Gradual implementation of new Holy mass


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Gradual implementation of new Holy mass
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LITURGICAL SECTION CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE OF THE PHILIPPINES GRADUAL IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW HOLY MASS Contrary to some reports emanating from the international press, Pope Paul VI has postponed the mandatory date for the use of a new Catholic Mass, not because of the insistence of "arch-conservative car­ dinals" but in response to the requests of many bishops and Episcopal Conferences from different parts of the world. In his Apostolic Constitution “Missale Romanum,” issued on April 3, 1969, Pope Paul set November 30, 1969 as "the day from which the new rites and texts are to be used.” The implementation of the reform has, however, presented the following difficulties: the enormous work involved in preparing the translations of the texts and in publishing the new li­ turgical books; the need foe a thorough and carefully adapted catechesis; the problems of re-adjustment to the changes among the clergy and faithful. Contrary again to reparts of some international news agencies, the reform has not been ‘.‘postponed for two years.” What the Holy Father has given is an instruction “on the gradual application of the Apostolic Constitution.” He has left to each Episcopal Conference the initiative to determine the date from which the use of the new “Ordo Missae” is to become obligatoi-y and has merely added that this date should not be later than November 28, 1971. It is very clear then, that the reform could start in a given region earlier than this date, depending on the solution of the difficulties mentioned above. For more details of the Instruction we have the following: 1. The Latin text of the “Ordo Missae” may be used from November 30, 1969. 2. The Episcopal Conferences will establish the day on which the ver­ nacular text of this same “Ordo Missae” may begin to be used. 3 The translation of the text of the new “Ordo Missae” will be ap­ proved, at least “ad interim” by the Episcopal Conference (or by National Liturgical Commission and at least by the Administrative Council of the Conference), then presented to the Sacred Congrega­ tion for the Divine Worship for confirmation. 4 The translation of the text of the "Ordo Missae” should be one and thg same for all the countries which use the same language, which also applies to other texts which call for the direct partici­ pation of the people. 5 It is for Episcopal Conferences to approve the new melodies for vernacular texts which are to be sung by the celebrant and ministers. NEW HOLY MASS 929 6. Careful catechesis or instruction thru conferences and the mass media is required before the texts and rites of the new Ordo are introduced, so that both the clergy and faithful will perceive and appreciate the spirit and purpose of the reform. 7. Each Episcopal Conference will determine the date from which the use of the new Ordo is to become obligatory, with the exception of the following special cases: Elderly priests who celebrate Mass without a congregation and perhaps experience special difficulty in adjusting themselves to the new Order of the Mass and the new texts, may, with the consent of their Ordinary, continue to use the rites and texts which are at present in use. However, special cases of priests who are sick or have other difficulties should be submitted to the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship 8. It is for the Episcopal Conference to determine with the help of the competent Episcopal Commissions and liturgical centers, those parts of the Mass which the “Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani" leaves to their discretion, namely: the actions and postures of the faithful during Holy Mass; the gestures by which the altar and the book of the Gospels are to be venerated, the sign of peace; the faculty of using only two readings in the Mass of Sunday and Holyday of obligation; and the faculty by which women may be allowed to read the biblical readings before the Gospel. APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE N. 4984 October 31, 1969 Dear Monsignor: Along with the communication n. 1446/69 of October 24, 1969 the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship has sent the text of an instruction for the application of the Apostolic Constitution “Missale Romanum,” It was published yesterday, October 30, 1969. I am sending you a copy and an English translation. 1 am sending this document to Monsignor William Brasseur, Vicar Apos­ tolic of the Mountain Province and President of the Liturgical Commission. In the absence of the President of the Episcopal Conference of the Phil­ ippines I am sure that you will provide that the Bishops be informed :n due time. With sentiments of religious devotion, I am Yours sincerelv in Christ, (Sgd.) 1 CARMINE ROCCO Apostolic Nuncio Mons. Mariano G. Gaviola, D.D. Secretary General Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines P.O. Box 1160, Manila Encl, a/s 930 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS SACRA CONGREGATIO PRO CULTU DIVINO Plot. n. 1399/69 INSTRUCTION ON THE GRADUAL APPLICATION OF THE APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION “MISSALE ROMANUM” By his Apostolic Constitution “Missale Romanum,” April 3, 1969, the Holy Father Pope Paul VI approved the new Roman Missal, reformed in ac­ cordance with the requirements of the Second Vatican Council. Three parts of this Missal have already been published, namely: the “Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani” and the “Ordo Missae,” both published by decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, April 6, 1969 and the “Ordo lec­ tionuni Missae,” published by decree of this Sacred Congregation, May 25, 1969. The other parts of the Roman Missal will be published in the near future. In the documents mentioned above, the first Sunday of Advent this year, November 30, 1969, has been designated as the day from which the new rites and texts are to be used. The execution of this part of the reform of the Mass however presents a number of serious difficulties: the enor­ mous work involved in preparing the translations of the texts and in pub­ lishing the new liturgical books; the need for a thorough and carefully adapted catechesis: the problems of re-adjustment to the changes among clergy and faithful. This is why, in response to the requests of many bishops and Episcopal Conferences, and with the approval of the Holy Father, the Sacred Con­ gregation for Divine Worship has given the following norms for the gra­ dual application of the Apostolic Constitution "Missale Romanum”. These norms complete those which were published by this same Congregation on July 25, 1969, “de editionibus apparandis et de usu novi Ordinis lectionum Missae” (A.A.S. 61 (1969) pp. 548-549). I. The “Ordo Missae” 1. The Latin text of the “Ordo Missae” may be used from November 30, 1969. 2. The Episcopal Conferences will establish the day on which the verna­ cular text of this same “Ordo Missae” may begin to be used. It is desirable that the text of the new “Ordo Missae” should be translated as soon as possible and that, when duly approved, it should be brought into use even before the other texts of the Roman Missal have been translated into the vernacular. 3. The translation of the text of the new “Ordo Missae” will be approved, at least "ad interim” by the Episcopal Conference (or by the Na­ tional Liturgical Commission and at least by the ‘Council of Presi­ dency’ of the Conference). The vernacular texts will be presented to this Sacred Congregation for confirmation (cf. Declaratio circa interpretationes textuum liturgicorum “ad interim” paratas: Notitiae, 5 (1969) p. 68). NEW HOLY MASS 931 4. The translation of the text of the "Ordo Missae” should be one and the same for all the countries which use the same language (cf. Letter to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences, October 16, 1969: Notitiae I (1965); Instruction “De popularibus interpretationibus conficiendis, January 25, 1969, nos. 41-42: Notitiae, 5 (1969) pp. 11-12). This also applies to other texts which call for the direct participa­ tion of the people. 5. It is for Episcopal Conferences to approve the new melodies for ver­ nacular texts which are to be sung by the celebrant and ministers (cf. Instruction “Inter Oecumenici”, September 26, 1964, no. 42; Instruc­ tion “Musicam sacram", March 5, 1967 no. 57). C. Careful catechesis is required before the texts and rites of the new “Ordo Missae” are introduced. National liturgical institutes and dio­ cesan liturgical commissions will be able to offer the means to achieve this (e.g. study sessions, conferences, articles in the press and other publications, radio and television broadcasts, etc). This is necessary if the clergy and faithful are to perceive and appreciate the spirit and purpose of the reform. 7. Each Episcopal Conference will determine the date from which the use of the new “Ordo Missae” is to become obligatory, with the ex­ ception of the special cases mentioned in nos. 19-20. This date should be no later than November 2, 1971. 8. It is for the Episcopal Conference to determine w'th the assistance of the competent Episcopal Commissions and liturgical centers, those parts of the Mass which the “Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani” leaves to their discretion, namely: a) the actions and postures of the faithful during the Mass (cf. IG. no. 21); b) the gestures by which the altar and the book of the Gospels are to be venerated (cf. IG, no. 232): c) the sign of peace (cf. IG, no. 56b); d) the faculty of using only two readings in the Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation (cf. IG, no. 318); e) the faculty by which women may be allowed to read the biblical readings occurring before the Gospel (cf. IG, no. 66) II. The Other Texts of the Roman Missal 9. The Latin text of the Roman Missal may be used as soon as it is published. 10. Each Episcopal Conference w.ll decide on what date the vernacular texts of the new Roman Missal may begin to be used. This may be done by stages. When some of the texts have been approved, they could be introduced without waiting for all the texts to be translated. For example, the texts of the Temporal cycle could be introduced, even if the texts of the Sanctoral cycle, the Commons, the votive Masses and the Masses “ad diversa” were not yet ready. The new texts are best introduced at the beginning of a liturgical season (e.g. Advent. Lent, Eastertide). 932 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS 11. The translations of the new texts of the Roman Missal will be approved, at least “ad interim,” by the Episcopal Conference (or by the National Liturgical Commission and at least by the ‘Council of Presidency’ of the Conference). These vernacular texts will be submitted to this Sacred Congregation for confirmation (cf. above, no. 3). 12. It is for the Episcopal Conference to prepare — selection of verna­ cular texts, which may be used as entrance, offertory or communion songs (IG, nos. 26, 50, 56e). At the same time as it gives this approval, the Episcopal Conference will warmly encourage those competent in this field to increase and perfect this selection, taking into account the texts put forward in the new Missal and the special characteristics of each particular language. 13. If the new “Ordo Missae” is used before the new Roman Missal is published, the texts of the antiphons and Prayers of the present Missal will be used, bearing in mind the following points: a) if the introit antiphon is not sung, it is read once only. The psalm verse and the “Gloria Patri” are not said (cf. IG, no. 26); b) if the offertory antiphon is not sung it is omitted (cf. IG, no. 50); c) the Prayer over the gifts and the Prayer after communion will end with the short conclusion (er. IG, no. 32). 14. Each Episcopal Conference will determine the date from which the use of the texts of the new Roman Missal is to become obligatory, with the exception of thte case mentioned in nos. 19-20. This date should be no later than November 28, 1971. III. The “Ordo Lectionum Missae” 15. Each Episcopal Conference will determine the day from which the new “Ordo lectionum Missae" may or should be used. 16. While waiting for the translation of the new readings and their confirmation by this Sacred Congregation, the Episcopal Conferences may permit the use “ad interim” of one or more of the duly approved versions of the Sacred Scriptures. In this case, care will be taken to ensure that the precise biblical references are made available to priests (i.e. the indications of chapter and verse; the way the reading begins; the way the passages are divided). This is especially im­ portant for the readings of the B cycle of Sundays which begin on November 30, 1969. 17. Until the texts of the new lectionary are ready for use, the read­ ings of the present Roman Missal are retained for each part. The lectionaries already approved “ad experimentum” and which are at present in use may continue to be used “ad interim,” e.g. the present ferial lectionaries, the series of readings for such occasions as the celebration of the sacraments, Masses for the dead, certain votive Masses, etc. (cf. Instruction “De editionibus apparandis et de usu novi Ordinis lectionum Missae,” July 25, 1969, nos. 4-5). 18. In order to safeguard the liturgical and pastoral importance of the responsorial psalm, the competent National Commissions should estab­ NEW HOLY MASS 933 lish a provisional list of psalms and responses. They should choose from among those at present in use the psalms and responses which best correspond to the texts of the “Ordo lectionum Missae” (see also the Common texts for the singing of the responsorial psalm in this same “Ordo,” nos. 174-175). These National Commissions will warmly encourage those competent in this field to increase and perfect the heritage of texts and melodies that has come down to us, taking into account the texts put forward in the new lectionary and the special characteristics of each particular language. A similar selec­ tion should also be prepared for the Alleluia and other chants before the Gospel. IV. SPECIAL CASES 19. Elderly priests who celebrate Mass without a congregation and perhaps experience especial difficulty adjusting themselves to the use of new Order of the Mass, the new texts of the Roman Missal and the new lectionary, may, with the consent of their Ordinary, continue to use the rites and texts which are at present in use. 20. Special cases, however, such as priests who are sick or who have other difficulties, should be submitted to this Sacred Congregation. His Holiness Pope Paul VI approved the present Instruction on October 18, 1969. He ordered that it should be published and carefully observed by all concerned. All things to the contrary notwithstanding. Vatican City, October 20, 1969. (BENNO CARD. GUT.) Praefectus (A. BUGNINI) a Secretis