Work and accomplish more, avoid politics yet, says Gov. Frivaldo


Part of The Bicol Star

Work and accomplish more, avoid politics yet, says Gov. Frivaldo
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Page 2-A ★ The BICOL STAR * Sep I ember 1'2, 1964 Work and accom| politics yet, says Sorsogon, Sarsogon—Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo disclosed here today that he refused to re-organized the local provincial liberal party chapter despite ‘'orders” from Manila as h e 3 a i d he deplored the tendency of present day politicians i”who hit the campaign trail two years ahead of election but forget the more important factor . .; . work”. Frivaldo emphasized in refusing to heed the "orders” that there should be more of work and accomplishments and less of politics. plish more, avoid Uov. Frivaldo The provincial executive pointed out that important papers "remain unacted for weeks, projects drag for years and worthwhile programs blotted by politics” Frivaldo revealed also that he will recognize the party in this proviBee three to five months before election. Before that, he said, his leaders "should get busy and work and forget politics". The three term governor denied he is running for the senate. He admitted in a press conference with local (Cont’d on page 17) Mayor and Mrs. Felipe Hjsts to J.C-CDelegates City Mayor and Mrs. Ramon H. Felipe, Jr. were hosts last Wednesday night at their residence in a cocktail party they tendered in honor of the delegates to the 16th Junior Chamber of Commerce National Convention (JAYCEES) now being held in this city from September 9 to 13, More than 300 persons attended the party together with some prominent citizens of this city, provincial and city officials and newspapermen. Santos Bros. DEALER FOR: IH Motor Trucks Farm Equipments Construction Equipments Sanbros Engineering Service Naga City Tel 17—51 Daet Branch WE MAY JOIN-----THE PATRONS AND PIOUS DEVOTEES OF THE VIRGIN LADY OF PENAFRANCIA IN HONORING HER DURING THIS YEAR'S SOLEMN FESTIVITIES..;.. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION GODOFREDO PAGNAN Administrator Faster Socit—Economic Development Through Electrification FELIX LIMCAOCO, JR. Deputy Administrator CARLOS P. LACSON Assistant to the Administrator ANDRES Q. DEL ROSARIO Chief, Planning & Programming CEFERINO SARMIENTO Chief, jFiscal Department DIONISIO PALISOC Chief, Design & Construction JOSE MACARUBHO Chief, Administrative Department ATTY. CASIMIRO BAUTISTA Chief, Loan & Investment ATTY. JOSE NARCISO Chief, Legal Department ESTER AGUILUZ Auditor VICENTE MACAPAGAL Chief, Accounting Department Philippine National Railway (FORMERLY MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY) Tutuban Station, C. M. Recto Avenue, Manila Other Services: BENGUET AUTO LINE—LUZON BUS LINE Tel. 2—0011 Connecting all Departments Page 17 ★ The BICOL STAR September 12, 1964 A Lady.. Work and— Religious History of Professor. Minor Seminary Reverend Ludwig Pimentel Professor. Naga Seminarv ; The ABELLA FAMILY donates tbe “PAGODA” of the Virgin of Pefiafrancia and the Divino Rostro. The Ateneo de Naga Band will play during the procession up to the Bicol River bank. slopee of Pefia de Franeia. get (1964-1965), on the deSimon heard these last words velopnent plans of various newsmen that feelers have providentially a discussion and w’thout uttering a word, seenic and historical Bites been sent to him for a 1965 arose between two vendors he fo,*owed the vendor on in the province. dr.ft and that urlmimrs h»vn arose between two vendors he ^°howed the vendor on in the province. draft and that admirers have about the quality of the coal hi?*ay ho,m<- . . o Mr8‘ Adkin8 8aid that opened a campaign beadthey were selling and one Whea he reached San there are many potential quarters for him in Manila, of them vouched that they M#rtin de Castafiar, a vil- tourist attractions not only He eaid, he closed the were of g*od quality because lage at the foot of Pefla do in Sorsogon but in tbe campaign office and told his they were taken from the Franoia- he immediately ap- other Bicol Provinces whit* friends to forget politics in proacbed some people and could be developed to order the meantime.—J.D.D. fortunately, he was able to for the tourist trade.—J.D.D get information about tbe exact place of Pefia de o ---- Franeia, the very place where Kev. Msgr. afterward8 be found the Kegamt, D.P. object of hig pi|griMge. ' P“'*Sh Ju8t ag bfl begaP digKin the place indicated to him, in a dream he had tbe night before, a divine voice counovllvd him not to go to the mountains without compaTabaco, Albay (kiosk) 9:00 a:m.—SOLEMN MASS by the Rt« A n t o o io „___,__ Vicar Forane and Parish Priest, Daet C. N, . 9:00 a m.—LOW MASS by •, the Very Rev- Msgr. Vi- b c?nte Vargas, P.C. Parish el|ed ’hil Priest, Buhi, Camarines ° Sur (kiosk) 9:30 a.m.- LC . ____ __ the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Demetrio Valeza, D.P. Parish Priest, Guinobatan, Albay irJnA0^k2 t ciw Mica k„ »o eimwn went sown ana 10:00 a m.-LOW MASS by brou bt with him Antonio the Very Reverend Jesus Fern^dez, jUBn Paeoual, Varela JCD Secretary and Pascuaj Sa’nchez, juan Fe/ Chancellor Archdiocese of nande2 and Benit0 Sanchei> —v,“ m»uuiuK, ,a'ereB MASc k ^e “escribano” of the place, the Saered Images will be »• m.—LOW MASS by and finai|y On May 19,1434, “ Kev. Msn.ror. as tQey removtda bjg stone, following a divine inspiration, DONORS OF THE PAGODA: Mrs. Bibiana Diaz Guysayko Engr. Domingo Diaz y Abella Atty. Ramon Diaz y Abella Mrs. Aida Abella de Felipe Mrs. Socorro Abella de Soriana Dr. Manuel Abella Dr. Domingo Abella Mrs. Renee Abella Mrs. Magdalena Abella Jimenez At the Penafranoia Landing, Lim received by: Hie Excellency, the Most Reverend Pedro P. Santoe, D.D. Archbishop of Ca—J. D.D. 1 ^['7 HOLLOW BLOCK . UKUL & TILES FACTORY ° rnvv Mica k„ nion8 who would serve as nJ. Tbe heaven., it seems, would like to remove any possibility ot doubt with regards to this miracle. So Simon went down and (BUILDER'S CHOICE) Manufacturers in: * Hollow Biecks * Cement Tiles (Plained & Designed) * Concrete PipeB * Grwaulethic Marble Works * And other decorated cement products D. CRUZ- Mgr. Dealer in: * Gravel * Sand * Boulders * Earth Fill * Other Road Materials Concepcion, Naga City VIVA LA VIRGEN! on the occasion of Her Festival OUR FIESTA OFFERING the Very Rev. Msgr. Porfirio Iligan, P.C. Oecone- IOHO a Qlvine in8pirauon, mus, Archdiocese of Caceres they fo‘nd the mostHeoveted image of the Virgin of Pefiaceres, assisted by the Very 12:00 noon-LOW MASS.... “X° Reverend TecC_ ~ ,-k.r-i Lancia. Pacis, C.M. Rector Naga Seminary, together with some Vinoentian Fathers. The Bleased Virgin’s Image atimo C. AFTERNOON: (shrine) Of 4:00 p.m. —LOW MASS by tbe Very Rev. Msgr. Alfred® Yllana, P.C. Vicar Forane and Parish Priest, ...e.u« .U..KV Libmanan.CS. will be placed on the altar, 4:30 p m. — LAST DAY OF at the Penafrancia Kiosk. THE NOVENA where a LOW MASS will Officiating— Rt. Rev. Msgr. be said by: Pedro Lanuza, D.P, Vicar Rt. Rev Msgr. Florencio forane and Parish Priest C. Yllana, D.P. Iriga, Camarines Sur Administrator, Diocese of Sorsogon 5:00 p-m.—LOW MASS by «- -• tbe Rev. Msgr. Florencio Yllana, D.P. Administrator. D i o c see of c.^ntSOgOQ r . mese miracles auu mis uia5.30 p.m. LOW MASS by COvery, duly signed by those the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Pedro present aDC] the Notary Lenuza, D.J\,____ Public of the plaee, is reifo/ r>“~ -----W-served in the archives of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nica- $an Martin de Castanar to nor Belleza, D. P. Vicar 8erve as eloquent, if mute. General, Archdiocese of witnese to the past, preeeat Caceres d fut generations of Altar 5e/-pfce----Semiaari&nc of Naga Major Seminary Mass Donor— Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bellen Pili, Camarines Sur SUNDAY, September 20: 3:00 a m.-LOW MASSES „ruu.B „ r begin at the Shrine and at 6:00p.m. —LOW MASS by the PenafraBCia Kiosk. n. d — — k t ;-- •c ,vc c ’_ 6:00 a.m.—SOLEMN PONTIFICAL MASS—(Pefiafrancia Kiosk) srr. rWi» Santue, D.D. Archbishop of Caceres Deacons of Honor-— A Vincentian Father Naga Major SemiDary A Vincentian Father Naga Major Seminary Assisting Presbiter......Very Rev, Teotiso C. Pacisi C.M. Rector, Naga Major Seminary Deacon......Reverend Quirino Duran . Assistant Priest, Iriga, CamariSubdeaeon— Reverend Rustico Recepcien Assistant Priest, Nabua, Camarines Sur Preacher----- Reverend Jaime San Andres, B.S.E1 Professor Naga Minor Seminary, Master of Ceremonies-—Reverend Jesus Larrafieta, C.M. Altar Service — • Seminarians of Naga Major Seminary Choir— Minor Seminarians of Naga Minor Seminary under the direction of Reverend Honeeto Badilla 8:00a.m.—SOLEMN HIGH MASS by the Rev. Msgr. Dominador Perez, D.P. Rector, Naga Minor Seminary 7:30 a mt—LOW MASS by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Concordio Sanchez, D.P. Principal, Naga Minor Seminary (Kiosk) 8:00 a m. —LOW MASS by the Rt Rev Msgr. Justiniano Valeza, D P. Parish Priest, Ligao, Albay (kiosk) 8:30 a.m.-LOW MASS by tbe Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jose Belleza, D.P. Parish Priest, tbe Rt Rev Msgr. Joae Sanchez, D.P. General, Diocese ef Legazpi 7.00 p.m.— LOW MASS.... 7:30 p,m. — LOW MASS.... 8 00 p.m. " ‘ MASS., Alex Theatre Sept. 14—20, 1964 Bernard BONNIN — Amalia FUENTES Right there and then all these men received special graces from tbe Virgin. Si men Vela's wound in the head was instantly cured; Pascual Sanches’ defect in the eye disappeared; Juan Fernandez got rid of bis ten years old stomach trouble; Antonio Fernand es who was deaf began to hear and finally, Benito Sanchex’ finger which was defective from birth, recovered its normal stage. The official document of these miracles and this disOUR OWN PENAFRANCIA Way back in the 17th ----------- century, a Spanish family LAST LOW from San Martin de Casta(Con’t. on page 18) OUR LADY MEDIATRIX HOSPITAL Iriga, Camarines Sur Dept, of Health Permit No. 7-N Member, Pbll, Hospital Association HOUSE STAFF: Dr. Andres C. Gonzales F.P.G S;F.IC.S; - Director Chief Surgeon Dr. C. F. Domasing-Gonzalies F.I.C.S • Administrator and Surgeon Obstetrician Associate Rtsidenl Physician Dietician Pharmacist Dr. Nonito P. Arroyo - - Dr. Romeo O. Berina - - Dr. Napoleon C. Punsalan - Dr. Erlando E. Romero Mrs. Rafaela F. Domasing Mrs. Minnie T. Arroyo • CONSULTANTS (By arrangement) Dr. Antonio P. Sibulo - Dr. Salvador Felipe - - * With facilities for General Surgery, Fluoroscopy, Diagnostic X—Ray Infra Red & Ultra Violet Therapy Cardiologist Anesthesiologist Complete Nursing Staff. Holy Mare every Sunday and Holiday of obligation at 8.30 A.m. Ang Duwende Sa Kampanaryo Bichara Theatre Sept. 15—21, 1964 MGM’s ACTION DRAMA Secret Seven —ALSO— Maciste Against the Sheik Vic Theatre Septi 15—21, 1964 JESS LAPID Ans Pinakakilabot — Naga City — ; hi ovlhorify ot Tta Coca-Cola Company by SAN MIGUEL BREWERY NAGA COCA-COLA PLANT