Pen and pencil circle


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Pen and pencil circle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
An exchange of letter between a columnist and an avid reader.
February 1935 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Dear Boys and Girls. I am conducting this column of the Pen and Pencil Circle for my young friends all ouer the Philippines and in the other countries away. I would like to ask you to send me letters, short poems, and articles which you have written, or interestinq pictures and snapsho/.i, which I shall publish in this column if they prove to be good and interesting. Nex t month I am giving a surprise gift to any young boy or young girl who sends me the best letter telling the YOUNG CITIZEN what he or she likes most in this magazine. In your letter state hocv old you are, and where you are studying and in what grade. Send all your letters. poems. or articles. or snapshots to Aunt Alma c/o The Young Citizen, 405 P. Faura, Manila. AUNT ALMA. Dear Aunt Alma. uiilf enjoy it if you keep. being .1 I am a little girl five years old. good girl. Write to me again next My Mama told me I'm going to ,June and tell me about your school. San Roque Central School in June. AUNT ALMA 13 Soh.-uclvr Wants Friends My father iS thanking you very Prnch for the gift you send him. Your little friend, Nora Cruz Is she not a helpful, little secrctcry? Only, she will put her dad· I like my teacher in kinder· carten. She is very very good. My godfather is also very good. He dy in embarrassment if she does Dear Aunt Alma, not !ooh out for the tenses of het I am Baby Bella and daddy says verbs. took a snapshot of me. my little rn write to you to t~ll you I am Thanh you for writing to me, brother, and my friend. I am th~ your friend. I don"t know you Nora. little girl at the right of the picture. hut I think I like you. AUNT ALMA Your friend. Adoracion Legaspi Baby Bella is a mystery to me. Babv Bella Dear Aunt Alma, So you'n: going to school next She is my friend. she says, but does JunC>. Adoracion.> I am sure you not tell me who she is or where I am nine years old. I am in the Third Grade in the Bagong I3uhay Primary School. she can be found. Did you really write this letter, !3aby Bella? Do write me another I want to know many friends in all parts of the world. I am fond of sawing toys out one and let me know where I can of wood. I have made wooden pi· send you a little present. I think grons, deer, and cats. f Jihe you tob. I like to play ball. I also like A UNT ALMA to ride on a bicycle. Dear Aunt Alma, Your. friend. Saluador Jacinto I am Nora Cruz, the daughter You will soon haue many of of Mr. Jose C. C ruz. I am now them, Salvador, if you keep in eight years old. I am now in the !ouch with our column. Sawing fourth grade, and I am studying in toys out . of wood is good as lonq Rizal Elementary School. as you do not saw off your fingers. My father received the gift you .'<..ecp at it, Salvador! send him. He cannot write a let- AUNT ALMA Little Ado1·uc:J:.~ ~ict'~~-/hc Ri!lht uf tcr to you because he is very busy. (Please tum to page 15) Feb1·uary 1935 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Do You Know ThatThree great Americans were born in February. They are George Washington. Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Alva Edison. D There are more people in Europe than in North and South America c·1mbined, and more in Asia than in the Americas and Europe together. D Cebu is the most populated province in the Philippines. Its population, according to the latest e~timate, is I.141.742. D The Philippines was once connected to che mainland of Asia by strips of land. That was thousands of years ago. D Fishes and snakes can not close their eyes even when asleep, because they have no eyelids. Human bl·ings could also sleep without closing their eyes, but the effort of ·keeping the eyelids open is too great. So we adopt the easier course --and shut them. The little white marks on some people's fingernails are caused by poorness of the blood which prevents the nail-cells to work prope:·ly. People whose blood is not healthy have these white spots on their fingernails. D If you were born between January 20 and February 20, your zodiac sign is Aquarius, meaning the water bearer. Your ruling planet is Saturn. Your flower is the tulip. Some of the famous persons born between these dates are Father Jose Burgos, Napoleon, Galileo, Lincoln, Edison, and Mozart. 0 Florence Nightingale is known as "The Lady with the Lamp." Durir:g the Crimean War she wo'rked hard to save the lives of Wounded soldiers. 0 THE YOUNG CITIZEN is the first and only magazine of its kind in the Philippines. PEN AND PENCIL CIRCLE .... (Continued from page 13) Dear Aunt Alma, Dear Cousin: I want to have friends I am very glad to write you a ages are like mine. I am ten yean letter. How are you now? How old. I was born on June 3, 1924. is Aunty? l am now in Grade III in the Ca- The first thing I want to tell iidad Elementary School. I haw rou is about vacation. We might two brothers and one sister. not be able to go there this ye.1r When my friends will write to because we have no time. But Lola me, I shall tell them many stories is going there. and how to play games. I have nothing more to say I hope they will tell me also so I think I will close now. stories about themselves and about Best regardS to all the members their friends and about what they of the family especially to you. I read from their books. Yours sincerely, Aida Filoteo. You want to be a story-teller, will write to you again some day. Your loving cousin Ileana C. Adolfo. will be glad to transmit this Aida? Herr is a chance for you !O letter to Ileana's cousin but unfordo it. Write a short one and send umately she forgot to give me her it to Aunt Alma, and if it is good rousin's address. I hope that her she will print it in this section. cousin will come across this letter 15 Your Health Your Hands and Your Health One of the most important health habits a boy or a girl must have is the cleanliness of the hands. We usually wash our hands when grease or any foreign substance soils them. When they look clean. we refuse to wash them before eating a meal. This iS not an example to follow, for many persons expose themselves daily to disease just because they fail to take the time to c!ean their hands. During your ·waking hours consider how many chances you might have in touching things laden with disease germs. The coins given you by your mother, the playthings you hold at home and in school. and the countless other things touched by your- hands are filled with bacteria and other very, v~ry tiny animals which will do great harm once they are in your body. Your skin is an excellent place for growth. There is living matter present which gives necessary nour~ ishment, oil from the glands near the skin, moisture, and a suitable temperature. All these are essential to the life of the bacteria. Not only when food is eaten do the hands reach the mouth, but ~!so when finger nails are bitten and fingers are sucked. Aside from being insanitary, the habit of sucking the fingers is babyish. It also causes the ugly arrangement of the tteth. When you see old boys a-nd girts whose teeth are like leaning f ~nces, you can be sure that they had the habit of sucking their fingers when they were children. It is then our duty to wash our h;:.nds thoroughly with soap and water before eating and to keep the hands off the mquth aII the time. and will understand that it is for her. Ileana is nine years old and is in the Fifth Grade in the Normed Training School. She is the daugh:er of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Adolfo. AUNT ALMA.
Date Issued
I(1) February, 1935