The disobedient chick


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The disobedient chick
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
140 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, 19.17 READING TIME FOR YOUNG FOLKS The Disobedient Chick By AUNT JULIA ''TEK TEK TEK-TEK" called the •· big Mother Hen to her chicks when she found some grains of palay. Little white chicks chirping in their thin voice ran toward Mother Hen as fast as their little legs could carry them. A sweep of her sharp eyes and she knew that her prettiest chick was missing. "Tek tek tek tek" Mother Hen called in stern tones. "Yes, Mother, I am coming," the chick answered. "Now, my child, I have told you many times not to wander away from me." "Shoo! Shoooo !" rang the warning cry of the farmer's wife. All the chicks but one scampered toward Mother Hen and crouched beneath her protecting wings. "What does that mean, Mother?" Pretty Chick asked. "Look up. There goes the wicked hawk. He is our enemy. He catches little chicks for himself and his little hawks. You must stay close to Mother so that he will not catch you." Pretty chick did not answer but kept iooking at the disappearing figure of the hawk. "How beautiful," he thought. "It must be fine to be so big and strong." The next day was bright and warm. There was plenty to eat for the harvesters had left on the field little heaps of grains. Pretty Chick wandered fa1· .hrne, J.997 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 14! so that he could have more palay than his brothers and sisters. All at once he saw a big shadow close by. Mother Hen cackled frantically for her chicks. At the sound of the mother's call, the chicks ran towa1·d her as fast as they could. They knew there was danger when mother called in that voice. They did not ask any question. They did not look around. They just ran to their mother. In a moment all the chicks but one were safe under Mother Hen's wings. Pretty Chick knew he must run to Mother Hen. But he must have a look at the thing that cast such a big shadow and he looked up. The hawk was just overhead. At first it flew round and round forming large circles in the air. As Pretty Chick watched it admiringly, it suddenly swooped down, and before Pretty Chick knew what it was all about, he found himself held fast in the hawk's sharp claws. Mother Hen wailed while the little chicks under her wings shuddered with fear. Could you guess what Pretty Chick said to himself as the claws dug deep into his flesh? Do you remember what you read? Underline the correct word. 1. The chicks were (black, brown, white, red). 2. The (hen, woman, hawk, chick) ~aid "Shoo! Shooo !" 3. Mother Hen said that the hawk was (a friend, an acquaintance, an enemy, a relative). 4. Mother Hen cackled (merrily, sadly, angrily, frantically) when she saw the hawk. 5. Pretty Chick was (good, mean, bad, disobedient). 6. The hawk caught and carried a way (the hen, Pretty Chick, another bii·d).