Cut outs - easy way of making them


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Cut outs - easy way of making them
Baldovino, Gilmo.
Cut outs in arts.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A short and easy way on creating a head of a boy using cut outs.
THE YOUNG CITIZEN 19 C U T - 0 U T S - Easy Way of Making Them By GILMO BALDOVINO CUT-OUT OF THE HEAD OF A BOY In this pap,:e arc rl'produced cut-out.!l of the head of !I bor, a girl, a man, and a woman. Although each one of them is arranged so as to make itself explanatory, I shall explain the method hel'e employed step by step. 1. Cut a square of any s uitable size as shown in No. 1. 2. FnlJ this square in the c~nter. Then fold it again to divide the square int.o four equal part~. The purpose of the fold!'; i:- to howe guide-lines on the JHtJ>er before cuttin~ it as s~wwn in No. 2. (See the diagr<ims c m how to fold). '.~. The first. cut i:<> from t he chin to the point •)f the nose. Tht· second-from t he nose to the forehead. The third·- cut a porti<m from the top to make t he forehead narrower. The fourth-from the back of the neck lo the back of the heal! a~ shown in No. 3. L Make a trial cuttin~ of t he nose, upper and low~r lip, and chin. See No. 4. 5. !\Jake the Jinn! cutting~. The forehead must not be made prominent. Bend the bridge of the nose a little. See No. 5. 111 making· the cout~out~ of th~ head of a girl, a man, ancl a woman, t he w<.tys mentioned a bove may be iollo\V ed. The fol'ehcad of the ma n a nd woma n must be made wider and the nose straighter to 1le1w1.e age. In making all these cut-011ls, always reff!r to the diaJ,!."nuns. CUT-OUT OF THE HEAD OF A GIRL How to Fold CUT-OUT OF TH E HEAD or A !IJA'.'J' CL'T-OUT OF THE HFAD OF A WOiWAN Boy Girl DIAGRA MS itfan Woman
Date Issued
I(1) February, 1935