The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 35, Vol. 32 (No.31) September 23, 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
MAGAMPs Belittle LPs Accomplishments »««♦♦«& ♦ Southern Arms & Equipment Co. ♦ *Ter 14-96-R P. O. Box 136 ♦ ♦ 236 Elias Angeles Street j X Plaza Kiosk, Nafia City J J ••EUTECTIC" low-heat welding $ Jiods, for cast iron, stainless steel ♦ ^.copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. I ♦’•BUKII” and ‘‘SOUTHERN Z to ROSS” diesel engines, Pumps, { X Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin- § ♦ ders, drills, etc. « ♦ Service - Sales - repairs ♦ 5 Fabrications;—Steel windows, ♦ grills, doors, etc, «> Founded In J.933 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper > Year 35-Vol. 32, No. - 31 City of Naga, September 23, 1967-10 Ctvos. 8 Pages MW l«THE6IFT\Z^ OfUFE BEA BLOOD DONOR G// at your LOCAL » CROSS OFFICE T<O-^ay../ Ano ta Ginadan Si Gob. ALBERTO? Ojeda, Villafuerte Belie Visual Progress in Naga City under LP ll PC zone Commander Visits Bicol Pighahanap An Nagbadil Ki Gob. Alberto Can Catanduanes Ex-Mayor Victorino L. Ojeda and former Vice­ Mayor Mariano R. Villafuerte Jr. yesterday rallied all city Nacionalistas to unite in a common effort for a political crusade that will eventually bring them back to power after the November polls. Ojeda and Villafuerte headed the political com­ bine that gave local NPs political control over the city administration after winning the ’59 elections. The two NP leaders em­ phasized the need of de­ feating the Liberal party ticket led by Mayor Vi­ cente P. Sibulo to estab­ lish an eventual tieup with President Marcos’ progress goals for local governments. An overall program for city development could only be fully realized if the NPs win in the co­ ming polls here, the two said. For the LPs to speak now of implementing a coordinated progress plan for the city after the ‘67 elections would be “a mere political catch-on” because Mr. Marcos is still inMalacanangfor the next two years, Ojeda and Viliafuerte said. Ojeda recalled that all the LP’s claims for “ori­ ginality” in completing vital projects like the city market, public streetlight­ ing, beautification and (Continue a on page 2> Farmers Cautioned On Pesticides Tha Parks and Wildlife Office has recently cau­ tioned government agen­ cies and private indivi­ duals against excessive use of raticides and other in­ sect controls to bolster their rice production efforts. It was pointed out that pesticides kill, not only rats and other insects but also cats, owls and snakes which are the predators responsible for checking the population growth of the pests. To safeguard (Continued on page 8) M. Villafuerte, Jr. Brig. General Melito Bulan, commander of the Il PC Zone, accompanied by two of his staff officers conducted a flying visit to the Cam. Sur PC Com­ mand for one and onehalf hour today, Sept. 23. He had been to Daet, Cam. Norte where he was the guest of honor in the inauguration of the newly constructed integrated PC Headquarters and Bar­ racks. Gen. Bulan was met at the Pili Airport at 8:20 a.m. today by a group of PC officers and their ladies led by Lt. Col. and Mrs. Rafael Dumlao, Cam. Sur PC Commander. Miss Emilia Efondo and (Continued on pat;- 8) Mare Proofs of Cledera’s Official Candidacy Below is a news-release from the headquarters of Atty. Armando Cledera who is an NP candidate for governor of Camarines Sur which are self-expla­ natory: HON AMBASSADOR JOSE FUENTEBELLA TIGAON, CAM. SUR MY RECORDS SHOW THAT ATTY. GLEDERA HAS BEEN PRO­ CLAIMED BY JUNTA REGARDS. PRESIDENT MARCOS ★ ★ ★ September 18, 1967 General Manuel Yan Philippine Constabulary Dear General Yan: Due to an urgent re­ quest of Mr. Armando Cledera, Nacionalista Of­ ficial Candidate for Gov­ ernor of Camarines Sur, may I ask you to assign to him a PC Security Man. He is asking that Mr. Gonzalo Aspe of CaBiyong nacobhanan an GSIS building sa calle i------ r?:i: rroceros sa Manila mient> as siya naghahalat can e evator pasacat sa icaduang escalon, sa saiyang (Dagos sa pagina 8) bilog na nacion nin Filipinas kan pagbadila si Gobernador Juan Alberto can Catanduanes can lu­ nes na aga Sept. 18, sa Fiivaldo Roasted Secretary M. Balatbat Commerce Secretary Marcelo Balatbat recent­ ly tried hard to enligthen GOV. J. FRIVALDO In Cebu City the Cebu Jaycees on what the government is doing to develop tourism but got burned in a sear­ ing open forum. Three alert Jaycees took turns roasting Balatbat on the Aguilar Namarco deal. Another Jaycee ask­ ed why most Nacionalista candidates are just point­ ed to by Malacanang. But the most telling shots were fired by Sorsogon Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo who had the cabinet­ man burning in his seat. The governor was in Cebu as guest of the PAL in­ auguration flight on the Manila - Legazpi - Cebu thrice weekly flight. Frivaldo asked Balatbat why despite the P6 mil(Continued on page 8) U.S. Admiral To Visit ’Sailor Town’ Southern Luzon U.S. NAVAL BASE, Su­ bic Bay (PAO) — Nabua, a town in Camarines Sur pro­ vince noted for its many act­ ive and retired U.S. Navy personnel, will throw wide open its doors for an Ameri­ can admiral next week. Rear Admiral Fillmore B. Gilkerson, commander ol ATTY. CLEDERA this Seventh Fleet logistics marines Sur be assigne^^^Ll^!^0^ wiH to him. I shall be deeply grateful if you will give this re­ quest your usual prompt attention. Thank you and regards. Admiral Gilkerson in the landlocked municipal­ ity of 80,000 inhabitants on Wednesday, Oct. 4.fc He will be on a Peopleto-People mission for his gov­ ernment, at the same time swapping naval memories with some of the town’s 140 Very truly yours, retired U.S. Navymen. America’s Feopie-to Peo­ ple Program, a worldwide active exponents of project instituted during the this program in thcs * Eisenhower administration, parts has been Admihas gone far and wide in the r Philippines. One of the more (SGD.) GIL J. PUYAT NP President True copy: AUGUSTO 0. CLEDERA NP Legal Counsel Of ral Gilkersn. (.Continued on page ') 2 A T11E BICOL STAR * September 23, 1967 Trust Agreement Signed ★ ^icoi ^iar * Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor fit Publisher ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: RO.Wy ASUNCION BENNY TAWAGON — SILVERIO ALCALA MARIA ACACIA ESCALANTE - Circulation & Subscription Subscription Rates: P4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga City, Philippines partial review by Andres G. Diez Undeserving Question for Answers “Mr. Diez, despite the fact that Atty. Prila was present in the NP convention held on Aug­ ust 20, 1967 why is he launching the candidacy of Congressman Fuentebella for Governor when Atty. Armando Cledera was the one elected by the con­ vention? Is this man (Atty. Prila) already a Na­ cionalista or still a Liberal or is he mad? Prieto Diaz Scores Big Registration of Voters PRIETO DIAZ; SorsogonEighty-five percent of the 3,229 voters in this munici­ pality who voted in th 1965 elections have already registo ed under the new regis­ tration law, according to Comelec sources here. Ae cf August 15, 2,606 have then registration applications already approv­ ed. Tamaraw,Philippine Eagle For National Seal The removal of the Spanish lion rampart and the Ameri­ can eagle from the Philip­ pine seal was recently endorsed by the Parks and Wild­ life Office following a propo­ sal made by the U.P. Law Center. The PWO suggested ins­ tead the use of the tamaraw and the great Philippine eagle as replacements to make the President Marcos has authorized the Trust Agree­ ment between the RP-US Joint Veterans Commision and the Philippine Veterans Bank for the $31-million veterans benefits claims. The agreement was formal­ ly signed at the Osmena Suite of D’ Ptaza, in Maka­ ti, Rizal; Former Senator Eulogio Balao chairman of the Philippine )panal. signed on behalf of the RP-US Juint Commission and Rafael Ar­ naldo, acting president of the Philippine Veterans Bank, signed for tba part of the PVB. The payment pf the $31 million veterans benefits claims was embodied in the Rxuoulive Agreement signad by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Narciso Ramos and Ambassador William Mo Cor-nick Blair, Jr in Manila on June 29, 1967 and recent­ ly turned over to the Philip­ pine government. The benefit claims will ac­ crue to the more than 600,000 Filipino veterans who were members of the United States Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) io whch thev were inducted at the outbreak of the Pacific war. The amount will be used to pay certain claims for pay and allowances of recog­ nized Phil ppine guerrillas which have previously deduSjtions from the backpay of certain RP veterans. Those entitled to payment are alieady known and wiil receive their pay meat through the Veterans Claims Settle­ ment Office, Department of National Defense, Fort Aguinaldo. Among those who witnes­ sed the signing were Senator Jose Roy, Undersecretaries of Defense Manuel gyquio and Manuel Salisntes, Assistant Executive Secretary Gilberto Duavit who represented the President, Alfredo G. Alvarez, PVB assistant vice-president and Augustus Calantuan, vice-president auditor. PWO Urges Conservation Education Officials of the Parks and Wildilfe Office recently sought the inclusion of Conservation in the high schools arid collegiate curri­ cula to stem the fast deple­ tion of our natural resources: Ceferino Datuio, new designated officer in charge of the Office said that the undue stress od exploitation instead of conservation is detrimental to Philippine sgriculture and economy. PWO officials appealed to the Committees on Education of both bouses of Congress to immediatly enact a bill r e q u i r i ng conservation education in both high school and college levels in this country. coat of arms truly Filipino. Many congressmen and sena­ tors have expressed approval and support for the nationa­ listic propo-al of the Parks and Wi'dlife Office. Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP I The Political Pipeline Ojeda, Villafuerte Buhi C.S. - In an impressive political rally on the proclamation, ot re-electionist Mayor Nazario Equizabalformer Ambasador Jose Fuentebella in his usual acateleclic mood fired his first broadsides on the misconception of his stand on the gubernatorial question between his brother the Congressman Felix Fuentebella of the Second District of Camarines Sur and gubernatorial aspirant Atty. A. Cledera. What amounts to be a spirited defense of the conduct of the Nacionalista Parly convention at Abo farm, 2 igaon a month ago - the Ambassador spelled in black and white his stiff opposition on the dictates of the Junta to put up Cong­ ressman Felix Fuentebella as a compromise gubernatorial candidate. The ambassador berated supposed detractors who would not stoop to incarnate the influence of divisionary ladies thereby weakening the stand and chances of the party. He said he would not allow even his brother, the Congressman, to tamp­ er the dignity and the sacred intents of the convention. He added, the convention was glamourized with a Dei Gratia solemnization to the extent that cursillistas participated in a number together with the invocation calling for divine assist­ ance from the Almighty as well as the spirits of the founding fathers of the party. He said the Congressman had assured him before the convention that he would not or is in any way interested in the gubernatorial post since being a congressman he could better serve his' people than to be a receptionist governor. Convinced on his stand on the majority result of the con­ vention although short of the required 6O%- the ambassador stressed no less than the President of the Philippines Ferdi­ nand Marcos had called the NP Junta to act on the proclamation of Atty. Armando Cledera. He even cited the remarks of NP President Gil Puyat who said the case of Cledera is a special one since it involved the special attention of the President himself who is the titular head of the party-calling on the junta to act favorably on the proclamation of Atty. Armando Cledera. The Ambassador added that if such a thing would happen that his brother would run- he said to preserve the spirit of the convention expressing the voice of the majority in a democracyhe would not vacillate to support the candidacy of Atty. Cledera . Of all the gubernatorial aspirants- Cledera has no relation to him whatsoever only that his forebears represented the founding fathers of the party. The Ambassador said that he would cross the province from end to end to tell the people the gospel of truth as the affirmation of his conviction tho it would cost the ire of the whole NP junta including the Presi­ dent of the Philippines- He stressed further that for twenty years he fought the lote President Manuel L. Quezon on a certain principle that Camarines Sur should stand on the validityof thewill of the people not a mere goose-stepping mem­ ber of a legion who would not know to dissect between truth, justice, righteousness as against the malfeasance of the wrong-doer. xxxxxxxxx On the local political scene five protagonists have decided to throw their hats into the mayoral fight: Three NP’s * Reelectionist Mayor Nazario Equizabal. Madam Benita Noble, Local NP President, Atty. Qvirino Fabul; Two LP’s Atty. Ramon Constancio and Mr. Juan Abasola a resigned school teacher. roadbuilding would “indeed be a farce for these were the very same goals carried in our political platform way back in 1959.” Villafuerte also cited their ad ministration’s role in seeu ring the multi-naillion-oeso funding for Naga’s water­ works improvement project and Malacafiang release for the construction of the new city hall. It would be the height of hypocrisy for the Liberals to claim credit for projects undertaken by the past Nacionalista adminis­ tration, the former city executive added. Both Ojeda and Villafuerte expressed confidence that the NP city ticket beaded ■by mayoral bet Protacio G. Tolentino and Vice Mayor Siegfredo D Obias would carry the election battle here barrio-to barrio ”to prove ones and for all that man to man the Naeionalista party in Naga has the best political machinery.” The NP’s councilor-slate is composed of: Atty; Ro­ berto R. Ruelo, Lt, Felieisimo D’ Asia, lawver-CPA Reynaldo P. Borja, city fiscal’s special counsel Car­ los G. de1 Castillo, former munlpal board secretary Jaime O. Viola, university aide Antonio Antero and retired army Capt. Severiano Taoorda. Read and Advertise m- - - Who jBtcnI JBtar ★ LEGAL NOTICES ★ NOTICE September 23, IH7 * THE BICOL STAR ★ 3 Republio of the Philippines MUNICIPAL COURT OF RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR 101b Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL 8HERIFF City of Naga LE0DEGAR10 ESTORPE & RAYMUNDA AFRICANO, Plaintiffs^ —vereus— SANTIAGO VERGARA & ROGELIO MUNOZ. Defendants. CIVIL CASE NO. 67 EXECUTION Sheriff's Notice of Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the Alias Writ of Execution dated the 8th day of September 1967, issued by the Muni­ cipal Court of Ragayi Cama­ rines Sur, whereby the Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of bis lawful deputies was commanded to make effective from the de­ fendants hereof the sum of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00), Philippine cur­ rency, F200.00 for actual damages and P200 00 lor attorney’s fees with interest thereon from the date of this execution until the date of payment at the rate of eix per cent (6%) per annum plus the sheriff’s fees and expenses incident to this exe­ cution) Whereas, on September 22, 1967, upon indieation of the plaintiffs hereof, the under­ signed Deputy Provin c i a I Sheriff, Angel LI. Borja, levied upon and attached all the rights, title, interest, deminion and participation that the defendants hereof have or might have in and over the following described property together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: 1. "A pareel of ooconut land, situated in Nagboom, Agrupaeioo, Ragsy, Cama­ rines Sur, Lot G Pad 55424, bounded on the North, by Felimon Abonalee; on the Northeast, by Saba a n Creek; an tbe South, by Lot H, Leonardo Kariogal and on tbe West, by Lot E. Matilde Navarro, having an area of 2.3213 hectares, more or less, and assessed at P750 in the name of Santiago Vergara.” 2. “A parsel of corenut land, located in Naghoom, Agrupaeioo, Ragay, Cama­ rines Sur. Declared in tbe name of Santiago Vergara and Tranquilino Vergara, under Tax Deo. No. 479, with an area of 3 1168 hec­ tares, assessed at Pl,610.00, NOTE: The lot in tbe name of Atilaoo Africa is exclud­ ed.” Wherefore, by virtue of tbe sfo'ecited Alias Writ of Bxecution, levy and attach­ ment, and in pursuant of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the under­ signed announces that on October 17, 1967, between Ibe hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. he will sell at public auction at tbe offioe of the Provincial Sheriff (loca­ ted on ibe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capitol of Camirioes Sur, in Naga City, to tbs highest bidder for easb and io Philippine cur­ rency. all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and par­ ticipation that tbe defendanta hereof have or have Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE ©F CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Bislrict IN RE: PETITION FOR THE ALLOWANCE OF TI1E WILL OF GREGORIO TOLIBAS. AQUILINA TOLIBAS OCFEMlA, Petitioner, iPEC. PROOS. NO. 1064 x — — — — — x Notice of Hearing A petition having bean filed with this Court by Aqui­ line Tolibas Oofemia repre­ sented by Atty. Quirino Fabul, praying that pending the probate of the will, tbe petitioner be appointed tbe speolal administratrix and that after dua bearing the petitioner be adjudicated tbe properties in conformity of tbe will of tbe late Gregorio Tolibas, who as alleged in tbe petition died on Oct­ ober 3. 1966 in Minalabac, Camarines Sur. bis residence at the time of bis death, leaving properties with a pro­ bable value of about 1 * 2.000100. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said peti­ tion will be beard on Jan­ uary 4. 1968 at 8:30 o’olook in tbe morning in tbe session ball of Branch III of this Court at Naga City, on which date, time and place all per­ sons having opposition there­ to may appear to show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be grant * ed. Let this notice be pub­ lished at petitioner’s expense once a week for three conseeutive weeks iu the "Bicol Star", a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga and of general circulation in this province for the inform­ ation of all eonoerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 30. 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Pub. 8ept. 9. 16. 23, ’67. in and over the foregoing described property together with all tbe improvements thereon, in order to satisfy therefrom the amount of tbe execution and tbs sheriff’s fees and expenses incident thereto. In accordance with law, this notice of auotion sale will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional news­ paper, published aod edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of tbe auotioo sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three dif­ ferent publia and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Ragay, Cana, Bur and ano­ ther three copies of same will be posted In tbe City of Naga where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of the property and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case noy there be. Naga City, PbilippineSj September 22, 1967. ANGEL Liar BORJA Deputy Prov; Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub, Sept 23, 30 & Oct. 7, 1967. An extra-judioial eetllement of the Estate of tbe late PE­ TRA NARVAEZ covering a parcel of land Bituated at Mabatebato (Cagma ns bn) Pili, Camarines Sur contain­ ing 112,781 sq. meters and more particularly described under TCT No. 2294 as Lot 6 D of the subdivision plan Pad-22307, being a portion of lot 6 described on plan Ped-30225. G.L.R.O. Reoord No. 22493 and declared under Tax No. 1163, assessed at P8630.0Q has beeD entered into by JESUS MAGISTRADO and ESPERANZA MARTINEZ as her sole and legitimate heirs per instru­ ment bearing Doo 200, Page No. 96; Book No. 1| Series of 1967 of the notarial regis­ ter of Notary Public Melencio Cortero dated September 41 1667 at Iriga, Camarines Snr. ESPERANZA MARTINEZ Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, ’* 7. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant lo See. 1, Ruie 74 of the Rules ot Court, Extrajudicial Settle­ ment of Estate With Sale, baa been executid by the Hra. of tbe late Juliana Peloan and tbe surviving bus­ band Filemon G o y e n a, namely Soeoorro, Salvador Celestmot Alfredo, Romeo, Cesar and Napoleon, all surnamed Goyena, over a parcel ot land which is a portion of O-C.T. No. 505 aod whioh is situated in Parubcan, Camarines Suri con­ taining an area of 25,000 square meters. Tbe eale is in favor of tbe Remao Cotholie Archbishop of Caoe * ees represented by Monsi Teopisto V. Alberto. The instrument was exe­ cuted before Notary Public, Hilario Eipana of Camman Cam. Sur and records! as as Doc. No 196| Page No. 36; Book No. XX| Series of 1967. Pub Sept. 16, 231 & 30, 1967 NOfICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of Court notice is hereby given tbat’tbe heirs of tbe late Sps. INOGENTBS BELLEZA and SOCORRO MANAOG who died on October IT 1964 and July 28 1965, respec­ tively, in Naga City, namely; Alex, Jsue, Rosalinda, Geme, Balvaoion, Lilia, Osoar and Inoceates, Jr., all surnamad Belleza aud minor, and under tbe guardianship of their grandmother, Florenoia G. Vda. de Belleza by virtue of tbe Letters of Guardian­ ship issued by the Clerk of Court under Spec, Proc. No. 1041, executed ai Extrajudioial Settlement of the in­ testate estate left by deceas­ ed Spa, Inooentei Belleza and Socorro Maoaog, which is one ■ third (1/3) of tbe real estate covered by TCT No. 145 embracing two parcels of land under Tax Noe. 691 and 740 by adjudioating unto themselves by their guardian, in equal interest or ebares pro-iodiviso. The Instrument wai acknowledged by tbe guardian (Florenoia G. Vda. de Belleza) on Sept. 19, 1967 before Notary Publio Domingo A. Escalante at Naga City per Doc. No. 30; Page 9; Bk. V) I. 1967. Pub; Sept. 23, 30, Octi 7.’67. Rural Health President Marcos has ins­ tructed Health Secretary Pau­ lino Garola to eonduet a seminar on rural health to indoctrinate the people in tbe rural areas to sanitary and more wholesome living. The President oalled rep­ resentatives of private organi­ zations engaged in rural beeltb work to a conference recently io Malaoafiaug, to coordinate with government efforts in meeting tbe health needs of tbe rurnl population. “Rural medicine has taken a back seat” in publio aware­ ness, with the press virtual­ ly ignoring it,” the President pointed out in bis brief re­ marks to the conferees. Tbe President said that the progress and problems ot this area of development have not been appropriately eppreoiated beoause not muoh information baa been dissemiuated en this. Tbe private organizations represented in tbe conference included tbe Chamber of Philippine Drug Manufac­ turers, the Philippine Phar­ maceutical Association i tbe Drug Association of tbe Phil­ ippines, the Philippine Phar­ maceutical and Drug Manu­ facturers, I b e Philippine Medical Association, the National League of Pucriculture Centers, tbe Catholic Welfare Organization, the League of Health aod Medioai Administration of the Philippines) the Philippine Mental Health Association, tbe National Council of Churches in he Philippines end the Colleges of Medicine of U3T, FEU, MCU and UE. Other agencies represented at the meeting were the PACD the US-AID. tbe UNICEF, and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offioe. Tbe President enjoined those st the conference to enlist tbe help of the barrio poop'e, who should willingly extend their assistance, he said, onoe they realize that they are tba ultimate bene * fioiaries of the rural health pregram. The President said that he hopes to improve tbe en­ tire atmosphere in the rural coca munities. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby gi?eo that pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights has been executed by tbe Heire of Leon Dialogo, namely |JE imrda Millares, the surviving widow and ANTONIO and JUAN, all surnamed DIALOGO, over tbe property covered by T.C.T. No. 915 situated in Nagoupa, Libmanan, Cama­ rines Sur containing an area of twelve (12) hectares and Forty 8even (47) oentares. Antonio N. Dialogo, and Juan. Dialogo, have waived tbeir rights in favor af their Mother, Eduarda Millares. Tbe instrument was exe­ cuted before Notary Publio Hilario Espano of Canaman Camarines Sur and entered as Doc. No. 229; Page No. 41, Book XX Series of 1967. Pub. Sept’ 23, 39 aod October 7. 1967, needs mulled The President noted that indigency burdens 70 to 80 per cent of the rural areas, thus lull eeordmatien of gov­ ernment and private efforts is very much needed This situation; he said, prompted him into calling the con­ ference, which primarily ex­ plored the ways to tighten coordination between the private seotor and the gavernmsnt. The President observed that many government workers do not have tbe neoessary enthusiasm to energize tbeir work, but added be has "completo trust in our Secretary of Health.” Ha said that “I have a very great interest in rural health not only because it is my duty, but because it is my intention to inorease and give the best possible assist ance in meeting the health needs of the people, especial­ ly tbe poor,” He reealled that when still a congressman, he participa­ ted actively in the passage of legielatian creating rural health units. The President said that the present program of the Philippine Medical Associa­ tion compliments the activi­ ties of rural health teams. He asked the private sector to provide not only the faci­ lities but also tbe personnel needed in rural health work Tbe President expressed the hope that the private sestor will immediately inorease tbeir participation in tbe rural health effort. Tbe President ooneluded bis remarks by saying that “you are in a better position to tell mo what should be done.” He added, “this ap­ praisal is nesded to define the national direotioo and it is my duty to eall your attention to this need.” U.S. Admiral . . . The 52<year-old, two-star admiral assumed cemmand of Bubis Naval base in Sep­ tember af last year. Flying with him from Subic to Nega City’s Pili airport are two of biB staff offieere, Lt. Rodger Gillespie, publio affairs officer, and Lt (jg) Gary Zwirscbitz, tba admirals aide. Also with tba party are 11 U.S. Navymen, allnatives of Nabua who are currently serving a tout of duty at Subic. They are Petty Offi­ cers Felix Denina, Celestino Moreno, Nioelaa Lastreila, Gregorio Velaeso. Higino Bsylonj Moisas Vasquea, Nicolas Daza, Psdro Gortar jt Hersulano Maogente, Eduar­ do’’Bob” Fresnillo, and Vir * gilie T, Fernandez; U.S. Navy Journalists Ely U. Orias, alto a native of Nabua, and Phil Gillitte, Su­ bic’s People-to-People caordi naior, have gone ahead of tha admirers party by train. Tbe admiral's airaraft, an HU-ll, will land at Pi i air­ port at 9 a.m of Get. 4. Pro­ vincial and Naga City officials beaded by Gov, Apolonio Ma leniza and Mayor Vicente Sibulo will meet Admiral Gil­ kerson at tbe airport. A whirlwind tour of Na­ gs City is an tap for t ie visiting A mtricans, departing (Coninued on page 8) the BICOL STAR* September 23, 1967 ★ LEGAL NOTICES ★ Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR lOtb Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee. —versus— SPS. 8EGUNDIN0 PORNOLES & DOROTEA SOLIS, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended -N — — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJU­ DICIAL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 Amended By virtue of tbe power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage ex­ ecuted by tbe Spouses SEGUNDINO PORNOLE8 and DOROTEA SOLIS ander date of April 28. 1959, in favor of tbe PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK at Naga City, and for tbe satisfaction and full pay­ ment of tbe sum of NINE HUNDRED TWE N T Y THREE 35/ 100 PESOS (P923.35), Philippine cur­ rency, plus ten per cent per eent per annum or a daily interest of P0.1806 on the amount of P650.00 from August 3, 1967 to tbe date of eale, plus attorney’s fees and tbe sheriff's fees, all se­ cured by said mortgage, tbe undersigned Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur, anncunoee that on October 2, 1967, between tbe hours of 9.00 a m, and 4.00 p.m., be will sell at public auction, at the sheriff’s office located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Pro­ vincial Capitol of Camarinee Sur. in Naga City, to tbe highest bidder for caeb and in Philippine currency, tbe fellowing described mort­ gaged property together with all tt e improvements there­ on, to wit: LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2465-PROV. OF CAMARINES SUR (1) Lot 4175, Cad-294 A parcel of agricultural land, together with all tbe im­ provements thereon, situated in tbe Barrio of San Fran­ cisco, Municipality of Bula, Province of Camarines §ur, Philippines; x x xi Contain­ ing bd area of FIFTEEN THOUSANDSEVEN HUN­ DRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT (15,778) SQUARE METER8, more or less, xxx Bounded on the, Northeast, East, Southeast and Southwest, by Creek and on the Nortnweet, by Creek and Lot 4172, Bula, Cad294 Declared under Tax Dec. No. 6092 and assessed at P90; xxx (2) Lot 4176, Cad-294-A parcel of agricultural land, together with all tbe im­ provements existing thereon, situated in tbe Barrio of Sen Francisco, Municipality of Bula, Province of Camari­ nes Sur, Philippines; xxx Containing an area of NINE­ TEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY FIX (19,746) SQUARE METERS more or less. xxx. Bound'd on the E., by Lot 4177, Bula Cad-294; oa tbe I'i publio of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES FUR lOtb Judicial Dietriot OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —-versusSPS PONCIANO DOLOSA & NONATA LAGAHINO, Mortgagors, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 X — — — - - X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of mortgage executed by tbe Spouses PONCIANO D0LOSA and NONATA LAGA­ HINO, of Pugod, Ragay, Camarines Sur under date of August 5, 1959 in favor of the PHILIPPINE NA­ TIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfac­ tion and'full payment of tbe debt of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIX 45/ 100 (Pt,906 45) Philip­ pine ourrency, plus interest of tbe rate of 10% per an­ num on the amount of Pl,200 from July 22, 1967 to tbe date of sale or a daily interest of P0 3288 and plus 10%of the'total amount due for and as attorney’s tees and together with tbe sheriff’s tees and other law­ ful expenses incident to this foreelosure-sale, all secured by eaid mortgage, tbe unRepublio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR IOtb Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK. Mortgagee, —versus— SPS. HONORIO GOBATON & BR1GJDA PETIL, Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Aot 3135 as Amended SE„ S., SW., and W., by Creek and on the NW., by Lot 4172, Bula-Cad-294. xxx Of which premises, the Mortgagors are th® register­ ed owners in accordance with tbe Land Registration Law, tbeir title thereto being evi­ denced by Original Certifi­ cate cf Title No. 2465 ot tbe Land Records of the Prov­ ince of Camarines Sur. In accordance with law, this notice rf auotion sale will be published in tbe DI­ COL STAR, a weekly region­ al newspaper published and edited in tbe City of Naga, having a wide general circu­ lation in tbe Bieol Provinees, once a week, for three con­ secutive weeks, tbe first pub­ lication to take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore tbe date of auction sele. Likewise, (er the same period of time, three copies of thie notice will be posted on tb’ee different public and conspi­ cuous publio places in Bula, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described proper­ ties are situated, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auction sale will be con­ ducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, Done in Naga City, Philippines, September 7, 1967. MAURO B FAJARDO Ex-Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Bur Pub. Septa 9, 16, 23, 1967. By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by the Spouses Honorio Gobaton and Brigida Petilj of La Purisima, Na­ bua, Camarines Suri under date of August 3, 1958, in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction and full payment of tbe debt of ONE HUNDRED THIR­ TEEN 05/100 PESOS (1’113.05) Philippine currency, plus interest of 10 per cent per annum en tbe amount of 1 * 102.55, from August 3, 1967 to tbe date of sale or a daily interest of 1 * 0.0285 and plus attorney's lees and sheriff’s fees and expenses incident thereto, the undersigned Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur, announces that on Oct­ ober 2, 1967 between tbe hours of 9:00 a.m, and 4:00 p.m. at tbe sheriff’s offioe located on the Seoond Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines 8ur, in Naga City, be will sell at public anction to tbe highest bidder for oasb and in Philippine currency, the following described pro­ perty together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 1774—CAM. SUR Land Tax Dec; Ne. 607» Assessed at 1 * 340 Lot 13, Psu-120677 (HV-28898-A a parcel of land together with all tbe im­ provements thereon, situa­ ted in the Barrio ol Sta. Lucia, Municipality of Bula, Province of Camarines Sur., Luzon Island Philippines, containing an area of NINE TEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY SIX (19,286) SQUARE METERS, more or less. Bounded on tbe E. by Lot 12 of plan Piu 120677; on the SW. by Baao Lake; on the W. by Lot 14 of Plan Psu-120677; and on tbe NW., by Lot 16, of Plan Psu-120677. Register­ ed in the name of Honorio Gobaton. xxx Of which premiats the mortgagors are the regis­ tered owners in accordance with tbe Land R-gistration Law. their title thereto being evidenced by OCT No. 1774 of tbe land re­ cords of tbe Province of Cam. Sur. In accordance with law, this notice af auction sale will be published once a week far three consecutive weeks, in the BICOL STAR,a week­ ly regional newspaper pub­ lished and edited in Naga City having a wide general circulation in the Bicol region aod in Camarines Sur, once a week for three conseeutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three copies of this notice will be posted on three pub­ lio and eonspicous places in tbe municipality of Bula, Cam. bur, where tbe above­ described property is located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auction Bale will be conducted; Prospective bidders or buy­ ers of tbe property advertized hereof, are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of tbe property and the eneumbrances thereon, in case there be any. Naga City, Philippines; August 4, 1967, MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Offieio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. 8ept. 9, 16, 23, 1867, dersigned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of Camarines Sur announces that on October 2. 1967, between tbe hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morn­ ing and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon be will sell at publio auotion to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Phi­ lippine currency, at the She­ riff's office located on tbe Second floor of tbe Provin­ cial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, tbe following described property together with all tbe improvements thereon, to witi ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 9840 Land Tax Dec, No. 3541Assessed at 1 * 470 A paroel of land (Lot No. 339, Pls-200) with all the improvements thereon, situated at sitio Pinamacan Greek, Barrio of Paculago, now Pugod, Municility of Ragay. Cam. Sur. Bounded on the NW. along lines 1-2-3 by Lot 338 of Pls, 200; on the NE along lines 3-4 5 by Pinamaenn Creek and Lot 372 Pls. 200; aloDg lines 5-6 7-8 by Pinamaean Creek and Lot 371, Pls. 200; on the SE , along line 8-9 by Lot 358, Pls-200; along line 9-10 by proposed barrio Road; on tbe S W i along line 10-i 1 by proposed Barrio Road; and on tbe NW:, aloDg lines 11-1 by Lot 337; Pls2GO| containing an area of 9 1400 hectares. In accordance with law, this notice ol auction sale will be published in the Biccl Star, a weekly regional newspaper published a n d edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circu­ lation in the Bicol provinces including Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auotion sale. Likewise, for tbe same period ol time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three dif­ ferent public and conspicuous places in Ragay, Cam; Sur, where tbe loregoing described property is looated and ano­ ther three copies will be post­ ed in the City of Naga where the auction sale will be eonducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers of the above described property are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of tbe property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own protection. Naga City, Philippines, September 4, 1967i MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub; Sept; 9, 16, 13, 1967; Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST 1NBTANGE OF SOR8OGON X Judicial Distiiot INTESTATE ESI ATE OF THE LATE ELISEO LABITAG, DOLORES TORRES DE LABITAG, Petitioner, SPEC. PROC. NO 2213 x ----- x NOTICE OF HEARING A verified petition having been filed with this Court, wherein petitioner alleges that tbe decedent died on October 13. 1966, in Sursogon, Sorsogon where be was a resident at tbe time of bis death, survived by his wife and six obildren, leaving real properties in Castilla, Sorso­ gon. with an assessed valu! of Po.670 00; NOTICE, is hereby given that said petition is set for bearing on October 5, 1967, at 8:00 am, in the session hall of the Court of First Instance of Soreogon, Sorso­ gon, 1st Branch, advising all parties having interest in this case to appear on said date, hour and place and show cause if any they have why said petition should not be granted. Let copy of this notice be published once week for three coosecutive weeks in the Bieol Star, a newspaper of general circulation in tbe Bieol Star, at the expense of the petitioner and before tbe date set for bearing. Witness the Hon. UBAL­ DO Y. ARCANGEL, Judge of this Court, this 2nd day of September. 1967, at Sorso­ gon, Sorsogon; RICARDO A. DATAR Deputy Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that iu a Deed of ExtraJudicial Settlement, entered into by Felisa Jaudalso as First Party and Tomas, Tiotimo, Genona, Francisco, a,nd Jose all surnamed Dolot aod Emeterio Ladesma, as Seoond party, dated March 21; 1967, a parcel of land under OCT. No. 2223, owned by Marcela Labodlayj Bonifacio Jaudalso. Eleno Jaudalso and Bernards Juadalso, was divided between First Party and Seoond Party and adju­ dicated to the first -1,672 aq. meters, and to the 2nd -1,673 sq, meters, ths total is 3,345 eq m., pursuant to the provision of the New Rules of Court; and notari­ zed before Mr Maximino Ri Ables, under Dac, No. 923; Page No. 25; Book XII, Series of 1967, of Sorsogon; Sorsogon, • rad. Pub. dept. 9, 16, 23, 67. Greetings from: ©fye JBtar Printers: — N1TO CAVINTA — VER ALBA — ARNOL MANAGO - JAIME MAftAGO - Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga BANI<PPINE national Mortgagee, — versus— 3p»- FELIX CASANO & MARIA RAMO8, Mortgagors; FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Aot 3135 as Amended K — — — — — X Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended Whereas * by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage executed by the 8pouses FELIX CASANO and MARIA RAMOS of Balatan. Camarioee Sur under date of July 8. 1967 in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction and full payment of tbe debt of the mortgagor in the total ls>o, ...... ftttorr.Ps.. .... amount of NINE HUNDRED the amount of . 5 • three conseoutive weeks the first publioit’on Itl’V t,W,eatyf V,... UO (20) dive before th* date of poateci oa three conspiououa th* auotion eale. ^ikjwise, public peaces in the muniwhere the property is located. »ud likewise, copy of the same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Pro­ vincial Sheriff’s Office, below tbe Courthouse in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, where the auction three copies sa)e ehall be conducted. in __e _:ty Prospective bidders or buyEx-Oficio Provincial Saarif By: APOLONIO L. ESCOBAL Deputy Prov’l. Sheriff SEVEN 35/100 PESOS (P907- [he f?e° and < .35) as of July 21, 1967, plus a connection with ?infe?BterC8t °f tC" per cent also secured by (10%) per annum on the ----- -■ - amount of P756 45 o.- P0.2082 VIUC f'°“ 1T .t0 the ®ur announces thaTon * Goto" date of sale and plus ten ber 2, 1967 between thH per cent (10%) of the total hours of 9 00 a m. aad 4-00 amount due for and as at- D m nt the QheTwr. nti wiTthe f8eheeriH'nRd ftOgelheHr ,oca‘ed on th! Seeind Floor with the sheriff s fees and of ths Provinnial CAoitni expenses Incident toi this fore- Camarines Sur in Naga City dosure-sale, secured by sa.d he will sell at public Suction, Fro® al 8heriffUEx OfHdJ higbe.t bidof Camarines Sur, announces nror that on October 2. 1967. bet- the ween the hours of 9:00 aim. and 4:00 p m , will sell at public auction to tbe highest ORIGFNAr CRRtiwivavi? bidder for cash and in Phil- OF SlE N„ T27A®_^TE ippine currency, at the she­ riff’s offioe located oj the Second Floor of the Provin­ cial Capitol, Naga City, the following described property together with all the improve­ ments thereon, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO- 6996, PROV. OF CAMARINES SUR Land Tax Declaration No. 815, Assessed at Fl,540 “A pareel of public agri­ cultural land, together with all tbe improvements exist­ ing thereon, situated at Cabaobanan, Balatan, Ca- ®aI®’ ‘u. lh® ®IC?L 8TAR« marines Sur, Philippines, fl weeklv rfl0',nnal —containing an area ot SIX­ TY TWO THOUSAND Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee * —versus— ANDRES HABER, Mortgagor. ^FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted io the deed mortgage executed by ANDRES HABER, widewer, of Ombao Height, Bula Camarines Bur, in favor ef ‘h® E® V E L O P MENT BANK OF THE PHILIP­ PINES, under date of October 23, 1963. and for tbe satisfaction of tbe debt of P799.52 plus 6% annual interest on the amount of P799 52 from January 17, 1967, plus attorney’s fees in - - • o.ou aud tbe-----fees-and expenses in this sale. ------- said mort­ gage, the undersigned Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines ° “r announces that oa OotoCamarines Sur in Naga City the following real property, together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: OF TITLE No. 3934— CAMARINES SUR Tax Dec. No. 5115 • Ass’d Value - Pl, 270.00 Lot 4636, Cad. 294 A parcel of land situated in tbe barrio of Oubao, Municipality of Bala, Pro­ vince ef Camarioes Sar Bounded on tbe NE. bv Lot 3647 and 4640, Cai. 294; on tbe SE., by Lit 4640, Cad. 294; and Creek; on tbe SW , by Lot 4635, Cad. 294; and on tbe W Naga. having a wide general t. ---- --------------- oUoulation in the Bieol pro- 8ecuuve W0eK9, lDB i,rav puo3 a weekly regional newspaper vin-e? inc'uling the province |ic«t:on to take place at least • published and edited in tbe of Gamainee Sur, ones a twenty (20) days before the II iwu inuuaaiw ia th* City of Naga haviag we-k fo-• " AND FIFTEEN (62,015) a w'“e Sen8ral circulation in ‘ SQUARE t^e Bieol region and m the Bounded on the East, along P'°v,0.°8 °J Camarines Sur. line 1-2 by Road; along Likewise, for the same period . f-a I i: T . . nf thrftA nnniPQ nf thi. line 1-s »y noau; aiung ----------------------------- the auotbn sale. Likewise, public places in the muailine 2-3 by Publio Land; of t,me- tl,,rfle °°Pie9 of this fur tbe same period of time cipalitv of Juban. Sorsogon, along line 3 4 by Creek W‘U b.e pous,ted ®a copies of this notice wfee- --------------- s---------• ■ throa diffprAni nuhha aatj wi|| be pitted on thres dlffe- an(j r . ___ _j the rent publio and conspicuous municipality of Balatan, Camarines 8ur and another three eopies to be posted in tbe the City of NagaJ where the auction eala will be conductUIUUK |<UO u ‘i uy .... . . .. . and property of ,'Timotea three different public and Aduvieo, along lines 4-6 conspicuous places in the by property of Sebastian nf r.i - Facer and along line 6-1 by Road. xxx. “of which premises Mortgagors are the regis- - • tered owners in accordance ed' with the Registration Law, " their title thereto being era places in the Municipality of Bula, Province of Camarines Sur. where the foregeing described property is located * And another t' - terea owners in accoraanco —„ W» * xt^8 P°ht9^ »ha „.«««.o u. with the Registration Law, Prospective bidders or buy- of Naga where the auction ers are hereby enjoined to their title thereto being era of tb’ above-deeoribed sale will be conducted. investigate for themselves evidenced by Original Cer- propertv. are enjoned to ........................................ tificate of Title No. 6996 '“789t'8iter themselves »f th- Land Records of tha title of the property and ........... - —the Province ot Camarines ths enoumbranoes thereon in title at the said property and the Province of Camarines b8 any> fof the enoumbraooe3 thereon. own protection. if any there be. Naga City, Philippines, Naga Gity. ‘ August 4, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Sept 9, 16, 23, 1967. In accordance with law, . gl. G?y’IQR7 this notice will be published Ssptember 4, 1957. once a week for three conse­ cutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days "be * fore the date of the auction Pub. Sept. 9, MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur 16, 23; 1967. Republio of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Sorsogon, Sorogon DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versusANDRES HODREAL and PURIFICACION DELFINA, Mortgagors, ^FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS; by virtue of the power of attorney insert­ ed in the deed of mortgage executed by the Spouses AN­ DRES HODREAL and PU­ RIFICACION DELFINA, both ol legal age, Filipino; with residence and postal address at Casiguran, Sorseoon in favor of the DEVE­ LOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corp­ oration under date of April 18, 1961, and for the satis­ faction of the debt of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUN­ DRED FORTY PESOS AND TWENTY SEVEN CENTAVOS (Pl,340.27) plus 6% annual interest on the amount of Pl,340.27 from May 17, 1967, plus atto ney’s fees in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR PESOS AND TWO CEN T A V O 8 (P134 02). and tbe fees and expenses in sonneetion with this sale as aural by said mortgage, the undersigned Deputy Provincial She riff ANNOUN ES that on Oct­ ober 12, 1967, at 9:00 o’oloc-k in the morning, be will sell at publio auotion for' cash to the highest bidder ths follow­ ing real property, togatber with all the improvements thareon: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. P-2192 SORSOGON A parcel of land (Lot No. 3469, Cad. 223), situa­ ted in ths barrio of Busay, September 23, 196 » The BICOL STAR * 5 the amount of P500 from 30, 1917 to the date of sal-e or a daily interest of P0 1370, and plus attorney a fees an the sheriff's fees and o er lawful expenses incident to this executior, tbe undersigned Provineiil Sheriff ex-officio of Cama­ rines Sur, anounces that on October 2, 1967, between tbe hours ol 9;00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the sheriff’s offioe, located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Proviucial Capital of Camarines Sur, in Naga Ci­ ty, be will sell at publio auc­ tion to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following des­ cribed properties together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 6779, PROV. OF CAM. SUR ty of Caramoan, Province of Camarines Sur, containing an area of SEVEN THOURepublic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— MACARIA BEGONIA Mortgagor * FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended x — — — — — x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Aot 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by the mortgagor MRS. MACARIA BEGONIA (widow) of Caramoan, Gama rines Sur, under date of August 10, 1959, in favor of the PHILIPPINE NA­ TIONAL BANK, at Naga City i and for the satisfaction and full payment of the debt in tbe amount of SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE 10/100 (P781.10), Philip. Pine currency as of June 29 * 1967, plus interest at the rate of 10 % per annum on 1. Lot 640 Ac 1001 -Land Tax Deo No. 11223 Asses­ sed at P810, A parcel of land, together with tbe improvements there­ on, situated in the barrio of Tabiguian, Municipality o' Caramoan, Province of Camarines Sur, containing an area of TWENTY ONE THOUSAND HUNDRED AND THIR­ TY NINE (21.339) SQUARE METERS Bounded on the W. along line !■* by; Lo 639, Ao-1001; along line 2-3 by Lot 641, Ac-1001; along lines 3-7 by Lot 644. Ao-1001; aod along linos 7-10 and 10 1, by Lot 648, Ac-1001. xxx. 2. Lot 1547, Ac-1001- Lani Tax Declaration No. 11225, Assessed at PHO. A parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situated in the barmunicipality of Juban. pro­ vince of Sorsogon. xxx Bounded on theNW.jalong line 1-2, by Lot 3471; Cad. 2231 on on the N; along lines 2-3-4, bv Lot 3474, Cad, 223| along lines 4 56. bv Lot 3472, Cad 223, along line 6-7 ( by Lot 3531, Cad; 223, along line 7 8, by Lot 2468, Cad. 223;on the S , along line 8-9, by lot 3475, Cad. 223; and on the SW., and W., along line’ 9 10 11 12-1 by Lot tnereon, siinaieu iu »■.3470, Cad. 223 xxx (v) rio of Tabiguian, Muoidpali containing an area of FIF- t " " ” “ TY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND THIR- ... ---------- -------TY ONE (50,331) Square SAND PONE ^HUNDRED Meters. * er'v' ,nfl' arHTA ** NOTE: This lot is covered _ „„„ by FPA 11-1982. fs^ldooi- along lines WHEREAS, this notice of 2-5 by Lot 670, : extrajudieial sale ot mort- along lines 5 7 by Lot gag»d properties will be pub- Ae-1001i and along line 7« liebed io the BICOL STAR, K" ’ a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the pro•“ vinoe of Sorsogon, and in ur6k 7 ,be wbo,e provinces in the ._o---- - - r J. Bicol Region) and edited iu and edited >n the C'tv of t^e City of Naga, Philippines xr„«. o onog a week fQr tbree CQn secutive weeks, the first pubby Lot 4634, Cad. 294.xx containing an m- a of SE­ VENTY SEVEN THOU­ SAND FIVE HUNDRED /IND SIXTEEN 77,516 square m’tsrs, mna or less NOTE: This lot is covered by FPA No. V-39192 Io accordance with law, this notice of publie auction sale will be oublished in the BICOL STAR, a regional newspaper published AND SIX (7,106) SQUARE METERS, Bounded on the S along tins 1-2 by Lot a twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale and for tbe same period of time three copies of this notice will be by Lot 353, Ao-1001. x x X x. 3. Lot 1564, Ai-1001- Land Tax Declaration No. 11224, Asseessd at P940. A parcel of land, together with all the improvements, thereon, situated in the Bar­ rio of Tabiguiao, Municipali­ ty of Caramoan, Province of Camarines Sur. containing an area ot TH1RTYTHREE THOUSAND ANB ELE­ VEN (33,011) SQUARE METERS Bounded on th8; along line 1-2 by Lot 654, Ac-1001; along lines 2 4 by Read) along line 4-5 by Lot 1877, Ao-1001; along lines 5-8 by Lot 2073, Ac-1001, and along line 8 1 by 655. Ao-1001. xxx. Lot law * salt BIIn accordance with Ibis notice of auotion will be published in tbe _ COL STAR, a weekly re­ gional newspaper published ' ' 1 in the City of — - ----- uiu ucicuy cl*ju*ucu iu > — ------ j -sale will be conducted. investigate for tbemstlves gional newbpap?r published Prospective buyers or bid- title of the said property and edited in the City cf ders are hereby enjoined to an(j tbe encumbrances there- Naga, having a wide general investigate for themselves the 0Df jf any there be. circulation in the Bicol pro ..m.. >> th. Sorsogon, Sorsogon Philip- vinces, including , Camarines pines, August 29, I967i Sur, once a week, for three . „ conseoutive weeks, the first Philippines ARTURO R. ARGUELl.ES publication ta take place at OA...r |eft3t twenty (2Q) days be fore the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the sama period ol time, three sopies of this notice will be pnsted (Continued on page 6) Pub Sept. 9, 16 23, 1967; b * THE BICOL STAR ★ September 23, lvt) LEGAL NOTICES ★ Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Dietriot OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City ol Naga CRESENCIA JOVE, et a!., Plaintiff, —versus— PILAR JOVE, et al., Defendants. CIVIL CASE NO. 5477 (EXECUTION) X-------------------------------X Notice of Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the Alias Writ ol Execution is * sued by the Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur dated July li, 1967 and re­ ceived by tbe office of the Provincial Sheriff of Cama­ rines Sur on July 12, 1967, whereby the Provincial She * riff or any of bis lawful de­ puties was commanded to make effective from the de­ fendants hereof, PILAR JO­ VE aud ABUNOIO ILANO ol San Rafael, Iriga, Camarines Sur, the sum oi P150.00 corres­ ponding to the fruits which the plaintiffs failed to receive as owner of the land in question in this case, from the year 1958 until finally restored to tbe plaintiffs tbe said land in question, plus P3C0.li0 for and as attorney’s fees and expenses incident to this execution. fished in the BICOL STAR a newspaper of general cir­ culation in the province of Albay as well as in the whole provinces of the Bicol Region and edited at the City of Nega once a week, for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take place at least twenty days before tbe date of auction sale Conies of thie notice of sale will be posted for the same period of time on conspicuous pub­ lic places in tbe Municipality of Bacacay, Province of Al. bay where tbe property ie situated and likewise espies of same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Board ot the Albay Provincial Capi t o 1 Building, Legaspi City, where tbe auction sale shall taka place. WHEREFORE, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title to the said property and the eucumbtaaces existing there­ on, if any there be. Done at Legaspi City, this 19tb day of September, 1967. IGNACIO D ALMODOVAR Ex officio Provincial Sheriff By: VICENTE RAMIREZ Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Sept. 23, 30, & Oct. 7, 1967; Whereas, upon indication of the plaintiffs, tbe under­ signed Deputy Provincial Sher.ff of Camarines Sur levied upon and attached all tbe rights, title, interest, domi­ nion and participation that tbe dependants PILAR JO­ VE and ABUND10 ILANO, have in and over tbe follow­ ing described real property with all the improvements thereon, to wit: 1; A parcel of coconut land (Lot 7, Plan Psu-116755 Amd.) situated in tbe barrio of Santiago, Iriga, Camari nes Sur, bounded on tbe North, by Lot 6, Plan Psu116755 Amd., belonging to Suipicio Jove; en tbe East, by Jose I'.urrios and Heirs of Juan Gascon; on tbe South, by Lot 8, Plan Psu116755, Amd. belonging to Dioscoro Jove; and on tbe West, by Lot 11, Plan Psu116755, belonging to Irene Jove, declared for taxation under Tax Declaration No. 15030 in tbe name of Pilar Jove and assessed at P2 190. together with all tbe improve­ ments tbereon and containing an area of 20.002 square meters, more or l.-ss.” 2 "A parcel of upland rice­ land and cogon land, located at San Rafael, Iriga, Cama­ rines Sur, having an area of 3.70001 hectares, more or less. Bounded on tbe North, by Eugenie Bufete; on the East, by Lot 4, Plan Psu128187 Amd; and on tbe South, by Lot 3 of the same plan, belonging to Francisca Bagaporoj on tbe West, by Andres Corton. This land is known as Lot 1, Plan Psu128187 Amd. and is declared for taxatiOB under Tax No. 16204 ii the name of Pilar Jove and assessed at 5 * 530.00. ” Wherefore by virtue of the aforecited alias writ of execution, levy and attach­ ment and pursuant to Section 1 6, Rule 39 of the Rules of Republio of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Albay LEGASPI DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— ESTEBAN CARINO MILAGROS QUIAN, Mortgagors, AND EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE0F REAL ESTATE MORT­ GAGE (Under Act 3135) X _____ x SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTy UNDER ACT 3135 AS AMENDED WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inser­ ted in the deed of mortgage executed by the spouses Esteban Carino and Mi'agros Quian, both of legal ags, Filipinos, with residence and postal address at Guinobatan, Albay in favor of the Development Bank of tbe Philippines formerly Rehabilitation Finance Cor­ poration under date of Aoril 16, 1959, and for the satis faction, of tbe mcrtgsge loan indebtedness of P9.563.23. plus 6% per uent annual interest from May 17, 1967 Court, the undersigned an­ nounces that od October 17, 1957, between the hours of 9:00 a.m and 4:00 p.m., he will sell at public auction at the office of tbe Provincial Sheriff, located on tbe Se­ cond Floor of tbe Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, to tbe highest bidder for cash in Philippine currency, the foregoing des­ cribed real property together with all the improvements thereon, io order to satisfy therefrom the amount of the execution and the sherff’s fees and expenses incident to this execution. In accordance with law, this notice of auction sale will be published in the Bi­ col Star, a weekly reg oial newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circu­ lation in the Bicol provinces once a week for three con­ secutive weeks the first pub­ lication to take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore the date of the auction sa’e. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Itiga, Cam Sur where the foregoing des­ cribed real property are located and another three copies of earns will be posted iu the City of Naga where tbe auction sale will be conduted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers ot the above described property ata hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of tbe property and tbe encumbrances therecn, in case there be any for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Philip­ pines, this September 22, 1967By RENATO MADERA Special Deputy Prov; Sheriff Pub, 8ept 23, 30 & Oct. 7, 1967; up to the date of lull pay­ ment, plus the further sum of P956.32 for and as attorney’s fees aside from the sheriff’s fees and expen­ ses in connection with this foreclosure sele all secured by said mortgage, at the indication of the thie foreclo­ sure eale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication of the mortgagee bank, tbe Provincial Sheriff of Albay thru tbe undersigned Depu­ ty Provincial Sheriff levied upon all the right, title, in­ terest and participation that the spouses Esteban Carifio and Milagros Quian have in and over the following real property n_ofe particularly described as follows; TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO T-8691 - ALBAY A parcel ot land (Lot No 5072 of tbe Cadastral Survey of Guinobatan), with all the improvements existing thereon, situated in tbe Barrio of Muhdbucad, Municipality of Giunobatan, Province of Albay. xxx Bounded on the Northeast by Lot No. 8933; on the Southeast by Lots Nos. 8933 and 5073; on tbe Southwest by Lot Nos. 5074 and 8933; and co the Northwest by Let No. 5071. xxx Contain­ ing an area of ONE HUNDRED FIVE THOU­ SAND TWO HJNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR (105’ 264) SQUARE METERS more or less. Thi3 pareel ol la id is declared under Ttx Declaration No 14508 and with an assessed value of Pl,570.00. WHEREAS, pursuant to tbe said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Sec­ tion 3 and 4 of the said Aet 3135 as amended, the Provin­ cial Sheriff of Albav thiu the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff ANNOUN­ CES that on tbe 16th dav of October, 1967, at 10:00 o’clock in the morning at his office in tbe Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, be will sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash ana in Philip­ pine currency, the above­ described property to eatiefy tbe total amount of indebt­ edness in the said rtal es­ tate mortgage; WHEREAS, this notioe of extrajudicial sale of mort­ gage property will be publi­ shed in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circu­ lation io tbe province of Albay as well as in tbe whole provinces of the Bicol Region and edited at the City of Naga, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty daye before the date of auction sale Copies of this notice of auotion sale will be posted for tbe same period of time on conspicuous public places in tbe Municipality of Guinobatan, Province of Al­ bay where the property is located and likewise copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Beard of tbe Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City where tbe auotion sale shall take place. WHEREFORE, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the said property and the encumbrances exis­ ting thereon,if any there be, Done at Legaspi City, this Igtb day of September, 1967. IGNACIO D. ALMODOVAR Ex-officio Provincial Sheriff By: VICENTE RAMIREZ Deputy Provincial Sheriff SEPT. 23. 30 & OCT, 7, '67 Republio of tbe Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Provinoe of Albay LEGASPI DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, •—versus — JACINTO BALIDOY AND RITA ALA, Mortgagors. EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ESI ATE MORTGAGE (Under Act 3135) x — — _ _ _ x Sheriff's Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney insert­ ed in the deed of mortgage executed and signed by the spouses Jacinto Balidoy and Rita Ala, both of legal Bge, Filipinos; with residence and postal address at Babe, Misibis, Bagacay, Albay in favor of the Development Bank of tbe Philippines, formerly Re­ habilitation Finance Corp­ oration, under date of March 16, 1965 and for the satis­ faction of the mortgage-loan indebtedness of Pl;700.26 plus 6% per cent annual inte­ rest from May 16, 1967 up to the date of full payment and tbe sum of P170 02 for and as attorney’s fees aside from the sheriff's fees and expenses in connection with this foreclosure sale all se­ cured by said mortgage, at tbe indication of the mort­ gagee bank, the Provincial Sheriff of Albay thru the undersigned Deputy Provin­ cial Sheriff levied upon all tbe right, title, interest and participation that said spouses Jacinto Balidoy and Rita Ala have in and over tbe fo lowing real property more particularly described as fol­ lows : ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. VH 6901-aLBAY A parcel of land (Lot No. 208, Pls-722-D; situated in tbe Barrio of Sula, Municipality of Bacacay; Province of Albay. xxx Bounded on the West along line 1-2 by Lot No 207, Pls 722-D; on the North, aloDg 1 ne 2-3 by Lot No. 209, Pls 722 D; on the Northeast, along line 3 4 by Lot No. 86, Pls-722-D; and on the East, along line 4 5 by Lot No. 89, Pls722-D! and on tbe South, along line 5 1, by Lot No. 155, Pls-722-D. xxx Containing an area of SEVEN­ TEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT (17,928) SQUARE METERS, more or less. NOTE: This parcel of land is covered by Free Patent Application No’ 10-2-4603. WHEREAS, pursuant to tbe said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Sec­ tion 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as Amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Albay thru the undersigned Deputy Proviuoial Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on the 16th day of Oct­ ober, 1967, at 10:00 o’clock in the morning at bis office in the Albay Provincial Capi­ tol Building, Legaspi City, he will sell at publio auction to the highest bidder for sash and in Philippine currency tbe above described real pro­ perty to satisfy ibe total amount of indebtedness in tbe said real estate mortgage WHEREAS, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mort­ gaged property will be pubRepublic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON DEVELOPMENT BANK ©F THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus — PANCIT1TA G. BAYOT (Psnchita Bayet) V1LIA BAYOT & ARI8TOTELE8 DOCTOR, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE X - ----- X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of tbe power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of Mrrtgage executed by PANCHITA G. BAYOT (Panthita Bayot) widow, aud tbe spouses VILIA BAYOT & ARISTOTELE8 DOCTOR, ail of legal age, Filiptntis residents of Bu­ lan, Sorsogon, in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANKOF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Rehabilita­ tion Finance Corporation under date of October 14, 1963, and for tbe satisfaction of the debt of P6.176.14, plus 6% annual interest on the amount cf P3.175.14 from February 19, 1967, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of 5 * 617.51, plus tbe &berift’e and other inci­ dental expenses in connect­ ion with the sale seeured by said mortgage, the under­ signed Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, ANNOUNCES that on Oc­ tober 31, 1967, at 1000 o’clock in tbe morning, at tba Provincial Sheriff’s Of­ fice, below the Courthouse in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, be will sell at publie auction for cash to the highest bid­ der, the following real pro­ perty, together with all tbe improvements thereon; TRANSFERCERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-2097SORSOGON A parcel of land (Lot Nos 508. Juban Cadastre SW36691), situated in the mu(Continued on page 7, Philippine Nat'l. Bank vs. Macaria Begonia . . (From page 5) on three different public and oenspicuos places in tbe municipality ot Caramoan, Cam; Sur where the above­ described real properties are located; another three copies of same will aleo be posted in the City of Naga where the auction eale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers of the above-described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any. Naga City, Philippines, September 5, 1967. MAURO B; FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 1967. DBP I vs. PANCHITA BAYOT VILIA BAYOT picipality of Juban, prov­ ince of Sorsogon. xxx Bounded on tbe NE., end j£., by Creek; on the 8,, ty Creek; snd Lot 509 of Juban Csd-223;on theSW., bv Lot 509 of Jubsn Cad223; on tbe W., by Lots 509 and 510 of Juban Cad 223 and on the NW by creek, xxx containing an sea of TWO HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO (203,142) Square Meters; more or less. NOTE: Tbe area survey­ ed is covered by FV-20463. In accordance with law, this nonce of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published once a week for th'ee consecutive weeks, in the LICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in tbe City ®f Nass, having a wide genera! circulation in the Bieol Region, the first pub­ lication to take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore the date of auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be pc-sted in the municipality of JubaB. Sorsogon where tbe above-descrided property is located and another copies of same will be posted in tbe municipality of Sorsogon , one on the Bulletin Board at tbe office of tbe Provincial She­ riff below tbe Courthouse at Soreogon, Sorsogon, wbete (he auction sale will be eonducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers arehereby enjoined to in vestigate for themselves the title of tbe property and the encumbrances thereon if any there be. Sorsogon, 8oraogon, Philip­ pines, September 16, 1967 ARTURO ARGUELLES Ex-offici® Provincial Sheriff By: APOLONIO L. ESCOBAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, '67. Support The — RED CROSS "BLOOD PROGRAM” Don’t delay—be a blood donor today. Blood—a gift that saves life Second Site For Rice Production Project Selected Rice and Corn Production Coordinating Council (RC.PGC) baa selected the Binabaan-Tabak area in Leyte Norte as the site of the seoond riee production and extention projeot, President Marcos was ioformed recent­ ly. Tbe site was recommended by the joint Filipino-Chinese Team after conducting a sur­ vey of the area aod favora­ bly endorsed by Vise Presi­ dent and concurrently Sec­ retary of Agriculture Fernando Lopez, Tbe implementation of the project will be undertaken by; the Filipino-Chinese Agricultural Technical teams patterned after tbe Baliuag project; The projeet site is lieated 18 kilometers west of Taoloban City wiln a spread of about 12 kilometers, along tbe national highway com­ prising 8ta, Fe, parts ol Palo, Pastrana and Alang-Alang. It has a total acreage of over 10,009 hectares of which 2,400 hectares consist of irrigated nee paddies bound­ ed by coconut plantations. The survey team reported that tbe Palo clay loam, the type ot soil found in the area, is considered suitable for cultivation of high yield­ ing rice varieties (HYVs). Tbe Binabaan-Tibal area is characterized by tbe absen­ ce of a dry season with a pronounced rainful from November to January. The present average r:oeyield >n tbe asea is from 40 to 42 Cavans per hectare. With the introduction of HYVs, harvest is expeoted to average about 80-i00 cavans p.r heetare. PAL Highly Praised By Gov. Frivaldo Philippines Air Lines receiv­ ed high praises frsm Soreo­ gon Gov. Juao Frivaldo for opening the Manila-LegaspiCebu flights. The governor said tbe new route would bring Bicolandia closer to Cebu economi­ cally, culturally and along tourist development. In the past Cebu paseengers who desire to go to Legaspi and Bicolandia had to fly first to Manila then backtract to T egaspi. In tbe same way, Bicelanos wbe desire to go to Cebu and Visayas baa to fly first to Manila then bead south. Bieol official and busi­ nessman beaded by Gov. Wenceslao Q VinzoRS, Legas­ pi City Mayor Luis Los Banos and Frivaldo found to their surprise that Cebu goods of similar kinds are cheaper than in Manila, that Bieol home industries pro­ ducts have big potential in tbe Visayas, and that trade between tbe two regions has bright potential. Last week a group of Cebu businessmen, officials and civic leaders visited Bioolandia to explore its business and tourism potential. Tbe trip was sponsored by PAL; Gov. Rene Espina and Ma­ yor Carlos Quison ef Cebu, Jaycees, Lions, and other businessmen were included in tbe group of guests. New Procedure in September 23, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR * 7 WAC Recruitment----------------------- - -------------------------------------Malacafiang was informed recently of the revised proce­ dure in recruitment of applicants from tbe provin­ ces and other areas to tbe Women Auxiliary Corps (WAC) The announcement was made by tbe General Head­ quarters, WAC detachment of the armed forces of tbe Philippines, WAC officers, 2nd Lieute­ nant Restitute Matela and Perla Perlado, commanding officer and executive officer, respectively, said they reques­ ted officials of constabulary zones and military areas to help in tbe recruitment dri­ ve of the detachment Tbe request inoluded the eutorizatioD of tbe zones and military areas concerned in the processing of applies tione, giving out examinations and conducting physical and medical fitness tests. This new procedure of reeruitment is expected to bridge the distance between the recruiters and tbe reoruite * It will also enable the AFP to choose from among a great number of young women tbe belt af possible materials on whom to invest. Only selected 40 applicants will be admitted finally to undergo training which starts November I, to last for 13 weeks. This will bring to 80 the number of WAC enhsted women already working in ths camp headquarters. Reeruitment will continue until tbe desired 120-man force has been constituted. Applicants siould at least be high school graduates, 18-25 years old, 5’2” in height, Filipino citizens, of good moral character, single, ■ nd willing to slay unmar­ ried during a three-year c Dtract which they will sign. Training will consist of acquisition of skills that will enable them to do adtninis tralive, clerical, and technical work. They will fill up vacancies left by enlisted men and offieers who beve been assigned in tbe field to under­ take eivio action, engineer ing, anti criminality and peace and order missions. PERFORMANCE & LEADERSHIP responsive to the public need ... VOTE: STRAIGHT NACIONALISTA Dr. Protacio ‘Taci’ TOLENTINO , City MAYOR Atty. S. Dy-Liacco OBIAS ★ + * Vice MAYOR ★ ★ ★ Cou n c Atty. Bob Ruelo Lieut. Memong D’Asis Atty. Naldo Borja Capt. S. Hors: Atty. Lut del Castillo Atty. Jimmy Viola Tony Antero Tacorda ••Public service geared to the greatest good for the greatest number” Oscar Peralta Attends Confab In Denmark A Sorsnjueno was ehosen as the Philippines’ delegate to the International Cooper­ ative Trade Union oonfereoca slated is Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 17 to Oetober 1, 1967. Selected was Atty. Oscar LI- Peralta, "president of the Phi,ir,oine 0 Credit Union Leagu , Sorsogon chapter anu jt. Anthony Cooperative Credit Union, Inc. of Gubst town. The cred’t unien in that municipsl’ty is the big­ gest io the province today. Ki ESPINOSA kita gabus, tunay na tugang niato. Si MILING brillante sa tataramon asin sa guibo. Lalaki na may palabras de HONOR. Tabonekan "ESPINOSA for SENATOR MOVEMENT" PERFORMANCE * RESULTS: GOOD GOVERNMENT for responsible leadership in the City Council ... VOTE: Atty. S. DY-LIACCO OBIAS I Vice Mayor TOPNOTCUER in 1963 ELECTIONS 1st Lt., AFP Reserve Officer ★ THE BICOL STAR * September 23, 1967 of (I (Jfflarks 6tl] JKmritosarg *psta sa JCavuu aitb ^all The Kaigbts of Columbus, Diviao Rostro Counoil No. 5183, will celebrate its 8th anniversary next Saturday, September 30 at 9 p.m. at the Atenee de Naga Gym with Pista sa Nayon, Reeeption and Ball. At the reception line will be Arebbiahop Teopisto V. Alberto, Mrs. Antonina L. Bellecer, Msgr. Nieaner C, Belleza, Mrs. Virginia F. Perez, Miss Emilia Efonrlo (Mies Penafraneia), P.G.K. Judge Pedro C. Cruz, Dra, Edita Dostor-Dizon; introdu­ cing, Bro. Nicolas Q. Priela, Its officers (or 1967 68 are Rt. Rev Msgr. Nioanor C. Belleza, VG, chaplain; Juan B. Balleoar, Grand Knight; Buenaventura C, Parco. U.S. Admiral . . . the provincial capital a * 10:30 for tbe 50-minute over­ land ride to Nabua. Tbe admiral and party will have lunch at tbe borne ot Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo B. Orias, parents of Ely U. Orias who serves an the pub­ lic affaire staff ef Admiral Gilketon. After lunch tbe visitors will make a eao-hour tour ot Nabua. with glimpses of homes of active ana retired USN personnel residing in the poblaein. By mid-afternoon official ceremonies start, with Ad­ miral Gilkeson presenting Project Handclasp materials from tbe American people to Nabua High School, tbe pobiacion’s primary aed elemen­ tary schools, and the munici­ pal health center. Some under privileged children designated by a local charitable organi­ zation will also receive dolls end other toys. Tbe Americans donation consists of library and text bocks, atbletio equipment, medical supplies, home econo mice materials, paint and toys. Tbe day’s festivities will be sapped with a dinner-dance ia tbe admiral's boner to be sponsored by the municipal couasil, teachers and mem­ bers ef the local Fleet Re­ serve Association and their ladies Speeches, folk dances and exchange of token gifts will highlight the affair. Admiral Gilkeson will speak, us ierecoring Nabaa’s coolnbtiion of personnel to the service of tbe diffirent branch­ es of the U.S. armed (orate. Si Romero Can Calabanga Gadana Si Pedro Romero, 84 anor an edad, saro eaguragnan oa politico, asin paraboleng (berbolarioj, nagadan can Septiembre 17, 1967, sa barrio nin Pagatpat. Au catapusan can novenario ea oagailan gigibohon ea sabado, Sep lembre 30 sa harong can lam'lia ea Fagatpat. An mga nabayaan cadtong g«dan Ito ea Segundina, Ma lflor R. de Beaqueria; Abiabam, Raquel, Ligia, Asinat, Gil asin mga tnacoapa; Deputy Grand Knight; Porfeoto Palacio, Jr , chancellor; Eulogio P. Fajardo, recorderJesus Grageda, assistant re­ corder; Lope C, SemafN" financial sesretarv; Fidel L. Cu, asst, financial secretary; Tobias Oliva, treasurer; Leoncio C. Parco, leotureri Niaolas 0. Priela, advocate; Salvador Largoza, warden; Vicente del Castillo, aest. warden; Maeario Badiola, inside guard. Nick V. Prieto; outBide guard; Andres Mendizabal, outside guard; Ped­ ro C. Cruz, trustee, 3 years; Juan V. Novera, trustee, 2 years; Jose Narciso, trustee, 1 year. Board of advisers: Joaquin 1. Perez. Pedro C, Cruz, past grand knights. Some 278 eons ef Nsbua, for example, are ourrent'y serving in various capacities in the U.S. Navy. Around 140 have preceded them and are now comportablv retired Others are in the U.S Coast Guard while a few are with the U.S Army. U.S. Air Force and U S Marine Corps. The Subic visito'S will de­ part Nabua for Naga City midnight of Oct, 4 for their overnight billets at the Holi­ day H >tai in the provincial capital. A breakfast the follow­ ing day is sche'u'ed for Adtniral Gilkeson with Gov. Maleniza. Mayor Sibulo, City Fisoal Luis B. Uvero, Father Candelaria of Ateneo de Naga) end other officials. After hrakfast, Admiral G Ikeson and party will head for P.'i wnere the Subic Commander’s I1U-16, an amphibious aircraft, awaits them for tbe flight back to Zambales. D. A. ESCALANTE Candidato a CONC EJ A L Naga City Election: Nov. 14, 1967 Editor, Publisher, cagro'iaring can- ’’The Bicol Star” Veterano sa Concejo Municipal can Naga. An saiyang exp riencia caipuhan sa Junta Municipal. Dacul an naguinibo nia sa carahayan can banuaan. Parasorog nin cagabsan. Malinig an record. Frivaldo ... lion BTTI tourist tax income not one centavo has been spent to develop tourist spots in Cebu, Bioolandia, Minda­ nao or Northern Luzon Tbe governor asked why 76% of BTTI funds are spent on personnel and administration leaving hardly 24% to tour­ ism development and pro­ motion ; Balatbat lamely tried to ease out by explaining that BTTI funds were used to develop Luneta, Fort San­ tiago, Parian Gate; Paco Cemetery and a P2 million hotel in Corregidor. But Frivaldo floored him by revealing that the 1 * 2 million to put up the hotel in Corregidor was not BTTI funds but borrowed from ths bank, that tbe publio unders­ tands tbe Luneta, Intramuros, Fort Santiago and Paeo Cemetery ware tbe work of Doroy Valencia end Mrs, Imelda Mareos, but hardly BTTI. The governor added that BTTI is top heavy with commissioners, deputy com­ missioners, teohnioal assistants and 300 employees and cas­ uals. Frivaldo said the board members and commissioners reeeive 1 * 3,000 monthly allow­ ance compared to tba 1 * 6 000 annually received by former tourism commissioner Modesto Farolan. Frivaldo’s last salvo was despite government efforts to invite foreign investors, we fail not only to attraet foreign oapital but instead Filipino capital have been steadily flying out of tbe oountry. Frivaldo said a Filipino industrialist have invested heavily in Australia, two Filipino businessmen have set up two home appliances factories in Bang­ kok, two big hotels in Hong, kang are owned or party owned by Filipinos, tbe millions of profits from a plush Makati subdivision have been reinvested in a rich residential distriot in Sevilla and Barcelona, Spain. Tbe governor bewailed even in troubled Indonesia two big Filipino businessmen and insurance companies have invested beavely. Why cannot these local capital be invested in our own young and poor oountry, Frivaldo asked. Why? wby, Frivaldo shouted. Farmers Cautioned . . against this, tbe PWO suggested tbe maintenance of a safe predator population to check the increase of pests. II PC Zone . .. Miss Cora Caytano, UNC beauties, offered sampaguita leis to tbe visiting II PC Zone top brass upon arrival at the airport. At the PC HQ here in Naga, Gen. Bulan was accorded with an Escort of Honor by a company of PC personnel with tbe UNC band which furnished the rufflee and flourishes and other march music. Lt. Ool. Dumlao, briefed tbe Zone Comdr. on the local peace and order situa­ tion as well as on tbe diffi­ rent provincial and muaieipal polit eil oendidates for the November 14th elections. Gen, Bulan and party left Naga at 9:45 a.m: today for Virae; Catanduanes by PAF U-17 plane. Mrs Nena Bulan, wife of tbe General accompinied by some ladies of tbe PC officers ef the II PCZ passed at the local PC HQ. at 11:30 a m. Mrs, Balan and party were entertained by Lt» Col. and Mrs; Rafael F. Dumlao with Spotlight ___By JACK A. CABIGAO__ The new BICOL HOTEL in Legazpi Citi) is.aP"^ enterprise. But it is contributing a great deal tof 'e (iev^ merit of tourism not only in this city but in the I ' It serves as a big “come-on” to both domestic and i t at tourists. Could not the city government do something to extend assistance to it? xxx Main problem of the hotel, we were told, is ,r^.ad,e^~ trance leading to it. Il is always crowded during m°rlcet daVCars going to the hotel could hardly pass. Not only that, ne street entrance near the city puericulture center is,Jf10 . the time, clogged with piles of rubbish. And the smell st in to high heavens. Maybe, the city government can ‘nslallla number of trash or garbage cans for waste disposal. It w certainly create a good impression to tourists to have tne r entrance clear and clean. Let us, by all means, help devel p local tourism! xxx Our informant from city hall told us that the city finan­ ces is not exactly good. He promised to give us a startling revelation'’ as to its causes. Our informant is the spokesman ot Mayor LOS BA^OS. xxx The political battle in the city hall, we were told, is be­ tween incumbent City Mayor LUIS S. LOS BAKOS and the two IMPERIALS—Bep. CARLING IMPERIAL and NP mayoralty bet GOYITO IMPERIAL. The city executive then must be waging an uphill fight for retention of'his political power. xxx After the November 14th voting, the country is bound to loss the services of such veteran lawmakers as senators Mana­ han, Sumulong and Manglapus. Another good member or the senate who had done a good job but who incurred the ire of congressmen for fighting against the grant of their excessive allowances is Senator Antonina. He is conducting a singlehanded battle for his re-election. Can he make it? xxx Comments we heard in local coffee shops said that the city electorate is going to choose between past achievements or Mayor LOS BAfiOS and the unlimited assistance being ex­ tended by the two IMPERIALS to the voters, especially those from the barrios in the form of employment in public works projects. xxx When Pres. Marcos came here recently to proclaim the national, provincial and city official NP candidates, he told Gov. PEPING S. ESTEVEZ to prepare and submit to him projects amounting to 1 * 300,000. When asked what particular projects he has got in mind, Gov. ESTEVEZ said preference will be given to rural development, particularly self-help ones that will be of great benefit to the masses. xxx Here is a very timely warning to voters who would atter^Pl to register more than once for the November election, COMELEC Chairman Juan Borra stressed that "it would be a cri­ minal offense if there be a double or multiple registration. Pighahanap . . . oficina diyan; Si Alberto miembro can junta directive can 'GSI8.Sabi can lunes mapresentBr can saiyang dinnisionhuli fa siya iyeng can­ didato a gobernador sa Catanduanes. can NP. Sin dating gobernador interino sa Catanduaoes ta si Gob, Almojuela yaon sa vaeacton. Iguang mga naeshe^ng can si Alberto badilon sa walang sentido can sabi tolong lalakeng iriba na nagdorulag pacabadil. Dai daa midbid can mga babaeng empleado sa GSI8 na nakabr ling can pagbadil. Sagkod gnonian dai pa nakukua an Dagbadil asin kun sa isay an eabeza pen' sante can paggadan ki Alber­ to. Alagad daeul na en suspeebados, na saboot mga dafl luncheon at the Holiday Hotel after which tbe visi­ tors left for Legazpi City where Mrs, Bulan will rejoin her busband on tbeir return to Manila. Those who attended tbe luncheon were Mrs. Nena Bulan, Mrs. Marina Calde­ ron, Mrs. Lina Gutierez, Mrs; Tuding Corpuz, Mrs. Nora Malto, Mrs. Baby Fil­ lion, Mrs, Aida Dumpit, Lt. Col; Alfonso Calderon, Maj. Ricardo Z. Fullon, Capt. LI. M. Malto. Lt> Col. and Mrs. Rafael Dumlao, Maj. aad Mrs. Expedito Gracia, ting caiwaf ni Alberto sapolitics sa Catanduanes. Igua man nia nsgsasabi na an causa baoong ea politics kundi ea negocios; igua pa nin sahot na huli can paghaklasa sa pueeto an mga maestros sa Catanduanes na dai calificado; igua pa niu sahot na hulicaajpag ulangaa ni Alber­ to au ibang minautang nin cuatta sa GS1S. Igua na nin nagcapira catao na piginvestigar sa polieia sa Manila, alagad mayo nin calinawan sagkod gnonian an tunay na nagpagadan. An PC, an NBI anas nagtatarabang sa paghanap can crimi­ nal na responsable paggadan ki Alberto. Walo aa pigaaaahotan na may pacaisi can paggadan, alagdd dai pa ipigsasabi an saindang mga gnaran sagkod na dai nin casarigan an sabot eainda, na mga taga Catanduanes man sana; Idto si Alberto haloy nang pigdagnog na boot gadaion huli ta daoul an angot taiya dahel ea politioa. Igua idto niu pacasabot na talagang iguang may maraol na homot saiya, alagad saboot n>ya saro sananj pataoot, na dai nin catunayan. Linalaom na dai mabahaloy maluas an catotooban aejn madadacop an maysala tagnani padusaban nin maninigo;