Who had the best vacation?


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Who had the best vacation?
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
158 THE YOUNG CITIZEN June, 1937 HEAL TH SECTION ANTONIO By B. HILL CA NOV A ··Hey! Hey! Boys and girls," shouts Antonio. "Come outside and get a little fresh air and exercise bdore breakfast.'' Yes, every morning Antonio hops out of his btd and with his ball runs to the garden. Around the house he goes several times bouncing and catching the ball. This makes him breathe deeply and gives him life for the day. He says th.ac breakfast tastes much bener after a chase <!bout the garden. You try it and see if you do not find that he is right. You will hear more abotit Antonio nex·c month. Who Had The Best Vacation? As soon a~ the pupils were seated, Miss Marquez greeted them with a pleasant "Good Morning. ··1 am glad to see you all back." she co'ncinued. ''I am sure you have much to tell about your vacation.'' "Very much. Miss Marquez," the children said in concert. "Let us s~ who had the best vacation. Anybody who is ready may get up and relate interlSting experiences." "I had the most enjoyable vacation," blurted out impulsive Andres. "I went in swimming <very day. spending the whole morning in the river. 'Phile there. I ate continuously. We had all kinds of fruit- melon, watermelon, green mango, camachili. boiled corn on the cob, and ·oh, ever so many things!" Andres' eyes were wide with enthusiasm. "I wish I were with him," sighed Abelardo. "Please go on," Mario urged. "In the afternoon. we broke open coconut after cornnut. I ate so much that I could not t<1ke supper anymore." "Therefore you violated the· rules of eating we learned last year." Nora murmured to herself. "At night." Andres continued, "I went to see all the Sta. Cruz de Mayo processions. I stayed out with my friends until midnight." He turned around with a triumphant look as if to say, "Can you beat that?" Miss Marquez smiled. "Do you have some(Please t zmi to page 167) Jwie, 1987 THE YOUNG CITIZEN I 67 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS MY BROTHER'S KITE WHO HAD THE BEST (Continued from page 160) for Corazon. She is already awake and she must be hungry. "Yes, mother," says Florencia as she skips down the stairs. Five-year old Corazon goe~. to the study table. She sees the crayons scattered on the table. With much delight she draws lines of all sorts on the very poster of Florencia. She laughs joyfully as she scrawls the multicolored lines' on the paper. While she is looking at the ruined poster, Florencia ar'rives and nearly drops the biscuits when she sees the destr_oyed poster. "You naughty. naughty girl!" . cried Florencia as she snatches the paper and gives th~ little girl a pinch. "you -have ruined my poster." The mother hears the scold-ings of Florencia and the cry of Corazon so she enters the room to find out the cause of the commotion. "Mother, see what Nene did to my poster," sobs Florencia as she shows the paper. 'Tm sorry, but it was partly your fault. You shouldn'!: have left your poster on the table. Stop crying now. Crying won't mend matters so dry your tears and make another," advises the mother. "Make another, Mother? No, never. Just think of it. spent more than twenty minutes in making that and now it is destroyed. I can't make another. and I won't even if I Anyway. it is no longer My brother had a fine new kite. An aeroplane, said he: And if it had a pilot He could make it cross the sea. And so we tied a bamboo doll Upon the under side, So he could fly the airplane And have a lovely ride. The pilot must have liked hi'i plane And liked the trip that day, For he flew high, and broke the string, And calmly sailed away. Winnifred Lewis my fault if I fa?l to hand in one tomorrow QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION I. What quality of Helen Keller impressed Florencia most? 2. How can you account for the poor class standing of Florencia? 3. What resolution did she make after reading the story of Helen Keller? 4. Was Florencia sincere it ... resolving to be more patient and more persevering in thE performance of the schooi works? Justify your opinior1. 5. Why is the story entitled ''Opportunity Knocks'"? (Continued from page 158) thing to tell us, Jaime?" "I enjoyed my vacation but my experiences may not be interesting to others.'' "Let us hear them." "I went camping. At the camp we followed a 'certain program of activities. We were not so free as Andres, but we found life on the hills-very interesting. We had to obey rules about eating, sleeping, and play~ ing. We took long hikes in the mountains but returned in time for lunch. How keen my appetite was after the walk. "Is that not fine?" Miss Marquez coffimen ted. "In the evening we held programs. Although everybody wanted to" stay up longer, we had to go to bed at nine o'clock." ''Tomorrow we shall hear more stories. What are your comments, children?'' "Andres enjoyed his vacation because he was free to do as he pleased," Jose remarked. "I think Jaime had a better vacation," lrmina countered. "Look, Jaime has grown bigger and taller." "Andres forgot all the rules of health we learned at school," Nora seconded. "The question raised is: 'Who had the bettet vacation?' " "Ah. yes, yes.·· the girls agreed. "Tomorrow we shall discuss our vacation activities with respect to rules of health," Miss Marquez announced. "You and I are given this long vacation to gain health which will enable us to do our work well during the school year."