Christmas message from The Archbishop of Manila


Part of Philippine Review

Christmas message from The Archbishop of Manila
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1944 (Christmas tUrssagr frum She Arrljbtafinp nf Manila In the history of the world no man has been so universally known and so ardently loved by those who knozv Him as the Lora Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Lt is well for us to keep in mind that He was not only God but assumed a perfect nature so as to dignify our nature, to teach us, to console us and to show us the road of bravery and, if needs be, of suffering. . He was bom of the Virgin Mary, His Immaculate Mother, and we observe His Nativity, on the 25th of December. With the passage of another year, we, my dear brethren, tuish to celebrate the birthday of Christ, who has given us the means of possessing- peace, if we are only faithful to His teachings. For the object of God's incarnation, after His atonement for sin to the Divinity, was to give us peace, contentment and joy in this tvorld, and afterwards an eternity of bliss in Paradise. Hence He is called the Prince of Peace, and when the angels came from Heaven on the first Christmas morning to do homage to the newly born King, their canticle was: “Glory to God in the highest: and on earth, peace to men of good will.” So our plain duty is to give glory to God, by obeying His trill and commandments, and if we do so, we shall have peace, in our own souls even though we have to suffer, for according to St. Paul, “the sufferings of this world are not to be compared to the glory that is to come” for those who obey God's law and are faithful to the end.