Pen and pencil circle.


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Pen and pencil circle.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
An exchange of letters between a columnist and an avid reader.
184 THE MOST EXCITING ADVENTURE I HAD Last April I was invited to l boating party. I was very happy bl:causc I could experience the thrill-; \\. hich I had not had. My friends .u:d I started early in the morning. \\ihilc boating, I touched the calm w<iler and the water lilies that were \.v ithin my reach. W r: did not earn' a single umbrella because we w~1ntcd to enjoy the sunshine. While the boatman rowed, th;.:: young ladies sang. We had a hap· py time. At about ten o'clock. I felt the bca1 of the sun. It seemed to pcnctr.Hc even to my bones. So 'I wet nl)' arms with sea water. When it wM .. about twdve o'clock, a big roarinf, waves rocked the boat. Every time the boat moved. we <tll shoutcJ. I was nervous and I thought of wliat I would do if the boat would capsize. While the boatmen were rcwing toward the shore. an angry w.we dashed over it and overturned it. I thanked God that we wer,: all saved. The rowers empti(d th-: boat quickly and we rode again iri tbe empty vessel. When we reached the shore we were tanned and dripping. Even then, I was very happr b1'c.ausc I had had the most exciting ridi:: on· a boat. By FRANCISCA B. REYES \'fl-A E. Jacinto Elrm. SC"hool THE ORIGLN OF ROSAL Once there was a girl who lived in the town of Mabulaklak. She wa~ very fond of Wl'aring whit: becausl.' it ml.'ans purity. One day wlwn she was away her n10ther died. She was very ~ad be· ..:.n1se shl' lost her moth<'r She THE YOUNG CITIZEN WJ.' also sad bl'cause she could not buy any more white dresses. One day she went to her mother's gran. She cried bitterly. Th~ God· <less of Flowers came. She asked Prr why she was crying and what her name was. She said that her mother died and tha.t: she could not bu) white dresses. Then the Goddess asked her name. She answered "Rosa". Then the Goddess felt soi ry for her and changed her into a white flower which was called Rosal. By PRECIO.SA IRMA PINEDA Vl-B, E. Jw·inlo E!rm. School, Manila THE TWO FRIENDS Oncl' there was a girl. Ho.?r name v;a~. Rita. She had no father or mother. Rita was hungry. So she wrnt to her friend Juana. Rita said. "Please give me some fond." Juana gave Rita some oranges z11~d apples. Rita said, "Thank you. Juana." Juana said. "Take some fruit to your mother." Rita answered. "I h;ive no more mother or father but I have a doll." . Juana said, "Go home. g,;-t your things. You may live with m~. You may call my mother "Mathe,". and my father. "Father" By FLERIDA RUTH PINEDA Grode Il-B, r: . ./(lcinto Elem. School, .llanilCl Quiapo. Manib Dear Aunt Alma:} am in Grade Two-A. I Jtil scYCn ,10d a half years old Our tcachl'r let us read "The Young Ci ri:.·.rn... I like the nice stories. Aunt Alma. please writ\' sorn.: n1nre storil'S. Augusf, 19.r:; Thank you. Aunt AlrnJ. Goodhyf. Your friend. FLORENCIO V. FERNANDEl .lfobini Elf'menfary School Dear Florencio, In this number of the Young Citizen you will find a very easy ston1. Read ''The Little Moth and the L·izard." I am sure you can read it. Write to me again and tell me u.Jhur you thinh of it. Dear Aunt Alma: AUNT ALMA 13 Paris Manila. P. I. July 22, 1935 I am Francisco Mariano. I am in the fourth grade. I like to read stories from books specially those · "The Young C1ttzen." I like the story £If Kiko's Adventures. I 1 ikc to make friends with other bci'ys and girls. Your friend. FRANCISCO :MARIANO Children: \Vho would lihe to exchange letters with Francisco Mariano? Send your fetters to Aunt Alma. 4 Paris Manila. P. I. August 5, 1935 Dear Aunt Alma: l am a boy. I am seven years old I .:i.m studying in the De La Salle C:ollcge. I am fond of reading stories <liid specially The Young Citizen. I like best the story of The Order or the Short Pants because in the morning when the boys lined up . se "en were missing. When they c~rne ~ne of them was trying to Incle his swollen lips, another had his hands in the pocket. the others V.'er.e trying to cough off something \\ b1ch seemed to be stuck in their throats. The cake they ate was full <•f big red Jnrs. a reason why it "as unguarded. So the Order of :h..- Short Pants never met again ! hat was what they got from stealinj? a cake. Your friend. LEAXDRO SINCO G1·adc II, De La Sn/fr Collcyt' .l/a11ila
Date Issued
I(7) August, 1935