Learning to use new expressions


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Learning to use new expressions
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J11nc, JlJ87 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 149 Learning To Use New Expressions By JULIANA C. PINEDA * Read the story below. Try to see the pictures with your mind's eye. Remember the words or expressions that make you see the pictures. Read the story aloud placing emphasis on the new words you want to add to your vocabulary. A BANCA RIDE Our banca glided smoothly over the glassy surface of the bay. I was lying on my back watching the crescent moon as it sailed just as smoothly across the clear sky. The soft crooning of my companions was accompanied by the splash of the water produced by the rhythmic strokes of the oar. I had no thought of fear, for the banca was fitted with a pair of outriggers. ~ Supervisor of Intermediate English, City Schools. EXERCISES I. Check the groups of words that tell about the pictures in the paragraph. Re-read the paragraph if necessary. 1. the flapping sails 2. the banca swayed violently 3. the banca glided smoothly 4. there was a full moon 5. the moon was bow-shaped 6. the roaring waves 7. a man lying on his back 8. a man watching the moon 9. men singing loudly 10. a well-balanced banca (Please turn to page 165) June, 1937 DOVES FOR NANI (Continued from page 14.?) Then-then-in awed silence, the cage was opened! The pigeon stared at the door of freedom. A turn about the cage as if he did not believe his eyes and then out--out to the skies above and their island clouds. it sailed far-far away till it was lost in the blue hills beyond. That night it rained. The wind r a t t 1 e d the leafless branches of tbe trees outside. Nani could not go to sleep. She thought of her brave pigeon, of the darkness. and the rain and the wind. It seemed as if it was she who was flying in this rainy night above a great, great sea to carry a message to her father. When her mother called her to say her prayers, she responded eagerly. And when she went with Auntie to Quiapo Church the next Friday morning, she pleaded, "Please, please, dear God, don't let my pigeon fall into the sea." Many days passed. Nani wondered what had happened to her messenger. Mother, too, like her was much worried because the postman brought them no letter. Then one noon as Mother was sending her and Nonoy to their afternoon nap, a Halili truck stopped in front of their house. Mother peeped out of the window and suddenly ran out. They heard her joyful exclamations. Nonoy left the bed and Nani ~as about to follow THE YOUNG CITIZEN HOMES OF SILK (Continued from page 155) There must be time for the insect to be made over from a creeping caterpillar to a flying moth. This change takes place while it is a pupa. The caterpillar does not wind the silk about itself as if it were a ball. It swings its head with a slow, steady motion, while the silk comes out of the opening through its lower lip as a very fine fiber. It holds its head up and guides the silk with its little hand-like feet that are near the head. Each kind of caterpillar makes its own kind of cocoon. When you go out this afternoon, try to look for a cocoon among thi trees' in your neigh~orhood. Do not disturb the sleeping owner for it has had a hard time building its home and it must be dreaming of future days when it shall fly as a golden butterfly among the flowers and green leaves. him when someone rushed into the room. She saw a tall man whose eyes held out all his love for her. "ls this Nani?" he asked her as he gently kissed her. ..I received your letter, Nani, and so here I am." ..Did he not fall into the sea?" she asked her Daddy later. He shook his head and smiled at her. But he waited until she was asleep that night before he told Mother that the pigeon had flown to the ship that brought it and so was able to return again to him. 165 LEARNING NEW (Continued from page 149) II. Fi n d in g the correct words. l. What words tell how the banca moved? 2. What wo·rds tell, you that the bay was calm? 3. What word makes you see at what stage the moon was? 4. Find the words which tell how the companions sang. 5. Which word makes you see how the oarsmen paddled? 6. Say the word which makes you hear the sound of the water. 7. What name is given to the pares which prevent a banca from overturning? 8. We say that a banca capsizes when it overturns. 9. Answer number 7 again using another word in place of overturning. III. Copy the new expressions you have learned. Use them in your own sentences. Use them in telling of your own experience about a ride in a banca. KEY I. IO II. I. glided smoothly 2. glassy surface 3. crescent 4. soft crooning 5. rhythmic strokes 6. splash 7. outriggers 9. The outriggers prevent a banca from capsizing.