Books to read


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Books to read
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
320 T() Th~ Merriest Christmas Ever to Lhosc Boys and Girls who can ncwr find enough to read. Herc's wishing that Old Saint Nick will put a good book in the stocking for all of you~ Practically all boys and girls who attend school arc familiar with Cl.:mcnt C. Moore's jolly Christmao; poem, ·ru.:as the Night Befor.: THE YOUNG CITIZEN Not a creature was stirring. not even a mouse: December, JfU:; -\Vhcn they· mccl with an obstacle. mount to the sky, So. up to the house-top the coursers they flew. With a sleigh full of toys. and St. Nicholas too. And then in a twinkling I hcar<l on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. The stock-ings were hung by th<' As I drew in my hl'>ad and wa~ chimney with care. In hopes rhac St. Nicholas soon would be there: The children were nestled all snug in their beds. \\.'bile visions of sugar-plum'> danced in their heads: And mamma in her kerchief. an I m my cap. Had just settled our brains for a turning around. Down the chimney St. came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur from hi'i head to his foot. And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot: A bundle of toys he had flung .::>n his back. And he looked like a peddler just Christmas. \}./hen Mr. Moore wrote that poem he did not know that for r'nany years to come the boys and girls of the United States would be longer winter nap.-mcmorizing it or reading it over and When out on the lawn there aro~.2 over again each year when Christ- such a clatter, opening his pack. I-!is eyes how they twinkled~ his dimples how merry! mas comes around. I sprang from mY bed to sec what Mr. Moore wrote the poem as a was the matter. His checks were like roses. his nos<! 1 ikc a cherry: present for his own little girls on!~·- Away to the window I flew like a The little Moore children we"rc so 1-Jis droll little mouth was drawn happy over the present that they flash. up like a bow. showed it to many of their frien<ls Tore open the shutters and threw And the beard on his chin was as on Christmas day. As usual many up the sasb. white as the snow. guests spend the Christmas holidays The moon on the breast of the new- The stump of a pipe he held tight with the Moore family in Chclse,1. fallen snow in his teeth. New York. Ir so happened that one Gave a lustre of midday to objects And the smoke it encircled his head or the visitors copied the poem in below: like a wreath. her album. This visitor lived in When what to my wondering eye·; He had a broad face. and a little Troy. New York. \\'hen she re- should appear. round belly ttirned to her home after the holi- But a miniature sleigh and eight That shook. when he laughed, like days. she sh?wed the poem to th;: tiny reindeer. a bowl full of jelly. editor of the Troy newspaper-the \\'ith a little old driver. so lively He was chubby and plump. a right Troy Sentinel. and quick jolly old elf The very next Christmas the l kOew in a moment it must be St. P.nd l laughed when l saw him, in editor published the po~m in the Nick. spite of myself. Troy Sentinel and with it he put J\·lore rapid than eagles his courser') A wink of his eye and a twist of an old woodcut picture of Sr. Nich- they came. his head olas This occurred in 1821. f.nd he whisrled and shouted and Soon gave me to know I had nothAfter that other papers copied the called them by name: ing to dread. pmm so that each year. more and niore boys and girls became farn iliar with it: and today, after I 1 L years. English speaking boys and girls all ov~r che world cJn be beard repeating with the merriest twinkle in their eyesA VISIT FROM ST. NICHOi.AS ··'Twas the night before Christm,1s. wiwn all through the houSl' ·Now. Oa::.ber'. now, Dancer"' now. He spo'.. not a word. bur went Prancer and Vixen~ straight to his work. On. Come~ on. Cupid' on. Dender fa.nd filled ali the stockings: chcn and Blitzen: turned with a jak. ·1 0 the top of the porch. to cbc tor i\nd laying his finger aside of his of the wall~ nose. Now, da.~b away. dJsh away. dash And giving a nod, up the chimnl'y away all'." he rose. J\y dry leaves that beforl' the wild hurricane fly, He sprang to his sleigh. to his te.lm gaw a whistle.