Carta de aceptacion


Part of Bangon

Carta de aceptacion
Taon I (Bilang 5) Abril 15, 1909
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
18 BANGON.. crops is encouraged and made attractive, still they do not take an interest in them; conse­ quently every now and then, when such oppor­ tunities appear, foreign capitalists come in to participate in the development, and so it is only the people of other nations that harvest the be­ nefits that should else be received by us. Thus beceause. of the careless attitude of our native capitalists, our country is being exploited by foreigners. Now, ladies and gentlemen, upon what do you account for all of these carelessness of the Fili­ pinos? Why is it do you think that we are not interested in this industry? Is it because the physical and climatic conditions of our country prevent us from thus progressing? I should say no; for right here before us are opportunities offered by nature which are very essential helps along this development. In the first place, our soil is fertile, and is thus most adapted to agri­ culture. It is a kind of soil that any nation would be proud to own. In the second place, our seasons do not in any way obstruct agricul­ ture. We have here but the sunny and rainy season, in both of which, different kinds of crops could be raised. We have no winter here, as in America, when the ground is cov­ ered by ice, and thus plants are likely to be killed and the raising of agricultural products is, in many ways, made difficult. But even though such conditions exist in same countries still you will find those same countries able to raise products sufficient, not only for them­ selves, but also for others. Now there appears no excuse for the Fili­ pinos not being able to make these islands produce abundantly since the conditions here seem to be more favorable than in other coun­ tries. It might be that the Philippines do not progress much in agriculture because her citi­ zens are satisfied that their country is being supported by other nations. If it is true, gen­ tlemen, let us do away with such ideas for they are centainly wrong. If we ever mean at all to become an independent people, it is our duty at the very beginning to make our country self-supporting. “If it were ever a good policy on the part of Napoleon to insist that the requirements of a nation should be raised, if possible, within the limits of its borders; if the policy has been a correct one that every nation should be self supporting, there is no reason why we should not strive with our might and intelli­ gence to feed and clothe ourselves. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the recognizing of a fault or of a great need, is only half a country’s work. The correcting the fault, the supplying the need is the other, greater half if I may he paradoxical. Who is going to direct the Philippines in the future? to redirect them now? The HigliSehool graduates. Not by all of us becoming lawyers and office-seekers, but by many of us becoming farmers on a large or a small scale. Permit me to say that upon the shoulders of no other (‘lass of Filipinos does this heavy burden fall more severely than upon the shoulders of our present students. At a time like this, when our country is inogj unfortunate of having her older sons magnetic^ attracted by politics, at such a time as this when there is a great demand for educated farmers, the students must sacrifice their whole energy and do the best that they could to cure this national defect. Our agricultural schools if properly improved might be the most powerful agents in bringing these changes about. As they are today, they our not in my humble opinion in a condition to meet the requirements of our country. They are not now in such a shape as to arouse the spirits of young Filipinos to pursue agri­ culture. In fact, we have no real agricultural schools yet: we have only agricultural classes in a few schools and one well organized course —that in the Philippine Normal School. For these reasons, we the students, must unani­ mously unite in one big cry for a speedy construction of agricultural schools, a cry that will echo in the ear of our government and in the several ears of our legislators. Then, after these schools are improved, if we, the students, will be patriotic enough to take up agricultural rather than political pursuits, and if our native capitalists will likewise be patriotic enough to invest their money in agri­ cultural industries, especially since combined expert opinion of the world assures them that they can make each a fortune, all these forces, I sav, will solve this Great Philippine Problem. Nemesío MENDIOLA. (To be eon tinned.) ----• «■■■ —— CARTA DE ACEPTACIÓN Manila, 2 de Marzo de 1909. Señor: * Tengo el honor de acusar recibo de su muy atenta comunicación, en la que se me nombra Socio Honorario de la Confederación, por esa Junta Directiva que V. tan dignamente preside. Al hacerlo así cúmpleme el deber de manifestar á toda la Junta Directiva, mis más sinceras gracias por el alto honor y aprecio con que han querido distinguirme á pesar de mi insignificante persona y mérito ninguno. Aún así y aunque el último de los hijos de la provincii que de tan preclaro nombre blasona, me siento sin embargo, orgulloso de poder os­ tentar este título con que Vds. me distinguen, porque podré ser siquiera el último, uno de los soldados que pueden militar bajo la bandera de la Confederación que según creo, sustenta un ideal muy santo y muy elevado, y que en sus procedimientos, seguro estoy, la Confederación, se ha guiado solamente y se guiará fie los sanos principios de la libertad democrática que debe ser la base más (‘stable, creo yo, sobre que edificar el ideal que todos ansian. BANGON . , 19 Pero más me llena ele satisfacción el saber que los jóvenes de la provincia se interesan por el bienestar común de todos y laboran por la pros­ peridad de esa provincia. Para mí, seguramente triunfarán, si' organi­ zados como lo están, van todos por el mismo camino y á un mismo fin, predicando así con el ejemplo la tolerancia mutua, indispensable para que las prácticas democráticas se aclimaten y arraiguen de una vez en éste suelo nuestro tan querido. Deseo aprovechar esta oportunidad para tribu­ tar á esa Confederación mi pequeño homenaje de simpatía por la labor grande' que se ha im­ puesto, ofreciéndome desde luego á trabajar en la medida de mis fuerzas con Yds., para que el éxito corone el esfuerzo de todos. De V. sinceramente, M. MANA LO. Jtnestra ráro Por exigencias del aju'ste, sentimos no poder publicar hoy varios trabajos de nues­ tros distinguidos colaboradores, prometien­ do darlos á la luz en el número siguiente. BASEBALL SA S. MATEO, RIZAL. Noong nakaraang “Sabado de Gloria” ay isang larong davuhan ang idinaos sa S. Mateo, base ball, na ginanap ng mga taga Marikina. Di kakaunting mga taga roon at taga Marikina ang nagsidalo, kasama ang karamihang bumubuo ng Consejo Municipal doon, sa pag-asa marahil na sila ay magwawagí Ngunft laking pagkabighó!! Nang malutas ang paglalaban ay 8 ang home ng team S. Mateo at 3 lamang ang sa taga Marikina at di pa pumaló sa hulí ang mga taga S. Alateo, kaya‘t di kakaunting papuri ang ti ñamo ng mga ito. Isang bagay lamang ang pinupuna ko sa larong iyan: di dapat panatilihin sapagka’t day li­ ban ; di dapat pagpustahan ng pilak sa pagka‘t maaaring matulad sa sabong at sugal na mabisang pangbulid sa masamang panul- i muhay ng tao. ! Kung ang ikinawiwili ha sa base-ball ay sa sipang laro na talagang katutubo sa bayang | ito, av di lalong mainam sana. ’ Ulises FILIPINO. ¡ Ang pándalo "Lipas-Hapis-Dahil sa pagyáo sa lalawigan ni G. Gerardo ¡ Changko, pángalo ng nasabing kapisanan ná- ! tatatag sa Sta. Cruz Maynila, ay ipinatatalastas i sa madlang kasapi na ilinalagak muña ñiya ang pangangasiwa sa pangalawang Pángalo na si G. Jorge Baeobo, sapul sa ika 17 nitong buan at samantalang di pa siva bumabalik. Mga hatol na mahahalaga Paniná sa mármol. Matitiná ng itim ang mármol na puti, at walang gaga win kundi pahiran lamang yaon ng tinunaw na nitrato de plata saka ihantad sa liwanag ng mga ilang oras. Bornís na itim para sa bakal Nakakakuha ng mainam na barnís kung paghaluhaluin itong mga sumusunod: labing dalawang daa’t limampung gramong betún de Judea, isang litrong langis at isang litrong esencia de trementina. SUBASTA PUBLICA Por la presente se hace saber que en virtud de un mandamiento de ejecución expedido por el Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Manila en la causa N.° 5828 de ese Juzgado en que es demanda lité" el Sr. J. C. P. West y demandado el Sr. Angel Asunción como Sheriff de la Pro­ vincia de Rizal, yo, el infrascrito, como Sheriff ex-oficio de la mencionada Provincia de Rizal, con el objeto de llevarse á cabo una sentencia de dicho Juzgado para el cobro de Dos Mil Cincuenta y Cuatro Pesos con Ochenta Centa­ vos (’P‘ 2054.80) recaída en la referida causa contra dicho demandado, con sus intereses á razón de seis por ciento (6 °/o) anual desde el día 3 .de Octubre de 1907, con las costas del juicio y de mis honorarios por estas actuaciones, venderé en subasta pública y al mejor postor, alas diez de la mañana (10:00 a :m.) del día 11 de Alayo de 1909, en la Calle Real del Barrio de Bambang, en el Alunicipio de Pasig, Pro­ vincia de Rizal, la casa del mencionado deman­ dado de materiales mixtos con el solar en que la misma está levantada, teniendo aquel las dimenciones y linderos como abajo se describen: Tiene 507 metros, 2 decímetros y 52 centímetros cuadrados de extensión (poco más ó menos) superficial, linda por el Norte con el terreno de Apolonio Calingo, por el Sur con los terrenos de los herederos de Leoncio Barto­ lomé, por el Este con la Calle Real de dicho barrio de Bambang, y por el Oeste con los terrenos de Alariano Poson. La subasta tendrá lugar en los bajos de la misma casa en la fecha y hora señaladas. eTupao, Gobernador de la Provincia de Rizal, Actuando de Sheriff ex-officio. J. COURTNEY HIXSON/ R. r. ST. PETERS, Abogados del demandante, 31 Escolta, ATanila. can [Concepción] Malabon, Rizal, I. F.