If mother were away


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

If mother were away
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
l l 8 THE YOUNG CITIZEN December, 1.ru;; AMONG THE BOY SCOUTSCUBBING IN THI: PHILIPPINl:S By Horacio Ochangco' \Vhat is "Cubbing"! Cubbing or "Cubs" is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for boys of 9, 10. and 11 year:> of age. It .has pleasant past-time activities and a charactcr-inftucncing movement for the boy of thL' pre-Scout age. Its activities also afford opporcunity for the development of good habits and traits essential to good citizenship. The Aim and Purpose This program is to give every member. (I) more of that joy in living. ( 2) Chances to do with and for others. ( 1 J Example of manly ideals. ( 4) Chances to bear responsibility. ( 5 J Opportuni!y for hobbies. handicrafts and skills. ( 6) Deli.nit·! emphasis upon hl.'alth. \Vhen and How the Program Started The movement started in the States under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America in response to demands from parents, churches. schools and other institutions in ·most parts of the country. At first the National Council declined to bear the burden until they have fully progress in the program of the Boy Scout and not until 1928 after a thorough study of the efforts of the younger boy programs. a fund was made available by one of the major Foundations (Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial;. This made possible the organization of the "Cub Pack." Introduction and Progress in the Philippines The movement was not introduced in the Philippines until 1931 when the Office of the Chaplain of the U. S. Army at Fort Stotsenburg in Pampanga, organized the first Pack. composing of 9 boys This Pack which still exist was backed by the Philippine Council. although very little attention was given to it due to the fact that the Council that tim.! was concentrating to organization of more troops. From that time on other Packs were organized bur sponsored by Private Schools and other Church Institutions. although during those times petitions and complaints came from scoutmasters and parents from time to time, that the movement be taken up by the Philippine Council. It can be said that the Philippine Council took it up seriously only this year wh~n 'Manager, Publicity Department, Boy Scout Headquarters, :Manila. pamphlets and other booklets were printed for the training of cubmaster and a course personally conducted by Mr. Ernest E. Voss. Regional Scout Executive, was held in Baguio. At present there are 2~ Packs, one of which is in the Culion Leper Colony, five in Mrnib and the rest in the provinces. If Mot:her Were Away I would not care for stars, Birds' songs and flowr's in May, For moonlight and raindrops. If mother were away'. The butterflies wOuld lose Their colors bright and gayThc dawn--its crimson hues If mother were away! The winds shall cease to sing. The white clouds shall be gray. The sun shall cease to shine. If mother were away! LULU DE LA PAZ E. Jacinto Eleni. School THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF COMJ\·IERCE AND COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU OF POSTS MANILA SWORN STATEMENT (Required by Act 2580) The under.~ilmed Community Publisher, Inc., owne1· or publislH•1· of Young Citizen, published monthly, in l\fanila, P. I., after having b~en duly sworn in accordancc with law hereby submits the following statement of o·wm•1·sh ip, man.ngemcnt, circulation, etc., rs required by Act 2580 of the Philippine Legislature: Editor: Jose E. Romero Managing Editor: Juliana C. Pineda Publisher: Community Publishers, Inc. Business Manager: E. C. Garcia Owners or stockholders holding one per cent or more of interest, stock, bonds 'or other securities: Bondholders, mortgagees: None. (Signature) Community Publishers, I_nc. (Owner or publisher) By E. C. Garcia Subscribed nnd sworn tlJ before me this 30th of October, 193;i, the dedarant having exhibited no cedula hy reason of her sex. [SEAL) (Sgd.) A. NIEVA Notary Public (Signature of officer administering oat!l)