Verses for children.


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Verses for children.
Tonogbanua, Francisco G.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
166 THE YOUNG CITIZEN VERSES FOJ.! CHlLDRfl\ By Francisco G. Tonoghanua ROSES f "ve watered them and watered them, I've also watched them grow, They are the prettiest little things All in a row. f<'i1·st I spied a pink one, Then a red one peeked; Today [ went to the garden In hopes of more roses to seek. AN OLD DOLL Here 1 sit in the Col'lle1· all day; How I wish some one would come to play! i\ly dress is torn, and my shoes are wor n,-J am not beautiful any more; So here I sit day after day. 0 please, someone, come here and play! A ROSE AND A PICTURE Beautiful rose in a blue vase, Standin~ near a picture of a ;;weet, kind face, When [ look at you I ,sigh, Thinking of the times gone by. I have seen roses in other places, In gardens and in costly vases, But. you are the loveliest one of all, or you beautify a face that is on the ·.vall, I' e face of my mother. A PIECE OF SILK Beautiful silk, where did you get yoi.:r blue? Did some gnome or fairy Steal it from the heavens up above"? Or did you get it from the lovely Iris'! Please tell me where you got it, So I may get some, too. TllA'f PAT :\IANILA COP That fat l\lanila cop i\lakes the t 1 ·aftic stop With a guceful wave of his hand. J:;ve1·y man, woman, or child Knows he wcints justice in the land. With his khaki uniform And badge shining bright., lie majestically stands All day and all night. THE VASE Va>le, did you come fro1:1 bright Japan, From the land of flowers and pParls? Did you trnvel a 1 ·otmd the big world, To give us your beauty and grace? Did f;Ome old a nd fe~ble Jap P<iint y0u slowly and with care, 0 vase, standing there?
Table Of Contents
An Old Doll
A Rose and A Picture
A Piece of Silk
That Fat Manila Cop
The Vase
Date Issued
I(7) August, 1935