retrieved of the region’s past from oral traditions and from the few remaining records that are de­ teriorating or getting lost due to neglect and indifference. 2) To arouse pride in things Bikol ... of being a Bikol. 3) To seek the personal in­ volvement of every citizen of the province towards a re-awakening and a re-discovery of the prov­ ince's and region's rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and vast any external and/or internal pres* sures, by lowering the age re­ quirement of delegates to tie coming Constitutional Convention from 25 years of age to 21 and the voting age from 21 to 18 years of age; 3. We solemnly believe in the interest of all to be united against any intervention or meddling of entities and persons with vested interests in the election of the delegates and the subsequent de­ liberations of the same to the coming Constitutional Convention. 4. We wish to express our sympathy to the students who have shown courage and perse­ verance for the sake of changes and reforms that would all be a benefit to every Filipino regard­ less of political affiliation, social status and religious beliefs by denouncing the brutalities of and obstacles posed by some govern­ ment agencies against the students who clamor for reforms, that is the strict observance of the ap­ plication of the democratic way of life; and 5. We demand for the imme­ diate abrogation of the military bases agreement and other treat­ ies that place the Philippines in a disadvantageous position, e.g. Military Assistance Pact, JUSMAG, Mutual Defense Pact, Laurel-Langley Agreement and the Qoirino-Foster Agreement. The students also issued the following: “An Appeal to the Youth”: The recent upheavals brought about by the militant activism of the youth, which jolted society, have cempletely changed the course of our history. The docile youth of yesteryears, who acpotentials for greatness, econo­ mically and culturally. The first of its kind, this boost for culture is in keeping with Governor Estevez’ life-long obses­ sion of not just upgrading Albay’s material prosperity but together with it the more subtle satisfact­ ion and civilizing exposure to the people's best in social refinements and artistic accomplishments. “This will fill the void created by the swift pace today for material advancement and strike a healthy balance in the people's sense of values, especially among the youth”, the Governor stressed. Unlike previous projects of similar nature, this cultural devel­ opment program will not be a fossilized gesture intended oniy for the learned few but a living, vital force that will personally involve the people of Albay by way of cultural and historical committees that will function along provincial and town levels. Meanwhile, Prof. Merito B. Espinas, until recently the As­ sistant Dean for Research of the Graduate School of Aquinas Uni­ versity, has been tapped by Gov­ ernor Estevez to assist in the re­ search aspect of the program. - dac Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Merced A. Talisay, and Asuncion Talisay, married to August Martinez, wi­ dow and daughter of the late Vidal Talisay, respectively, exe­ cuted an Extrajudicial Settlement of the Intestate Estate of the decedent, consisting of a parcel of coconut land, located in barrio Sta. Elena, Iriga. Cam. Sur with an area of 4.4375 hectares under Tax No. 15663 assessed at P2,270, adjudicating it between themselves share and share alike. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Not. Public Rosendo Barrameda at Na a City on April 17, 1970, per Doc. No. 479; Page 32; Bk. 40; S. 1970 of his notarial register. Asuncion Talisay, et al. Pub. April 18, 25, May 2, 1970. cepted the dictates of their elders is now a thing of the past. In­ deed in our hands lie a tremen­ dous reservoir of power which could either build or destroy, make or unmake society. "Certainly, we must choose to build rather than destroy. We must tear down dead or decaying structures in society but in des­ troying we must build a new and better structure. We earnestly APPEAL to you, the YOUTH OF THE PROV­ INCE OF ALBAY: "To take utmost care in the selection of your leaders. Choose the men who will not sell your power to anyone. For the direct­ ion of student power will depend on the quality of leaders which you have. “We ask you to guard against abusing your power. Use it NOT for selfish interests, personal ag­ grandizement or ulterior motives, but use it to help achieve the common good and in the coun­ try’s march towards progress. “Do not allow demagogues to harness your power in order to create disorder and confusion. Never permit anyone to use you to further their political ambitions or promote their own selfish in­ terests. BE ALWAYS ON GUARD AGAINST PERSONS WHO MAY USE YOU TO DESTROY THE CHARACTER OF ANOTHER PERSON. “Never use your power to cause damage or destruction of property. Remember that liberty is NOT license. Liberty is never the freedom to do wrong. "Before you demonstrate for the purpose of denouncing a per­ son or an event, ascertain the facts first and strive to have a dialogue with that person and hear his side and exhaust all avenues first to effect a peace ul solution to your problems before resorting to the “parliament of the streets”. There is no room for faultfinding and character assasination in our movement. Indeed, our enthusiasm and eagerness to effect a change in our society, must always be tem­ pered with REASON, SOBRIETY, PRUDENCE, A SENSE OF FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE and CHRISTIAN CHARITY. Then and only then the YOUTH shall really serve as the driving force in the awakening and the reno­ vating of the structures of so­ ciety. “The Star Witness” By: ELIX ABEJERO Filipino Breed improvement should be included in Family Planning Family planning should not only be geared on the control of population growth. Science have al­ ready provided a means that even sterility would no longer be a problem to the husband and wife, if on* ly to attain their dreams and desires—the fulfillment of marriage. Dr. Nilo Roa, a local family planning expert, hinted that artificial insemination is very much applicable to humans as it is to animals. Like our native livestock, I would like to think that tvt* could likewise improve the Filipino breed by the same scientific means. For the human seed-stock we can choose from either the Australians - for size, Japanese - for industry; or even from the Chinese for patience and frugality. Speaking of the Australians, the 3rd Secretary of the Australian embassy in Manila, Patrick Caroll, was here on a socio-economic tour of the region. He and his charming wife made a courtesy call in the office of the Governor and had a brief informal chat with our provincial executive. The golden haired micro-minied Mrs. Caroll attracted every male ani­ mal in the Capitol including the youngest of the Governor’s aids named Andres Diez, who tactfully took advantage of the most strategic position facing the maximum of the mini-covered Australian female anatomy as she comfortably rests on one of the seats at the Governor's office. The Provincial government led by Gov. Arman­ do B. Cledera scored a real "pakikidamay" when a medical “task force” under the auspieces of Operations Pakikidamay, Inc. invaded the coastal barrios of Pa­ sacao and Libmanan along the Ragay Gulf. Some 700 medical and dental patients were treated or examin­ ed in a 3-day operation covering the barrios of Dalupaon and Tinalmod of Pasacao, and Bahao of Libma­ nan. The medical task force under the direct super­ vision of Dr. Fernando Avelino, the new provincial health officer, was composed of 3 Physicians, 2 Den­ tists, 3 Nurses, I midwife, and 1 Sanitary Inspector. The municipal rural health team of Pasacao led by Mayor Karingal and Dr. Alejandro Miciano collabo­ rated and assisted in the pakikidamay. More and more believers of physical fitness (who believe in family planning) have rediscovered that wonderful feeling of viewing the Sunrise by the shoulder of Mt. Isarog while they perform physical exercises at the CSHS athletic ground. These people who are all over 35 years of age, call themselves “Aerobics", whatever that means. With 12 commercial Banks now operating in this City, my barber has every reason to be confused as to where to bank his little savings. I of course ad­ vised him to select the bank that will invest his savings here and not the bank that will merely hoard our money in favor of some borrowers outside of this region. I understand, only the government owned or controlled banks (DBP, PNB, PVB) hereabouts are act­ ually investing in our local agro industrial develop­ ment projects. Again, family planners should not forget the fiscal management of the family. Other matters of local interest were treated by the students, such as the following: an antici­ pation of the projected FARE HIKE in the city and other districts in Albav; the implement­ ation of the Republic Act pro­ viding for the creation of the Bikol University; the PNR loath­ ing situation; the issue on the partition of Sorsogon and the alleged mauling of a student by a solon; etc. The 1970-1971 members of the Executive Board of the Bikol Union of Students follows: Do­ mingo Rodriguez, president; Jose Marabe, 1st Vice-President; Erlinda Palmieno, Secretary to the Board; Narciso Monaas, treasurer; Fernando Balane, auditor; Prov­ incial Chairmen: Emma Lisay, Albay; Ireneo Monte, Camarines Sur; Fernando Balane, Camarines Norte (Acting); Rafael A. Ban­ zuela, Jr., Sectetary-General.— Vic R. Argayoso. Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP “Masyadong pakikisama” not good for studes. The Graduate The future’s rosary, excitingly a garden world The background of a penchant green pastel A landscape where the fairest flowers bloom Redolent over plateaus, hills and valleys fair. As you walk along, don’t stare at the garden Too long to rave, leastwise you get lost with joy The life has crowned your fate with easy burden Too young to know, don’t let it float on a buoy. For life began doesn’t mean vehemently blest Nor easy will it end on yonder horizon . . . Life’s task and goal much far apart is set Sailing . . . sailing ... the sea of no return . . So let not the heart be troubled or bend Tor in every steady soul reward lies just ahead. The Author's ‘Garden of Verses’ A dedication to: Chuchi, Don and Buena for meritorious class honors. Employment Dilemma WHITHER YOU BOUND - QUO VADIS? — This year’s crop of graduates predominate the portals of the college campuses, exceedingly a gargantuan figure of a half million strong that should catch in time the attention of well-meaning citizens and leaders of this country, who are in an enviable position to exploit all plausible means and avenues appurte­ nant to stave off the so-called ‘brain drain dilemma’. It is conceded that the Philippines tho small nation is ranked a close second to the United States in point of schol­ astic turnover - to eclipse even the Soviet Union and other western countries of high standards like Great Britain, France, Ilaly or Germany. This explains why at this sta.e the ‘exodus of brain power’ is on the run either to the United States or to Canada. Despite the fact that our per capita in­ come is rated one of the lowest in Asia yet it is surprisingly great tho thirst for higher education in this country has given added impetus to produce more and more graduates al the col­ lege level. But while it is most encouraging to portray a behemoth intellectual elite passing thru our universities - it could be equally alarming that such an army of vast labor potential could not be harnessed for lack of adequate financing system. Such a prospect could indeed be viewed with serious conse­ quences inviting the specter of discontent incontrovertible to the common denominator of tumult and dissent in our grow­ ing society. Anachronism Much has been said of the technological gap prevailing in an atmosphere tensed with the prospect of a gloomy future for continued job displacements. While we take pride to pre­ sent fanciful figure of an aggregately strong labor potential, it is conceivably the number one problem perpetuating the anachromistic tendency of harboring an intellectual elite doing nothing positive. This saddening experience in a country that possesses all the earmarks of natural wealth and resources for survival should demand a thorough restructuring of on educational system basically colonial. While attempts at legislation to im­ provise an abrupt change in the educational paranoia - the means and vehicle to implement the desired change is predo­ minantly sluggish if not dilatory. The present educationol upbringing has led to breed the teeming millions of white-collared popula­ tion about to swing to the left due to discontent and it is about to detonate. The jet-age has caught us flat-footed with a national discipline harrassed with ponderable 'isms’ and ideologies slumbering on the take-off state of an agro-industrial economy. It is about time the present leadership from the priva'e sector up to the government level do something and take stock of the saddening predica­ ment creating a wide cleavage in the employment dilemma. should be afforded extra guidance and counselling by fond-loving parents. 'Masyadong Pakikisama’ defaces the personality of the teener-student who could otherwise dedicate to serious scholastic studies. Not the peeping-Tom that a parent should be but on the psychological aspect of parenthood - res­ ponsibility should be exercised to limit teener-action to envisage the utilization of productive school enToday’s teener who are prone to seek more deavors, the 'masyadong pakikisama’ could lead to freedom of leisure hours entertaining their friends early teen-age marriages. Masyadong Pakikisama 4s I See It stolen peso, of course. These are the guilty rich. The honest rich can not be guilty of any crime just because they are r'ch. They can not have that sense of guilt unless his richness is stolen. The dishonest rich cannot have the capability of accepting any sense of guilt at all because if he can, then he would not steal. But then how many among the rich have the real sense of honesty? To them, money first, the rest follow after. The preoccupation of our law­ makers to-day is to raise or not to raise the minimum wage. I hope they will not forget the plight of the plain Citizens that do not receive wage at all. They far outmumber the wage earners. They, too, have the right to be protected. They are also paying their taxes and they are the pro­ ducers of wealth, not just con­ sumer of wealth. As I see it, maybe the solution to the present high cost of living that agitated the wage earners to demand higher pay, is for us to produce . ... produce . . . and produce, not just ask and ask. After ell no amount of legisla­ tion can change or alter the effect of the LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. If we produce food­ stuffs we increase the supply and thus reduce the price. Let us start home gardening. Require every school child and even teacher to plant any thing in their back yard or in any vacant lots. When everybody starts har­ vesting who will buy? Who will pay high price? Another thing that we must consider is the money supply in circulation. That has a very di­ rect bearing to the high cost of things in the market. If one has only a limited cash in his pocket how can he pay for anything that is priced very high? The trouble is, people who can afford to pay are the ones who are com­ plaining the most. Reduce your wants, man. . . and you will find out that you can adjust with the present situation. Do not force employers to close shop because when that happens, we will have widespread umemplovment and the aftermath will be CALA­ MITY. Let us not forget that there are so many of the now operating business firms who barely breaks even. They are still in operation hoping to improve later. And if we force them to meet the in­ crease wage they will be force to close shop and there will be more problems in our hands. So Let’s bear with the present situa­ tion for the time being until things get better . . . Do not kill the hen that is laying the golden eggs. There are only few days more left before the opening of the State Lions Convention here in the City with the Mayor of our City as the man on the spot. Not only because he is spear­ heading the success of the Con­ vention but because he, as the City Mayor, gets all the blame if in the end the City cannot April 25, 1970 The BICOL STAR Rep. F. A. Fuentebella urges early Completion of Quirino Highway, Improvement of S. Manila - Road Thursday (April 16). The second district legislator said that in as much as the pro­ posal to separate the management of the PNR Southern Line from the Northern Line has not yet been realized as proposed by Masbate Rep. Emilio Espinosa, Jr., it is most logical to finish immediately the mentioned projects in an appeal to Secretary ' Manuel B. Syquio of the Dept. , | of Public Works and Communications. REP. FUENTEBELLA Rep. Felix A. Fuentebella (N2nd district, Cam. Sur) batted for the early completion of the Quirino Highway and for the im­ provement of the Manila-South (through Camarines Norte) road to give better _r facilities to Bicolanos to supple­ ment the services of the Philip­ pine National Railways during the Bicol Bloc meeting last show and give what the Conventionists expect. In this score, we can help a lot if we start harping now on the cleanliness of the City and public eating places. The Police can do so much to tell our more stained Characters to LAY LOW while our visitors are in the City. There are so many more that we can do to help. What we should do is to help in any way we can. Let us start in the market. There is a strong force today who is bent on going after the scalp of Dr. Domingo Abella, Chief of the Historical Div. of the National Library. The sup­ posed lost valuable documents from the National archives were carted away for good. If we are to evaluate the pros and cons of the matter, I’D say that the good Doctor have all the reason to be carefull about all the pa­ pers in his care, especially if they are of historical importance. Did not Doctor Abella spent money time and efforts abroad to research for historical pur­ poses and gave all what he got to the Museum to enrich our historical records? How manv of the rich Filipinos can do this? What we should do is to really pinpoint who is responsible for the neglect of records. We will be helping the Library more with that attitude. We will be avoiding also the possibility of ruining the good name of the Director. The mass media is part­ ly to be blamed for the much unsavory publicity lately but that can still be remedied by the (Continued on page 6) The financing, Fuentebella pointed out, will be taken from the discretionary fund of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications. Sec. Syquio and PNR Gen. Manager Nicanor T. Jimenez were the Bicol Bloc guests during the meeting. Fuentebella explained that the PNR Southern Line is self. __ , liquidating and its income can transportation - support the improvement and maintenance of its own route ef­ ficiently. Camarines Norte Rep. Fernando Pajarillo suggested that in case the management is given to the private sector the Bicol Development Company (BIDE­ CO) will be the logical enter­ prise to handle the PNR South­ ern Line. Fuentebella also asked for the putting up of a Philippine Vete­ rans Bank branch in Iriga City which City Mayor Jose C. Vil­ lanueva immediately offered the site. Catanduanes Gov. Vicente Alberto, who is concurrently a member of the board of directors of the PVB, assured the Cama­ rines Sur solon to help in real­ izing his (Fuentebella) pet project. The Bicol Bloc meeting was attended by Sen. Dominador R. Aytona; Reps. Felix A. Fuente­ bella, Jose Alberto, Carlos Im­ perial, Roberto Sabido, Amando Cope, Fernando Pajarillo, Emilio Espinosa, Jr., Rafael Aquino and Salvador Encinas; Catanduanes Gov. Vicente Alberto, Albay Gov. Jose Estevez, Masbate Gov. Moises Espinosa; Legazpi City Mayor Gregorio Imperial, Iriga City Mayor Jose C. Villanueva and Naga City Mayor Vicente P. Sibulo. —J.T.T., Jr. SIPOCOT, Cam. Sur—Rep. Felix Fuentebella (N-2nd district, Cam. Sur) will be the guest of honor and commencement speak­ er during the first commencement exercises of the Impig Barrio High School, here, on Sunday, April 26, This is accoraing to Florentino V. Avengoza. Impig Barrio High School PTA Pres­ ident. • At the same time Congressman Fuentebella and Mayor Jaime G. Avergoza will be awarded a “certificate of appreciation” by the PTA in recognition of their valuable contribution to the welfare of the people of this municipality and their unselfish devotion to public service. The PTA president’ said, that the second district solon and Mayor JAvengoza have contributed (Continued on page 6) The BICOL STAR April 25, 1970 Rep. Fuentebella ... much in the allocation and re­ lease of various funds for the construction of different roads and bridges and specially the pre-fabricated schoolhouses (Mar­ cos and Army types) in this town. He explained that Fuentebella, and the Sipocot Mayor, the members of the municipal coun­ cil, PTA and school officials of Sipocot worked hard hand in hand for the approval of the continuation of the operation of the Impig Barrio High School which started operating during the school year 1968-1969 des­ pite the opposition of a private high school owner in this muni­ cipality. Meanwhile, the officers of the Impig Barrio High School PTA requested Cong. Fuentebella to allocate P15,000 for the construct­ ion of additional buildings, seats and equipment and another PIO,000 for the improvement of the school grounds of the barrio high school. The other PTA officers are Prudencio Palivino, vice president; Vicenta Flo­ res, secretary and the board of directors. Explanation second reading which is very far from being a budget of fiscal restraint. In the first place, the budget that was presented to us by the President was in the total amount of P3.8 billion, which is P500 million bigger than the budget for the present fiscal year 1970. It is true that we trimmed this proposed budget of the President to P3.5 billion, which is still P200 million bigger than the budget for this fiscal year 1970. And this P3.5 billion that we are approving tonight, Mr. Speaker, is only for the programmed items. We do not know how much the unprogrammed items will total. According to the esti­ mate in the budget message, it will be about P17 billion. I will cite a specific instance, Mr. Speaker, to illustrate my point that our budget is not a budget fiscal restraint. The ap­ propriation for the Public Inform­ ation Office, which is popularly known as the "Malacanang Press Office” or the Malacanang pro­ paganda machine is ?9,429,530. In this recent fiscal year 1970, under RA 6050, the budget for the same Office is only | P5,761842. In other words, we have in­ creased the budget of the Public Information Office by more than P3.6 million. It will be recalled, Mr. Speaker, that in fiscal year 1965-1966, the last year of Macapagal administration, the budget of the Public Inform­ ation Office was only P692,000. Today, from a half-million-peso office, the Public Information Of­ fice has grown to a nine-millionpeso giant! And if we examine the plantilla of the Public Information Office we will find that there are more than 400 positions pro­ vided for in this office. There are moviedirectors, photographers, TV operators, etc. . .. more than 400 positions! We are indeed;<turpnsed, Mr. Speaker, why we have to enlarge the propa­ ganda? machine of Malacanang, considering that our President has assured our students verbally that he is not running for a third term. What will be the purpose of enlarging the propa­ ganda machine if it is true that our President is not running for a third term? PNR Southern Jimenez assured PNR patrons that a more effective and lasting solution is presently being under­ taken as plans for a complete rehabilitation and selective mo­ dernization of PNR facilities have already been approved by Pres­ ident Ferdinand E. Marcos. He, however emphasized that unless the PNR is given a more subs­ tantial financial assistance soon it will surely stop operations. It is high time, he said, that the railroad be given a bigger share in this year’s reparations allocation for after all the com­ pany was almost totally destroyed during the war and up to now has not really been rehabilitated from the destruction it suffered. As I See It judicious reporting. It would be a pity if disgruntled elements were allowed to assassinate the character of a dedicated public servant. xxx The picketing of the local G. S. I. S. building by school teachers and other government employees who are members of the system was avoided because President Marcos gave way part­ ly to the demands of the em­ ployees. (To be continued) of the ... In comparison with the approp­ riation of the Public Information Office, Mr. Speaker, let us look into the appropriations of the different hospitals which are almost heroically serving our people in spite of their inade­ quate budgets. The Philippine General Hospital, Mr. Speaker, has an appropriation of only P9,951,316, which is about the same as the budget for the Pub­ lic Information Office. Does this mean that the Public Information Office, the Malacanang propa­ ganda machine, is an important as the Philippine Gen. Hospital? The North General Hospital, now known es the Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital, which is one of the most congested hospitals in the citv, has a budget of only P4,458,525, or less than half of the budget of the Malacanang Press Office. San Lazaro Hospital, which is a landmark in Philippine history, has a budget of only P5,190,660, or again, about one-half of the budget of the Public Information Office of Malacanang. The National Orthopedic Hos­ pital, a very important hospital, which is still unfinished up fto the present because it has not been given sufficient funding, has a budget of only P4,955,380. Mr. Speaker, I regret that this budget which we are enact­ ing tonight is not a budget of fiscal restraint. It is the same budget that we have been enact­ ing year in and year out and it has been the source of the mount­ ing complaints of our people. It is a budget that is filled with useless appropriations and un­ necessary expenditures which could be better used for such worthy projects as the Philippine Genera) Hospital, San Lazaro Hospital, North Gen. Hospital, National Orthopedic Hospital & the National Mental Hospital, which has been criticized-as a "snake pit”. For these reasons, Mr. Speaker, I am constrained to vote NO! Thank you. THE ACTING SECRETA­ RY, reading: Banco Filipino goes to Bicol. ^ight in the heart of Naga City - the center of trade, com­ merce, industry and education. Your very own city-mates led by Jovito Hernandez are now waiting to give you the biggest banking benefits ever! Like interest every month on saving deposits. Advance interest on time deposits. 8 to 8 banking hours . . . even on Saturdays. "Magagayon” naCRMs who’ll do anything for you. And many, many more. So, come ... bank with Banco Filipino. Your “amiga" and "amigo” are waiting to serve you.