The garden foresaken


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The garden foresaken
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
148 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, 19,Ji THE GARDEN FORSAKEN A Fairy Tale (Continued from the May issue) By ADELA RUFF* "OH---:- noble prmce - all these I give to thee with my heart." So they were wedded. The flowers played the wedding march. T h e birds rang the wedding bells and the butterf1ies served the wedding cake that the busy bees had made out of honey. And so they lived on in the little paradise. But all dreams must end. We are not sure of our joys. There is always a tomorrow. And the tomorrow came to them too soon and oh, so sadly . . . One morning, as they sat at breakfast, there floated before their throne a cloud so huge and powerful that it almost shook their throne. On this cloud was a mighty messenger from the distant home of the Prince. Sad, indeed, was the message the messenger made known to the prince and pl"incess. And this was the message : The King, the father of the prince was dead. Henceforth, the prince must rule over his people. His people needed him. His queen-mother was lonely for him; his brothers and sisters weep for him. All-his home, his people, his country, call out in stern command: "You must come. Duty calls you. Forget everything else!" And S(}-Sad was their parting. Fain • Magdalena Elementary School, Manila. would . the princes8 go with hini to his home. Fain would she gladly have followed him to the ends of the world but she know that she could not forsake the land of her birth-the garden, the birds, the trees, the flowers, and above all, her subjects. · She knew that if she left her garden, everything in it . would be forsaken. All the flowers would wither and all the birds wouk! sing nevermore, and the butterflies would put on robes of mourning . . . And so, with a sorrowful farewell, a sigh and a prayer for happier days tc come--the prince and the princess .parted in tears. And the cloud carried the whiwwinged horse and the handsome prince away. Then the clays sped swiftly by. Slowly, the years came and went. Then one sainted morning when the walls around the garden had begun to crumble, there came a herald from the other world. And the news was, "The prince is no more." And the drums beat a funeral march. He had died in battle, brave, fearless, and noble as before. All that morn the princess felt a strange joy for happy days had come once more. That night the moon was (Please turn to page 158) .June, 1987 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 153 School Days Are Here Again Words ancl Music by I. Alfonso Tim,ou ~ 111q,n-,1q I ij ijJ_J iTi I Jfi •" J:· ,, I J ; J Hork. ! Com- l"cdf.'5 Id~ go • To ~ch.oo/ le+'s hul""-t""J (c..rnt, ~H I ij, tn ;(}) I J2f)\:) J J I Ja::t 1 J11 'boo rd ~o! ho/ 4, J J J .i I lcovt fl.<"' oil ond book• '" h<mds1 l..d us +rtad o"c~ ,"'0•\ ~~._ ij,~ J ;' I b r r I J:J I <J I 1l I ct I J "' ~· •i pat!,. t~at l<ads to our de:ar scf..ool. Com.c ar\d Id u~ sf JlJ'~ t # I r J J. J I r :ll,koey•IP J ~ F;"C slng, Sch.ool dcn;s ar-E. hcre-o-'jotl"\.. tlO J I ibJ Jl> J > t 1 JJU tlJ J'I &£ols ,;,JI b~ oc- ~u-pi£d, and bo'::t• and q;,1~ all a-le:.--!- ,won't ~· Ji ;" I e?fgt:B@) G?r EEt I J I THE GARDEN FORSAKEN ( Contirmed from page 148) more yellow than ever: the clouds were whiter and the angels even more kind! y. The Angels-Peace and Love did once more whisper their message into the lonely heart of the Princess. The Angel of Death bore her away and away and all the flowers and birds and butterflies died in the then forsaken garden. But a fairer garden became her home. Beyond the thick walls was a chariot all in white-as soft as the cotton and as shiny as gold. In it waited the prince still as gay and stalwart and young. And so amidst the singing of angels-the prince and the princess sailed through the clouds to a fairer and more beautiful garden. It was called the ·'Garden of Paradise,'' where all is Life and Love and pleasant dreams. And in the palace which the good heavenly Father prepared for them dwelt forever more the happy princess and her beloved mortal prince. The flowers bloomed at th~ir best there. The birds sang their gayest there. Sweet music filled the air and lulled to happy dreams the pure souls that dwelt there.