The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 35, Vol. 32 (No.45) December 30, 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
FOR A PEACEFUL, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ♦ Swthera Arms i Eyrijimsat Cs. i fTel 14-96-R P.O. B« 136 ♦ 236 Elias Angeles Street J y Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X pEUTECTIC” low-heat weldisg ♦ J rods ,for cast iron, stainless steel * ♦ copper, aluminum, zinc, et«. x ♦BUKH” and “SOUTHERN * J CROSS” diesel engines, Pumps. J ♦ Lathes, Shapers, welders.’grin- $ ♦ders, drills, etc. • ♦ Service - Sales - repairs ? ♦ Fabrications;—Steel windows, § ♦ 'rsllg i doors, etc, ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦« »♦♦♦♦« 4 Founded In 1333 The Oldest Regional Weekly News-pa; r Year 35-Vol. 32, No. 45- City oj Naga, December 30, 1967-10 Ctvos. 8 Pages Pope Paul VI for True Peace He Volunteers t< Vietnam Peace Pope Paul VI is willing to help in negotiating for ending the war in Vietnam. His stand is non-partisan. He is inte­ rested to restore a true peace. Pope Paul had a 63-minute talk with Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson in Rome on his way to U.S. from Australia where he attended the memorial services for the Australian Premier Harold Holt, last week. Their talk centered on their hopes for a peaceful ■end to the Vietnamese war. The Vietnam war had a 24-hour truce Help Negotiate Pope Paul VI orceasefire last Christ­ mas eve, dec'arei by allied forces which ended 6 p.m. last Monday. QUEST FOR WORLD PEACE — Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin and U.S. President Lyndon Johnson conferred at Glassboro, Nt w Jersey. The two leaders met for more than 5 hours on June 23 and returned 2 days later for another 4 hours of private conversa­ tions. B'Jtn described the talks as “useful” in the quest for world peace. They agreed “to keep in good communications’’in the future. DBP Marks 2Jst Anniversary / From its birth on January 2, 1947, the Rehabi­ litation Finance Corporation became a powerful ins­ trument for carrying out the task of reconstruction. When the work of re­ habilitating the devasta­ tion and havoc wrought by the war was thought t> have been completed, the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation became by legislative fiat the Dev­ elopment Bank of the Philippines. This was in June 1958. The transformation of the RFC ushered in im­ portant and fundamental changes in its functions and outlook. Il shifted its attention and its resources to bear upon the problems of promoting the econo­ mic development of the country. And since invest­ ment capital is very scarce factor of product­ ion, the DBP played the pivotal role of allocating resources according to a national strategy for at­ taining economic develop­ ment. The DBP, being a pure­ ly government entity, has (Continued on page B) Daog Si Medroso sa Quo Warranto,Ma ApelaRSaC.ABacnng Elegible Si Mayor Medroso? Rail-Skates Underline Need //Quirino/Z Highway By RAMON H. FELIPE, JR. Congressman, 1st District of Camarines Sur General Manager Nica- blacion of Ragay. nor T. Jimenez of the A “rail-skate” is a Phil. National Railways home-made device, conhas recently outlawed the sisting of a wooden platimprovised “rail-skates” form, to which are attachnow commonly used in ed three sets of rollerthe so-called railroad bearings, which serve as towns of Tagkawayan, wheels. It uses the tracks Quezon Province, and Dei of the Philippine National Gallego, Ragay, Lupi and Railways and is propelled Sipocol, Camarines Sur by the operator by pushProvince. This drastic act- ing with one foot on the ion was prompted by the ground. It can carry two recent cLath of a young paying passengers, at a 1 arrio schoolteacher, Mrs. reasonable rate of speed, Loreto Gonzales y Tolete especially on down-grades, of Barrio Banga, Ragay, The “rail-skate” is a Camarines Sur, who was device born out of sheer fatally hit by a Bicoi Ex- nec ssity.The above menpress train, while riding a tioned “railroad” towns “rail skates” with other and their barrios sre co-teachers on their way strung out of an average from the barrio to the po- (Continued on page B) FM’S First Stop is Malaysia In His Three-Country Tour Mayor Dominador Med­ roso (N) can Calabanga, Cam. Sur ma-apelar sa Gorte de Apelaciones can saiyang pagcadaog sa quo warranto na ipigpresentar contra saiya ni Atty. Leoncio Elopre (L) na dinaog ni Medroso can Nov. 14, Mayor MEDROSO 1967 a eleccion. An deci­ sion ni Juez R. de la Cruz can tercera sala can Jusgadode Primera Instancia digdi sa Camarines Sur iyo, na si Dominador Vio­ la Medroso bacong calificado na maguin alcalde mun cipal can Calabanga nin hu'i la naprobaran na sia dai nacacasurat inteligentemente sa ingles, castilia o sa bicoi na tataPresident Marcos’ first stop will be Malaysia, then lo Indonesia. & Thai­ land, when he starts his state visits on January 7, 1968, in neighboring Asian countries. Press Secretary Jose D’ Aspiras said the follow ing dates have been fixed for the visits: Malaysia— Jaw. 7-10; Indonesia-Jan. 10-13.Aspiras said the trip to Thailand will start Jan­ uary 13, and the Presi­ dent will return to Mani­ la January 17. The Malacaiiang spokes­ man said that the visits will be made in furthe­ rance of the President’s desire to help accelerate active cooperation between the Philippines and her Asian neighbors. He also pointed out that the state visits were dictated by diplomatic protocol which demand that the President now reciprocate the gesture of good­ will demostrated by the heads of state of the three countries during their own visits here. Pres. Marcos A ramon digdi sa Cam. Sur sosog ta catotogonan can Seccion 173 can Codigo Electoral asin can Sec. 2174 can Codigo Administrative. An decision ni Juez de )a Cri z nacasurat sa 23 pahinas. Diyan nacasurat an mgaop nion canCorteSuprema na pigcitar ni Juez de la Crnz na saiyang pigbasaian can saiyang decision sa casong ini nasi Medro­ so bacong elegible na ma­ gin alcalde. Si Medrcso apat na veces vinotohan como alcalde asin dos veses vice alcalde sa Calabanga. An protestante (Elopre), nadaog nia sarong vez sa vice asin dos veces pa a alcalde, alagad gnonian sana sia p:g quo warranto ni Elopre. Can mga enot mayo lamang nin nagprotesta ki Medro­ so can eleccion saiya. Sa vista can caso sa juzgado pigpasurat si Medro­ so alagad naprobaran na masakit masabotan an sai­ yang surat. Si Medroso nagtuga sa juzgado na an saiyang secretaro, si Leo­ nardo Gonzales, iyong n a6 preparar can saiyang soli’ Continued on page 6 2 ★ 1HE BICOL STAR * December 30, 19i7 * Jhcol Star * Entered as Second Clase Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Na-gn, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor Ci Publisher ADVERTISING A PROMOTION: BENNY TAWAGON — ROMY ASUNCION BAL. M. DUMAGVIN — SILVERIO ALCALA ROMEO ESCALANTE — Circulation & Subscription Subscription Rates: r4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga City, Philippines It’s supposed to be merry Christmas, but my paisano, the "Partial Reviewer" is never merry at all. His candidate was unable to go through. Unknown to the "Star Witness" is the story that Mr. Diez was the " mastermind" of the Fuentebella-for-governor move­ ment. Manong Andres, mayo lamang kita dian? Veinte sana. • The election of governor Armando Ciedera is a blessing to the Nacionalistas in the province. Under the NP party rules, he automatically becomes chair­ man of the party. The fight for supremacy is ever. @ • Former Rep. Juan F. Trivino appears to be inte­ rested in having a return bout with the incumbent 1st district Congressman. Mr. Trivino must have heard that the "great parasakdo” is in trouble. No "lagdong sakdo" this time. 9 • The people of Noga City did not believe that Concejal Naldo Borja consumed more NESCAFE than Hizzoner Inting Sibulo. They elected the man to the Ci­ ty Board. No more coffee break this time, maybe. • • Atty. Gerry OR A A, my candidate for Congress in 1969 is the most academically prepared man for that fight. He holds two engineering degrees in addition to his law degree. Whai he 'acks is s "third degree" in the assessment business. 9 9 Councilor-elect Bob Ruelo will soon be the guest of honor of a meeting of the "CASARAROAN NIN KINAPOBREHAN" headed by Mr. Jacinto Romero. This organization after all is not a political group. Its acti­ vities are not limited to the compaign period. 9 9 The incoming Naga Municipal Board should learn from the bitter lessons of the past. Partisan consi­ derations should be subordinated to the overall inte­ rest of the people. That's the only brand of politics which will stand the test on the day of reckoning. 9 9 Why are we supposed to be happy during the Christmas season? The heavenly hosts proclaimed the answer. Glory be to God in the highest. Reason? He has declared that henceforth man is at peace with Him. God sees sinful man through the perfection of His own beloved son. Christian joy is founded on the rock of divine pardon. ® 9 The rebellious attitude of our young people may be traced sometimes to the stubborness of patents in refusing to see things from their young ones point of view. Love and understanding from a father or mother can go a long way- to cement a lasting harmony in the family. 9 9 The rising wave of criminality reveals the power­ ful influence our movies and comics have over those who patronize them. Stories glorifying crime amount to a hypnotic suggestions through association. The mind of man is largely "subconcious" and this subconcious state is highly suceptible to suggestion. Un­ der the influenceof his conditioned mind, man stands helpless. ADNAA to Honor Poll Winners The Alenej de Naga Association will award certificates of merits to all newly elected alumni cfficials and other alumni who have distinguished themselves in other fields this year during the ADNAA luncheon in the gym-auditoi i im on Rizal Day. Invited gu st speak­ er for the 21st ADNAA Homecoming affair is Se­ nator-elect Benigno S. Aquino, tena oria' lopnotcher in Camarines Norle, the ADNAA president’s home province A concelebralcd Mass by aium.iipriets, a motorcade and lloral offering al the H..« - za Rizal, the traditional noon luncheon andcve.iiug Bine and Gold Bill w.h mark the ADNAA Hi.n> coming this December 30lh. Updated Aleneo de Naga alumni files record another provincial gover­ nor, a total of ten may >rs (two of chartered cities), two vice-mayors and two city councilors with gov­ ernor-elect Armando Cie­ dera, HS’s41, Mayor Vicen.e Sibulo, HS’4 > of Naga City and Mayor­ elect Giegoiio Imperial Legazpi Li.y heading the rosier of winning alum ii in the ‘67 elections. Mayor elect Jose Timaner, HS’48 of Daet, Ca­ marines Norte had for campaign manager his brother Crank 1 imoner, 20ih ADNAA President. Other members or HS’4l_Jose^icarle was re-elec­ ted mayor of O-as (Albay) while: Eusebio General was Voted back to the City Council of Naga. Other, elected mayors are Esteban de la Ciuz of Gainza (C. Sur) and Francisco San Jose of Juban (Sorsogon) both of HS‘69; Ernesto lino, AA‘51 of Balo; Eugenio Aguilar, HS‘54 of Cabusao; .Gualberto Manlangit, . HS’55 of Tigaon; Ramon Constancio, HS’57 ofBuhi - towns of Cama­ rines Sur. Elected vice­ mayors are Ramon Raneses, AA’49 of Legaspi City and Romeo ’ Gonzales, HS’55 and BSC’62 of Polangui, Albay. Carlos Castillo, AA’54, likewise made the magic seven of the Naga City Board. FM on Human Rights President Marcos declared recently that the acceptance of human rights by the government and peoples of the world is “one of the foundation stones of civilization.” During the observance of Human Rights Day, the Presi­ dent pointed out that it "is both as reminder and an encourage­ ment” for enlarging the "moral possibilities of our culture” thtough the extension of human rights to every individual and community in the world. Despite the significant gains (Continued on Page 5) Of PW Funds: Allotments, Releases Investigations RA No. 5187 tarries an allotment of about ¥111,000 09 for various small public works projects in Carn. Snr thougfully sponsored by Sen. Gerry Raxas and ul.icli is brclien down us follows: , , - Tinambac- for barrio Tierra Nevada, const/uclion of school building ¥5,000.00; and for the _ cons'rml ion ol a barrio market building in same barrio - 1*.5 OOJ.JJLagonoy- construction of school building at barrio Agpo¥5,000 00. . • c / R igay- construction of school building at barrios Salva­ tion and Lahong - ¥5,000 00 each. v^nnnno Parubcan- construction of school building - 15.OJU.UU. Balo- construction of feeder roads - ¥5 000.00 Iriga- construction ol academic building al Bo. San Antonio, ¥10,000.00. . Milaor- aid for various PW projects - ¥2,000.00. Nabua- construction of Roxas Social Pediatrics Pavilion Construction of road vis Palsong to Bula- ¥2.000 00 Cumaligan- Completion ofviriris community projects Tigaon- Repair of municipal streets - ¥5.000.00 Calabanqn- Construction of Sea Wall • 0 ’ c Buhi- Construction of Feedir roads (Sta. Isabel x San Isidro, San Fern indo- Conitruction of Cogon DamP20.000 00 (¥10,000.00 Naga Ci'y-Drainage lay out a: construction for barrio Tab.ico - P30,000.00, ★ * Mr. Martos should explain thru Commissioner SyChangco, the nature of the 28 million pesos in government funds released during the 5-month period immediately prece­ ding the Iasi elections as exposed by Sen. Roxas;, otherwise he’s just as good as making his own obstacles in 69 ★ ★ The LP Senators are right in demanding from the Bud­ get Commissioner the nature of the funds released during the electoral campaign period. It’s most unfortunate though, that Mr. Sy-Changco is responsible only to Mr. Marcos, and the latter in turn responsible only to the people. Nevertheless^ Sen. Ziga & Co, should know better than making Commis­ sioner Sj Chingcr their source of information. ★ ★ Sec. Antonio Raquiza reportedly spent almost all of his 12 million-peso contingent fund and. about half ol his 9 mil­ lion discretionary fund during the period f rom Oct. 1 to Nov. 20, 1967. So What? He was authorized by Congress It spend ' it, was’nt he? Why blame Raquiza? or Marcos, for that mat­ ter? If ai all, there should be anytne who should be more blamed for all lh:se abuses of public funds expenditure, it should be the very people who approved the national budget in the first place. ♦ * There is no truth to the rumor that another Marcos cabinet­ man is due to resign for the complication of his wife in another shaddy government-deal Prizes for Red Cross Tickets Raffle Here Reduced Prizes stipulated in the Red Cross raffle tickets will suffer major changes due to losses wrought by typhoon “Whelming” to agricultural crops and proper­ ties in Naga City and Camari­ nes Sur. This was the consensus of opinion made by members of the local Red Cross Board as attempt to step up sales of raf­ fle tickets failed to materialize. Individual agents and group agents like Public School Teachers, Municipal Mayors and Treasurers, other Red Cross volunteers and supporters due to hardship in the present living condition the effect of last natu­ ral disaster failed to cover their respective quotas or goals. Dr. Joaquin I. Perez, Cama­ rines Sur-Naga City Chapter Chairman of the Benefit Division, at special meeting of the PNRC board, presented the problem after hearing a report on partial collection amounting to P3,700 The raffle, a fund raising drivr suppose! to be held Decembe 31, 1957, registered a very poor sale and placed the local Red Cross board in adilemma. Considering the poor sales output and expenses incurred incident to the holding of this raffle plus the individual or group shares of solicitors, the local Board modified and approved the follow ing prizes: ,st Prize 1 Hegal Sewing Machine; 2nd Prize Radiola Model with crystal mik> and 3rd Prize,1 Standard Brand Wall Clock. Consolation prizes of P5 each will also be awarded to ten other lucky winners. Incentive prizes for agent8 or solicitors will also be given on the following basis: Indivi­ dual agent selling the 1st Prize P 50;2nd Prize, P30; 3rd Prize, P20; Group agents selling tbe first Prize, P50; 2nd Prize P30; 3rd Prize, P20. (Continued on pate 5) • legal notices & Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CATANDUANES 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF NAME, YAN WEY, Petitioner. SPL. PROC. NO. 132 X......................................................X ORDER In his verified petition, the petitioner, a bona fide resident of the province of Catanduanes since 1946, seeks to obtain judi­ cial authority to change his Chi­ nese name, Yan Wey with the Filipino name Lucas Arcilia Yan, the name allegedly given him when he was baptized in the Catholic Church sometime in the year 1947. VV HEREFORE, the petition being sufficient in form and substance, the Court hereby sets the same for hearing on April 29, 1968, at 8:30 o’clock in the mori ing and directs that a copy of this order be published in the Bicoi Star, a newspaper publish­ ed in the City of Naga and of general circulation in the pro­ vince of Catanduanes, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, which won the lottery conducted in the office of the Clerk of Court, pursuant to the provisions of Rep. Act No. 5469, so that all persons interested in the petition may then and there appear and show cause why the same should not be granted. Let a copy of this petition be served upon the Solicitor General. SO ORDERED. Virac, Catanduanes, Novemei 25, 1967. FELICIANO S. GONZALES Judge Certified True Copy. MANUEL A. MAGISTRADO Clerk of Court Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE Notice ii hereby given tkal the estate left by late Sps. Jsciato Valencia and Libe­ rals Alarte, eonaietiog of id agrieultural lot situated at Sea Antonio, Tiaam b a e, Canos.Suri covered by O.C.T. No* 7751 (Patent) vitb an area of 9T.522 square meters, has been the subject of an Extra judicial settlement vitb ra'e by the only beir, Edilberto Valeneia, who sub­ sequently sold the same to Marcelo Calla, for Pl.500 80| said deed acknowledged be­ fore Not. Pub. Hilario Espano per Doe; No. 6511 Pegs 4; Book 21; S. 1967 on Dec. 8, 1967 at the City of Naga. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 19S7, LEGAL NOTICE Natiee is hereby given that pursuant te Sec. 1. Rule 74 «f the Ru'es of Court, an Affidavit of Adjudiration has -ea executed by Eulalia, only heir of the late Cleotilde Reeapeso and Ro muaido Laniog, over a parcel of residential Dad situated in San Agustin, Iriga, Cama­ rines Snr with an area of 1,504 sq, m. now under Tax Declaiation No. 16414 and valued at ?5,130. The instrument was exeouted December 6, 1967 be­ fore Notary Publie Hilario Espano an 1 recorded as Doc. No. 0331 Page No. 100; Book No. XX; Series of 1967. Pub. f ecena'ier 9, 16 and 23, 1 6 . Republic of the Philippines Department df Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, SALVACION MOLINA, Mortgagor, FORECLOSURE x - - - - - x SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EX­ TRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by SALVACION MOLINA, sin­ gle, of legal age, Filipino, with residence and postal address at Daet, Camarines Norte, in favor of the Development Bank of the Philippines, formerly R. F. C. Mortgagee, under date of August 5, 1961, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of ONE THOUSAND EIGH P HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 68/100 PESOS (Pl,855.68) as of December 23, 1966, including in­ terest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total indebtedness as attor­ ney’s fees also secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff levied upon all the rights, interest, title, dominion and part­ icipation that of the Mortgagor Salvacion Molina has in and upon the real property mortgaged LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given tbat pursuant to Seo. 1. Rule 74 of the H u I e s al Court, an Extrajudicial battlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights, bas been executed November 26, 1967, by and amoog the Heirs of Ettlslis Villareal, namely, Dioaiaia Magistrado, the surviving Widow and the ehildrvn, Corez u, Nelly, Teotimo, Lsurtee and Pedrito all surnamed Villareal, affecting the property situated in Anieg, Sagnay, Camarioee Sur, vitb an area of 5.9870 hectares and by Original Certifisate of Title No. 22698 Heirs waived their rights in favor of Corazon Villareal under an instrument executed before Notary Pub­ lic Hilario Espano ol Canaman, Camarines Sur, ander Doc. NT. 607; Page 95; Book No. XX; Series of 1967. Pub. December 9, 16 & 23. NOTICE Pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rule? of Court, nolioe is hereby gives that Matilde Braeero, surviving wife and only legal heir of late Fausto Lagrs, who died in Pagranga-an, Lagonoy, Cam. 8ur on May 6, 1963, executed aa affidavit ad­ judicating unto barself with simultaneous abselute Bale unto Cssar Goyene, Filipino, of legal age, married, Naga City, for a consideration of F2.500 tbat certain parcel of land, situated io PagesDga an, C,S. with an area ol 90,043 Sq M. desaribed in OCT No. 16329) (Lot 961 Pls 687-D). The instrument wae executed and acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Hilario Espano at Canamau, C.8. per Doc. No. 643) Page 2; Bk. 21; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23 10, 1967. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVIN­ CIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., Mortgagee, -versusSAMUEL ALBOR AND EMMA Hl LOTIN, Mortgagors. X....................................... X SHERIFE’S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Acr 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of Mortgage executed by s.\Ml EL Al BOR and EMMA HILOT1N (spouses) of legal age, Filipino, with residence and posand more particularly described, as follows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE Or TITLE NO. T-1477SORSOGON A parcel of land situated in the barrio of Sto. Nifto, Munici­ pality of Bacon, Province of Sor­ sogon, Philippines. Lot. No. 1 - Bounded on the North, by property of Hipolito Daual; on the East, by property of Fausto Arnaldo; on the South, by property of Damian Molina; and on the Southeast, by pro­ perty of Marciliano Arnaldo, x x x containing an area of 0.8649 hec­ tares. Lot No. 2 - Bounded on the the Northeast, by Guisok Creek; on the Southeast, by Hipolito Daual and Guisok Creek; on the Southwest, by properties of Teodoro Dalea and Malcelino Arnal­ do; and on the Northwest, by properties of Marcelino Arnaldo, and Damian Molina, x x x con­ taining an area of 4.0101 hectares. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorso­ gon, Sorsogon, thru the under­ signed Deputy Provincial Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on January 10, 1968, at 10:00 in the morn­ ing at the Office of the Provin­ cial Sheriff below the Courthouse at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, he will sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash and in Philip­ pine Currency, the above describ­ ed real property in order to sat­ isfy the total amount of indebt­ edness claimed by the bank in said mortgage. WHEREAS, this notice of pub­ lic auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a news­ paper of general circulation in tiie province of Sorsogon as well as in the Bicoi region and edited in the City of Naga-once a week for three concecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty days before the date of auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted for the same period of time in the cons­ picuous public places in the Mu­ nicipality of Bacon and Sorsogon where the properties are located and the auction sale will take place. Wherefore, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjomed to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and the en­ cumbrances thereto if there be any for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex- Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, *67. December 30, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR _ ♦ 3 tai address at Tula-tula, Magalla­ nes, Sorsogon, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., under date of June 6, 1964. May 11, 1965 and May 24, 1966, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of TWO THOU­ SAND FIFTY SIX AND 62/100 PESOS (1’2,056.62) as of Nov­ ember 15, 1967, including inte­ rest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total amount of indebtedness as attorney’s ’fees and the Sheriff’s fees for the foreclosure and sale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication of the Morgagce Bank, the Prov­ incial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorso­ gon, livied upon all the rights, interest, titles, dominions and participations that of the mort­ gagors might have in and over the following described real pro­ perties mortgaged, to wit: Parcel-1- A parcel of agri­ cultural land (abaca and coconut) located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of Thirty Six Thousand Four Hun­ dred Eighty Five (36,485) Square Meters, more or less, x x x Boun­ ded on the North, by Cayetano Mendaro and Isidro Hilotin; on the East, by Public Land; on the West, by Epifanio Deyto. Tax Decl. No. 5112 and Assessed for P480.00. Abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and visible boundaries are Creek, Balite and Taquilala trees. Parcel -2- A parcel of coconut, abaca and thicket land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of THIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUN­ DRED FIFTY ONE (30,451) Square Meters, more or less, Bounded on the North, by Marcos Golloso; on the East, by Pawic River; on the South, the Pawic River; and on the West, by Marcos Golloso. Tav Deel. No. 4152 and Assessed for P230.00 Coconut and abaca are the per­ manent improvements and BL posts, River and Taquilala trees are the visible boundaries. Parcel 3- A parcel of agricul­ tural land containing an area of 70,000 Square meters more or less located at Tula-tula, Magal­ lanes. Sorsogon, bounded on the North, by Samuel Albor and Jesus Moraleda; on the East, by Felipe Llarina; on the South, by Rosendo Totica; and West, by Francisca Lopos and Samuel Hilotin. Tax Deel. No. 5255 and Assessed for Pl,700.00. Coconuts and abaca are the permanent improvements and quilala and hojasmorado trees are the visible boundaries . . Parcel -2-2 parcel of agricul­ tural land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND (75,000) ’ Square Meters more or less, bounded on the North, by property of Julian Marmol; East, by property of Plutarco de los Reyes; South, by property of Pastor Alcantara; and on. the West, by property of Arturo Albor. Tax Decl. No. 5651 and Assessed for Pl 1,180.00 and abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and living trees are the visible boun­ daries. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Sections 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Sheriff ANNOUNCES THAT on February 7, 1968, at 10:00 in the morning of that day he will sell at Public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, in the Office of the Provincial Sheriff at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, below the Courthouse the above descri­ bed real properties in order to satisfy the total amount of indebt­ edness claimed by said Bank. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby fgiven , that pursuant to See. 1, of Rule 74 of the New Rules of CouJt, the estate of the late Salvador Reyer consisting of a parcel of coconut land situated at Grijalvo, San Fernando, C. Sur, designated as Lot 2149, Pls. 737-D, with an area of 2.6244 Has. has been the subject of an Extrajudicial Settle­ ment by the heirs executed before Notary Public Flavio Esplago as per Doc. No. 290, Page No. 90, Book No. V, Scries of 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the property of the late Arcadio Sicad, located at Dimadlagan, Panlayaan, Sorsogon, Sorsogon, has been the subject of this Summary Settlement with Sale by the heirs, namely: Exequiel, Presentacion, Justina, Asuncion, Gregorio, Amador, Salvacion and Rosario, all surnamed Sicad and Marcos Bermundo, in favor of Daniel Javier which was executed and acknowledged on Nov. 17, 1967, before Notary Public Atty. Hugo D. Dado of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, as evidenced by Doc. 1166; Page 8; Book 29; and Series of 1967 of his notarial register. Pub. Dec. 16,23, 30, ’67.-A. J’ WHEREAS, this notice of public auction sale will be pub­ lished in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the Bicoi Region and edited in the City of Naga Philippines, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication totake place at least Sixty (60) days before the date of auction. Copies of this notice will be posted in three ■ conspicuous places in the Municipality of Magallanes where the properties are located and same copies will be posted at Sorsogon, • Sorsogon where the auction will take place. WHEREFORE, propective buyers or bidder axa hereby en­ joined to investigats for themselves the titles of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there be arty for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16,23, 30, ‘67 Export industries Boosted By FM President Marcos conferred re­ cently with his economic advisers on ways and means of stepping up financial suppo:L for exporc industries, particularly the coco­ nut industry, logging and mining. The President stressed that top priority be given the coconut in­ dustry in the implementation of the administration’s PlOO-million loan program to aid the indus­ try. He told the financial advisers to endeavor or to device ways and means by which loans under this program could be granted more expeditiously. The President pointed out uhat it was necessaty to avert a possible drop in the volume of coconut eyports in the next two years. He explained that this re­ daction in coconut exports may (Continued on pag . 6> ★ TUF, BICOL STAR ★ December 30, 1967 * LEGAL NOTICES * Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City ot Naga ROTILA BENJAMIN, Plaintiff, -versusCRISOSTOM.O REVILLA, et al., Defendants. CIVIL CASE NO. 1.-201 (EXECUTION) X..................................................... X SWM's Notiee Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur, Branch V, whereby the Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies was commanded to make effect­ ive the sum of TWO THOU­ SAND PESOS (P2.000), Philip­ pine currency, the mortgage debt, with interest of twelve per cent (12%) per annum from June 18, 1964 until fully paid; plus at­ torney’s fees in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500); plus the costs of the suit in the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FOUR­ TEEN PESOS AND EIGHTY CENTAVOS (P414.80) and toge­ ther with the sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident to this execution, all in Philippine currency, against the judgment­ debtors or the defendants hereof; Wherefore, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff, ex officio, of Camarines Sur announces that under the provisions of Section 3, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court, he will sell at public auction at the office of . the Provincial She­ riff, located at the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Ca­ marines Sur, in Naga City, bet­ ween the hours of 9:00 and 4:00 p.m. on January 9, 1968. to the highest bidder for cash in Philippine money, the mortgaged property of the defendants here­ of, hereunder described as follows: “A parcel of upland rice and calaon land with all the improvements thereon, contain­ ing an area of TEN HEC­ TARES or 100,000 square meters, more or less, situated in the barrio of Colacling, Municipality of Lupi, Province of Camarines Sur, bounded on the North, bj’ Catalino Alforte; on the East, by Margarito Saniel; on the South, by MRR Co.; and on the West, by Boi.0 Creek. This land is de­ limited on each sides by Talisay Trees, Apitong Trees, Bunga Tree and Madre de Cacao Tree, respectively; covered by Tax Declaration No. 705 in the name of Miguela Miralpin and assessed at P250. This property has not been register­ ed under the provisions of Sec. 41 of Act No. 496, nor under the Spanish Mortgage Law, hence, both parties agreed to register the document in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3344 as amended. The mortgagors • are in actual peaceful possession of this property." In accordance with . law, this notice of public auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional, news­ paper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicoi provinces including the province <>f Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Like­ wise, for the same period of time, Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, -versusSPS. FELIX PARAFJNA & CORAZON DAURAN, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MOR I - GAGED PROPERTIES X..................................................X NOT ICS OF KXiHAJUDlCIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Ender Ad 313d, as Amend By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deed el mortgages executed bv the spouses FELIX PARAF1NA and CORA­ ZON DAURAN. of the Pohlacion, of Ragav, Camarines Sur in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly REHABI1JTA T 1 O N FINANCE CORPORA T 1 O N, under date of December 4, 1958, February 8, 1960 and August 28, 1962 and for the satisfaction of the debt of Pl,572.23 plus 6% and 8%, respectively annual inte­ rest on the amount of P 1.572.23 from March 16, 1967 plus at torney’s fees in .the' amount of P157.23 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by said mortgages, the undersigned ex officio'1 Provincial Sheriff announces that on Jan­ uary 9, 1968 at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff Office, located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol, in Naga City, he will sell at public auc­ tion, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real pro­ perties, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 9272 - CAMARINES SUR Tax Dec. No. 2610-Assessed Value - P510 Plan Psu-148662 A parcel of land situated in Bo. Salvacion, Mun. of Ragay, Province of Camarines Sur. Bound­ ed on the NE. along line 1-2 by property of Cristobal Aquino; along lines 2-12 by Center of Creek and property of Benjamin Mapa; and along lines 12-24 and 24-1 by Center of Creek and property of Cristobal Aquino, xx containing an area of SIXTY TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN (62,118) square meters, more or three copies of this notice will be posted on three different pub­ lic and conspicuous places in the municipality of Lupi, Camarines Sur where the foregoing des­ cribed property is situated and another three copies of same will be posted in the City of Naga, one at the Bulletin Board in the Provincial Capitol, where the auction sale will be conduct­ ed for the information of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders, are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any , for the protection if their interest Done in Naga City, Philip-pinees, December 12, 1967. - MAURO 'B. PAJAXDO Ex. Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam, 3m Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given in connection with the Extrajudicial Settlement Among Heirs executed among the heirs of the late FELIX JACOME of Buhi, Cam. Sur, namely: Restituto, Cristina, Marciana, Victoria, Maxima, all surnamed Jacome, of legal age, all married of Buhi, Cam. Sur, ad­ judicating unto themselves proindiviso that certain parcel of riceland, situated in the barrio of San Pascual, Buhi, Cam. Sur with an area of 5,501 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. 12892 of the Reg. of Deeds of Cam. Sur known as Lot No. 1404 Cad-296 and left intestate by deceased Paula Jacome, the sister of late Felix Jacome. All other heirs renounced and quitclaimed their interests and shares in favor of the other heirs named above who are the children of late Felix Jacome. The instrument was subscribed and sworn to before Notary Public Francisco C. Mvndisabal at Buhi, C.S. on Aug. 22, 1967 per Doc. No. 48; Page 78; Bk. IV; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. NOTE: This survey is covered by F.P.A. No. V-56436. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 11043 -CAMARINES SUR Tax Dec. No. 3922-Assessed Value - P240. A parcel of land (Psu 148664) situated in the Barrio of Salva­ cion, Mun. . of Ragay, Province of Camarines Sur. Bounded on the SE., along line 102 by Jacin­ to Hanoy; on the SW., along lines 2-3-4-5 by Corazon Dauran (Psu-148663); and on the N., along lines 5-6-1 by Public Land, x x containing an area of SIX­ TY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE (61,835) square meters. NOTE: This survey is covered by FPA-V-55436-A. In accordance with law, this notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties under Act 3135 as amended, will be pub­ lished in the Bicoi Star, a week­ ly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicoi provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecu­ tive weeks, the first . publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for the same pe­ riod of time, three copies of this notice will be posted in three different public and cons­ picuous places in the municipal­ ity of Ragay, Camatines Sur where the above-described pro­ perties are located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga, one at the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol, where the auction sale will be conducted for the infor­ mation of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of the said properties and the encum­ brances thereon, if any there be. City of Naga, Philippines, December 12, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Ex- Officio Pub. Dec. 16,23, 30, 1967. Advertise in Social Workers from 0 h.r Naiiosns Weigh Role of Hong Kong Social workers from the Philippines and other Asian countries, who attended a youth confere-r.e and hyout festival here 1 wa were told that neiher ei v : permissiveness nor domination :>f the young people of this leip hr rtionby their elders w'ould I •/alidown the tendency to <Hike of you tfi a separate societyPalisl 1' > J 1, Hongk.xig’s Dircctoi -.f Scicial Wefface, in his. opening speed■. Mid the delegates from /•.'jstrah:i Honigkoug, Indonebia, japm, ;a, Malaysia, Philipp, Singapore arid Thai­ land that "the younger generation must be helped to develop with­ in and as part of the whole so­ ciety, not as something opposed to it, separate from it, rejected LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby giv n that pur­ suant to section 1, Bule 71, of the Rules of Court, an affidavit of self adjudication has been exe­ cuted by Zacarias R. Imperial, the surviving spouse and the only heir of the late Rustica C. Im­ perial, who died with no valid will on July 13, 1966, at the City of Naga, over the six (6) parcels of riceland, coconut land, residential land, located at Tinagnis, Pili, Camarines Sur, City of Naga, and at Makati, Rizal, with a total area of one hundred sixty four (164) hec­ tares, ninety six (96) ares, and eighty one (81) centares or 1,649,681 square meters, more or less, and a personal property­ consisting of cash, deposited in the Philippine National Bank. The affidavit of self adjudi­ cation was executed before Branch Clerk of CQurt, Leoncio Garchitorena of the Court of First Ins­ tance of Camarines Sur, at the City of Naga, on the 15th day of December 1967. Pub. Dec. 23. 30, 1967 and Jan. 6, 1968. NOTICE Pursitant to Sec. I, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that an Extrajudi­ cial Settlement of Estate with Sale was executed in Naga City on Nov. 2, 1967 by and among Primitiva, Alejandro, Vicente, Rosarib and Beata, all surnamed Agong, of legal age, of Camali­ gan, Cam. Sur, the legal heirs of late Spouses Leocadio Agong and Nicanora Villar who died intestate in Camaligan, C,S.. in the years 1944 and 1951, respect­ ively, adjudicating urfto them­ selves pro-indiviso that parcel of coconut land, left by decedents, situated ini Marupit, Camaligan, Cam. Sur with an area of .948 Sq.M., declared under Tax No. 1886 and assessed at P80 and simultaneously sold it to Ramon Alimuin, Filipino, of legal age, married to Paz Lagasca, Cama­ ligan, Cam. Sur for a consider­ ation of P5,000. The instrument was subscribed and sworn to before ■ Notary' Public Hilario Espano on Dec­ ember 6, 1967 in Naga City per Doc. No. 634;,Page 100; Bk. XX; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. House and Lot for Jaie A seven-room house together with the lot on i which f is standing with an area of 475 square [meters are for sale at low reasonable price Luvited |on A. Bonifacio St., xNaga City Heights Sub!division. Interested buyer, contact right away. MR. TEOFILO ZARA •384 Igualdad St.. Naga City fedml Ship fortyev/M.S Prjjrjm to S t udy the Ocean* Washington - The! U.S. Govern­ ment will begin investing in col leges and universities during the next few weeks in an effort to expand man’s knowledge of the oceans. The project is called the Na­ tional Sea (Grant College and Program Act - or, simply SEA­ GRANT. Congress established SEAGRANT in 1966, and charg­ ed the National Science Founda­ tion with making the Act work. About four million dollars was made available for the first year’s projects. and rejecting." Other sessions disscusscd the problems of youth in a changing world and to resolve concrete ways of encouraging youth par­ ticipation in programs of service and recreation. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given, that the heirs or the late Marcela LaboJbv, Boni­ facio, Eleno, and Bernards ah surnamed Jaudalso, who died respectivelv on Nov. 1. 1937, Sept. 22, ’ 1943; June 19, 1961 and May 7, 1951. respectively, namely: Felisa Jaudalso, widow, Tomas Dolot, Emeterio Ledesma: Teotimo, Cenon, Francisco, and Jose, all surnamed Dolot, the legal heirs of the four decedents named above, executed an Extra­ judicial Settlement of the estate left by decedents by adjudicating unto themselves pro-indiviso the parcel of land (Lot No. 6122, before Lot No. 1959-A of Sor­ sogon Cad., located in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, covered by OCT No. 2223 under Tax Dec.’ No. 12320, valued at P3,160 with an area of' 3,345 Sq.M., in the manner stated in the instrument which was subscribed and sworn to beforeNotary Public Maximino R. Ables . at Sorsogon, Sorsogon on March 21, 1967. Pub., Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan. 6, 1968. R.A. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the heirs of the late Eustaquia Delfin de la Rosa who died intestate sometime ,, in 1963 in Pasacao, •Camarines. Sur, namely; Saturnino de la Rosa, widower of the decedent, and Domingo, Fernando, Jaime/ and Enemias, all surnamed De la. Rosa, children of the decedent, Filipinos, all of legal age, maried and residents of Pasacao, Cam. Sur, executed an Extraju­ dicial Partition of the Estate, pro-_ indiviso among themselves of the conjugal share of the dece-. dent over the parcel of land situa­ ted in Magtabid, Caranan, Pasa-. cao, C.S., covered by OCT No 9366, FP-No. V-71504 with an. area of 10.0232 Has. under Tax, Dec. No. 7770 valued at P3.35O, The instrument was subscribed, and sworn to before Notary Public Alfredo A. Velasco al: Pasacao, C. Sur on Dec. 13 1967, per Reg. No. 275; Page 58; Bk.' Ill; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan 6, 1968. \ < 1 HE BICOI STAR w December ,i', i’> partial review bi) Andres G. Dies Relax, Mr. Padilla, ReLx Senator Padilla, in his recent speech delivered at the Manila Bay Eiiakfast Club before its members, made himself very clear hi his denunciations against the armed goons, with PC officers support, that made iha last election the “bloodiest and the dirtiest”. To include PC officers in his charges for corrupting our elect­ ions is a veiv serious matter that lie should not condone. IL- should see to it that they arc tried before the military court of justice. If there are witnesses. To accuse is one thing. To prove is another. If Senator Padilla sees no way by which the political crimes com­ mitted can be prove.1 in any court, 1 personally believe that, for the peace of his conscience, it would be wiser for him to keep quiet about all that happened. If it is true that those who terrorized the elections by commit­ ting a hundred murders are goons, who are they? By wham were they hired? Who were the PC officers that he said supported the goons? Senator Padilla should know that it is not he alone who is eager to have them prosecuted and penalized' to the limit of the The moros are eager. The Igorots are. The Visayans, Bicolanos, Tagalogs are. The religious and sectarian organizations are. So he has practically all the peaceful citizens of our coun»rv behind him. With reference, however, to some killings and frauds bring committed in our country every election campaign, one fact rennins incontrovertible for guidance of Senator Padilla. And that is that those who commit them, either by their own free will or by induce­ ment of others are fools. Or imbeciles. Or stupids. Or Mr. Padilla may have other descriptions for them. One hundred fools or more that emerge from the earth in­ habited by 33 millions of free people on^v represent an infinitesimal portion. And can not be avoided by even' the enactment of the se­ verest of laws. Mr. Padilla should understand that.: All Liberal critices should also understand the same. To blame President Marcos of the crimes committed by the fools is out. of order. Foul. Mean. Brutish. Unjust. President Marcos campaigned for the candidates of his party. He appealed to the electorate for support on the basis of the achievements of his administration. He did not encite anyone to kill another. No President can ever think to -be unlawful. Not even Mr. Padilla, if he becomes one. Not even Roxas. Not even Osmeiia. Not even Villareal. ' ■ Only the Octopus of Mindanao can. Only Mao Tse Tung can. Therefore, out of respect to the high position that he occupies, it is expedient that Mr. Padilla learns to temper his language agair.s President Marcos who is easily his Sire in all respects. In law. In imagination. In bravery. In love of country. In administrative wisdom. In personal behaviour. Also, perhaps, in other matters. While it is a privilege of a citizen in a democracy to criticize anyone in public service for any wrong done, the same privilege exacts the critic to exercise prudence and always the best of manners. Senators, and good manners are presumed to be synonym, eh, Mr. Padilla? Jan. 1-7 Declared Bo. Community Dev. Week Field workeis of the Presidential Arm on Community Development in the Centra! Lu'.on have been enjoined to help barrio people in the celebration of Commun ty Development Week on January 1 7, 1968, Malacahang was informed recently. Director Roscndo Mar­ quez of the I CD Area made this appeal to all field workers in (he area upon receipt of Lhe presi­ dential proclamation dec­ laring the first of January as Community De.el la­ ment Week. In the proclam i'i > 1, the PACD assigmu lhe job of all activiii s a J program in the ubseivance of the week. Director Marquez also added that all pi ovine al governors, city and inuaicipul mayors and l> irr o captains are enjoined by President Marcos to give fit ing observance of this we?k in order to foster among lhe people the spirit of community deve­ lopment thru self - help, and thus e icourage them to become active partici­ pants in lhe development of Um country. President Marcos, it was ldjried, male th?, proclama ion in recognitio 1 cf lhe value and sig­ nificance of community development in improving the lives of barrio people. Rizal Day Cnmnittee on Lecture Created Airstrip Alongside Friendship Highway ‘ Seven airstrips alongside the projected Friendship Highway in different regions of the country have been programmed for cons­ truction. They will be located in the vicinity of Claveria (Cagayan), Abuyog (Leyte), Himayan (Leyte), San Francisco (Laguna), Cuevas, (Agusan), Balabag (Davao) and Licum (Zamboanga del Sur). The plan to construct these airstrips simultaneously with the Friendship Highway was approved by President Marcos last Nov. 29. Aside from serving as emergency landing fields, the airstrips will also serve as driers for palay, places for public meetings and athletic meets, and as stations for motorists and buses. CARRIER CHRISTENING—“J christen thee John F. Kennedy,” says Caroline Kennedy, <Ku li­ ter of lhe late U.S. President, as she breaks lhe traditional bottle of champagne on lhe hull of the new aircraft carrier. Watching lhe ceremonies at Newport News in Virginia are President Johnson, John Ken­ nedy and Mrs. Kennedy. In an earlier address to the crowd of 15,000 in attendance, Mr. Johnson expressed the hope that “the carrier’s years wi 1 be years of peace.” Dr ’ Jose Riz I KENNEDY AFLOAT—Tugs push the aircraft carri r John F. Kennedy into the James River at Newport News in Virginia following christening cere­ monies. rhe 61,450-ton vessel will undergo further outfitting. It measures 315 meters in length and is the largest nonnuclear carrier ever built. When completed in 1968, it will carry a crew of about 5,00) men. Storiia-Warehouse Construct! n and Coconut Farmars Loans Available at DBP Malacanang announced the creation of the Lecture Commit­ tee which will coordinate . all lectures to . be given in connec­ tion with {he commemoration of Rizal Day on December 30. The committee is headed by Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, chair­ man of the .National Historical Commission. The members are Teodo.o F. Valencia, Jorge Re­ villa of the Knights of Riza'; Galo Ocampo, director of the Na­ tional Museum; and under-sec­ retary of Public Works Felix Codilia. The series of lectures will enThe Friendship Highway, whose construction has been scheduled will connect by one single road Luzon, the Visayas and Minda­ nao. It will start in Laoag Citv and end in Zamboanga City. compass the tr'fl of Rizal. Senator Jose W. Diokno and Fr. Horacio de la Ci sta, rector of Ateneo de Manila University, head the list of lecti rers. The lectures will be given at., the Open Air Theater in Fort ‘San­ tiago, at 4,:30. p.m. on December 30. Lectures' will also be given in Calamba, Laguna, birthplace of Rizpl; and,’in Dapitan, where ha was exiled. -The national hero was imprisoned at Fort Santiago, where he wrote his famous poem “My Last. Fa-e veil.” It was deaided by the Nation­ al Rizal Day Committee in its meeting last December 12 in Malacanang "to do away with speeches. Instead the obser­ vance of Rizal Day will deal mostly with the practical aspects of the hero’s last days. Mrs. Nakpil said formal invi­ tations to the lectures will be issued to members of the Cabi­ net, members of Congress, jus­ tices of the Supreme Court, historians, scholars, and students leaders. Responding to the represen­ tations of people engaged in the rice and corn industry and anticipating the ‘warehousing needs of the country resulting from increased harvest of these staples, the DBP wishes to announce that it will finance 100% the cons­ truction of storage-warehouse or construction of an annex to an existing storage-warehouse or rice mill camarin following substan­ tially the standard plan prepared by the DBP for the purpose. The-term of payment is 5 to 10 years in equal quarterly or semi-annual amortizations coun­ ting-from the date of last release at 7% • interest per annum. Re­ lease shall be made in installment as funds are needed and as cons­ truction progresses after perfec­ tion of necessary documents. In­ terest on partial releases are payable quarterly. Generally, this type of finan­ cing is available to rice producers traders and millers who are RICOB members although preference will be given to pro­ ducers who undertake scientific farming practices such as seed (Continued on Page B) B ★ THE BICOL STAR * December 30f 19* 7 « LEGAL NOTICES € Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga D.M.G., INCORPORATED, Plaintiff, -versusCLARO VERDADERO, - Defendants. ALIAS EXECUTION CASE NO. 141551 City Court of Manila, Branch VI X..................................................... X Notice Of Public Auction Whereas, by virtue of the Alias Writ of Execution issued by the City Court of Manila, Branch VI, dated the 23rd day of Novem­ ber, 1967, by the Hon. Judge Amado G. Roan in ronnection with Case No. 141551 command­ ing the Provincial Sheriff of Cam­ arines Sur or any of his lawful' ^deputies to make effective the sum of TWO HUN D R E D EIGHTY 33/100 PESOS (P280.33), Philippine currency, together with interest of twelve per cent (12%) per annum on P280.33 until the date of payment, and the sum of P52.00 for costs of suit, plus the sum of P50.00 as attorney’s fees together with the sheriff’s fees and expenses inci­ dent to this execution which D.M.G., INC., the plaintiff here­ of, recovered in the City Court of Manila on the 21st day of December, 1965 against Claro Verdadero, the defendant hereof; Whereas, upon indication of the plaintiff, the Provincial She­ riff of Camarines Sur ex officio, through the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff, on December 28, 1967, levied upon and attach­ ed all the rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that the defendant Claro Verdadero has or might have in and over the following real property with all the improvements thereon, to wit: “A parcel of riceland, un­ irrigated, located in barrio San Francisco, Municipality of San Fernando, Province of Camari­ nes Sur,- having an area of 2.9184 hectares, more or less; declared under Tax No. 4281 and assessed at Pl,055 in the name of Claro Tena Verdadero. Bounded on the North, by Claro Tena Verdadero; on the East, by Claro Tena Verdadero; on the South, by Claro Tena Verdadero; and on the West, by Filomeno Saramo.” Note: This property is not registered under Act 496 nor under the Spanish Mortgage Law, hence, this instrument will be registered under Act 3344, as amended. Wherefore, by virtue of the alias writ of execution and under the provisions of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the undersigned announces that on January 22, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, he will sell at public auction at the office of the Protvincial Sheriff, located on the Second Floor at the Provincial Capitol of Camaiines Sur in Naga pity, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, ill the rights, title, interest, do­ minion and participation that the lefendant has or might have in ind over the foregoing described troperty together with all the Inprovements thereon, in order 3 satisfy the amount of the exe­ rtion together with all the sheff’s fees and expenses incident jereto. LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the New Rules of Court, Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the Late Juanito Salao, who died intestate on Dec. 14, 1966, consisting of two par­ cels of land denominated as Lots “C”, & “D”, Psd- 47393, and covered by TCT. No. 2433 has been the subject of an Extra­ judicial settlement by his Heirs, namely: Adelina Paular, the surviving widow, and the children, Efren, Rizal, Roya', Diisy, Mario & Myrna all surnamed Salao, who are still minors, but repre­ sented by their mother and as natural guardian, Adelina Paular, the deed was acknowledged before Not. Pub. Rosendo Barrameda per Reg. No. 1188; Page No. 41; Rook No. X>X1;S. of 1967 on Dec. 28, 1967, at Calabanga Cam. Sur. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 13, 1967. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that ILDEFONSO A. NAVAL, of legal age, Filipino, widower, resident of Magarao, Cam.’ Sur who alleged to be the only and exclusive legal heir of the late Spouses Agripina Avila who died on April 28, 1944 and Guillermo Villasenor who died sometime in 1904, intestate, executed an Affi­ davit of Adjudication at Libmanan, Cam. Sur on the 2nd day of December 1967 adjudicating unto himself all the intestate estate left by decedents which are located in the municipalities of Libmanan, Cabusao, Magarao. and Sipocot, -province of Cam. Sur; and in Daet, province of Cama­ rines Norte. The Affidavit of Adjudication was subscribed and sworn to before Notary Public Jose G. Borromeo at Libmanan, C. S. on Deceber 2, 1967, per Doc. No. 144; Page 37! Book 10; S, 1967. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 13, 1967. In accordance with law, this notice of auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper pub­ lished and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicoi provinces including the province of Cama­ rines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first pub­ lication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three copies of this notice will be post­ ed on three different public and conspicuous places in the muni­ cipality of San Fernando, Cama­ rines Sur where the foregoing described real property is located; another three copies of same will be posted in the City of Naga, (one at the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol) where the auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title of the property and the encum­ brances thereon, if there be any for their o\yn interest. Done in Naga City, this Dec­ ember 28, 1967. FOR THE PROVINCIAL SHE­ RIFF EX OFFICIO: By Angel ll. borja Deputy Prov. Sheriff Pub. Dec. 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 13, 1968. Storage . . . selection, pest control, fertilization, etc\, and to traders and millers who are already in the rice and corn trade. Collaterals shall con­ sist of a first mortgage on unencumbered real estate (site of warehouse) and insurable improve­ ments thereon. Decuments needed for this type of loan are the following: 1. Certification that applicant is a bona-fide member of the RICOB; 2. Title, or other evidence of ownership to land; 3. Tax declaration, tax receipts and other government imposts for current and previous years; 4. Location Plan; 5. Audited Financial State­ ments; and 6. Estimated income and ex­ pense statement. Building constructed out of this loan are to be insured as may be required by the Bank. The warehouse must be bonded. Also, in order that farmers with existing coconut loans whose plantation were devastated by typhoon “Welming” could imme­ diately rehabilitate their farms, the DBP is extending additional loans to farmers who were vic­ tims of typhoon “Welming”, subject to the following con­ ditions: That the amount of additional loan shall be the difference bet ween the new Ioan value of the land as. reappraised and the balance of the account; 2. That the loan value shall not exceed 80% of the prospec­ tive appraised value of the land; 3. That the additional loan shall be used to rehabilitate the farm and promote auxiliary projects, such as poultry, piggery and planting of cash crops; 4. That the additional loan may be repaid beyond the unex­ pired teim of the principal loan, provided that it does not exceed 10 years; 5. That the rate of interest shall be the current rate on agricu't tral loans; and 6. That if the original loan is in arrears, a satisfactory arran­ gement shall ’be made for a new plan of payment prior to or simultaneous with the granting of the additional loan. LEG^L NOTICE Notice is being given that the estate left by the deceased Porferio Imperial has been extrajudicially partitioned by the heirs, namely, Magdalena E. Imperial, Alejandro Imperial, Jocelyn Im­ perial and Remedios Imperial affecting the pioperty located in San Isidro, Pamplona, Camarines Sur designated as Lot 1945, Pls-773-D under Tax Declaration No. 5649 and valued at Pl,420 with an area of 1,421 square meters more or less. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Felixberto Racadag, Jr., of Naga City and recorded as Doc. No. 5; Page 32; Book No. I; Series of 1967. Pub. December 30, 1967, Jan­ uary 6 and 13, 1968. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE An affidavit of Adjudication executed by Fiorentina Alivarvar as exclusive heir of the late Severino Alivarvar and Antonia Monte, covering a parcel of land situated in San Antonio, Milaor C. Sur containing an area of 8.0236 hectares, declared under Tax No. 3256 with a port'on thereof of 3. 5761 Has. thereof being hereby confirmed to have been sold to Ildefonso Tipones. Said affidavit bears Doc. No. 79; Page 99; Book No. Ill, Series of 1967 of the Notarial register of Notary Public Gavino Celso. Pub. Dec. 30, ‘67; Jan. 6, 13, ‘68. D3P Marks ♦ . always adhered to two basic po'icies in the dis­ tribution of its Io naLh funds. These are: 1. To spread lhe bene­ fits of its liberal credit to as many borrowers as possible within lhe frame­ work of the established priority for project; and 2< To sow the develop­ ment throughout lhe en­ tire country and thus try to minimize great inequa­ lities in welfare and eco­ nomic conditions among the different regions or provinces. The result of the first policy is at once apparent in the size of loans grant­ ed by lhe DBA L-ans of F5,003 and below consti­ tute approximately 71% of the total number of outstanding accounts granted by the DBP. The objective sought to be attained by lhe first policy is essentially social­ istic in nature. It is un­ deniable that one of the fundamental aspirations of our society is to raise the great mass of our people from poverty and elevate them to the standing of middle class. The second policy has given rise to the preoccu­ pation of DBP of bring­ ing its credit facilities to all the regions of lhe country. Service, there­ fore, has alw ys been emphasized as a key fac­ tor in lending operations of the DBP. Service in the sense means, from the viewpoint of the DBP, bringing itself closer to its clients to a point where it can perform its operations efficiently and where it can be approach­ ed by borrowers with a minimum of effort and expense. This concept foreshadowed the estab­ lishment of a network of blanches and agencies all over the country. l he first branches of lhe DBP were established along lhe idea of trying to keep a balanee bet­ ween two factors - maxi­ mizing lhe branch’s capa­ bility to service as large a region and as many bar­ rowers as is possible and optimizing lhe profitabi­ lity of lheir operations. Oftentimes, the object­ ives of service and profit do not coincide. They may require different or even conflicting plans of action. However, the ra­ tionalization of both fac­ tors was considered neces­ sary in order to prevent dissipation of funds in operating expenses and, corollarily, to build up (he resources of the DBP to keep it constantly in a position of strength to meet the everincreasing demand for de­ velopment credit. The effort to harmonize the service and profit aspects led to the establishment of the Rail-Skates . distance of 10 kins, over a 70 kins, stretch from Sipocot to Tagkawayan. There is no highway linking them. The only means of transportation is either by sea on the turbulent Ragay Gulf, which opens on the China Sea or the Philippine National Rail­ way. The latter, however, runs only one local train a day, which stops in all these towns and their barrios, a long slow and tedious trip of at least five hours! So, if a barrio resident takes the train on a certain day, he has to wait until the next day for the return trip. There used to be two local trams, but the other train was cancelled by the PNR manage­ ment for some unknown reasons. The regular Bicoi Express night trains stop only in the poblacion of Tagkawayan, Ragay and Sipocot. The day Bicoi Express stops only in the poblacion of Tagkawayan, Del Gallego, Ragay, Lupi and Sipocot. The Mayon Limited and the Isarog. {Continued qn pagi (j, earliest branches of the DBP in geographical centers of trade and commerce. Cebu City* Iloilo City, Bacolod City in the Visayas; Da­ vao City and Cagayan de Oro City in Mindanao; and Ilagan. Isabela, Cabanatuan City, Naga City and Dagupan City in Luzon, were among the earliest sites of DBP branches. The growth of economic activities and investment build-up of the DBP in other places were invariably followed by the establishment of DBP branches in such areas. Thus in Luzon, another branch was • opened in Legazpi; in the Visayas, branches were established in Ro­ xas City and Tacloban City; and in Mindanao, five additional branches were opened - in Catabato City: Ozamiz City, Butuan City, Zamboanga City and General Santos, Cotabato. When Gregorio S. Licaros took over ,'as Chairman of the. DBP in 1966, he attempted a fresh approa :h to the problem of expanding the branch network of the DBP. The traditional method of waiting for an area to grow, until it was, in a position to fi-. nancially support the operations, of a hranch was too slow to suit: the tempo of his program of ac­ celerated development. He adppted the attitude that the DBP should be an active initiator of development.. This new concept either coin­ cided with, or was pressed by, the important participation of the DBP in the agricultural develop­ ment program of President Mar­ cos’ Administration. Under the national agricultural development program, the DBP, as the princi­ pal source of long-term loans in the country, is expected to make available its credit facilities to farmers in the rural areas. For the DBP, this meant the estab­ lishment of more branches or agencies even in areas where existing business conditions could not make operations of a normal­ sized branch profitable. As in the past, the dilemma of service ver­ sus profit came to a head. The issue was resolved by de­ signing 'a new type of branchthe “compact” branch. The “com­ pact” branch is similar to the regular branch in all respects except that it is leaner in per­ sonnel. It is therefore cheaper to maintain but is as effective as a regular branch in its lending ope­ rations. The effectiveness of the “com­ pact” branch was tested in Calapan, Oriental Mindoro where it was first set up. As the operations of Calapan Branch showed favor­ able returns both in terms of ser­ vice and profit, the Board of Governors gave the nod to open more “compact” branches. Seven (7) new branches of this type were approved early in 1967 ' in the fallowing places: Tuguegarao, ((<• itiriued on page 6) • 'LEGAL NOTICES € Halat an Desision Can Juez sa Protesta Ki December 30, 1967 + THE BICOI. STAR * * LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late Cresenciana Resare situated in the Barrio of Malindog, Caramoan, Cams. Sur, covered by O.C.T. No. 3021, with an area of 28,642 sq. m., has been the subject of an extra-judicial settlement with sale by her heirs, namely: Urba­ no Ferran, the surviving husband; and children, Preciosa, Marciana, Tranquilina & Felix, all surnamed Ferran, who sold the same unto CECINIO S. PADUA, for Pl,. 700.00, said deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Ex-Officio, Felix B. Panis per Reg. No. 33; Page No. 53; Book IV; S. of 1965 on March 15, 1965. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan. 6, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate left by the late Angelo Eduarte, all situated in Bacon, Sorsogon, covered bv OCT Nos. 518, 270; TCT Nos. 1769, 3632, has been the object of an Extrajudicial Partition with Quitclaim, executed and acknovleged before Notarry Public Maximino R. Ables of Sorsogon, Fo'sogon, per Doc. No. 4329; Page 12; Book XIX; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 1968. - A: LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that PANFILO C. ROBLES executed an Affi­ davit of Adjudication of Estate of the De seated Person on April 5, 1967 at the City of Naga, Philippines, affecting the intestate estatate of the late ELIODORA N. ROBLES who died in the City of Naga on September 21, 1962. The said property is a re­ sidential land located in the Mucipalitv of Bombon, Camarines Sur, having an area of 214 square meters declared under Tax Dec. No.. 2282 and assessed at P860. The instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before NotaryPublic Hilario Espano on April 5, 1967 at Naga City per Doc. No. 196; Page 40; Book 18; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967, Jan 6, 13, 1968. 4 H Proj ct Training Libmanan, C. Sur- A whole day 4Hpcjcc» tia-r.irgwrsheld receutly at San Juan Public High School to orient 1-H pro­ ject leaders of the eleven youth clubs in this municipality under the supervision of Rechildi Asia, RYO and concurrently Actg. Rrovincial Rural Youth Officer of the Agricultural Productivity Commission in Camarines Sur. Resource persons invited who discuts:d the different subject matters assigned to them were: A PC Regional Information Offi­ cer Feli ibcrto T. Villegas- Cul­ ture of IR-8 and the 4 H Club Organization; Mr. Antonio Peralta-Control of Pests and Diseases of Rice; Mr. Alex Jaucian- Pro­ per Method of Fertilizer Appli­ cation; Mr. Nestor MilarpnsPoultry Raising and Manage­ ment; Mr. Maximo MarquezBackyard Gardening; Miss Helen nriquez and Ernesto Bien- Re4estration and Forestry Project; '-'Yirs. Virginia Villaluz- M e a 1 Management and Table Serving and Miss Rechilda Asis-Nutrient ’ Content of Fruits and Vegetables and Tables Etiquettes. Mr. Joseph Abante, adult lea­ der of Handong 4-H Club was NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the legal heirs of the late FRANCISCO M. CAGUIA who died intestate in September 1966 at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, executed an Extraju­ dicial Settlement of Estate with Absolute Sale to co-heir, adjudi­ cating unto themselves pro - indiviso in equal shares the parcels of land; viz., Lot 4298 Cad-192 of Sorsogon with an area of 27,224 Sq. M. described in OCT No. 2582, located in Ticol, Sor­ sogon; Lot. No. 1717, Sorsogon Cad-192 with an area of 7,477 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. P2587. located in Ticol, Sorsogon; and Residential Land, located in Basud, Sorsogon, Sor. with an area of 3,117 Sq. M. covered by Tax Dec. No. 3480 assessed at P240 and simultaneously sold for P2,000 to their co-heir, Juan J. Caguia, as vendee; and co-heirs Paulina Jintalan, widow of dece­ dent; Purification, Eriberta, Jaime, Arnparo, Paz, Jose and Belen, all surnamed Caguia, of legal ages, children of decedent, as vendors. The document was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public M. R. Ables at Sorsogon, Sor. on Oct. 1, 1967, per Doc. No. 4120; Page 69; Bk. 18; S. ’67. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 13, 1968. - A. New Trainees Join Regular Force Malacanang was informed re­ cently that 2,480 new trainee graduates will be retained in the regular force for possible align­ ment in the military socio-eco­ nomic program of the defense department. Brig. Gen. Romeo Esplana, PA commanding general, reported that these trainees have been trained along military, socio-eco­ nomic and vocational lines in various military camps and reser­ vations throughout the country. These trainees, in accordance with the provisions of the new Trainee , Utilization Law (R.A. 4091), will be enlisted in the massive socio-economic, civic action, engineering and other national development projects of the Philippine Army. Earlier, 1,295 young recruits were scheduled to undergo field training with the First Infantry (Tabak) Division in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija. This batch forms part of the 5,179 youths who will take the 6-month mili­ tary training under the national defense law. They will compose the biggest group of recruits that have so far completed mili­ tary and specialization training under the regular armed srevices. The PA’s trainee program, Espino said, also boosts the de­ fense department’s scheme of citizen-army build-in besides im­ plementing the Trainee Law to its maximum and pioviding inte­ grated and progressive develop­ ment of skills among Filipino youths. The utilization of trainee also brings about great economy on the part of the armed forces since the cost of maintaining one recruits is almost half the price of maintaining one regular. the host for all 4-H club mem­ bers and project leaders from Sipocot, Del GallegJ and Lupi. About 299 4-H members attend­ ed the project leadership training. Mayor Medroso Si vi9ta can Quo War ranto laban ki rt-e’ccted Mayor Domi­ nador Medroso (N) can Cala­ banga ni Leoncio Elopre (L) na dinaog ni Medroso, tapus na can Diciembre 15. Sabi can juzgado sa laog nin 20 dias itatao an decision. Mientras tanto. digdi sa Naga City si Concejal Temporo Dy nagpresentar nin protesta contra ki Concejal Esteban Rosales na nacadaog saiya nin 8 votos sana, como ultimong concejal, icapito, ta si Dy icawalo. Si Carlos "Itos” Reyes nagpresentar man nin protesta can resultado nin si election saiya como ica siam, na minahagad nin “recount” o bilagnon oli an saiyang votos, siring can hagad ni Dy. Caya sindang dua mag.iba na sa pagbilang liwat can saindang votos. Si Ex-Judge Jose T. Surtida iyo an abogado ni Dy. An sabi ni Judge Surtida sa Star an catoyohan ni Dy macierto sana si apre-iacion can balotas entre Dy y Rosales. Siring man ki Reyes. U S. Economist Suggests Flexible Approach to Development Athens - A pragmatic, flexible approach to accelerate economic and social progress, is suggested by Walter M. Kotsching, U. S; delegate to the U.N. international symposium on industrial developHe noted *a teijdecy in the economic and social agencies of the United Nations and other world bodies to formulate “evernew sets of principles and a seemingly endless torrent of repetitive resolution.” He said these approaches, “however deserving of attention and respect, are not alone the answer.” “We have to find which ap­ proach and attitudes are best designed to set in motion and accelerate economic and social progress in developing countries and to help them achieve the state of self-sustaining growth which they are seeking,” he said. Rusk Praises Pr;gress in Philippines, other Asian Nations New York - -“The remarkable” political and social progress in the Philippines and other non­ communist countries in East Asia shows polit:cal stability and con­ fidence in the future, says Sec­ retary of State Rusk. In the Philippines, Secretary Rusk said, “the Marcos adminis­ tration is making noteworthy progress with a program concen­ trating on rice production and road building. “New rice strains are coining into use. They were developed at the International Rice Research Institute at Los Banos, organized in 1960 by the Ford and Rocke feller Foundations in cooperation with the Government of the Philippines. These new strains, combined with new techniques, including proper use of fertilizers and pesticides, are increasing production dramatically. “The Philippines has respond­ ed to the request for help from the Republic of Viet-Nam by sending a 2,000-man military engineering unit and other as­ sistance.” AON Alumni Priests To Concelebrate Mass for Msgr. Santos, Frs. Hurley, Burns With Fr. Ramon Mores, S.J., of pre-war ADN and present vice-rector of Ateneo de Naga as principal celebrant, alumni priests currently in Naga City and neighboring towns will offer a Concelebrated Mass in memory Prizes . . . Meanwhile PNRC Adminis­ trator Manuel C. Torres in collaboration with Benefit Divi­ sion Chairman Joaquin Perez, had decided to provide a display area for the valuable prizes at a convenient place at the Red Cross headquarters for interested persons to see. FM On . . already made in the extension of human rights to peoples of the world who have been denied these rights. He said that it is his hope that human rights will continue to spread and take root "toward giving the fullest possible oppor­ tunities for the pursuit of hap­ piness to all men”. The President’s message follows: “One of the foundation stones of civilization is the acceptance of human rights not only by sovereign governments but huma­ nity as a whole; acceptance . not intellectual assent, but as a moral and spiritual conviction. In the last few generations, the recognition of human rights as a basic element in human progress has gained wide cur­ rency, and through the United Nations.respect for human rights has become tn ethic for many governments to live by, who perhaps in time will be able to enforce this respect with all the authority necessary. The celebration of Human rights Day today (Dec. 13) is both a reminder and an encour­ agement. We have, as a whole, made sigrfificant against in enlar­ ging the moral possibilities of our culture, through the hastening of the process of accumulation of experience in the validation and extension of human rights to every individual and com­ munity in the world. It is my hope, as the Filipinos join this celebration, that respect for human rights as an attitude and way of life will continue to spread and take root toward giving the fullest possible oppor­ tunities for the pursuit of hap­ piness to all men.” of Msgr. Pedro P. Santos, Very Rev. Fr. John F. Hurley, and Fr. Francis D. Burns of the So­ ciety of Jesus in the ADN gym­ auditorium on . December 30th at 7:30 A.M. Msgr. Pedro P. Santos, 31st prelate of Caceres, was founder and benefactor of the Ateneo de Naga; Fr. Hurley was the Jesuits Superior who sent the Jesuits to Bicoi while Fr. Burns was the first Rector of the Ateneo. Some twenty-four ADN alum­ ni have been ordained priests; fifteen are seculars, eight are Je­ suits and one Benedictine. Fr. Vicencio Tioson, HS’50. Alumni priests of pre-war ADN are Frs. Vicente Cornejo and Ramon Mo­ res. First post-war alumnus to be ordained secular priest was Fr. Benjamin Almoneda, HS’50, pre­ sent Rector of the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary. First ADN post- war alumnus to be ordained Jesuit priest was Fr. Juan Bonafe, HS’47, present HS Student Counsellor at the Ateneo de Davao, Davao City. Fr. Andres Bolinas, HS’47 is present HS principal of the Ateneo de Naga. Still on studies abroad is Fr. Walter Isaac, S.J., valedictorian of HS’50. Just returned from the USA is Fr. Jesus Fernan­ dez, HS’49, now teaching at the Loyola House of Studies. Most recently ordained is Fr. Selh Sa­ ez, HS’54, now assistant priest of Capalonga, Enlarged Land Reform Program The Administration’s land re­ form program will be expanded within the-next two years. More land reform areas will be declared possibly «to integrate the entire Centrral Luzon. The second district of Pampanga was made a land reform area last year. President Marcos made this disclosure in his speech before the Philippines Historical Asso­ ciation seminat last No. 29. He said that his administration can now concentrate more on land reform, because its programs on rice production and infrastructure like irrigation, road, schoolhouse and pier constructions, have been successfully launched. The declaration of an area as a land reform area is the first phase among the steps taken in making tenants eventual owners' of the lands they are tilling. The government will eventually buy big landholdings, which will be subdivided and resold to tenants under liberal terms of payment. Wishing our Friends and Customers a Happy Prosperous New Year Malabon Candy Factory Home ot High Quality Candies 5th Avenue, Grace Park Caloocan City Wishing All a Happy Prosperous New Year FILIPINO CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF NAGA . I HE BICOL STAR * December 30, 1957 DBP Marks . « * <7ene E. Balfttmoso FROM THE HILLTOP Cagayan; Baguio City; Tarlac; Tarlac; Daet, Camarines Norte, Puerto Princesit) Palawan; Kalibo, Ak'an; and Dumaguete City. This is only the beginning. Chairman Licares is determined to open a DBP branch in every province to give full meaning to the policy of the DBP of ren­ dering service to the entire country. As of today, the DBP has an extensive network of branches and agencies. It has a total of 19 operating branches and 27 agencies. The conversion of 5 existing agencies into branches and the approved establishment of a new one in Baguio City which are now being implemented will bring the total number of branches to 25 but will reduce the number of agencies to 22. These offices are distributed among the different regions: Luzon, 11 branches and 5 agen­ cies, Visayas, 7 branches and 6 agencies; and Mindanao, 7 bran­ ches and 11 agencies. Naga is one of the DBP’s two branches in Bicoi reeion. It started in 1955 with Mr Augusto Tambunting serving as its first Manager. Since that time, the following have served as Manager: Mr. Anatalio T. Viray, 1956. to 1960; Mr. Anselmo Aiovera, 1960 to 1962; and the incumbent Mr. Augusto D. Alvarado, 1962 to present. At the time it was opened in 1955, Naga Branch had an investment of P5.5 million spread over the entire Bicoi area. Because the area it served was too large for the branch to service, other provinces, were taken off its territory and transfer! ed to other branches which were subsequently opened. Today, Naga Branch serves Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. The Branch maintains an agency office in Daet, Camarines Norte to accent the emphasis on service to borrowers by bringing its facilities nearer to its clients in this area. Within its area of operations, the Naga Branch offers the following banking services: Me­ dium and long-term loans for agriculture, industry, real estate construction, low-cost homes, savings deposits; time deposits; administration of trust investment funds such as Coconut financing fund and sales and servicing of Progress Bonds. The Naga Branch can be consi­ dered as one of the principal investors in the local economy of the two provinces it serves. As of November 30, 1967, loan investments of the Branch amount­ ed to Pf6,Oil,463.84 broken down into agricultural loans of P8,580,876.36 (53%); industrial loans of P4,411,240.35 (27%); and real estate (housing)1 loans of P3,019,347.13 (20%); or a total of P16,011,463.84. Agricultural Ioans of the branch have been channeled principally to the production of the tradi­ tional major crops of the region. These are: Coconut, Palay and Abaca. The Branch is trying to en­ courage farmers to diversify agricultural produ :tion through the planting of new crops that can be grown in the region. Aware that the success of any attempt to diversify farming will depend on educating farmers, educational drives are being con­ ducted by agricultural experts of the Branch. Fiestas and meeting of farmers are taken advantage of by Branch personnel for campaigns of this sort. While agriculture remains the primary area for the lending operations of the Branch, indus­ trial growth is a primary concern. Naga Branch has been relatively successful in promoting indus­ trialization. This may be gleaned from the fact that 27% of its portfolio is in industrial loans. Seeing how important capital formation is to the process of Preponderance of Fragmentation (Second of a Series) Editor’s Note: In the preceding installment the writer discussed the implications particularly , on the political aspect on the current issue pervading on the ‘reported 'partitioning' of the province of Camarines Sur: discussions of which being timely should ensue and follow the trend of awareness and vigilance which is endispensable to democratic growth. The Augury of a Bright Future- The incoming provincial 'adminis­ tration from the govenor-elect Manding Cledera and his entourage of provincial board members are as a whole a compenent group of neophyte politicians whose assumption into office beginning January I deserves the commendation of the people whose desire for change had unalterably voted a straight Nacionalista administration - a stretch of four (4) long duration years from 1968 up to 1971. The mandate of the electorate being on the landslide scale give credence to the pragmatic essence of natural consequences as useful results of ideas in a process giving validity to truth itself thus the rising tide of new elite generation seeking the favor of public office anchored on the incentive of hard work and more on the political exigency to cultivate and win the people’s esteem thru performaune. The governor-elect Manding Cledera for his part is a seemin gly calculating vintage of a man possessing both the wibingness and lhe giveand-take hard-core sacrifices to serve the people, In this regard it is expre ted then of the other members of the provincial board not only to coordinate and cooperate but to impart for the duration of their tenure while in office the best that could be had by way of exem­ plary deeds and if need be to rise above the considerations of selfaggrandizement. Project Study and the welfare Program- Even as the last election promises have long been stilled - the people’s welfare should not escape meticuluos attention. The small fries or lowsalaried employees in th,e varied government (provincial) services in order to make both ends for body and soul meet affected harshly by the ever rising prices <jf prime commodities - should be tended to with a gradual salary and wage increases as the essentials of financing will warrant. After all it is the small fries who toil day in and day out the uneasy monotony’ of the day’s labor. The growing communities in the rural areas should have the long-sought feeder roads; those lame and dangerous coconut and outdated wooden bridges should be replaced by concrete culverts and cemented bridges in order to minimize the year-long repairs which by nature cut-out the bulk of maintenance and repair outlay. Good feeder roads and as much as good bridges are necessary adjuncts to the continuous flow of commerce. Given the proper focus and initiative- the rural areas will thrive in material abundance. The school building program, too, now that pre-fabricated units are adequately available should replace those dilapidated school nipa and bamboo shanties that had borne the brunt of the typhoons and in line with the rice proficiency program hundreds of unirrigated ricelands can be extended the advantages of irriga­ tion by developing more irrigated areas into productive zones. Board Member Emilio lible Jr Speaks- As almost anyone should know Board Member Emilio Tible is a bona fide protege of Congressman Felix Fuentebella and who steadfastly util­ ized the weight and influence to’ insure Tible’s victory in the NP convention. But as events did turn out- the delegates by a twist of sympathy and fate voted a majority for Manding C ledera’s nomination in the third and final balloting. Relevant to the burning issue that may crop up on the heels of the reported move of Congresman Fuentebella to ‘partition’ Cama­ rines Sur into three (3) provinces- Board Member Tible as report­ ed in a local weekly (not this) made known his stand against: the political fragmentation of this premier province. Certainly no r:ght thinking member of the new provincial board should ever sign his own passport to exile in the future diminutive province of New Camarines Sur eminently bordering the mining province of Camarines Norte. For making bold his stand against the political ‘fragmentation’ of this premier province- Board Member Emilio Tible Jr. deserves this famous accolade by Emma Lazarus’ - Inscription on the Statue of Liberty at New York Harbor - Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to brighten free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. (To be continued) TN; ?W??HE NIW.1U RE) Camarines Sin-Naja City Chapter Ka$a Chy Latest Aunoanceaasii."; Red Cross Board of Directors, Camarines Sur-Naga City chap­ ter at its meeting on December 20. 1967 madefied the 1 for the Red Cross raffle benefit scheduled for December 31, 19o7 due to the poor sale of tickets. Individual and Group Agents failed to cover their respective got Is or quotas because of the effect of 1 ypnoon , .“Whelming” which wrought damage and caused Buffering to tl.e | people of Camarines Sur and Naga City. The Prize approved and modified are as follows: 1st Prise - One (1) Single Bed "Sylcon Cathay” 2nd Prize - One (1) Zenith Sewing Machine 3rd Prize - One (1) Radiola Transistorized Radio with ’ crystal mike < 4th Prize - One (1) “Whelers” Round Wall Clock crystal mike , 4ui 1 ll/v - VHV * L....... - 5th Prize - Ten (10) Consolation Prizes at P5 AGENTS PRIZES:(Individual) For selling the First Prize . . . . P 75 For selling the 2nd Prize .... 50 For selling the 3rd Prize . . . . 25 ’ (Group) For selling the First Prize .... P75 For selling the 2nd Prize .... 50 For selling the 3rd Prize .... 25 ‘ Board of Canvassers will compose the fallowing: Dr. Joaquin I. Perez, Chairman, Dr. Magno V. Jamito, Vice-Chairman, Mr. Domingo A. Escalante, Mrs. Emily P. Bichara, Mr. Benito Manalo, Mrs. Irene Mariano and Mr. Elino Reyes, members. The-public is coidialiy invited to witness the Grand Draw on December 31 at 12:00 Noon at the Alatco Terminal compound, Naga City immediately after the Eddie Alanis Show. Rail-Skates . . ♦ Limited trains stop only in the ■ poblacion of Sipocot. These five "railroad” towns have a combined population of nearly 160,000. The area produces copra, abaca, palay, citrus, fish from fishponds, bananas, vege­ tables, poultry, cattle, minerals and even “azucenas” in commer­ cial quantities. When the Philip­ pine National Railway trips are cut by landslides, floods, derail­ ments or breakdown of engines and coaches, which are frequent, the people of this area arc com­ pletely isolated. Products rot, the sick die for lack of medical attention aid peace and order I reak down. In view of this urgent need to supplement the infrequent and unreliable service of the Phil. National Railways, necessity in­ vented the “rarl-skates”. Of course, it is a dangerous means of trans­ portation, but everybody, includ­ ing government officials, would rather take a chance than do nothing at all. Even the Arch­ bishop of Nueva Caceres did not hesitate to ride a "rail-skate” when he, paid a pastoral visit to one of the Barrios of Ragay. The order of General Manager Jimenez, to prohibit the use of “rail-skates” on the PNR railway line and to confiscate them will economic development, the DBP recently embarked on a nation­ wide program to tap savings through the sale of Progress Bonds. Naga Branch is deeply involved in this program. Proceeds from bond sales are channeled to fi­ nance worthy agricultural and industrial projects within the Branch’s territory. The Branch is endeavoring to induce more and more people to take advantage of its credit facilities. The branch is prepared to extend credit for projects in the agricultural sector that will either increase the productivity of existing farms, developed un­ cultivated agricultural lands, establish new industries or ex­ pand existing ones, and finance the construction of low-cost hou­ ses for the homeless. To accomplish these goals, Mr. Augusto D. Alvarado, present Manager of Naga Branch, is mobilizing the entire Branch force consisting of 57 personnel to embark on a program of project­ promotions. Farmers, producers, entrepreneurs in Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte - in short, all those who need long-term financial assistance as well as technical help from the DBPare being encouraged to consult the DBP Naga Branch. certainly cause plenty of hard­ ship on the 160,000 inhabitants of these “railroad” towns. The PNR should, therefore, take im­ mediate steps to increase the frequency of local trips in the area. But even this will not solve the problem completely. For a lasting solution, the construction of the so-called “Quirmo” Highway is imperative. This project has been in the planning stage since the time of the late President Elpidio Quirino. The Macapagal administra­ tion poured hundreds of thou­ sand pesos into the project, thru the EEA, but nothing tangible was accomplished. The present administration re­ leased P45.000 for this project •’ 1 last .year, but the sum likewise accomplished nothing except the clearing of a stretch of less than three (3) kms. fiom the Sipocot bridge to Barrio Gaongan, with no sub-grading whatsoever. Un­ der present engineering proced­ ures . in the Bureau of Public Highways, no amount of appro­ priation and release can complete the project in the foreseeable future. It is important, therefore, that this proposed “Quirino” High­ way should be made a part of the propossd Japan - Philippine Friendship Highway, which will save about 100 kms. or at least 2 hours’ travelling time from the present circuitous route thru Labo and Daet, Cam. Norte, and will develope the entire rich northern region of Cam trines Sur and _the southern tip of Quezon province. Export Industry . . . be expected because of the des truction brought by about by ty­ phoon “Welming”, especially in the Bicoi region. At the same time, he called for a view to determining possi­ ble changes which would insure more vigorous export trade in ' the coming years. The President also discussed with his financial advisers possi­ ble increased financing for other projects, such as airports, the prososed Farmers’ Market and the proposed Tondo reclamation project. Bacong Elegible . . . citud sa pagcandidato para alcal­ de can Nov. 14, 1967. Nin huli ta ma-apelar si Me­ droso, con siring baco pang final an decision can juzgado de primera instancia digdi. An ha pot can iba iyo: Siisay an ma tucao na alcalde sa Calabanga"" mientras yaon sa apelacion an caso? Siisay an majurar como alcalde sa Enero 1, 1968, sa lu­ nes, nin huli ta an decision can juez na bacong elegible na mag alcalde si Medroso pigprcmulgar sana can'26 caning bulan na ini?