Christmas deed


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Christmas deed
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
122 lllE YOUNl> CITIZEN KIKO'S ADVENTURES ·Christmas Deed by gilmo baldoviV\o Kiko thought all chikh·en should have a happy Christmas. There should be toys, candies, books, and such things. But eve1·ybody said the1·e was no money. So he thought of calling his friends. Last November Kiko told his friends that they should help other children on ChristmJs day. "Let us give them toys," said Kiko. "But how'" his friends asked. "Get your old toys. and fix them." For days and days before Christmas Kiko and hi~: friends fixed their old toys and painted them. They made them look nnv · Tht·sc mys will make poo:· children happy. Kiko said. But Christmas is not complete without a Christ nus tree So c\'cry onl' of them went to the woods w sdcct a good Lrce The best one w<1s nude the Christmas tree. Behind Kiko':; lwusc is J \',\Cant lot. Here they placed the Christmas tree. On the night before Christmas mJny boys wcnl to seL' the tree :di lighted I· up. with toys lunging on the bran·:he~. Kiko was nowlwrL' to be seen But soon Santa Claus appeared. and thL' poor boys toys. \\'hich mad~ them all happy.