Diocesan notices


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Diocesan notices
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DIOCESAN NOTICES ARCHDIOCESE OF MANILA MANILA CLERGY AND FAITHFUL Be it known by our Beloved Clergy and Faithful in the Archdiocese of Manila that Rev. Francisco Tantoco, Jr. does not enjoy ministerial faculties in our archdiocese. lie was ordained priest al the Holy Redeemer Church, Quezon City on December 27, 1969 without the benefit of our dimissorial letter as required by Canon Law. Likewise he did not undergo the four-year course in Theology. After ordination Fr. Tantoco was asigned by his Ordinary in Borongan, but never stayed in his own diocese. Given in Manila, this 5th day of January 1972. Rufino J. Cardinal Santos, D.D. Archbishop of Manila DECREE OF ERECTION WE RUFINO J. CARDINAL SANTOS BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND Ok THE HOLY SEE ARCHBISHOP OF MANILA Since the spiritual needs of the people living in the Parishes of Sta. Teresita and San Pedro Bautista cannot be properly attended to because of the large territories of the parishes involved, with the advice of our Board of Consultors and consent of the Parish Priests concerned. We hereby establish the PARISH OF STO DOMINGO, QUEZON CITY with the following boundaries: North: Laonglaan and Maria Clara East: River South: Eulogio Rodriguez Avenue West: D. Tuason St. 244 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS The endowment of the New Church of the benefice of the Parish consists of the voluntary offerings of the faithful, in the stole fees accord­ ing to our diocesan statutes or Arancel and lawful custom. The New Church has the privilege to keep habitually the Blessed Sacrament under the usual conditions, to possess a baptismal font, to ad­ minister all sacraments and all other rights, which belong to a Parochial Church. We, therefore, urge all the faithful of the New Parish to help and support the Parochial Church with their generous offerings and by having their baptisms and marriages done in the Parish Church, and not else­ where Given in Manila, on this 23rd day of February, in the Year of Our Lord. 1972 Jose C. Abriol Chancellor 4" Rufino J- Cardinal Santos Archbishop DIOCESE OF PALO February 3, 1972 Rev. Fr. Manuel Gomez Tanawan, Leyte Dear Father Gomez: Because of your persistent disobedience and insubordination to your local Ordinary, inasmuch as you have insisted to remain as parish priest of Tanawan and to refuse to transfer to your new assignment, after having been duly admonished by the Apostolic Nuncio and the Bishop of Palo to comply with the agreement concluded at the Apos­ tolic Nunciature, on June 16, 1971, that you had to take possession of the new parish, on the 2nd of February, 1972, you are hereby suspended “a divinis”, in accordance with canons 2331 par. 1 and 2401. This suspension will immediately take effect upon your receipt. Please be guided accordingly for your own good and for the good ct the Church and the souls entrusted to our care. Francisco S. Santiago, D.P. Vicar General & Chancellor Sincerely yours in Christ, 4« Manuel S. Salvador, D.D. Bishop of Palo