A friend to the great cause of ILO


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

A friend to the great cause of ILO
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE CHURCH HERE AND THERE APPOINTMENTS On May 31, the Holy Father has transferred to the Episcopal See of Legazpi His Excellency Most Rev. Teotimo Pacis, Bishop of Palo. The Pope has also appointed Father Francisco F. Claver, S.J., first bishop of the prelature of Malay-balay and the entire province of Bukidnon. Bom on January 20, 1929, Father Claver studied at the Diocesan Seminary in Baguio City, before he entered die Jesuit Novitiate. He was ordained priest on June 19, 1961. A FRIEND TO THE GREAT CAUSE OF ILO On June 10, the Pope went to Geneva to honour the golden jubilee of the International Labour Organization and so to manifest his own deep concern and that of the entire Church for the rights of working men all over the world. The ILO is an autonomous institution established in 1919 by the Peace Treaty of Versailles and is associated with the League of Nations to improve labour conditions, raise standards of living and promote economic and social stability through international action. The delegations to its main governing or guiding organs represent not only governments but also, in equal numbers, workers and employers. It has no coercive powers and works mainly through the force of good sense and public opinion. The Pope associated himself with die work of diis great institution by making a powerful appeal for peace through justice. He affirmed that “all human beings, no matter what their race, their b'elief, or their sex, have the right to pursue their material progress and spiritual development in freedom and dignity, in economic security and with equal opportunity”. He paid tribute to pioneers of social justice such as Bishop Mermillod and the Union of Fribourg, the admirable example given by the Protestant industrialist Daniel le Grand, and the fruitful initiatives of the Catholic, Gaspard Decurtins, and praised the imposing achievements and merits of the fifty-year old world institution. A COURTESY CALL AT WCC On the same day, the Pope took the opportunity of paying a call of friendly and prayerful courtesy at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches which are in the same city.