Make this model bed for your doll.


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Make this model bed for your doll.
Baldovino, Gilmo.
Hobby page
Doll house--Carpentry
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A step by step guide on building a doll house.
A11y1111f, 1.'l.'J5 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 17" HOBBY PAGE MAKE THIS MODEL BED For Your Doll Do you know, little girls, that with match boxes and other things like cardboards, glue and ordinary paint, you can quite easily make all the furniture for your doll's house? I will tell you a vc:·f simple way to make a small model bed. First. you must get .1 match box tray, Cut two pieces of ca.rdboard and glue them to the ends of it ,1s shown in Figure 1. But before you paste the cadboards, turn the tray up-side-down. Now get four wooden or glass b~ads and stick a piece of match-stick through each. (Figure 2 l The hole of these be.:ids must not be too small too large for the match-sticks. You must select those that will hold the sticks firmly. Invert th.:tra.y (a.sin Figure 3) and glue the legs to the corner~ on the inside of the tray. To make dw bed clothes. by some cotton fbt on the top of the tray. And on lop of the cotron. p!J.ce a piece of white mat~­ rial as white cloth or white flannel and stick or sew it down the sides of the tray. For the pillow. roll up a piece of white rag and sew up the ends. (See Figure 4.) La.y this pillow on the head of the bed as shown in the illustration of the finish<!d model. Now, all you have to do is make. the sheet for the bed. Cut a piece of colored cloth for a blanket and a piece 9f white cloth for the sheet. To arrange the sheeting as shown. lay the white cloth. Then turn over the top end of the sheet and sew or glue the sides of both to the tray. After you added your own finishing touches, you will have a ccre little model for your doll's bed. You may not have a doll's house to put this nice little model in. yrt you will have grac fun in making it. PIPE DREAMS (Conli1111cd from ]JOU(' 16.11) Solemnly. he went out of the town and began trudging the way back heme. And when he was about half-way J.nd the night was scuing in. it r,1inL'd. It not only rainL·d. l t poured. Poured in big angry torrrnts until Hody-Dody w,1s soakec! and shivering and weak. bl) tJken into the ca.r and deposited in his house to an anxious and fr'.ghtcned mothL'r. Hody-Dodr tdls me that he sa.t ur:dcr ,1 clump of trees and waited (odornly for the rain to stop. Fi n,1lly, J car drew up and HodyD(1dy. wl't as he was. w.1s (haril.1 And th.:it was the end of his day with AdYcnture. Hody-Oody tells ) ou and me that big and grown-up .1~ he is. we must beliC\:e him whl.'n rronlill•fl'd 011 /!f!9t' 1!111)
Date Issued
I(7) August, 1935