An unexpected


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

An unexpected
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
December, J,q,;5 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 121 Christmas ls Coming By Primitiva Miranda (f. /acinto c'flem. School JI J;f---C , ___ .,.,_ --- ~ ~~ ~ 13-tt~ II* i I com-tni, -All bells will nn'j lh\s Christ - ma.s da.y. !~, J f .son~ of ® F ' AN UNEXPECTED (Conlinucd fmm page 307) Joe slept well that night. Hi:; mother awakened him in the morning. "Joe! Joe'. Wake up!" she exclaimed. "Here is something fa· you Joe jumped up from his bed anJ ran to where his mother was standing. She had a big package in h.:i arms. "What is that. mother?" he shouted. "Something for you. Joe," she said as she placed the big packa~'..: on the floor. "A messenger brought it in a few minutes ago. He said -And. leb Gla.d ~· J J' '! II J;i com-u;~, Ou ... N oti.>: The last three lines arc taken from a poem. it is from the gentleman whom yoi..1 met last night."' There was a note inserted. Jo· opened it. It ran: Dear Joe: I 'm sorry you could not attend rhe p1.1rty but what you did wh ·_. /1 prevented you from being with 1 h · other children is great. I wish I were in your place. Then I wo:.i'd feel gre1.1t-greatcr than what ! am now. Receive this little gift and m;rr; you have a happy Christmas. So•P · dafj fJOU wiff hnouJ me. Your Old Friem.1 Joe opened the package. Even· - thing he needed for Christmas was inside. There was a pair of white pants. a silk shirt. an undershirt. a silk hat. a pair of shoes, and toy~. There were also a big silk kerchief for mamma and a pair of slipper; for ppa. At the bottom of th'-' plckage was an envelope. On i! the following was written: "FOR HOME NEEDS·." Inside the en· velope was a ten-peso bill. Joe knelt down and raising his eyes to Heaven. said: "Lord, ble.>s the gentleman whose heart is so good and kind." Joe had a happy Christmas and hl' deserved it for he was a good boy and a thoughtful son,