Mrs. V. F. Perez elected president of C.S. GSP


Part of The Bicol Star

Mrs. V. F. Perez elected president of C.S. GSP
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Togo 2____ ★ The BICOL STAR ★ September 12, 1964 MESSAGE local Forestry Head Elected Foresters’ League President DisMrs. V. F. Perez $60 M Needed. Fleeted President of „eod,d b, JECKK OS GSP dent Tokio Nagayami were accompanied |to Mala„ oaiiang by Economic Coordlnhtor Eleuterio Adevoso. -pba japaneee experts inI take pleasure in greeting ■ all the people of the City of m---------1 -u.i. afl lbej w.vuiq.o uuv ........... 1 na 1 festivities in honor of Our Lady of Penafrancia, Once again, devotees from J. As Bicol Region and elsewhere will converge to this beautiful City with a common1 otjective, the desire to shaie with the Naguenes their wonderful tradition which is well — ducted included tedinical ^nown throughout the Phi services, rolling stock and ^pp,n.e8 rhe people of NaS’ modern equipment for a two C,tv *,ave everv " way railroad tracks. They also said no treasu- . . f ----ry funds would be involved pa8 b'11 , olso of lh,e fact lhe improvement of the tbat ^e framing centers for 1 j c 1 . . our vniith in Ino rph<rmna • railroad firm heoause me ’ ' V onor cr?djt8 t0 be negotaited by cultural and academic fields viee the PNR would toe repaid «re all convemently establish‘nola from the increased income e(1 bereabouts. On this ecDresi- * p p Thev Naga and their guests I _ celebrate the tradition rS .Sanl08‘ r-“ -'-■•h- - dinbtor Eleuterio Adevoso. --------- .----. tri«t lJOreiter for Camarines an aetive civic and religious -rb<. j,.n..nPs.. flsnfirtw in- C------ e-------~------Sur and Naga City was elect- leader of this city and prov- formed the President that the varions parts.of the t'd Prp^id^nt nf thft Dintrint inf»P iroc nluoiorl nrnti/L. nf ?. nnl L'prlian unH olcpvvhprP rd.,.^d-“U''V prXi...; slS? 0. !bi Rex . Sx- tSi it e°u testers’ Conference held in the Philippines n the elee- million are needed to a^hie^e ___ ... ...... .. to $60 million are needed to achieve modernizal on of the system. The fields of studies conducted included technical railroad firm ciai vu rresi- Y-Hiuaigo, secretary ; mrs of the corporation resulting dent, Conservation Society Agnes A. Jaucian. assistant from the moderUjlation aud R' of Camarines Sur and the secretary, Mrs. Fabiana F. expausioQ of its services and KptHnnRl Lnnrfii n a f nr fka HnriAl frpnwnrpr lr Ra q u. e Manila on September 2 to tion held last August 29, 3, 1964’, during the Sth provincial Santos’ invaluable services convention of the Girl Seouts along the lines of conserva- of the Philippines, Camarition and rural improvements nes Sur Counsil; held at were believed the essential the Tible Hall. Cam. Sur factors which carried his National School of Arts and election to the position. At Trade in this city, present, Santos holds the The other officers elected following positions; President were Mrs. Lucy B‘Veluz, 1st of the BICOL Department vice president; Mis. Leonor of Agriculture and Natural R. Dy-Liacco, 2nd V.«. ine rrm wouia re Resources Kmployeas’ Asso- President; Mrs: C.ostancia from the inoreased in(£me - —— — --....... . ciation (DANREA); Presi- D-Hidalgo. secretary; Mrs o( the corporation resulting cas,on- 1 also convey mdent, Conservation Ssnnintv A^nea A. Jftimian ARAintAnt. r__ _ a». _ ” cions, cultural find nnl of Camarines Sur and the secretary, Mrs. Fabiana F. ^“'nsTo'k oMts“seTvices and Regional Coordinator of the Borjal, treasurer, Dr. Rosa- facilities rr t r. .—T’*®.0’n auditor: The JECKK is currently Other officers of the Dis- Mrs. Natividad P. Plores preparjng a bankable pro ----- - -----trict Forester’s League elect- and Atty, Felix O. Alfelor, ;e„t qtlldv rol. .hp PNR tn and P^yer for yi ed were: Tarhc Distriut Fo- PROS; Members of the J8UpDOrt bid for a tolla, the years through raster TeofUo Santos Vice- board of directors are Mrs. o( $60 millj0D worth of crfi. President for Luzon: District Alejandra O- Papica, Mrs.dit(3 from varioU8 oversea8 Forester Gerardo Tamayo. Damaiana M. Ravanera, liDan(.iug iDSll.uions. Vice-President for Visa.yas; Miss Cristina Dy-Reyes, '*>■ - — ■ ■ - - - District Forester Maiio San Mrs. Maria Acacia Esca Luis, Vice-President for lante, Mrs. Remedios LI. Mindanao; District Forester Alfelor. and Mrs. Nena M: Saatos Duenas, Secretary; Trivmo. District Forester Emilio So- — rrcmier naya toiKenano, Treasurer; District Felipe delivered the keynote da during tbe )atter’s visit Forester Ambrosio Juinio, speech at the convention. f0 (he Philippines. Auditor; District Forester In his speech Felipe stressed Tranquilino Orden, PRO the fact that so far, the City have every reason to be proud of their own city, not only of its memorable the fact meni wi tne .. /. . heoause the ou.r, y0l>tb ,ln lbe regions. Big Copra Shipments ............w.........................o, cc’_ F. M. ODIAMAR ------ , ..iy fe'icitations to our civic, reJi' giotis, cultural and political leaders for their sellless and collective efforts not only in making their traditional festivities a usual success, but also in shaping this beautiful city cf ;* ' ’ * ' May I therefore . .‘ ' your years through. usual success, __ ___ city of what she is today. t .i / convey my heartfelt congratulations continued success and happiness (Sgd.), FILEMON M. ODIAMAR Prov; Vice-Governor of Cam. Sur M. The availability of JapaX'.X.'Lu Administration saves Fulan Port Registers program in general was pro- nn . n . D „ mised to President Macapa- Rr aDa3a indUSirV City Mayor Ramon H. g0| by Premier Hava to Ike- J phnp dPlivArpn Hip 1/ovnnfp . » • ...... ... SORSOGON, Sorsogon — ;J* A total of 6,550 long tons 'itb of copra wereebipped aboard from the port of Bulan, this province, from January to 1964 abroad and District Forester San- C.S Girl Scout Provincial tiago Morao; Sgt, ut-Arms. Council, has the biggest x C-£U“Z" President Macapagal Monday afternoon conferred wi*1Finance Secretary Rufino G. Hechanova who reported on the successful nego- August” 17’’ ivo^t anroao tiatien of a reciprocal tax fjve ©eean-going vessels, it re ease and use of P C S 0 treaty with the United was learned here today from fuJ?ds- A*e8.’i o tbe office ©f the Sorsogon Pelaez pointed out that, At the same time. Secre- Economic Development at present, sweepstakes funds cretary Hechanova elro re- Council, are released on the dolesys- ported that be was able to T. ■ ’ tem. -This short range met- secure in written commit- r J'*’® n?h,,Ph”eD.t ,ad,°et8 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ment from the United States refpresent total tonage assuring the disposal of 47 of copra-. Produced in the PNB strike..i tne a.iu meinoeis or me mum ----- ---------------“ that cipal associations, girl Bcouts 8uch as a Puenculturc center, P'le of abaca on long-range s in leaders, troop committees without accepting respons-i- basis so as not to dislocate n Q r> hllitv for its mftinfpnnnnp ” campsite in the whole Phi lippine which is located at sitio Panicuason, Carolina, in Naga City. La Union, Mt, Province. The convention was atIlocos Sur, and Ilocos Nor- tended by the C.S. school te to the north and Rizal, division and district sob 0I9 - - — ,, . ■0 T---Laguna, Quezon, Camarines supervisors principals, bends h°d’. be said, ‘.enaoled po- *■ - — -------Norte, Camarines Sur, Al- of private schools, officers Dticians to claim credit for assuring the disposal of 47 bay and Sorsogon to tbe and members of tbe muni smal1 Piecemeal projects, milhon pounds of US stocksouth. Reports say tbat cipal associations, girl scouts 8ucb as a Puericulturc center, Pile of abaca on long-range thousands of passengers in leadere, troop committees "l‘bou,t ac^pting response basis so as not to dislocate these lines were left strand- and the GSP, C. Sur b11^ f°r. 1,8 maintenance, prices m the world market ed in different stations when Council officers. , T*ie Lvice President dep. ™d in recognition of the inthe union struck. Many *°r®d tbe .staggering waste passengers were forced; to DM Q a 1D . ^alth center sleep on the benches at tbe Employe S and other similar projects different stations' ?a‘. , . en,lnto ,dlsuse It is to be regretted that management seven demands due to lack of equipment the MRR strike started du- and tbese demands have and maintenance funds, ring tbe week of the fa- been taken on several table To remedy this situation, mous regional Penafrancia conferences between t h e Pelaez propo3sed that a perfiesta in Naga City. Not Union and Management but manent foundation be setup, onlv passengers were badlv UP ^be Pfesent time, the affected but also the bnsi- Management have not done . “ ness firms who have goods soything tu implement the?e was appojnted as law desk ordered from and * " , . province nor total quantity shipped abroad as shipments were also made through the ports of Legaspi and Tabaco and an oil factory was buying heavily copra during terests of countries predu- *?g ?eav,ly .copf cing abaca. P lhe 8ame PenodDuridg the US trip the PN B Employe s affected but also the bnsi- Management have not done — ness firms who have goods anything to implement there was appointed as law desk ordered from and to Ma- demands. They are not ask- jn 1952 and have been acnila The MRR also is des- ’Dg a?y. tpcrease of wages Ung as the Branch Lawyer 'i tr _ . » . hilt n Iftln lllclina fnr H10 am. r t .... Duridg the US trip the The vessels and tonage of Finance Seetetary said be copra loaded as follows: was able to work for the release from the Department SS Sta. Motic—2,000 long of Agriculture of tbe re- tons, SS Leonidas Voyazides maimng 25,000 tons of rice —1,500; SS Sunset—1,2( 0; to be bought by the Phi- MS Heracles—850; and SS lippine government under Roula—-1,000. J.D.D. public Law 480. He also said he was able to secure the renewal of ca| manufacturers, to be °faDJ fr°,m Jhsmodenmation presided over by the finance of Manila International Air ----------P TvLm • n. t t j ’-onrerrea with US While m the United States aviation officials of the Pan Hf*f»ri«nnva«Qid h a «I c« * ___ • - -- , Amincan Airways and secretary. 2. Conferred with US less than P75 000 daily. It is hoped that the strike would be settled y.™__ delay. - ------- , uiauvui. mum r-e- H . h n f sai h® a,s0' A mirica n Airways and wants to ba implemented gaspi Branch Trinidad was te . US Northwest Airlines in conare tbe proper evaluation of bypaBSed and the position emD^aicl,‘ry officials and se- nection with the ap, salaries, proper implements- was given to a DCw lawyer ™it at> agree”ient for in- tion of tbe Philippine tion of promotions, removal „ho ia Only one year witb ^“sed US purchase of tex- - - - of casual empJcyees e Toimplement this agreement “ 1 11 Bm. ’deDNTaSa Parochial ,rence in matters of appointSchool, UNO, the deipga- ’n® employees to key posi- mPD o; tions of CWL from all tawns tions. 1 hese demands, if not tbe Bank saiu ruat, me of C. Sur and Naga City carried out will very much National Bank have been . and various private schools work against the regular notified of the intention of . . . from outside Naga were smployees and tl e Bank as tbe Union to go on sttike This foundation could bring either chanting‘‘Ave Maria” we*1- for a long time now but to bear the resources of and other religious hymns 5xamP e . e somehow the management 8WeePStakes earnings ©n cri• .. _ nrnnpr i malnmPiiHtinn nf t_ _ ___ * t . I i p o I honltk o J unt». 1 11c iv± tv IV aiou is ues- .---- — — = - uug ae lue praucu Lawyer tined to suffer a loss of no “j11 plain justice for the em- of pNB at Legazpi for the ------- ployees. Fideregon, averred. |aat six vears. Yet. when Among the demands pre- the P.N B. appointed a perwithout 9eutcd and which the Union manent Lawyer to the Lew»nts to ba implemented gasPi Branch Trinidad was tbe proper evaluation of bypaBSed and the position emo'8iaery otticials and se- nection with the applicat t 7 salariesproper implements-■was given to a new lawyer ®"raeBdanIagreemlent fofr t’n' Hen of the Philippine Air klllpe CrOWU'i. Uon of promotions, removal „bo j9 only one year with ?;r,e“Se£US purchas® of ,tex' Lines for a new route in of casual employees and the P.N.B. just because he r„es , to®. Philippines, the United States. from Coiegio de Sta, Isabel removal of political mterfe- gOt cennections. 10implement this agreement ■v’-- - - - Ateneo de Naga Parochial fence in matters of appoint- fiderezon, asspokes- hrP;j° . re® “7 eu*’ conveyea to rreeiaent MaSchool, UNO, the deipga- 'n® employees to key post- mPD 0; tbe ioca| Union of ? o'f,ciale will come capagal the apprehension of ....... ...................... » ■ - • 8aid fbat the t0 Man,l° for fca,ks w,lh lo- US business firms over tbe repercussions resulting from the retail trade nationalization law. Secretary Hechanova said the law has affected decisions of US firms to invest or expand facilities in the Philippines. The finance secretary also conveyed to President Maana uiuei religious uyiuiis — — .---- , • .---- auuieuuw me mauagemeui <• ,-------or reciting the Holv Rosary ProPer . implementation of have uot done anything to [lca* health and sccial proin concert. On the other promotion, Mr. Fiderezor> avoid the strike. He appeaIed blems without hand at the tail of the ®lted tbe specific case of to the publio to please bear tbe fudde. procession was the milling Atty. Mariano Trinidad who wjth □ c iiuiv iwstuy • * * * ■ wave uut uuue auyiiHMg tu --------- • ----- ,---On the other promotion, Mr. Fiderezon avoid the strike. He appealed blems without disipating procession was the milling Atty. Mariano Trinidad who wjth them for sometime crowd of all classes of men ________ ______________ _ since they are only seeking in simple pilgrimage clothes justice and no more. He barefooted, many turbanned way were lined* by ROTC said further that eventually with handkerchiefs w e r e and PMT to keep the pro- what they are asking will shouthing “Viva la Virgen” ' --j —> a .„: : . ..... - around the image of the Virgin of Penafrancia on her “andas” carried o b the shoulders of men who were being pushed by others who wanted to have a share in carrying the miraculous imageBoth sides of the roadcession orderly. Seminarians benefit the public, the Bank and priests were also going and the employees as well, along the precession keep- Meanwhile, other Banks ing the proper distances of operating in the City of diferent groups of partiei- Naga increased their volume pants. of busines as a result of The complete religious the disruption of transactions progam is published in this at the Naga Braneh of issue. the P,N.B.;.;Dumaguin Welcome Penafrancia pilgrims NEW COSMOS RESTAURANT (the best eatery in town) Padian St.