Pen and Pencil


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Pen and Pencil
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
316 Francisca San Jose of Baiz. Negros Oriental and Preciosa Inna P:"neda of Jacinlo Elemrntan; Schoo! of Manila. Agustina Gayo of Tanjay Elementary School ·and Nora Cruz of Rizal Elementary Schoo!.' A1anila. THE YOUNG CITIZEN guita. Dauin. Siaton. Bacong and Tolong. Before the games began there WJS a parade which was pre ceded by the town band. The di~­ tricts that look p.irt in the parade were Tanjay, Dumagmtc. Zam· boanguita and Tolong. It was a very attractive parade. The uni December, 19.!fi -He did not use any body protccto:.-. Because of the brilliant work of - these two boys Tanjay won the g;;.mc easily. At the end of the meet the total points were counted. The following were the results: Tanjay got 80 points: Dumaguerc, '39 points: Zamboanguita. 36 points: and Tolong, 0. Tanjay won the general championship of the Unit II Athletic Meet. Aunt Alma, l think this is 111 I can tell you at present. Sincerely yours, PATERNO RODRIGUEZ Tanja11, Negros Or. Dear Paterno. Congratulations for the victory of Tan_iay in the Athletic Meer! Dear Aunt Alma. forms of the athletes captured the I am Agustina Gayo. I am in attention and admiration of th1• Your description too. is excellent. grade four. I am fond of reading people. The best group was th..: I am sure children in other parts of magazines including .. The Young Tanjay group The town peop~c our country will enjoy reading it. Citizen." were surprised to sec the girl~;' uni I should like to make friends forms. In the history of this town with another girl in grade four. they have never ,<>ecn girls paradDear Agustina. AGUSTINA GA YO ing the slrcets in shorts. Our girls Tanjay Elrm. School were neat-looking and businesslike Tanjay, .\"t'[J. Oi·.icnf.-,[ in their new uniforms. Afcer th:' p::.rade ir was thought that our athll'tes would not haw any chanL~ AUNT ALMA Dear Aunt Alma. I am twelve years old and in the last stage of the intermediate grade. I am one of the admirers of thl': I gave your letter to l-.fora Cruz. ar·other reader of the ''Young CitiZ('n. She promised lo anstver yotir Idler. Have you heard from hff? Young Citizen and I enjoy reading it very much. All of my brothc;.s and sisters also enjoy reading th.: to win because they were younger stories. In school. we read this ~md smaller as compared with those magazine in our spare moment~ of the other groups .of Jthletes. The and sometimes advertise them as ,1 first g:imc played was bJscba\!. Pres. C. Limbaga of Tanjay pitch~·d the first b,111. \\'h.:n the ball w.::.s AU.YT ALM.4. Dear Aunt Alma. I am going to t:ll yo:.i something pitchrd the crowd shout-.'d and al1 out the Unit II Athlclic Meet. clapped their hands. Ccnon On October 4 th: meet began The rown> that wc1"': r.-prcsenrrd were Tanjay. Sibulan. Ay~guitan. Dumagu.:t:. Luzuriagl. Zamboanof our team was the star pitcher. His balls were very swifL He i;.; kft-han<l,'d. Lino Buenaflor was the carcher. He was a good cltcher. part of our lesson in rca<ling. My classmates are all intcrestc{i in the Young Citizen. Every time they sec a new issue of that magazine they read it eagerly. Your admirer, ADELIA B. FUGOSO l'll-fl,' Emilio Jacinto Elementai·y School, Mamila LIMB AS :ind therefore there was no school The "limbas" was tossed inrn the (Crm 1i1•11cd f,·0~11 p:~{f<' ;os) So many boys were on the beach and it flew upward proudly as Many other afternoons Perro Perto saw the other boys toss if to say, "Look at me. I can flv went to the beach. Many oth.n their kires into the air. But th..! evm in a storm. Look at me. ls kites fought with the white ki1·c. there a better kite than I?" but always the white kilc won. wind was strong .rnd many of the The "limbas" went higher and 0 I f P kites danced crazily in the air. and h. h . rh · At fi'rst ,·, ne car y a t:rnoo~. er~o wrnl lben they would suddenly clivc tc tg er mto c air. to the beach with his while kit,· danced merrily and flapped its the "limbas." ·The sky was cloucl·; .. the ground again. wings with pride. Then its brav.;and the sea was angry wirh long Peno LHig~1':d aloud white face became troubled and it rolling waves that beat on the sho11.' "Sec my "limbas'," h': sJid looked down at its little master. with a loud noise. On a day like "Your kites cJnnot rly in a hard down. down the earth looking lik.: that. boys do not go to the bcadl wind The 'limbas' can rly a tiny little ant. to fly kites. But it was Saturday. in a slorm." (Please turn to })Hge ./25)