Opportunity knocks


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Opportunity knocks
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
150 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, 1!1.17 CHARACTER EDUCATION SECTION Opportunity Knocks DOLORES TENSUAN * FLORENCIA is very deeply absorbed with her reading. At times she knits her brows, bites her lips, 01· nods her head. Now and then she looks afar as if searching the clouds for some - thing. The mother who sits by the window mending socks, frequently glances at her child. She wonders what readi!lg matter has so interested Florencia, that she has kept on reading f01· almost an hour. Florencia finishes reading, cups he1· chin in her left hand and looks afar. "That book you have just read seems t0 have interested you very much, my dear," said the mother. "Yes, mother, it is the life history <•f Helen Keller, the deaf, dumb, and blind girl who succeeded in graduating in <,ollege because of her patience and perWa8hington Elcm,ntary School. severance," answered Florencia. "That's very wonderful of her. Hc1 · success is a very good proof that there fa nothing impossible when there is tht will to succeed. Isn't it?" eagerly asks the mother . . "Yes, it is, and that keeps me think· mg, mother, if Helen Keller who was dumb, deaf, and blind finished her college work successfully why can't I satisfactorily perform my school work when I am lucky enough not to have any of · her.handicaps?" "I'm glad you mentioned that matter," gladly answered Mrs. Crnz. "Yesterday your father and I met you;· teacher and when we questioned h<0r about your standing in class, she said that you are not doing very well." · "She is right, mother, I really hav..· been very neglectful of my school work lat:!~. In fact, I had even thought of qmttmg my studies because of the di&com·aging marks I am getting, but this marvelous success of Helen Keller has completely inspired me to work harder. Yes, mother, I firmly resolve to be m01·e patient and persevering in my studies." "That is a very good resolution, Florencia. I've always prayed to God to make you realize that your failure ii; :you.r school work is wholly due to your md1fference, shall I say laziness?" says the mother. · "Laziness is the very· term for it, mother. Well, goodbye, laziness. I've made up my mind to work hard espc;( PlMsc· turn to page 160) I60 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, J!J.f7 JOSE RIZAL Where the coco palms swing and sway, Where the grass and fields are ever green, Where lies the blue Laguna Bay, There Rizal was born on June nineteen. Midst the tumult of oppression, He lived to heed his country's cry, With mighty pen he fought corruption, And did what no one dared try. Thus this mortal lived and died, For his country and people's sake, His name shall be known far and wide, Inspiring awe in other nation's wake. -Lulu de la Paz-Gabriel OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS (Continued from. vagc 150). cially in overcoming my weaknesses. I .will give my cla~smatcs no chance to laugh at me v;hcnever I fail to answer a question and whenever I read orally," emphatically speaks Florencia. "God, help you, my child. I wish ,you '3uc cess," says the mother. Beaming with enthusiasm, Florencia gets J. reader and begins reading aloud the poem which she read so very poorly in class the day before, that her classmates laughed at her. She reads it over and over, putting more effort in improving her cxpn:ssion and pronunciation at every repetition. Her last reading pleases her so much that she goe'> to her mother and exclaims, "Oh, mother. I believe my teacher is right in telling me that I can be a good reader if I would only ! practice-often. The way I tead this poem now j is ten times better than my reading yesterd;:.y. · · .! "Of course, your teacher is right, Florenci.:i. ··: AimOst all difficulties can be overcome if ther~ is the determination and the patience and perseverance to overcome them.'' "Well, that reminds me of the health poster we are required to submit tomorrow. Everytime we have poster-making, I don't prepare be· cause I simply can't draw. But now, I will ,make one. If others can do it, why can't I?'' "That's a good rule to follow," smilingly :;pproves the mother. She affectionately pats her child and goes to the kitchen to prepare th( food. With a very strong resolution Florencia begins making her poster. After about twenty minutes of persistent trying she finishes it. She Yiews the neatly drawn poster with perfect satisfaction. then runs to her mother saying, "See, mother, see the poster I drew!'' ·'That is very nice. I never knew you can draw so well," comments the happy mother :is .she looks at the picture. "How pleased my teacher will be when sh.: sees it. I shall buy theme paper, mother. Do you want me to buy something for you at the store?'' "Please, buy five centavos' worth of biscuils (Please twrn to page 167) Jwie, 1987 THE YOUNG CITIZEN I 67 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS MY BROTHER'S KITE WHO HAD THE BEST (Continued from page 160) for Corazon. She is already awake and she must be hungry. "Yes, mother," says Florencia as she skips down the stairs. Five-year old Corazon goe~. to the study table. She sees the crayons scattered on the table. With much delight she draws lines of all sorts on the very poster of Florencia. She laughs joyfully as she scrawls the multicolored lines' on the paper. While she is looking at the ruined poster, Florencia ar'rives and nearly drops the biscuits when she sees the destr_oyed poster. "You naughty. naughty girl!" . cried Florencia as she snatches the paper and gives th~ little girl a pinch. "you -have ruined my poster." The mother hears the scold-ings of Florencia and the cry of Corazon so she enters the room to find out the cause of the commotion. "Mother, see what Nene did to my poster," sobs Florencia as she shows the paper. 'Tm sorry, but it was partly your fault. You shouldn'!: have left your poster on the table. Stop crying now. Crying won't mend matters so dry your tears and make another," advises the mother. "Make another, Mother? No, never. Just think of it. spent more than twenty minutes in making that and now it is destroyed. I can't make another. and I won't even if I Anyway. it is no longer My brother had a fine new kite. An aeroplane, said he: And if it had a pilot He could make it cross the sea. And so we tied a bamboo doll Upon the under side, So he could fly the airplane And have a lovely ride. The pilot must have liked hi'i plane And liked the trip that day, For he flew high, and broke the string, And calmly sailed away. Winnifred Lewis my fault if I fa?l to hand in one tomorrow QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION I. What quality of Helen Keller impressed Florencia most? 2. How can you account for the poor class standing of Florencia? 3. What resolution did she make after reading the story of Helen Keller? 4. Was Florencia sincere it ... resolving to be more patient and more persevering in thE performance of the schooi works? Justify your opinior1. 5. Why is the story entitled ''Opportunity Knocks'"? (Continued from page 158) thing to tell us, Jaime?" "I enjoyed my vacation but my experiences may not be interesting to others.'' "Let us hear them." "I went camping. At the camp we followed a 'certain program of activities. We were not so free as Andres, but we found life on the hills-very interesting. We had to obey rules about eating, sleeping, and play~ ing. We took long hikes in the mountains but returned in time for lunch. How keen my appetite was after the walk. "Is that not fine?" Miss Marquez coffimen ted. "In the evening we held programs. Although everybody wanted to" stay up longer, we had to go to bed at nine o'clock." ''Tomorrow we shall hear more stories. What are your comments, children?'' "Andres enjoyed his vacation because he was free to do as he pleased," Jose remarked. "I think Jaime had a better vacation," lrmina countered. "Look, Jaime has grown bigger and taller." "Andres forgot all the rules of health we learned at school," Nora seconded. "The question raised is: 'Who had the bettet vacation?' " "Ah. yes, yes.·· the girls agreed. "Tomorrow we shall discuss our vacation activities with respect to rules of health," Miss Marquez announced. "You and I are given this long vacation to gain health which will enable us to do our work well during the school year."