Book Chats


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Book Chats
Book talks--Periodicals.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
16 ARE YOU COLLECTING STAMPS? ST AMP collecting is not very popular among young people in the Philippines. But in America and Europe, children and ~ven grown-ups are interested in this pastime. They spend much money to obtain the rarest stamps. Among the most noted collectors of postage stamps are King George \' of England and President Roosevdt. Some of their stamps are worth hundreds of pesos each, because no other copies of them could be found anywhere in the world. Old stamps that were used years and years ago are very valuable today. If you are lucky and industrious, you may get old stamps without spending a single centavo. In some corner of your house you may find old letters of your father or of your grandfather. These letters may have old stamps that came from India. or Russia, or Australia. These stamps left forgotten among cobwebs and dusc may be worth one hundred pesos today, for all you know. It is believed that the first stamps were used in the Philippines in 1854. These postage stamps bore th!! image of Queen Isabella of Spain. Then there are the special stamps issued now and then by our government to mark a great event, as the coming of Loriga and Gallar~a. daring Spanish aviators. and the arrival of Babe Ruth with other American baseball players. The number of stamps printed for <;uch events is limited. It would be wise for you to keep several copies of them. There will come a time when they will be bought at a high price. So. you see, you may become rich some day from the stamps you have collected in your youth. (Please turn to page 22) THE YOUNG CITIZEN ·BOOK HOW many books haVe you on your bookshelf? What else would you like to read? Of course, before I can suggest any i11teresting books, I must first know what you, yourself enjoy reading. Perhaps you will write and tell me the names of the books you own. Have you rf'ad any that belong to your friends? No matter whether you are in the fourth grade or in the seventh, or in any other grade, l would be happy to hear from you. And by the way have you any books at home which you can read to your linle sisters and brothers? \Vhat are the names of the books? Perhaps, you have some nice pict:.ire books too. Februa1·y 19J5 Cl-IATS · were your age? Of course, that is why so many of them make their stories sound so true and real. [J I am thinking of Thomas Bailey j\Jdrich who wrote THE STORY OF THE BODY. In this story Mr. Aldrich· tells all about th~ pranks and all about the mischief for which he and his playmates were blamed by the village folk. Those were the happy days when he was a real boy having a glorious time in Rivermouth and Portsmouth on che coast of the Atlantic ocean. 0 Another good book which tells about the doings of a jolly bunch of young~cers is Booth Tarkington's PENROD. This is followed When you write to me, tell me about the following: hy a second book called PENROD ·1 he titles of th" boohs you own. ,\ND SAM. It's great fun meeting rl he titles of the books you have Fmrod and his friends-not forread. ~ctting the faithful little old Fut a little check preceding the poodle. Both of these books are names of those books which you w.ry amusing. haue enjoyed the most. 0 ;·he names of the books which your mother or euen you read to your little sisters and brothers. Don't forget the names of the picture books, too! And you surely should have ~ diance to read THE ADVEN. rURES OF TOM SA WYER and the second book. HUCKLEBERRY HNN by Mark Twain. \Vrite down your own name, your Some writers choose what is call~ age, the name of the school you €'d a pen name instead of using their go to, and the grade you are in. cwn name. That is just what Now, if you tell me all of these .Mark Twain did, for his real naml! things. it will be lots of fun telling was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. }'OU all about the good books you can read. We will have a book chat t:-very month. Write soon. Lovingly, Mother Goose of Bookland ALL ABOUT BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS! Stories of Fun and Mischief So many men and women are writing books every day for the boys and girls all over the world. Did you know that very often these writers tell about adventures which happened to them when they He was a pilot on a Mississippi liver boat for many years. Having grown so very fond of the river life, he chose the nautical term to stand for his name throughout the r.::maining years of his life. 0 Now I can hear some girl saying ''But not a· single book for girls has been mentioned!" However, I can assure you that there is hardly :i girl in the whole United States ,.Jho has not read these numerou:; rays' books. In fact. I met many girls in the European countries who had read them. Some had read (Please turn to page 20) :o THE YOUNG CITIZEN EVERYWOMAN'S ~OME DOCTOR A Book of Incalculable Value to every woman and her family-a whole library on Home Economics Prepared by Over Forl:y Celebrated Medical Aut:horit:ies, Scienl:isl:s, and Diel:it:ians It has over 500 large page'>, I 0.000 vital facts, 260,000 words by leading specialists, 500 photographs and drawings, etc. No educated woman, married or single, can afford to miss this book. Among rhe subjects treated are Foundations of Health. The Inner Wor(d of Childhood. Hf:alth in the Home, Th~ !:Calthy Die!, Woman and Her Beau' y, \\/ oman and Sex, etc. etc. ·:· Sold exclusiuely by COMMUNITY PUBLISl-IERS, INC. 405 P. Faura, Manila Februai·!J 19J5 HOW TO SAY IT I. There are other correct ways of saying "Yes," as "Certainly.'" "Surely" not "Sure." "Yes, sir With great pleasure." 2. When you are requesting for .<:omething. always say, "May I.. · .wt ''Can I 1. Don't say: I entered into the room. "Into" is not necessary. 4. One does not say, "I climb t1p a tree "Up" is superfluous. 5. Another common error: I doh't know to my mother. Say: It depends upon my mother. -«0»BOOK CHATS ... (Continued from page 16) tliem twice and some even three times! Of course, you know that these stories have been translated into French, German, and into many Mher foreign languages. Perhaps, "-hen you grow up, one of you will translate these good books for boys ;iud girls into the Philippine diale:ts. Don't forget. I'll suggest cwo especially for girls. GER JOHANNE HAPPENED TO books written They are INand WHAT INGER JOl!ANNE by Dikken Zwilgmeyer. Here you find amusement and mischief a-plenty. INGER JOHANNE is a girl from the Land of the Midnight Sun. Can you imagine living in a part of thl! world where for two whole months il is dark both night and day? Then for another whole month the sun shines throughout day and night! I do not want to forget ANNE OF GREEN GABLES by L. Montgomery. Just you read what A:rne does to her long lovely red hair! Yau will never forget Anne, for you feel as if you had really t:let her in true life. (I read th'! book three times.)
Date Issued
I(1) February, 1935