The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 35, Vol. 32 (No.30) September 16, 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
£♦♦000 ♦0000 * 000000 0000000 0 Southern Arms & Equipment Co. ♦ t Tel'14-96-R P.O. Box 136 0 ♦ 236 Elias Angeles Street $ 0 Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X ♦ “EUTECTIC." low-heat welding t J rods, for cast iron, stainless steel * 0 copper, aluminum, zinc, etc, J 0 «‘BUKH" and “SOUTHERN I 2 CROSS’’diesel engines, 0 Lathes, Shapers, welder: 0 ders, drills, etc. „ ♦ Service - Sales - repairs ♦ 0 Fabrications;—Steel windows, J ♦ Stills, doors, etc. 0 •00000« 000000 0000000000^0 Founded In L933 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper Year 35-Vol, 32, No. • 30 City of Maga, September 16, 1967-10 Ctvas. 8 Pages OF LIFE BEA BLOOD DONOR G// at your IOC AL RED CROSS OFFICE rvdau-f Fluvial Procession this Afternoon ' CLIMAXES P’FRANCIA FIESTA All roads lead to the City of Naga, so to speak. Peo­ ple of all walks of li fe from different provides of the Bicol reigion-from poblaciones and barrios of the towns are coming to Naga since last week when the traditional week­ long religious festival, in honor of the Patroness of the Bicolanos, the Vi r g i n of Penafrancia, which started from Fri­ day during the “traslacion” or the taking of the Images of the Vir­ gin and of the Divine Face of Christ, from the Penafrancia Shrine to the Metropolitan Cathedral where the “novena” for the Virgin runs for eight days, from Saturday to next Saturday, following Msgr. Nicanor C. Belleza V.G. of Caceres, Parish Priest of Naga Felipe River down the Penafrancia landing in front of the Shrine. This afternoon’s land-fluvial Then this afternoon, procession is considered the eighth day of the no- the climax of the fiesta, vena, the images willbe-altbo the last day of the taken back to the Pena'- novena will be tomorrow francia Shrine by land, afternoon at 4:30 o’clock (thru the streets) and Sunday, at the Penariver procession, up- francia Shrine, stream of the Naga-San (Continued on page 8) Pagsakay kan Imagen ni Virgen de Penafrancia, Divino Rostro The Virgin of Penafrancia An pinacadaculang procesion religiosa sa bilog na rona nin Bicol, sarabi gnani sa bilog na Filipinas, iyo an Pagsakay can pag-oli o paghatod can Imagenes ni Virgen de Penafrancia asin Di­ vino Rostro (Mahal na Lalawgon ni Jesus) sa simbahan sa Penafrancia hale sa Catedral. Dati nang ugale can mga tawo, bikolnon asin sagkod mga dayo hale sa ibang rona sa luas can Bikol, na iyong dinadalaw nin cadaklan na tao an pagsakay na ini sa salog can Naga-San Felipe. An procesion minagikan sa simbahan na Catedral na pigestaran kan imagenes nin 8 aldao, may distancia na sarong kilometro sagkod sa embarcadero can salog sa balyo can tulay sa Ta'buco, na yaon diyan naghahalat an “pagoda” o “dahong”, na sadyang ginibo na lunadan can pagsakay kan mga Ima­ genes. An lawig can sa­ log na sinasakayan igua n i n tolong kilometros sagkod sa dorognan sa Penafrancia landing sa balyo can tulay nin Pe­ nafrancia, sa at u b a n g can simbahan. Digdi sinasabat an mga image­ nes can mga pade asin Obispos, asin nin mahibogon na tawo na nagcucurorahao nin “VIVA LA VIRGEN; VIVA EL NI­ NO; VIVA EL DIVINO ROSTRO..,’’ Sa paibong-ibong na pang-pang can salog pano nin mga taong para dalao, Sa salog dacul man an barroto, motorboats asin lanchas na pano nin tao, nagaabay sa pagoda o nagsosonod, may mga candila na may laad. An imagen can Virgen dai dagos ilinalaog sa simbahan ta diyan gnona sa sarong altar na abot sa “kiosko” sa patio ta diyan dagos minimisasan. Pacamisahi saca na ili­ nalaog sa simbahan. Igua man giraray nin caribay. (Conf, on page 8) 2_* TUE B1C0L STAR * September 16, 1967 A knotty problem solved by wisdom For the last six months, Mr. Napoleon Valiente brought a knotty problem to the Nacionalistas of Camaligan by assuring all and sundry that he was a candidate for Mayor whether official} or not. This is the way lie made the people believe in all six months of intensive campaign. But because convention is mandatory following the Rules of the party, Mr. 'Valiente was earnestly supplicated by the local chairman to enter the municipal convention which was set for yesterday Sept. 13. 1967 even if only to prove that he was a loyal Nacionalista This supplication was offered to him for several times but his answer was always firmly on the negative One day before the convention, Standing Cledera. the NP official candidate for governor, always intellectually resourceful as he is, called Mr. Valiente to a conference for the purpose of making him see the side of the question that he (Mr. Valiente) could not clearly see. Watch now the beauty of thought that was expressed in simple terms to Mr. Valiente. “I called for you this morning to tell you that the'con­ vention of our party will be held in your town tomorrow eve­ ning. I was reliably informed that you will not. by any consideration, enter the convention. That will leave Mr, Loriaga the lone candidate for Mayor and because he has no opponent his election in the convention is already a matter of fact, lou have been assuring the people of Camaligan that you are de­ finitely a candidate for 'Mayor whether official or not. In that case, there will be two of you for the Nacionahsta to choose against only one for the Liberals. How can both of you hope to win under such adverse position! Two against one. that certain­ ly is a hopeless fight. Considering further that the odds are in favor of the Liberal candidate, one, because he is the in­ cumbent and two, because he has money, 1 honestly believe that both of you are as good as beaten from the beginning to the end, “But one decides to be a candidate because he wants to win and not to be defeated. This should be your point of view. Between you and Loriaga, you are my choice but a I I the people in Camaligan with wh >m I had personally contact­ ed for general opinion, are unanimous that Loriaga can lick the present Mayor. It is for this reason and for the sake of public interest that I am now asking you to be the team mate of Loriaga for the position of Vice-Mayor instead of Mayor. It is my opinion that both of you will be Jormidably unbeatable. “Now, before we end. my last question is: Are you agree­ able to my proposition! Convinced that there was wisdom in the sermon of Cledera, Valieate's reply was a curt “Yes". The conference was ended. The municipal convention was held as scheduled, unanimously voted Loriaga for Mayor and Valiente for Vice Mayor after which and in accordance thereto were proclaimed by Atty. Abonal, the party's official candidate for Board Member amidst cheers and ovations and the con­ gratulations of everyone that was present.” My reason of putting this event into'writing is primarily because of my personal admiration for the beauty and splendor of Cledera s imagination in solving problems that are considered knotty by the ordinary minds. Greetings from— Kalayaan Wines & Liquors Igualdad St. Naga City Advertise in— £>tar The Oldest Regional Newspaper in the Bicol Region. ' 603-D P. Zamora St., City of Naga Art Tilt at NPS The on the-«pot Pefiafranoia Art Contest sponsored by the Holy Rosary Major Semi­ nary’s Missionary Union of the Clergy and the Ateneo de Naga’s Apostleship of Prayer was held at 3:00 P.M. last Thursday, Sept. 14th, within the Naga Paroobial School Qiadrangle All budding ortiote (pro­ fessionals are disqualified) assembled witbin the qua­ drangle fifteen minutes be­ fore time for briefing. They brought their own drawing materials for either the bla k Jc white or colored oategoriea they vlih to enterAll entries are on display in the “Faith Through the Missions’* exhibit room at Santoe Hall; ADN campur. Prizes will be awarled io the morning of the 18th and all □on wiuning entries may be reolaimed. ADNAA Reunion On Rizal Day The Atsneo de N»ga Alum ni Homeooming will be held on Deoember 30 this year, it was agreed at the last ADNAA monthly meeting last Sunday. The day’s festi­ vities, starting with a Coocelebrated Mass to be offered by alumoi-piiestsin the school ehap l f >r the late Er. Fran oia D. Burns S.J., 1st ADN Reuter. w II be capped by tbe traditional alumni ball and induction of officers. In between, there will be a motorcade around tbe city streets and a floral offering at the Rizal monument, tbe morning business meeting and election of new board mem­ bers) luncheon, and basket­ ball g mes featuring loud and out of-town teams. Io ebvga of thia yasr’t alumni affair are tbe * 68 AD. NAA board beaded by Frank Timmer, president; Juen Ragragio, oioe-president; Jean Navera L'orin, secretary and Armando Pural, treasurer. Meanwhile, Fr. Alfredo G. Parpan, 8 J., ADNAA Mo­ derator, announced that tbe long awaited alumni direct­ ory now in the proccau of correction and up - dating, would include tbs ’67 gra­ duates and should be out before the end of tbe school year. DBP Has New Coco Financing Program The Development Bank of the Philippines is pleas­ ed to announce its new Coconut Financing Prog­ ram which is designed to insure the steady and or­ derly development of the industry, thereby stabili­ zing and strengthening the country's previous posi­ tion in the world market; and to promote the ef­ ficient production of copra and other exportable co­ conut products. The financing plans un­ der this program are of two (2) broad categories: the special coconut finan­ cing plan and the ordinary straight coconut loans. Under the first set-up, (Conf, on page 8) Gene E. Balfertnoso FROM THE HILLTOP American Responsibility To The Free World (Nineteenth of a series) ' One of our great mistakes was to assure (lie enemy in advance wc were not going to use such nuclear weapons.” Former President Dwight Eisenhower The Vietnamese Resistance Continued—The’ rallying point in the stalemated American involvement in South Vietnam is the belief that U.S. supremacy in the land and air war which has gone to the po­ int ot escalation is the quid pro quo that military victory is in sight Gen Wesley Westmoreland, the American allied commander in South Vietnam lias made the assurance that to meet the primacy of this requirement - there fshould be a comparative increase in U.S. manpower deployment to an aggregate of 1,000 0(>0 soldiers that could handle effectively the recurrent problems ol North Vietnamese infiltration passing the notorious Ho Chi Minh frail onto South Vietnam. The situation t? be rightly appraised would mean that in filtration is going on steadily despite the U.S. bombing runs which Defense Secretary Robert McNamara definitively answered his critics that the bombings is intended solely to reduce the mode of infiltra­ tion of North Vietnamese military manpower and equipment. Todate the American manpower status in South Vietnam is placed at 545,000 soldiers thus overshotting the half-million mark. With the request of Gen. Westmoreland for more fighting units-the U.S is expected to bolster its fighting men to 3/4 million or 750 000 soldiers by the end of 1967 and may reach the million mark by the middle of 1968. Thus far it is safe to sav that the U.S. pragmatic policy is that U.S. involvement as a result of continued Vietnamese resistance is to live in an indefinite doldrums until such time as American strategy to devise better means or deploy better weapons of war as will compel and break the backbone of North Vietnamese to the negotiating table. Vo Nguyen Giap—North Vietnamese Tactician Tn the preceding installment the writer discussed and traced the movement of the Vietnamese resistance culminating in the ignominious defeat of the French forces at Dien Bien in 1854 Nominally the Indo-Chinese war wts so costly to the French trying the main bulk ol the French armed forces to the Asiatic mainland for over a decade, The de­ feat of the French forces automatically reduced France as a second rate power. In the travestry of the stiffened and continuing North Viet­ namese resistance from 1944 to the end of the Indo-Chinese wirii 1954 and from the year 1954 when the Americans took the cudgel for the defense of freedom in Southeast Asia-one man aside from President H> Chi Minh of the North Vietnamese Republic is to be reckoned with and who consistently keeps the communist forces feve­ rishly fighting without let up .for their amor patriae The man is Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap-the agile North Vietnamese Hanoi Professor turned military man. As Secretary of Defense of the North Vietnamess communist forces lie has indoctrinated th • wily art of guerrilla warfare to the point that Nguyen Giap personality has become the symbol of the continuing Vietnam dialogue and ever continuing stiffened resistance. From the year 1954 when the Kingdom of Annam (Indo China) was partitioned as a result of the Geneva Conference , the United Stales has practically stayed in South Vietnam for 13 years in a straight row without yet knowing for sure when the un­ declared war would end. Compliments of: NAGA Hardware Gen. Luna St. , Naga City Mr. & Mrs. Sabas Adanzo, Sr. and family Welcome Penafrancia pilgrims and devotees ©EDEN ADANZO ©JUDGE FELIX ADANZO ©CELY ADANZO ©SABAS ADANZO, JR. ©MRS. LINA ADANZO YANTO Daet Cams. Norte Compliments of: SAUJD’S STORE laualdad St. Naga C|ty Compliments of: STEDMAN TAILORING Gen. Luna St._____________ Naga Chy Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Wdrks and Communications BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS Office of the District Engineer Camaligan, Camarines Sur ADVERTISEMENT SAELED PROPOSALS in single copy, on the form to be furnished by this Office, plainly marked, PROPO­ SAL FOR SUPPLYING MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ANNEX BUILDING FOR IRIGA MUNICIPAL BUILD­ ING, IRIGA, THIS PROVINCE, will be received at the OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER at Cama­ ligan, Camarines Sur, until 11:03 A M. SEPTEMBER 2$ 1967 and then publicly opened for furnishing labor and materials for the construction of the PROPOSED ANNEX BUILDING AT (RIGA MUNICIPAL BUILDING IRIGA, CAMARINES SUR. Financing Requirements: CASH....................... ...... CREDIT LINE Deadline for submitting PRE-C-1 the following: PRE-C-2 ^September 79, 1967 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. FM Orders Relief Of Erring PC Men President Marcos imposed • more rigid discipline on PC officers and men as he ordered their immediate and prosecution of those relief ta­ king part or allow any form of terrorism or immoral prac­ tices, particularly this eleotion year. The President instructed Delense Secretary Ernesto Mata to appeal to opposition leaders to help secure eviden­ ce against aning PC person­ nel. He said that opposition leaders should be encouraged to aooompany ''it they so desire government investiga­ tors probing PC personnel linked to any irregularity or aote of terrorism. The President’s order eth vers all PC troops deployed throughout the country,parti­ cularly those in Ilocos Bur. The President further re­ quired Secretary Mata to submit bis initial report on the implementation of bis order within 15 days and every 15 days thereafter until November 14, or elec­ tion day, »♦♦♦♦< — Man la BICOL ASS’N. feted Judge Ulpiano Sarmiento recently at Madrid Restaurant. From left - the Honoree, Megr. Teopisto Alberto, Archbishop of Nueva Caceres Archdiooese, Mr, DomiDgo M. Guevara, President of the Bieol Association, Mrs. Sarah P. Sarmiento, lady of the Honore®, and Mrs. Carmen 8. Guevara. Standing at left,is Mr. Juan P. Nieva, Asst. Execyuve Secretary of the Asso­ ciation. Not'in the picture are Dona. Dolores Vda. de Vera, Mrs. Nene Vera de Perez, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Montano, Atty. & Mrs; Marcos Herrae, Capt. Engraoio Losa, Atty; & Mrs. ''Felix L. Gimeno, Mr. Francisco N'colas, Atty Clemente Abella, Dr. Tomas Clemente, Mrs Chuehi Plaoes-Pineda, Mr. & Mrs. Esoarraga, Judge & Mrs. A. Valencia, Capt. & Mrs. Leon User® and others. Full particu’ars, re-bid bond, other requisites, con ditions, plans with specifications may bs obtained at this Office by any prospective bidder. Bidders bond in an amount equivalent to five per cent (5%) of the bid price shall accompany the bid. (SGD.) VICENTE DEL ROSARIO District Engineer II Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 1967. Support The— RED CROSS "BLOOD PROGRAM" Don’t delay—be a blood donor today. Blood— a gift that saves life »«>««♦« Compliments of: Naga Recreation Center Gen. Luna St. Naga City Happy Festival to all our friends in Bicolandia! See us anytime for all your banking • CHECKING ACCOUNTS • SAVING ACCOUNTS • TIME DEPOSITS • 0 COMMERCIAL LOANS • AGRICULTURAL LOANS • INDUSTRIAL LOANS • RETAILER’S LOANS OUR SERVICES SMALL LOANS • DOMESTIC COLLECTIONS & TRANSFER OF FUNDS • FOREIGN REMITTANCES & EXCHANGE • IMPORT & EXPORT FINANCING ® TRUST FUNDS needs. ROBERTO SANTOS, Manager PNB Naga Branch R1ZALINO SAND1CO, Manager Ligazpi Branch AMBROSIO P.UPANO, Officer-in-Charge Sorsogon Branch 2$ groadtvay, Neu> York City 4 U.S.AHong Kong Representative Office Bank of East Asia Building 10 Des Voeux, C„ Hong Kong JESUS MATUBIS, Manager Daet Branch JUAN BAILON, Asst. Agent Catanduanes Agency SAMUEL MONTANA, Agent FRANCISCO DIM ATI RA, Asst. Agent Masbate Agency OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Hamburg Representative Office Hamburg 1, Germany Spitalerstrasse 32 San Francisco Representative Office San Francisco, California 405 Montgomery Street Tokyo Representative Office Kokusai Building, 7th Floor 12. 3-Chome, Marunouchi Ghiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Japan 99 BRANCHES AND AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THZ PHIL CORRESPONDENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD THE PHILIPPINES * L EGAL NOTICES ★ epublio of the Philippi COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District sea OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK. Mortgagee. — versus— SPS. 8EGUNDINO PORNOLES & DOROTEA SOLIS, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 bs Amended X — — _ _ x NOTICE OF EXTRAJU­ DICIAL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTY Under Aet 3135 Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted ia the deed of real estate mortgage ex routed by the Spouses SEGUNDINO P0RN0LE8 and DOROTEA SOLIS under date of April 28. 1959, in favor of the PHILIP­ PE'E NATIONAL BANK at Nsga City, and for (be satisfaction and full pay ment of tbe sum of NINE HUNDRED TWE N T Y THREE 35/ 100 PESOS (P923.35), Philippine cur­ rency, plus ten per cent per cent per annum or a daily interest of P0.1806 on the amount of R650.00 frcm August 3, 1967 to the date of sale, plus attorney’s fees sod the sheriff’s fees, all se­ cured by said mortgage, tbe undersigned Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur, annruncrs that on Ootober 2, 1967, between the hours of 9:00 a m. and 4.00 p.m., he will sell at public auction, at tbe sheriff's office located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Pro­ vincial Capital of Camarinea Sur, in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, tbe following dessribed inert gaged property together with all ti e improvements there on, to wit: LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2465-PROV. OF CAMARINES SUR (1) Lot 4175, Cad-294 A psrctl of agricultural land, tcgetber with all tbe im­ provements thereon, situated in.tbe Barrio ef San Fran­ cisco, Municipality of Bula, Province of Camarines Sur, Philippines; x x xi Contain­ ing an area of FIFTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUN­ DRED AND SEVENTY EIGH T (15,778) SQUARE METERS, mare or Bounded on the No.tb, Northeast, East, Southeast and Southwest, by Creek and on the Nortnweet, by Creek and Lot 4172, Bula, Cad294 Declared under Tax Dec. No. C092 and assessed at P90; xxx (2) Lot 4176, Cad-294-A parcel of agricultural land, tegetber with all tbe im­ provements existing thereon, situated in tb- Barrio of ban Franciscc, Municipality cf Bula, Province of Cameiirea Su’, Philippines/ xxx Containing anareaof NINE­ TEEN THOUSAND 8E\EN 1UNDRED FORTY FIX (19,746) 8QU 4 RE ME7 ERS more or less. xxx. Found'd on tbe E., by Lot 4177, Bula Cad-294; on tbe P public of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, ■—versusSPS PONCIANO DOLO4A & NONATA LAGAHINO, Mortgagors, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 X — — — - - x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of mortgage executed by tbe Spouses PONOIAN0 DOLOSA and NONATA LAGA­ HINO, of Pugod, Ragay, Camarines Sur under date of August 5, 1959 in favor of the PHILIPPINE NA­ TIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satiafaction and full payment of tbe debt of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIX 45/ 100 (Pl.906 45) Philip­ pine currency, plus interest of tbe rate of 10% per an­ num on the amount of Pl,200 from July 22, 1967 to the date of sale or a daily interest of P0 3288 and plus iO%of the total amount due lor and as attorney’s fees and together with the sheriff's tees and other law. ful expenses incident to this foreclosure-sale, all secured by said mortgage, tbe unSE., S„ SW„ and W„ by Creek and on the NW., by Lot 4172, Bula-Cad-294. xxx Of which premises, the Mortgagors ate tie register­ ed owners in accordance with the Land Registration Law, their title thereto being evi­ denced by Original Certifi­ cate cf Title No. 2465 of tbe Land Records of the Prov­ ince of Camarines Sur, In accordance with law, this notice if auetion sale will be published in tbe BICOLSTAR, a weekly region­ al newspaper published and edited in tbe City of Naga, having a wide general circu­ lation in tbe Bieol Provinces, once a week, for three con­ secutive weeks, tbe first publioatian to take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore tbe date of auction sele. Likewise, (ar tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on tb'ee different public and conspi­ cuous public places in Bula, Camarines Sur where tbe foregoing described proper­ ties are situated, and another three copies will be posted in tbe City of Naga where the auction sale will be con­ ducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of tbe properties and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, Done in Naga City, Philippines, September 7, 1967, MAURO B FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Sept. 9, 16. 23, 1967. Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST IN8TANCE OF CAMARINES 8UR IOtb Judicial Distiict OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City (jf Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK. Mortgagee, —versus— SPS. HONORIO GOBATON & BRIGIDA PETIL, Mortgage s FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Aot 3135 as Amended designed Provincial Sheriff Ex Offioio of Camarines Sur announces that on October 2. 1967, between tbe hours of 9:00 o'olock in the morn­ ing and 4:00 o’clock in tbe afternoon be will sell at publio auction to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Phi­ lippine currency, at the She­ riff’s offioe looated on (be Seoond flour of tbe Provin­ cial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, the following described property together with all the improvements thereon, to witi ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF Tl TLE NO, 9840 Land Tax Dec. No. 3541Assessed at P470 A Darnel of land (Lot No. 339, Pls-200) with all the improvements thereon, situated at sitio Pioamacan Creek, Barrio of Paculago, now Pugud, Municility of Ragay. Cam. Sur. Bounded on ths NW, along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 338 of Pls, 200; on the NE along lines 3-4 5 by Fionmaeao Creek and Lot 372 P.e. 200; along lines 5-6 7-8 by Pinamaean Creek and Lot 371, Pls. 200; on tbe SE , along line 8-9 by Lot 358, Pls 200; along line 9-10 by proposed barrio Road; on the SW i along line 10-11 by proposed Barrio Road; and on tbs NWj, along lines 11-1 by Lot 337; Pls2C0| containing an area of 9 1400 hectares. In accordance with law, this notice of auction sale will be published in the Biccl Star, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circu­ lation in the Bieol provinces including Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the data of the auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three dif­ ferent public and conspicuous places in Ragay, Cam. Sur, where tbe foregoing described property is located and ano­ ther three copies will be post­ ed in the City of Naga where the auction sale will be con­ ducted . Prospective biddere or buy­ ers of tbe above described property are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of tbe property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own proteetion. Naga City, Philippines, September 4, 1967 * MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub; Septi 9, 16, 23, 1967 * By virtue of the power of attorney inserted tn the deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by the Spouies IIooorio Gobaton and Brigida Petili of La Purisima, Nabua, Camarines Suri under date of August 3, 1958, in favor of tbe PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction and full payment of tbe debt of ONE HUNDRED THIR­ TEEN 05/100 PESOS (Pl 13.05) Philippine currency, plus interest of 10 per oent per annum on tbe amount of P102.55, from August 3, 1967 to tbe date of sale or a daily interest of P0.0285 ead plus attorney’s fees and sheriff’s fees and expenses incident thereto, lhe undersigned Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur, announces that on Oct­ ober 2, 1967 between the hours of 9:00 a.m, and 4:00 p <n. at tbe sheriff’s offioe located on tha Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines 8ur, in Naga City, be will sell at public anction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following described pro­ perty together with all the improvements thereon, to wit. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 1774-CAM. SUR Land Tax Deo. Ne. 607; Assessed at P340 Lot 13, Psu-120677 (HV-28898-A a parcel of land together with all tbe itn. provemente the eon, situa­ ted in the Barrio of Sta. Lucia. Municipality of Bula, Provinoe of Camarines Sur., Luzon Island Fb iippines, containing an area of NINE * TEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY SIX (19.286) SQUARE METERS, more or less. Bounded on the E. by Lot 12 of plan Pau 120677; on the SW. by Baao Lake; on the W. by Lot 14 of Plan Psu-120677; and on the NW., by Lot 16, of Plan Psu-120677. Register­ ed in the name of Honorio Gobaton. xxx Of which premia s the mortgagors are (he regis­ tered owners in accordance with tbe Land R gietration Law. their title thereto being evidenced bv OCT No. 1774 of the land re­ cords of tbe Province of Cam. Sur. Io accordance with law, this notice af auction sale will be published once a week for three consecutive weeks, in the BICOL STAR,a week­ ly regional newspaper pub­ lished and edited in Naga City having a general circulation in tbe Bieol region and in Camarines Sur, once a week for three oonseeutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time three copies of this notice will be posted on three pubho and eonspicous places in the municipality of Bula Cam. 8ur, where tbe abovedescribed property is located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auetion sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers of the property advertized hereof, are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any. Naga City, Philippine * ! August 4, 1967, MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Offieio Prov Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 1867X Republic of U e Philippine * COURT OF FIH8T INSTANCE OF SORSOGON X Judicial Diet lot INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE ELISEO LA 81 TAG, DOLORES TORRES DE LABITAG, Petitioner, SPEC. PROC. NO 2213 x ----- X NOTICE OF HEARING A verified petition having been filed with this Court, wherein petitioner alleges that the decedent died on October 13. Ib66, in SursogoD, Sorsogon where be was a resident at tbe time of his death, survived by his wife and six children, leaving real properties in Castilla, Soraogon, with an assessed valu) of Po.670 00; NOTICE is hereby given that said petition ii set for bearing on October 5, 1967, at 8:00 a m. in Lie session ball of tbe Court of First Instance of Soreogto, Sorso gon, 1st Branch, advising all parties having in’erest in this case to appear no said date, hour and place and show cause if any they have why said petition should not be granted. Let copy of this notice be published onee wiek for three consecutive weeks io the Bieol Star, a newspaper of general circulation in the Bieol Star, at tbe expense of the petitioner and before tha date set for hearing. Witness tbe Hon, UBAL­ DO Y. ARCANGEL, Judge of this Court, this 2nd day of September, 1967, at Sorsogon, Sorsogon. RICARDO A DATAR Deputy Clerk of Court Pub. 8ept. 9, 16, 23, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that iu a Deed of ExtraJudicial Settlement, entered into by Felisa Jaudaleo as First Party and Tomas, Tiotimo. Gsnona, Francisco, a(nd Jose all surnamed Dolot and Emeterio Ladesma, as Second party, dated March 21 > 1967, a parcel of laud under OCT. No. 2223, owned by Marcela Labodlayi Bonifacio Jaudalao, Eleno Jaudalso and Bernards Juadalso, was divided between First Party and Second Party and adju­ dicated to tho first -1.672 sq. meters, and to the 2nd •1,673 sq. meters, tbs total is 3,345 eq m., pursuant to tbe provision of the New Rules cf Court; and notari­ zed before Mr Maximino R; Ables, under Doo. No. 923; Page No. 25; Book XII, Series of 1J67, of Sorsogon; Sorsogon, • rad. Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 67. Greetings from: (the ^icol JBtar Printers: — NITO CAV1NTA — VER ALBA — ARNOL MARAGO — JAIME MAfiAGO • LEGAL NOTICES € Upublio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCH OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, — versus— Spa. FELIX CASANO & MARIA RAMOS, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Atnnded X -- ------------ - - X Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended Whereas, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage executed by the Spouses FELIX CA8AN0 and MARIA RAMOS of Balatan. Camarines Sur under date of July 8. 1967 in favor of the PHILIPPINE NAT10NAL BANK,at Naga City, and for the satisfaction and full payment of the debt of the mortgagor in tbe total amount of NINE HUNDRED SEVEN 35/100 PESOS (P907.35) as of July 21, 1967, plus a daily interest of ten per cent (10%) per annum on the amount of P756 45 o. P0.2082 from July 22, 1967 to tbe date of sale and plus ten per cent (10%) of tbe total amount due for and as at­ torney’s fees and together with the sheriff’s fees and expenses Incident to this fore­ closure-sale, secured by said mortgage, the unders'gned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of Camarines Sur, announces that on October 2. 1967, bet ween the hours of 9 00 a:m. sod 4:00 p m , will sell at public auotion to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Phil­ ippine currency, at the she­ riff’s office located oj the Second Floor of tbe Provineial Capitol, Naga City, the following described property together with all the improve­ ments thereon, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO- 6996, PROV. OF CAMARINES SUR Land Tax Declaration No. 815, Assessed at Pl,540 “A pareel of public agricultural land, together with all tbe improvements exist­ ing thereon, Bituated at Cabanbanan, Balatan, Ca­ marines Sur, Philippines, uoitaining an area of SIX­ TY TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN (62,015) SQUARE METERS, xxx Bounded on the East, along line 1-2 by Road,- aleog line 2-3 by Public Land; along line 3 4 by Creek and property of ,’Timotea Aduvieo, along lines 4-6 by property of 8ebastian Facer and aloDg line 6-1 by Road. xxx. “of wbieh premises the Mortgagors ate the regis­ tered owners in acoordanee with tbe Registration Law, their title thereto being evidenced by Original Cer­ tificate of Title No. 6996 ef tbe Land Records of the Province of Camarines 8ur.” In accordance with law, this notice will be published once a week for three conse­ cutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) daye be­ fore the date of tbe auction Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Dietriot OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES. Mortgagee, —versus— ANDRES HABER, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE X — -- _ _ _ x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted io tbe deed executed by ANDRES HABER, widower, of Ombao Height, Bula’ Camarines Bur, in favor of the D E V E L O P MENT BANK OF 1HE PHILIP­ PINES, under date of October 23. 1963 and for tbe satisfaction of tbe debt of 5 * 799 52 pl js 6% annual interest on the amount of 1 * 799 52 from Januarv 17, 1967, plus attorney’s fees in tbe amount of 5 * 79.95 and tbe fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by said mort­ gage, the undersigned Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Bur announces that oa Octo­ ber 2, 1967. between tbs hours of 9 00 a na. and 4:00 p.m. at tbe Sheriff’s Office located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City he will sell at public auction, for cash, to tbe highest bid­ der. the following real property, together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. 3934— CAMARINES SIM Tax Deo. N>. 5115 • Aes’d Value - 1’1, 270 00 Lot 4636, Cad. 294 A parcel of land situated in tbe barrio of Oubao, Municipality of Bala. Proviaee ef Camaioes Sur. Bounded on tbe NE. b/ Lot 3647 and 4610. Cad. 294; on tbe SE., by Lot 4640, Cad. 294; and Creek; on the S W , by Lot 4635, Cad. 294; and on tbe W sale, in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in tbe in tbe City of Naga, haviag a wide general niroulation in the Bieol region and in the province of Camarines Sur. Likewise, for the sama psriod of tine, three copies of this notiie will be posted' on tbrea different public and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Balatan, Camarines Stir and another three copies to be posted in ths City of Naga where the auction sale will be conduct­ ed. Prospsetive bidders or buy­ ers of tha above-desoribad property, are enjoned to investigate for themselves ths title of the property and the enouabranoes thereon in cats there ba any, for their own protection. Naga C>ty. Philippines, September 4, 1957. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. dept. 9, 16, 23; 1967. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Sorsogon, Sorcgon DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus — ANDRES HODREAL and PURIFICACION DELF1NA, Mortgagors, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS; by virtue of the power of attorney insert­ ed in tbe deed of mortgage executed by the Spouses AN­ DRES HODREAL and PU­ RIFICACION DELF1NA, both ol legal age, Filipino; with residence and postal address at Casiguran, Sorsooon in favor of the DEVE­ LOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corp­ oration under date of April 18, 1961, and for tbe satis­ faction of the debt of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY PE8OS AND TWENTY SEVEN CENTAVOS (Pl.340 27) plus 6% annual interest on the amount of Pl.340.27 from May 17. 1967, plus alto ney's tees in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR PESOS AND TWO GEN T A V O 8 (F134 02) and tbe fees and expenses in eonneotion with this Bale eeaurai by said mortgage, tbe undersigned Deputy Provincial She riff ANNOUN E$ that on Oct­ ober 12, 1967, at 9:00 o'clock in the morning, he will sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest bidder ths follow­ ing real property, together with all the improv aments thereon: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. P-2192 SORSOGON A parcel of land (Lot No. 3459, Cid 223). situ .ted in the barrio of Buiay, r bv Lot 4634, Cid. 294.«'x containing an - a of -SE­ VENTY SEVEN THOU­ SAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN 77,516 square miters, mere or less NOTE: This 'ot h cover’d by FPA No. V-39192 Tn aocnrdanc? with hv, this mtice of public auction sale w’ll ba nnblisbed in the BICOL STAR, a weeklv regional newspaper pub’ishsd and edited in the Cttv of Naga. having a wide genera! oiro'ila’ion in the Beal pro­ vinces inc'uliig the province of Cmriiii Su<-, once a weak fo three consecutive weeks the first publication to taka p ace at least twenty (20) divsbe’ora ths date of the au iJn eale Likewise, for the same period of ti>ne th'ee copies of this notioe will be posted on Hires diffe­ rent public and consoinuoiis places in the Municipality of Bula. Province of Cam nines Sur. where the foregoing des­ cribed property is located * And another t‘_ :: will be posted in the City of Naga whsre the auotion sale will be conducted. Prospective buyers or bid­ ders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of tbe said property and tbe encumbrances thereon, three oopies if any there be. Naga City. Philippines August 4, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Sapt; 9, 15. 23, 1957. September 16, 196 * The BICOL STAR ★ 5 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST IN8TANCE OF CAMARINES SUR IOib Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— MACARIA BEGONIA Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Aot 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by the mortgagor MRS. MACARIA BEGONIA (widow) of Caramoan, Cama­ rines Sur. under date of August 10, 1959. in fevor of the PHILIPPINE NA­ TIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction and full payment of the debt in tbe amount of SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE 10/100 (P78I.1O), Philip­ pine curency as of June 29, 1967, plus interest at the rate of 10 % per annum on municipality of Jtiban. pro­ vince of Sorsogon xxx Bounded on tbe NW jalong line 1-2, bv Lot 3471 ; Cad 223; on on th? N: a'ong lines 2-3-4, bv Lot 3474, Cad. 223) along lines 4 56. bv Lot 3472, Cad 223, along line 6-7, by Lot 353', Cadi 223, along line 7 8. by Lot 2468, Cad. 223;on the S . a'ong line 8-9, by lot 3475, Cad. 223; and on the SW , and W., along line * 9 10 11-12-1 by Lot 3470, Cad. 223 xxx (v) containing an area of FIF­ TY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND THIRA TY ONE (50,331) Square Meters. NOTE: This lot is covered by FPA 11-1982. WHEREAS, this notioe of extrajudieial sale ot mort­ gag’d properties will be pub­ lished ie the BICOL STAR, a weekly newspaper of gen­ eral circulation in the pro­ vince of Sorsogon, and in the whole provinces in lhe Bieol Region! and edited in tbe City oT Naga, Philippines once a week for three con­ secutive weeks, the first pubHcat'on to take place at least twenty (20) days before the dat9 of auction sale and for the same period of time three copies of this notice will be posted on three conspicuous public places in the muni­ cipality of Juban, Sorsogon, where the property is looated. aod likewise, copy of the same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Pro­ vincial Sheriff’s Office, below the Courthouse in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, where the auction sale shall be eonducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of tbe said property and the encumbrances thereod, if any there be. Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Philip­ pines, August 29, 1967i ARTURO R. ARGUELLE8 Ex-Oficio Provincial Sneiif By: APOLONIO L. ESCOBAL Deputy Prov’l. Sheriff Pub. Sept, 9, 16. 23, 1967; (Continued on page 6) the amount of 1 * 200 from 30, 19 * 7 to tbe date of sa * i or a dai y interest < f P0,1370. and plus attorney s fees nd the sheriff’s teei and > th r lawful expensi s incident to this exeeutioi , tbe undersigned Provinci.l Sheriff ex officio of Cama­ rines Sur, anounces that on October 2, 1967, between tbe hours of 9;00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the sheriff’s office, located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capital of Camarines Sur, in Naga Ci­ ty, be will sell at public auc­ tion to tbe highest b dder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following des­ cribed properties together with all tbe improvements tbereon, to wit: LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 6779, PROV. OF C * M- SUR 1. Lot 640 Ac 1001 Land Tax Dec No. 11223 Asses­ sed at P8I0. A parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situated in the barrio of Tabiguian. Municipality o' Caramoan, Province of Pa marines Surf containing “re" of TWENTY ONE thousand a three HUNDRED and THIR­ TY NINE (21,339) SQUARE METERS Bounded oa the W. along hoc I 4 b.V ^o. 639, Ao 1001; along line 2 3 by Lot 641. Ac.100l; along lines 3-7 by Let 544 Ac-1001; and along Iiom 7.l01n?,4 10 1, by Lot 648, Ac-lOJl. xxx. 2. Lot 1547, Ac-1001- Land Tax Declaration No. 11225, Assessed at Pl 10. A parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situated in the bar­ rio of Tabiguian, Municipal! ty of Caramoan, Province of Camarines Sur, containing an area of SEVEN THOUSAND ^GNE HUNDRED AND SIX (7.106) SQUAB * METERS, Bounded oa tb i S along tin® 1-2 by Loi 1548. Ac-1001; along lines 2-5 by Lot 670, Ao-1001; along lines 5-7 by Lot 667, Ae-lOOli and along line 7 1 Dy Lot 353, Ac-1001. x xX x, 3. Lot 1564. As 1001- Land Tax Dselaration No. 11224, Assessed at P940 A paroel of land, together with all the improvements, tbereon, situated in the Bar­ rio of Tabiguian, Municipali­ ty of Caramoan, Province of Camarines Sur containing an area of TH1RTYTHREE THOUSAND AND ELE­ VEN (33.011) SQUARE METERS Bounded on the 8; along line 1-2 by Lot 654, Ac-1001; along lines 2 4 by Read; along line 4-5 by Lot 1877, Ac-1001 ( along lines 5 8 by Let 2073 Ac-1001, and along line 8 1 by Lot 655. Ao-lCiOI. x x x. In aocordanae with law; Ibis notioe of auetion salt? will be published in tbe BI­ COL STAR, a weekly re­ gional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bieol pro­ vinces, including $ Camarines Sur, once a week, for three oonseeutive weeks, the first publication ta take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the lam-i period of time, three oopies of this notioe will be pasted ★ LEGAL NOTICES ★ Republic of the Philippi COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR lOtb Judioial District IN RE; PETITION FOR THE ALLOWANCE OF TH H WILL OF GREGORIO TOLIBAS. AQUILINA TOLIBAS OCFEMlA, Petitioner, ■ PEG. PROCS. NO. 1064 X — — - — — X Notice of Hearing A petition having been filed with this Court by Aqui­ line Tolibas Qcfemia repre­ sented by Atty. Quirino ba­ bul, praying that pending the probate of tbe will, tbe petitioner be appointed tbe special administratrix and that after due hearing tbe petitioner be adjudicated tbe properties in conformity of tbe will of the late Gregorio Tolibas, who as al'eged in tbe petition died on Oct­ ober 3, 196 * in Minalabac, Camarines Sur, hia residence at the time of bis death, leaving properties with a pro­ bable value of about P2 000.00. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said peti­ tion will be heard on Jan­ uary 4. 1968 at 8:30 o’olock in the morning in lhe cession hall of Branch III of thia Court at Naga City, on wbiob date, time and place all per­ sons having opposition there­ to may appear to show cause, if sny they have, why said petition should not be grant­ ed. Let this notice be pub­ lished at petitioner’s expense onoe a week for three con­ secutive weeks iu the “Bieol Star’’, a weekly oewsprper edited in tbe City of Naga and of general circulation in this province for lhe inform­ ation of all concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 30, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDQ Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 9i 16. 23, ’67. NOTICE An extra-judicial settlement cf tbe Estate of the late PE­ TRA NARVAEZ covering a pareel of land situated at Mabatobato (Cagma n a b a) Fili, Camarines Sur contain­ ing 112,781 sq. meterj and more particularly described under TCT No. 2294 bs Lot 6 D of the subdivision plan Psd-223G7, being a portion of lot 6 described on plan Fed 30225. G.L.HO Reoord No. 22493 and declared under Tax No. 1163, assessed at P8630.00 baa been entered into by JESUS MAG1STRADO and ESPERANZA MARTINEZ as her sole and legitimate heirs per instru­ ment bearing Doc 200, Page No. 96; Book No. 1| Series of 1967 of the notarial regieter of Notary Public Melencio Cortero dated September 4) 1667 at Iriga, Camarines Sur. ESPERANZA MARTINEZ Pub; Sept. 9, 16, 23, * 67. NOTICE An extra-judicial settle­ ment of the Estate of the late ANTONIO DE DIOS covering a parcel of land situated in sitio Cuyapi. barrio Sinibaan, municipality of Libmanan, province ol Camarines Sur, containing an area of 4.5173 heoteres has beSD entered Into by NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 ol the Rules ef Court, notice is hereby given that ALFREDO CABALLERO who alleged to be tbe only and sole legal heir ol tbe late To­ mas Caballero executed an Affidavit of Adjudication of the intestate estate left by the deoedent, adjudicating unto himself tbe parcels of land covered by Tax Dec­ laration Nos. 3»3, 2034,390, 766, 394 and 391, all situa­ ted at Dsnriea, Garchitorens, Camarines Sur. The instru­ ment was duly subscribed before Notary Public Eustaquio 8. Beltran as Doo, No. 108; Page No. 55; Book IVj Series of 1967 of bis Notarial Register. Pub. Sept. 2, 9, 16, 1967. B.8; LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of ®ourt, as Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Right has been executed by tbe Heirs of Domingo Fortuno, Sr., namely Felisa Obien, the surviving widow and the children Remedios, Anita. Conchita. Domingo, Jaime Bnd Jose( all surnamed For­ tuno affecting a pareel of land in Agos. Bito, Camariaea Sur with an area of 68,479 Square Meters covered by Tax Declaration No. 4289 and valued at P4,550.00. The children have wadvei their rights in favor ol their mother Felisa Obien; The instrument was exe­ cuted August 29, 1967 before Notary Publio Hilatio Espcno of Canaman, Camarines Sur and recorded as Doth No. 110: Page No 19; Book No. XX. Series of 1967. Pub September 2, 9 and 16, 196’. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE i9 hereby given that pursuant to See. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules ot Court, Extrajudioial Settle­ ment of Estate With Sale, baa been executid Ly the Hrs. of the late Juliana Peloan and tbe surviving hus­ band Filemon G o y e n a, namely Soocorru, Salvador Celestino; Alfredo, Romeo, Cesar and Napoleon, all surnamed Goyena, over a parcel of land which is a portion of O-C T. No, 505 aod which is situated in Parubcan, Camarines Sur) con­ taining an area of 25,000 square meters. The sale is in favor of tbe Raman Catholle Archbishop of Caoeeee represented by Monsi Teopisto V. Alberto. The iostrument was exe­ cuted before Notary Publie, Hilario Espano of Canaman Cam. Sur and reoorded as as Doo. No. 196| Page No. 36; Book No. XX| Series of 1967. Pub. Sept. 16, 231 & 30, 1967 Maria de Dios and Jesus de Dios as his sole aod exclusive heirs per instrument bearing Doo. No; 1311 Page No. 981 Book No 9; Series of 1966 of the Notarial register of Notary Public Jose Borromeo * Subject property declared under Tax No. 1590, ass’d at P230; Date of instrument Oot. 24, 1966. JESUS DE DIOS Pub. Sept. 2, 9, 16, 1967. Chinese National Ordered Deported The immediate arieat sad deportation of a Chinese national was recently ordered by President Marces for misrepresentation. Jhe Chief Executive order­ ed tbe deportation of Wil­ liam Lee, whose known ad­ dress is 555 San Andres, Malate, Manila. Lee, who was inden I if ied as the son of Severino 8y Li and Yang Yau Ho, both CbiofSe, misrepresented him­ self as an American citizen. By such deceit, he wae able to convince a Filipina to accept bia proposal of marriage, with the wedding subsequently set for Sept­ ember. 1963. But then Lee’s duplicity was discovered, and tbe marriage wee cancelled. Tbe parents ef tbe would be bride brought suit, seeking Lee’s expulsion from tbe country. After duly bearing the ease, the Deportation Board found that Lee ’’made false statements as to bis identity, citizenship, date of birth and residence,” He also supplied false information on tbe application for a marriage license that be filled. Lee admitted having misrepresented himse f ‘ for the purpose of winning complainant’s love aod affection;” 'Ibe Board recommended Lee’s expulsion and * thereaf­ ter to exclude him from tbe Philippines. ” UN Convention On Narcotic Drug Confirmed Tbs United Nation General Assembly Convention pro­ viding (or cootinous interna­ tional cooperation and contrcl of narcotic drugs was confirmed recently by Presi­ dent Marcrs. Narcotic drugs, under this Conventi >n. will be limit d only to medical and scienti­ fic applications. It replaces existing treaties on sueb dregs, The President, in confir­ ming tbe UN Convention on narcotio drugS| underscored tbe ooncern of hie administra­ tion over tbe growiog narcotios menace in tbe country, especially among students and other youths. Recently, he issued a proclamation imposing rigid Curbs on a number of drugs which he delined as habit­ forming The list of 52 drugs covered by the proclamation was transmitted to tbe Philip­ pines by tbe World Health Organization. The strict control imposed by the President is alio in accordance with tbe provi­ sions of tbe Narcotic Drugs I aw. Its purpose is to pre­ vent or minimize use of addiotioo-forming or addic­ tion sustaining drugs and thus put more teeth in the drive against drug addiction. In a parallel move ta strengthen tbe law, a move whiob baa a direct bearing oo tbe administration’s pease and order drive, tbe Presi­ dent also recently directed tbe NBI to beef up its narcotics bureau; Tbe President also instruct­ ed Coli Jolly Bugarin, NBI ehief, to adopt a more effect­ ive program in the drive Bgainst illegal traffic in narcotics. Narootios addition, among others, is a determinant fac­ tors in the increase of crime in the country, tbe President said in bis directive. September 16, 196? Ar THE BICOL STAR Jr 6 Returning Philcag Troops To be Action Work Utilized In Civic Returoiog Philippine Civic Action troops from South Vietnam will be utilized for oivie action, purposes, on orders cf General Segundo Velasco, AFP chief of staff. Operations in Central Luzon will receive an added boost with tbe utilization of these officers and enlisted men, as well as the 1st Philippine Civic Action Group who will be comple­ ting one year tour ol duty in Vietnam. Most of tbe nen-cembatants troops are dootors, nurses, end tivic action technicians, end the expe­ rience gained by these Philip­ pine Contiogsnts and Philip­ Report Of The Present Status Of The P.N.R, Its Defects, Reason for Such Its Role In Our Economy And Program 01 Improvement Now Being Undertaken. As Per Interview Conducted By The Writer At The P.N.R. Control Office, Tutuban, Manila By B. M. Dumagain The Philippine National Railway is very far from what it should be, but it is much better than it used to bt, thanks to the improve­ ment instituted by the new management. That is if eraphatiu statement made by the General Manager. Co * . Nick Jimenez when inter­ viewed at tbe P NR Con­ trol Office at Tutuban Sta­ tion, Manila recently. Tbe Coutrol Office is a new ad­ dition to the existing offices of the P.N.R aimed at maximizing tbe utilization ot Otherwise idle bex cars end other equipment tbrougout the entire railway lines. Under tbe present setup, Up and down Santos Hall W.leome to tbe ’67 PefiafrsDCia Arcbbiebop Pedro P; Santos Memorial Exhibits, Santos Ha'|, Ateneo campus. Co sponsored by the Holy Rosary Major aod Minor Seminaries end the Ateneo de Naga, tbe varied exhibits w’ll go oo from Sept. 15 to noontime of Sept. 18th, from 8:00 to 11-30 A.M. and 2:00 to 8:00 P.M, 1st doors rooms 314-315tbe mission exhibits of tbe Holy Rosary Major Semina­ ry’s Missionary Union of the Clergy; 316-cetecbetica aod liturgy displays by tbe Holy Rosary Minor Seminary; 317 vocation exhibits on religious life and female religious congregations by tbs St. Tberese College Sodality of A DN; 318-vocation exhibits on the priestheod and reli­ gious life by the St. Francis Xavier College Sodality of ADN. 2nd floor: room 332-Bikol Press exhibits; 323-324-Mini­ Bookfair; 328-Catholio Press Exhibits, all three by the The President has assured the NBI of adequate funding in support of the anti narco­ tics campaign. While the NBI narcotics staff is highly capable, it is not being given enough sup­ port to be effective, accord­ ing to studies made by visiting experts. pine Civic Action Group who served in Vietnam ean be put to effective user Pbilcag personnel rendered n_ediral, dental. surgical, engineering and other eivio action services, risking their lives in their missions to help ibe Vietnamese peasants. In 26 weeks, some 600 beotares of jungle have bsen cleared and a nelwo k of roads and security outposts censtrucied. Io the medical-dental field of activities a!o"e, the Fili­ pino oivic aetim wokers have treated for free over 2 40, 622 Vietnam --<■ patients as uf July 24 this year. the Manager went further, the P.N.R. can not rexlly give the service and e” -ency that tbe pub c expects duo to so mans factors. Among them be said, is tbe lack of government zueport and tbe public’s lack of cooperation in the care of equipment especial y in the passenger coaches. While other meaos of t<aneportaiion like tbe Airlines for io-tance, the government maiatgina airports, the shipping hues got the wharf an 1 p ers the Bus Companies, tbe governmfot maintains roa is and bridgesl Whereas the Nat Oh­ s' Railwav Line ms itai s its (Continued on page 7, Philippine Nat'l. Bank vs. Macaria Begonia . . on three different public and censpicuos places in the municipality of Caramoan, Catm Sur where ths above­ described real properties arc located; aoother three copiss of same will also be posted in the City of Naga where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers at tbe abovs-deseubed properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and the encumbrances tbereon, in ease there be any. Naga City, Philippines, September 5, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. lept. 9, 16, 23. 1967. Apostleship of Prayer, ADN 3rd floor: room 332-Bikol Culture exhibits by tha H8 Bikol Culture classes of Ir. James O’Brien. 8.J.; 333Commuaity Development ex­ hibits by Mr; Modesto Abainza and the ISO; 334-conferense room available for groups; 338-Seripture^exbibits by the ADN College Theo­ logy Dept. Read and Advertise in- - - (Elie JStar Report Of The . . . own mil line, bridges, seeutily system, stations and so many other essentials in the operation of tbe railroad, Asked why the P.N.R, is almost always in the red, Col. Jimenee said that the above • mentioned reasons plus many others and the over two million pesos monthIf payroll for the over 7,000 employees almost account to what the P.N.R, is today. Ae to the ory of inefficiency •f the rail line, the Manager asked for more understanding from tbe public on behalf of the over 7 000 employees and their families. God wil­ ling, with tbe present trend of improvement now being instituted, effeoiency will come, despite the shortage of motor cars freight cars of all kinds and coaches for passengers which are much lees than before tbe war, the P.N.R. is doing all it can, short of miracle. Taking iota considerstion the increase of volume of traffic and using less equipment and tbs same rails that it had been using for the last sixty five yeatsi the P.N.R. should be given kudos and encouragement. Freight cars before the war were 1.844 today we only have 1,097. Passenger cars in servioe areoDly 53 and 27 are alternately under repair. Again on tbe publio unders­ tanding end eooperation, tbe General Manager asked tbe traveling publio to be more conscious too of their duty to safeguard the interest of the properties of tne P N R. especially its equipment end tbe passenger eoacbes which are always subjected to vanda­ lism and oanivalism. Every now aod then oewly instal­ led equipment and furni­ shings disappear. The manager said further that it io very easy tor the rail line to make money it profit is the main eonsideration in tbe operation, but tbe public must know that tbe P.N, R. has a duty to perform and that is the National Economy, The rail line has <o serve the people that helps develop the economy of the Country by providing rreans of transportation to tbe people from small and out of places stations and towns. Without tha railway line tbe economic develop­ ment of out of way places would be rustic and stagnant. Asked further to elaborate oo this point tbe Manager said that to stop a train alone in a small station means buodreeds of pesos less in terms ol wear and tear of spare parts! Yet small stations have to be maintained and serviced aod employees have to be taken in regardless of the insigni­ ficant financial return that the Company realizes from these points. Tbe Company has to loss if it expects to help develop our oatlonal eoonomy and help also tbe pub ie and its over 7,000 employees, said Col. Jimenez. Comparing oar own rail­ way to that ol the British railway, the Manager said that the British has to lose 134 million pounds a year in order to support its own railway. Comparing that loss to our railway, ours 'a just a drop in the bucket, yet we are operating on almost LDtequatrd aid obsolete equipment and rails, which other foreign railway lines should have long ago diaearde<Jrba P.N R. i« one of tbe worst in the world because of tbe lack of gavernm«nt finane »l support yet acciden'.wisa we are one of tbe Graduation-Piano Recital The conservatory of Music of Colegio de Sta, Isabel, in Naga City will present Miss Melecia Q. Sto. Tomas iu a graduation piano recital, Associate in Musie, tomor­ row, 8unday, September 24, from 5:45 p.m. at C8I audi­ torium Mies Sto. Tomas, is a 2nd year AB-BSE i n tbe same institution. She is a Dative of Naga City, be­ ing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Antero St®. Tomas. Mr. Sto. Tomas is the divi­ sion supervisor of publio schools in this division. Miss Sto; Tomas will piay the compositions by Daoh; Beethoven, Tohaikowsky, Weber, Grainger, Mendoza and Chopin. The orohestral aeoompanimeol of the Weber Concertstuok will ba render, ed on a second piano by Mies Flor Matalote. An intermission number will be given by faoulty members, Pedro C, Pineda, violinist, and Miss Flor Matalote, pianist. Questions and Answers on the New Voter Registration By ATTY. SEVERO DACANAY. JR. Quel ; Since Sept. 15 has passed, can voters still regis­ ter under the new list? Neetor Magdaeng, Loooin, Albay; Ana.; Yes. With the sign­ ing by President Marcos of tbe Rodrigo • Diokoo Poll Registration Bill, tbe registra­ tion of voters under the new list is now extended until October 15, 1967. Tbe author has not yet gotten bold ol a copy of the full text of tbe law. Once be does, be will aause tbe publication in this paper of tbe pe<tinent pro­ visions of the law. The author urges and appeals to all qualified voters to now’RUSH UP to register AT THEIR FIRST OPPORTUNITY AND WITHOUT DELAY in their respective city and muni­ cipal eleotion registrars’ offices ou any day, Monday through Sunday. All Comeleo offices are now open during office hours daily, Monday to Sun­ day, Those whose applications are still looking, especially those without successfully developed photographs, to complete and have their appli­ cations va'idated or approved by their Eleotion Registra­ tion Boards; those who have aheady received their IDs or who bad registered but are not very sure If they could vole, to check in tbe list of validated and ap­ proved applications in their election registrars’ offioes if they art included among those voters sure to vote; those who have ooaiplaints with respect to mistakes or discrepancies in their appli­ cation forme, IDs, precinct PFM confers Sikatuna award to Rockefeller John D, Rockefeller, for bis “eiocere and abiding inte­ rest io advancing the welfare of Asians, particularly tbe Filipino people” was confer­ red by President Marcos the Order of Sikatuna, with rank of Datu. The Presidential award was given to Rockefeller during a formal dinner hosted by tbe First Couple in honor of the recipients of the RM Memorial awards for 1967 in Malaoaftang pilace. Rockefeller is io Manila in represent tion of the Rock­ efeller, spoosor of tbe award. Tbe rank of Datu confer­ red on Rock-feller, ie the seoond highest in tbe Sika­ tuna series. The highest, with tbe raok of rajah, is con­ ferred only on obiefs of state. During the award oeremonies, Rockefeller was also cited for: 1. His invaluable contri­ bution to Philippine eduaatioo through regional and material support in the form of scholarships and grants in many fields of study provided by tbe Rockefeller Found­ ation and other organizations with which be is connected. 2. His assistance in tbe development ol a high yield­ more to tbe improvement uf the maintenance of regular trips and that requires tbe improvement concentrated en tbe shop to ensure the all time lerviceabiiity of trains that run avery day, the working conditions of tbe employees, tbe schedule of rune and then tbe imprrvement of stations with priori­ ty of big stations were traflie,volume is usually heavy. number, address, etc., to complaio and have them corrected immediately while tbe precinct books of voters are not yet sealed; and all those who are already certain to vote, to use and exert all their influence to have nil tbe other people qualified but are not yot registered under the new list, to regis­ ter NOW, AT ONCE, IM­ MEDIATELY A N D AT TI1EIR FIRST OPPORTUNI1Y—to assure almost all, qualified voters of their pre­ cious light of suffrage oome Novamber 14, 1967. Ques,: Is it true that if you do not register dow under tbe new list, you might not be able to vote in the 1»G9 eleotion? Elpidio Ruiz, Caramoan. Camarines Sur. , Ans,: The law provides; ‘‘Any person who fails to regi ter within sixty days alter having acquired the qualifications of a voter or is registered aftsr said period shall not be qualified to vote in the eleotion immediately following bis registration. For purposes of the nineteen hundred sixty-seven elections, however, any person who is a qualified voter may regis­ ter any time before the sixtyday peiiod preceding the date of eaid election.” (2nd sen­ tence of paragraph 2, 8eetion 8, R A. 3588. as amended). With the approval of the Rodiige Diokno Poll Regis­ tration Bill, tbe sixty-day period preceding the date of said election is deemed amend­ ed as before tha thirty-day period. ing variety of rice in tbe Philippines through financial support to the International Rice Research Institute. 3 His sustained support to tbe Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation and tbe Ma;saysay Memorial Center, thus further enriching the memory of the late President and further ennobling tbe nation­ al heritage. 4. Other service in tbe promotion of arts, humanities, social sciences and natural scienee, all of which bare increased Philippine prestige ia Asia and the world. smM ♦♦♦♦«-« »♦♦♦♦« Support The— RED CROSS "BLOOD PROGRAM” Don’t delay—be a blood donor today. Blood— a gift that saves life »♦♦♦«« Ki ESPINOSA kita gabus, tunay na tugang niato. Si MILING brillante sa tataramon asin sa guibo. Lalaki na may palabras de HONOR. Tabane kan "ESPINOSA for SENATOR MOVEMENT" I Sept. 16, 19S7 * * TI ib BICOL STAR * 7 smallest, according to records and statistics gathered by tbe manager recently, in his studies on railways abroad. As to the Cagayan and tbe Sorsogon lines. Manager J menez said that although the project is a losing proposition it has to go thru because it is tha duty of the goveroment to h9lp tbe people in the two regions develop their economy as well as their well-being Even after fifty years of operation tbe Manager said, the capi­ tal to be invested in tbe projects can not be taken baok. Tbe Cagayan project will soon get on tbs way again because its fioanoing is coming. But tbe Sorsogon line has to wait pending the final study by the Japanese financiers It will take about six moots to survey and it is estimated that it will also take five years to complete tbe project which w.ll cost 160 million pesos. Already 60% of tbe rigbe of way have beeu purebsed according to tbe Maa8ger. As to the clamor of some lectors to sell the railway company to private enter­ prises tbe Manager said that nd private sector will ever consider buying the Com­ pany if it has to consider g ving back to the stockhold­ ers their money that they invested at tbe same time giving tbe same service to tbe publio that tbe P.NR. now is giving So, tbe Maoager seid that it is almost criminal to sell if we expect to have tbe same, tbe return of invest­ ment end the service that tbe P.N.R is now giving to tbe public* Maybe it is bet­ ter for a private sector to put up another line of their • wn if they desire to help develop our economy. For the preeeot tbe bulk of freight carried by the railway line to peiuts of distination comes in tbe following order as per volume: Flour, Lum­ ber, Cement, Sugar, Agricul­ tural Products and Manufac­ tured goods. Passengers who bought tickets at station center exceed the 11 million mark as of 1966 records of operation. While the P N.R. realized revenue from these commoditiesthe helpitmakee in the movement of those goods amouot to generating eeeoomie opportunities and generate job opportunities as well. Giving us his program of improvement as per plans dow going oo, Col, Jimeoaz eaid that emphasis in giving FM Informed On Filipinized Dole Philippines The Filipinization of Dole Philippines, a subsidiary of the world’s largest pineap­ ple oanniog oompany, was effected with tbe taking over of most of tbe adminis­ trative. and, financial (unction of the oompany by Filipinos, President Marcos was infor-, med recently. The President was appris­ ed of this revolutionary ma­ nagement move by Howard Hubbard, president of Dole Philippines, who said that eventually there will be total Filipino management of tbe compaoy ‘‘starting from the top.” Hubbard oalled recently on the President to submit a progress report on Dole’s operations in Mindanao. Hubbard also informed tbe President that in ccnso nance with the offer made by Castle and Cooked, Inc,; mother company of Dole, investments in the oorporation has already exceeded £35 million Zend an additio­ nal $7 million is projected within the next two years under tbe Filipino m stge ment. Dole Philippines bae set up a pineapple oannery in Polomolok, Cotabato about 30 kilometers Iron tbe southern seaport of General Sanios. Under lhe new ex­ pansion scheme cf tbe coun­ try, it will develop Filipino -owned lands into pineapple­ plantations rather than lease large tracts from tbe gov­ ernment ee in the past] The president of the com­ pany ie slated to be turned over to Geronimo Z. Velas­ co, vice president, to re­ place Hubbard whois return­ ing to tbe United States soon. According to Hubbard’s report which eovers a I veyear projection, sineappie will be the largest export of the Philippines after two years. It is now ranked No. 10 among the nation's ex­ ports. Dole Philippines is expeoted to pro'duae 200.000 metric tons of pine­ apple annually after two years. At this production rate, the Philippines could expeot to earn some §57 mil­ lion in (foreign exchange from 1967 to 1972. Taxes to be realized, most­ ly from the 30 per cent withholding tax applicable to tbe foreign exchange bor­ rowings of tbe projeet. ia expected to amount to ?26 million. ESPINOSA 8 > THE BICOL STAR * September 16, I9») ★ "The Star Witness” • By ELIX ABEJERO > Politician, the Queerest of all Animal In the City of Naga, in spite of the fact that some Liberals wanted to loss in this coming elections, the Nacionalistas in general doesn’t want to win. Aod the queerest yet, among the families deeply involved in the city politics is one who expects to reap faith and confidence out of the seeds of intrigue and jealousy that it now sows. ★ ★ ©f courie there is no truth to the rumor that the can­ didacy of a former Liberal in the city of Naga is being financed out of the NP campaign fund, for obvious reasons. ★ ★ As an organization, the "Citizen for Good Government Committee" would sound mere convinc ng if it were beaded by an executive who doesn’t run a compla nt ridden telepone company. Certain y, the good government Naguinos want - is not the "goad government" run the Natelce way. * ¥ As of this writing (Friday), only Armsndo Cladera ol the NP and Apo onio Maleniza of the LP, are known >o be on the run for for the much coveted governorship of the province of Camarines Sur. Ramon Hernandez hat his pa­ pers (certificate of candidacy) ready for filing as soon as he receives advise from Malacanang. Hep. Felix Fuenteb ila and Emilio Tib'e Jr., are likewise ready to dispute the aspiration of Cledera and Maleniza by way of filing their own candidacies for the same position. -k ★ Rep. Sebastion Caruso Moll, Jr. however, is the fellow who holds the ‘ Ace’’ in the current game of ‘ wits” and “guts". While theNPs hopes that he runs, AGM piays that he (Moll) shouldn't. For one thing, Moll possesses the right characteristic of a leader the LP is longing for in this pro­ vince. The next ' move” therefore - is Molls’s, ★ ★ A lady engineer virtually called Gov. Maleniza a liar, io the course of her explanation to the official demand for clarification bv Vice Gov. Odiamar regarding a supposed statement of Gov. Maleniza that appeared in a local paper mot the Bieol Star), to the effect that Odiamar spent his 70,000 pesos PW allotment in only one project, and that the expenditure of the same having been made "miraculously" ★ ★ For, how indeed! could Odiamar possibly mis-spent any public works fund or allotment when it is the Governor who approves the vouchers and payrolls; including the requisition for supplies and materials, needless to mention the fact of course that Odiamar was all the while confined in a Quez n City hospital during the time when the sub­ ject PW project was prosecuted by the provincial engineers under Mr. Maleniza’s administration and supervision. For a decent and high level discussion of current public issues, alway listen to— FELIX A. ABEJERO in his "HOROP HOROPA DAW' over DZGE (850 on the dial) 5:30-6:30 PM, Mon. to Friday, & 11.- 30-12:00 Noon every Sunday Pagsakay kan . . . n a ibang imagen can Virgen sa kiosko na minimisahan diyan sagkod sa sonod na aldao na domingo. Ginigibo ini huli can sadit an simbahan asin dati nang tradicion poon caidto can an simbahan diyan sadit na ermita, gogon pa an atop, caya mina togdoc can .inaapod “engramada”. P2 - M allocated for Sorsogon PWs 8OR8OGON, SorsogonSenator Sergio Osmena has allocated ?5-millian for Sorsogoa under tbe 1967-68 public works appropriation, it was disclosed today by Gov, Juan G, Frivaldo. Funds allocated were for the following projeots: San Roque-Talaonga road P130.030, Matnog-GalusiButag road-P445,000| StaMagdalena-Talaonga road; P50 000; asphalting of Sta. Magdalena - Pawa roadP90.000; Sawaga-Manlabong road- P100.000; Bacon-Osiao •Manito road - P150 000; Consol - Banuang GurangJoVellar road - P85.000 and Burabod • Malbog ■ Panpang. Pineda road • ¥ * 200,030. Tbe governor said Ibis is so far the biggest allotment given at ane time by a se­ nator to tbii provinoe. DBP Has New . loans are available to owners of privately-ownad idle agri­ cultural lands suitable fcrco­ conut but handicapped by lack of capital for the de­ velopment of euob lands; The loanable amount is Pl,500.00 per hectare se­ cured by a first mortgage on the project site and releases of loan funds shall be in partial amounts spread over a 6»year period, Repayment shall ba within a period of 15 years starling on the 8tb year for interest aocruing from the first to the tenth year while payment on the principal together with tbe interest thereof shall com­ ments on the 11th year up the 15th year. The seeend plan is for owner of private owned titled or untitled lands presently planted to ooeonut who are in need of financial assistance to main­ tain and develop their co­ conut plantation, tbe am­ ount of loan grantable shall depend on the actual Deeds of tbe project, paying ca­ pacity of the borrowers and loanable value of the colla­ teral which shall consist of a first mortgage on titled or untitled real estate and in s u r a b I e improvements tbereon and chattel mort­ gage on machinery. Loans secured by real es­ tate or bund new maobinery shall be payable in 10 years while leans secured by secondhand and or light ma­ chineries shall be payable in 5 years. Both plans ebarge 9% in­ terest per annum for loans up to Pl00 000 aod 10% «dterest per annum for loans exceeding Pl00,000. For particulars, feel free to call at the DBP officers in Naga City aDd in Daet, Camarines Norte. Fluvial Procession . . . Since laet Thursday, up to this day. all buses, trains, motor boats, bancas and other means of transporta­ tions enter Naga filledup to full capacity with Penafrancia devotees and pilgrin s Beside tbe pilgrim?; businessmen of various kinds of trades ply to Naga from different regions with their wares for sale to tbe mam­ moth crowd of people that eancentrate in the city. Tbe side-roads are now filled up with small temporary stores where goods are displayed. It is estimated that more than half million people sonverge in this city duriBg the last two days of tbe grand fiesta. Police and sanitary measures are provided for tbe occasion, for tbe 'peace andaider and health safety of the people. City and provin­ cial officials fully ecoperate sod coordinate for the suc­ cess of this segional festival; tbe biggest and unique in the whole Philippines; Spotlight By JACK CABIGAO Happy days arc here again. So a number o/ political leaders told us. Would that mean more money to line up their pockets? ★ ★ The choice of Gov. Peping S. Estevez of Albay by no tess than Pres. Marcos, to run for re-election under the NP banner, a number of friends told us, augurs unprecedented progress for Albay. It would mean unlimited public works improvement and rural development. In his speech during a huge proclamation rally at Legazpi Port the President told Gov. Estevez to prepare and submit to him projects amounting no less than ¥300,000. That .would also mean reduction, of unemployment in the province, ★ ★ Some friends asked us: Why had Gov. Estevez been changing parlies? to ...clarify matters and set the record s raight, we brought this question to the youthful and affable Albay provincial executive. He said: The windfall that lhe province will receive froni Malacanang will eventually mean progress for Albay. I believe that one has to disregard some­ times one's party loyalty if it would mean more benefits for the people.” ★ ★ Political observers are of the opinion that lhe Albay NP provincial slate is a team hard to beat. Powered by Gov. Es­ tevez. he counts with the assistance of Board Member Jess Salalima and his running mate for the governorship. Known as “Mr. Nacionalista”, Salalima is popular with the mas-, ses. ★ ★ Pres. Marcos muit be a master political strategist. Du­ ring his recent visit here, he was able to iron out NP squab­ bles to the satisfaction of everybody. For the first district} he was able to convince Board Member Poloy Bocalbos, ano­ ther NP loyalist, to forget his gubernatorial aspiration and run as a good follower for the unity of the party.” ★ ★ Another partyman, Maning Aytona, brother of our fa­ vorite Senator, Bading Aytona, buried his vice gubernatorial plan and accepted a draft as member of the provincial board this coming November elections. He represents the second district. For the third district, young Obet Reverente of Oas was equally happy with his candidacy for board membership. (^Messages My. District, the “Lone District of Masbate”, an island province and one of the components of the Bieol provin­ ces. Though we are such distance we always consider ourselves Bicolanos. May I therefore, join the people of Bicolandia during this REGIONAL AN­ NUAL FESTIVAL in honor of the Virgin of Penafrancia that always continually bless us with peace, brotherhood and understanding. I am honored in extending my warm­ est greetings and sincere felicitations to everyone. Manila, September 8 1967. (Sgd.) Rep. ANDRES CLEMENTE, JR. Lone District, Masbate It gives me immense pleasure to greet the peo­ ple of the Bieol Region on the occasion of the feast day of their Patron Saint, Our Lady of Penafran­ cia. Mauy are the blessings, both spiritual and ma­ terial, which we have received due to the intercession of our Lady. Our region is truly one of the most religious areas in our land. We have contributed ma­ ny of our sons and daughters to the various Catholic religious orders as well as to the secular clergy. Some of our sons have risen to high echelons in the hie­ rarchy, These are indeed blessings for which we should be grateful and of which we can be justly proud. The Bieol Peninsula is a rich agricultural re­ gion. We are almost self sufficient in everything. This is proven by the fact that although many areas in the country suffered starvation and want during the last war, the Bieol people were relatively prosperous during those dark days of our history. For all these manifold blessings, we should raise our thoughts and our hearts in fervent prayer of gra­ titude to our Patron Saint. On this day, it is meet that we should ponder on her life, virtues and labors so that, imitating them, ure may achieve the dream of our lives by winning eternal life. (Sgd.) HON. SALVADOR R. ENCINAS Congressman, 1st District, Sorsogon