President explains visit to barrios


Part of The Bicol Star

President explains visit to barrios
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★ x * ★ ★ * ★ ☆ Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors Founded In 1533 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper Year 32 Vol XXIX No. 29 - City of Naga Sept. 12, 1964 - 15 Ctvs. a copy Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933: Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE-----Editor & Publisher Atty. S. DACANAY, Jr.-----Contributing Editor Subscribers Rates: P4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga Citij, Philippines 60,00o People Witness “Traslacion” Huge crowd attends traditional transfer of Lady of Penafrancia To Old and New Voters PUB Strike Settled: To Open Monday MUR Strike Iwaits President's Action In this issue of the BICOL Estimated to be more than 60,000 people witnessed the "traslscion” (transfer) of the Images of the Virgin of PrnafraBcia and Divino Rostro (Sacred Face of Christ) from the Penafrancia Shrine to the Metropolitan Cathedral yesterday afternoon, including those who joined the long procession of devotees, students, different religious organizations from ai1 the towns of Camarines Sur and Naga City. , , , , STAR, w j have published __ _________________ _ ... streets and plazas as a pub|i0 service of this The strike ri the Philipwinded were Stbick ■ Repper,A?te Noffip3588tewhichf Employe’s Union FEMA ’(PhiL'NaHo'narBank The streets __ ,____ where the slow-moving procession V ----- nui I’lu. oooo wmeu ; ly lined by people of all provides for the permanent Mfjlrle Strike ages coming from different registration of voters, affect- nUIU!> municipalities The windows. jQg tbe 0|d ancj new qualibalcomes and porches of fied voters for the coming houses and comm rcial build- elections, ings and offices along Pe- jnafrancia avenue, and — o---- ------ - ---- uspv uur icducia w filled wth pe pl: watching t|lis COpy of the la' the procession passed by j[ could serve them as The thousands of students guide, at least. —Editor. (Con’t. on page 2) Employees Ass’n ) which was declaied yesterday morning was already settled accordThe Philippine National ing to reliable sources from Bank is on strike. Starting Manila and Naga ” ‘ , it was informed ...........„ .......- morning. The PNB tions at the local Naga Branch branches in Naga, Legazpi of the P.N B. stopped and and other provinces and bank employees, all mem- cities will be opened for bankbers of the Bank’s Union, ing business next Monday, (PEMA) picketed the P.N.B. Mainwbile, the strike depremises..................................... dared last Thursday midAcoording to Salvador Fe night by the 483 men bederiz in, local steward of the longing to the Union da Bank’s Union, (President) Maquinistas, Fogoneros y they went on strike to seek Motormen de Trenes led by told justice from the manage- Jose Capistrano is still inhim ment. Federizon went fur- solved by the MRR manage- Many ‘voters are not fully .Fridfty- Sept’ Braneh’ Burgos informed of this law. We 19b4' ,baD \rg ‘u u hlS mC [d E Angeles streets were hope our readers weuld clip Kr“"a Rr“n,’h 1.........*‘“u.a »i, ... ' ' 1 so that a SOLFMN FESTIVITIES IN HONOR OF President Explains Visit To Barrios Our Lady of Penafrancia (PATRONESS OF BICOLANDIA) MAIN ACTIVITIES (SEPTEMBER - - - 1964) CITY OF NAGA Solemn Novena in honor cf the Divino Rostio (Shrine) - -................ - Sept. Penitential Proceseion in honor of the Divino Rostro..............Sept. 10-11 Pontifical Man in honor of the Divino Rostro (shrine) ------ Sept, 11 Solemn Procession from the Shrine to the Cathedral.................Sent. 11 Solemn Novena in honor of the Virgin (Cathedral).................. Sept. 12-20 Colegio de Santa Isabel Exhibits............... f Penitential Procession i> honor of the Virgin.....................Sept, 18 19 ASESAC MASS—Priest’s Ex Alumni Day (Minor Seminary) - - - - - Sept. 18 Vigilia de Espigas-................ Sept. 18 8:00 p.m. Fluvial Proceseion..................Sept. 19 3:30 p.m. Pontifical Maas (Cathedral) Sept. 19 6:00 a.m. Pontifical Mass (shrine).............Sept. 20 6.00 a.m' Evening Mass (Penafrancia Kiosk) --Sept. 19 6:00p.m. President Mjcapagal crowds who welcomed---- --------- ------------ ----- ----------, to Masbate Sunday morning ther to explain that since ment. According to reports that his periodic visits to the almost one year ago the these men are demanding provinces constituted a part Union presented to t h e an increase of forty per of his effort as Chief Exequ- Con’t on page 2) cent of their salaries. Mative to help solve the pro. nager Dominador Asia is blams -not on'y of people -o q aa Tn adamant to heed the demand in the cities, but more im- $Uu III vIg “'JCU 10 as it would financially cripporl... of .hose io the ru.a! Mo!jernize Rp Raj|wayS Defending bis trip to the Secretary of Labor Jose provinces with bad President Macapagal Lingad said that be will assailed as "pure electioneer- Monday beard officia's of ask President Macapagal ing and a virtual abandon- the Japan Engineering Con- to recommend the certificament of his important duties sultants (JECKK) report on tion of the dispute to the in. Manila,” the President studies they had conducted Court of Industrial Relatold his welcomers; "I visit on the modernization of the tions for compulsory arbithe provinces because I want Philippine National Rail- tratioa. to help solve the problems ways, formerly the Manila of all our poeple. This Railroad Campany. ______ ___ v.auopuriacan be accomplished ODly by The visi ors, who belong tion is completely paralyzed being familiar with the na- to one of the most reputa- from the north to the south ture of their problems. I ble technical consultant affejtiDg the provinces visit your island because I firms in the world, q ..i_.----- ™ want to know your pro- -- - 'blems at first band so that I can better attend to them? The Chief Executive also explained that bis absence from Manila does not mean that he loses touch with national affairs because, he --- ----- ----- — — _r —l ug icugm anci said, where ever be goes, he breadth of the country Bicolanos everywhere lift their remains in direct contact thought and spirits in prayer to the Patroness of Bicolwith Malacanmg through andia, the Blessed .Virgin of Penafrancia. We pause from modern communication faci- our labors to pay honor and offer thanksgivirf to Nueslities. - / tia Sra. de Penafrancia for her many intercessions, and The President arrived here because of which God has sho'wered numerous graces this morning on board RPS and favors upon us. In this skeptical age it can still be 11 VWa m 21 on the second leg of an truly said that more things are wrought by prayers than o-<sua.m. e;eht.d8V tour ef lhe Bico| the wor|d ever dreamed of. q on « m region, Visayas and Minda- On my first year of administration of the Citv of nao. Naga, and of her more than one hundred thousand fi.n0 m people, I am particularly pleased and honored to extend o.uu m, n J Promises theglad welcome of our people to all devotees of the Vitgin refdez T ask ld all t0 join jn comtoon Chanty Foundation thanks t0. our m'racul0'18 Patroness Who through 7 all the years past, not, to mention the war year* kenf Vice President Emmanuel tbe_Bieo1 region, her home, sheltered under the mantle «' l0 ' pla",'.°ny tLminisBI“S."i bIV;',‘i“ board, The Vice President also called for a revamp of Philippines Charity Sweepstakes Office practices to curb political interference in the (don’t, on page 2) $60 M Needed To _________ ' Modernize RP Railways g1’,lXj.'!««XeMRR<’S! In the meantime, the government train transportaSept. Afternocn EvtDing Mass (abrine)................Sept. 20 4:00-8:00 p.m. AT: Metropolitan Cathedral and Penvfrancia Shrine Naga City technical c the world, (Con’t. on page) uaut aliening me provinces, if were Manila,, Bulacan, Pangas’inan Penafrancia Message At this time of the year throughout tbe lenght and rlth nf thp nmintrAr Rinnlonno ___ i--. theglad welcome of ourpeopleto all devotees of the Virgin I ask one and all to join in common prayer our rrrofnfnl thunlfs tn Hur mirnonlnna Dofrr,..__ ___■ o - ------- _ ------ -u cu nUU I uro USD all the years past, not to mention the war years keot the Bieol region, her home, sheltered under the mantle ' of her sacred protection against calamities It is fitting, therefore, that we pay homage to our 1 fantrARR and nAvind hnmaop _ ° * ---- . < ------- —upon Him I greet our visitors and devotees of the Blessed Virgin of Penafrancia and Divin® Rostro with a warmV welcome and may they ind their short sojourn in oiff*’ fair city a fruitful and happy one. (SIGNED) RAMON H. FELIPE, JR; City N1 a▼ nr