How to say it?


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

How to say it?
English language--facts and figures.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
:o THE YOUNG CITIZEN EVERYWOMAN'S ~OME DOCTOR A Book of Incalculable Value to every woman and her family-a whole library on Home Economics Prepared by Over Forl:y Celebrated Medical Aut:horit:ies, Scienl:isl:s, and Diel:it:ians It has over 500 large page'>, I 0.000 vital facts, 260,000 words by leading specialists, 500 photographs and drawings, etc. No educated woman, married or single, can afford to miss this book. Among rhe subjects treated are Foundations of Health. The Inner Wor(d of Childhood. Hf:alth in the Home, Th~ !:Calthy Die!, Woman and Her Beau' y, \\/ oman and Sex, etc. etc. ·:· Sold exclusiuely by COMMUNITY PUBLISl-IERS, INC. 405 P. Faura, Manila Februai·!J 19J5 HOW TO SAY IT I. There are other correct ways of saying "Yes," as "Certainly.'" "Surely" not "Sure." "Yes, sir With great pleasure." 2. When you are requesting for .<:omething. always say, "May I.. · .wt ''Can I 1. Don't say: I entered into the room. "Into" is not necessary. 4. One does not say, "I climb t1p a tree "Up" is superfluous. 5. Another common error: I doh't know to my mother. Say: It depends upon my mother. -«0»BOOK CHATS ... (Continued from page 16) tliem twice and some even three times! Of course, you know that these stories have been translated into French, German, and into many Mher foreign languages. Perhaps, "-hen you grow up, one of you will translate these good books for boys ;iud girls into the Philippine diale:ts. Don't forget. I'll suggest cwo especially for girls. GER JOHANNE HAPPENED TO books written They are INand WHAT INGER JOl!ANNE by Dikken Zwilgmeyer. Here you find amusement and mischief a-plenty. INGER JOHANNE is a girl from the Land of the Midnight Sun. Can you imagine living in a part of thl! world where for two whole months il is dark both night and day? Then for another whole month the sun shines throughout day and night! I do not want to forget ANNE OF GREEN GABLES by L. Montgomery. Just you read what A:rne does to her long lovely red hair! Yau will never forget Anne, for you feel as if you had really t:let her in true life. (I read th'! book three times.)
Date Issued
I(1) February, 1935