Going to school


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Going to school
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
138 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, 1937 LITTLE STORIES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Going to School By AUNT JULIA ERNY was going to school. He was very glad. He washed his face. H e w a s h e d h i s neck. He washed his hands. Then he put on a clean suit. This is (Juan, Erny, Pedro). He is (dirty, wise, clean). "Sister, I am ready for school. Look!" "Who is going with you?" Sister asked. "Father is going with me. Are you not, Fath- · er?" "Yes, son," Father answered. "You will wait for me until school is over, will you not, Father?" Erny asked again. "Ah, no, my son," Father said. "You are a big boy now. You are seven. You must know how to take care of yourself. Erny looked down. "Father, I shall go to school next year." "All right, son." Did Erny want to go to school alone? Yes, No. Did Erny want Father to stay with him at school? Yes, No. Did Father say, "Yes, I will stay with you at school"? Yes, No. "Come, Erny," Father said, "You will take care of the pigeons." "Yes, Father." "Give them mongo and palay. Give them drinking water." Erny gave the pigeons some mongo. He gave them palay. He gave them fresh water to drink. He poured clean water into the bird bath. Then he thought of the baby pigeons. "Shall I not give the baby pigeons some mongo, Father? "You need not. The father pigeon and the mother pigeon give them food." Did Erny give the pigeons some corn? 'Yes, No. Did he give them some mongo? Yes, No. .June, 1987 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 139 Did he give the baby pigeons somf 1mlay? Yes, No. Did the pigeons have fresh water to drink? Yes, No. Erny wanted to see the baby pigeons. He stood on a box and peeped into the dove cot. "O, Father, come, look! The big pigeon is pushing the baby pigeon out. It will fall!" Erny cried. Erny closed his eyes. He did not want to see the little pigeon fall. "Is it hurt?" he asked when he opened his eyes. "Oh, No, the father pigeon knows that the baby is strong enough to leave the nest. Look, it can fly a little. It can eat alone. It can take care of itself." Father explained. Erny's eyes were wide. He looked up at the nest. Then he looked down at the little pigeon. · "Father," Erny said in a low voice, "I am going to school. Just take me. You need not wait for me." "Yes, son." Father pigeon pushed out the little pigeon. True, False. The little pigeon was hurt. True, False. Erny asked Father not to wait for him at school. True, False.