Peñafrancia religious program


Part of The Bicol Star

Peñafrancia religious program
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Pago 3 ★ The BICOL STAR ★ September 12, 1964 Penafrancia Religious m in of Penafrancia PDM Stresses Need To Win Over Indonesia To The Free World Camp P r e s i d e nt Macapagal free wrold to keep IndoneThursday said that there sia firm moving towaids md Mrs. exists an "identical struggle” tge communists. between tbe free world and “If Indonesia turns comthe communist camp to kee'1 munist.” President MacapaIndonesia from moving to- gal said I'the Philippines wards ths rommunist side, will be among tbe first to In his speech before the be adversely affected.” Manila Overseas Press Club. The Chief Executiveobservthe President observed that ed that the stakes are so important factors of Indone- enormous that “it is the sia’s choice for closer re'a- Philippine view that as long tion were increased military as there is a single ray of collaboration with nations hope of preventing Indoneof tbe free world. sia fiom moving to the cornThe President pointed out munists, it is worth exerting ■' ’ the Philippines has the necessary patience to MASS DONORS TO THE DIVINO ROSTRO Thursday, Sept. 3..5:45 a.m. —Atty, and Mrs. Porfirio Badiong, Jr; 6:30 a tn. — Mr. Domingo Amo Friday, Sept.4.... 5:15 a mt — Mrs. Felioitacion A. Dimalibot 6:30 a.m. —Mrs. Dalmacio Urtula 7:00a.m. —Judge and Mrs. Manuel Estipona Saturday, Sept. 5.. 5:45 a m. — Mrs. Juana Vda. de Mataya 6:30 a.m. — Mrs. Casimira Mariano (Deeeased) r.... -.. ................ . .., - -7:15 a.m—Cong, and Mrs. that the Philippines has the necessary patience to " “ ”............ joined in the effort of the prevent it. NOVENA TO THE DIVINO ROSTRO (SEPTEMBER 3 TO 11) Felix Fuentebella Sunday, Sept. 6 ... 6'OOa.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Jose G. Reyes 7:00 a.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Eutiquiano Almoneda Monday, Sept.7... 5.45 a.m. — Mrs. Josefa Vda. de Hillsman 6:30 a.m'—Mrs. Agripina de Guzman & Mrs. Concepcion De Guzman 7:00 a.m. —Mrs. Rafaela Vera Tuesday, Sept. 8... 5:45 a.m. — Atty, and Mis. Julio Badiong 6:30 a.m.— Mr. and Mrs. Deogracias Perez a Family 7:00 a. m.— Mrs. Gertrudis Pagapong 8cenjc 8 lIle Vlallcl Wednesday, 9. 5.30 a.m.- were the Riza, Beach( Bu Mrs; Patrocinio Lorenr" - • " - •• (Deceased) 6.'3Q a.m.—Mr. and Mrs. A Lady Newspaper Columnist Urges Further Development of Bikol Tourist Spots Sorsogon, Sorsogon-A lady capped with an interview columnist of a metropolitan with local newsmen over a paper made a tour of the local radio station. tour st spots in this province The lady columnist exas part of a trip in the Bi- pressed during the interview col Region to gather mate- the need of deciding once .rials for a series Jof articles and for all, tbe existing conon tourist spots of the Bico- troversy between Gov. Frilandia, * valdo and Director Cruz of Rita Gerona Adkins, who the Parks and Wild Life hailed from Bulan, Sorsogon, Office so as not to impair was accompanied by her bus- too much the long delayed d band' Douglas and mother- improvement of tbe Bulusan in-law, Edith Adkins. Ac- Lake Resort. The Board of cording to Mrs. Adkins, tbe Travel and Tourist Industry scenic spots the visited has released months age „v,^ G- RL-! 2G-G., Ba 1*60,000 for tbe construction IZO lusan Lake Resort, Palhi of a modern canteen buildspring resort, Masacrot ing and a cemented pathSpring. Likod View, Irosin way around tbe fringe of the ......... <r»----- Jake. Although pro- the cash is now in tbe bands of tbe provincial treasurer Sor- here, up to now, construct was (Con’t. on page 16) PROCESSION Officiating Priest.......;Very Reverend Vicente Madrigal Vicar Forane and Parish Priest San Jose. Camarines Sur Deazon. ...Reverend Pedro Espedido. Jr. Assistant Priest, Nabua Camarines Sur Subdeacon... .Revrend Jose Roririguez Jr Assistant Priest, Libmanan, Cams. Sur I N C H A R G E OF THE PROCESSION: The Very Rev. Msgr. Rector, Penafrancia Shrine Rev. Benjamin Reblando Rev. Orlando Pagapong Rev. Jose Ravalo Rev. Vicente Rawiin Bev Gerardo Espedido Rev. Juan Alarcon, Jr. Rev. Lorenzo de los Santos Rev. Vidal Clemeno Rev. Renato Bahia Rev. Manuel Concepcion Rev, Rosalio Olaybal Rev. Juan Fajardo Rev. Norberto de Vera And.., ...the 3rd and 4th year Theologians. Naga Seminary NOTE: Participating Schools and Religious Organizations will form their lines by eight. Before the Pontifical Low Mass begins, short EXHORTATION to the Devotees will be givin by the Reverend Dr. Concordio Sarte, S.T.D; Vice Rector, Minor Seminary. idiiiuia aau lawny TO LEAD THE ROSARY, Mrs. Lucila Vda de Realubit during the Proeessfon: ' ~ " ................. Rev. Jose Rey Rev. Francisco Pacis __ _ ___ _____ _____ Some Major Seminarians.. Engr. & Mrs Hector Pardo From tbe Penafrancia Very Reverend Vicente MaShrine, the Venerable Imagts drigel of the Virgin and the Divino Barte Family Rostro will be brought by Atty. & Mrj. Nicanor Mathe faithftl devotees to the tialo Naga Metropolitan Catbed- Mrs. Aurelio L o m e d a & ral Children His Excellency, the Most Mrs. Marcosa Vda. de HerDIanao Reverend Pedro P. Santos. nandez Parish Priest, Bula. Camarines D D. Archbishop of Caceres, Tolaram Family Sur with rhe Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ar- Atty. & Mrs. Jose del Rio Altar Service.....Naga Mi- aenio Puertollano. D.P. and A Devotee from Naga City . . ------ = — ------ = — nor Seminarians the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Bonifacio Mr. & Mrs. Bievenido Reyes VII — Decision of the Judges— Choir Serviee..... Pefiafran- Boaqiiena, D.P. will receive Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Ramos VIII—Awarding of Prizes:—SENATOR TECLA SAN ciia Choir under tbe di rec- j|le Sacred I mages at the Dr. & Mrs. A man do Zantua a xmo i?a ,~._ tion of Reverend Jose Metropolitan Cathedral as- i ............... ’ ~ ’ Ravalo . sisted by the Vincentian t Parish Priest, Gainza, Caman- fathers of tbe Archdiocesan ( Major Semicary of Caceres. Mi Altar Service...Seminarians *' of the Archdiocesan Major Seminary Master of Ceremonies Reverend Jesus Larraneta, CM. In-Charge of the Choir Reverend Faustino I s a b a. CM. 5:30 a.m. (Daily)—NOVENA. HYMNS, etc. and HIGH MASS Thursday, September 10 3:30 a.m —PENITENTIAL PROCESSION it? Honor of the DIVI NO ROSTRO Starting Place------Penafrancia Shrine Officiating Priest-....... _ _ verend Juan Alarcon, Jr. Assistant Priest,' Cathedral Sermor.:....... .Very Rev, Francisco Banawa Friday, September 11 — DIVINO ROSTRO DAY 3:30 a m.~ PENITENTIAL PROCESSION Officiating Priet:..........Revered Andres Mariano Parish Priest, San Juan Bato Camarines Sur 6:00 a.m. —PONTIFICAL MASS Celebrant... His Excellency, the Moet Rev. Pedro P. Santos, D.D. Archbishop of Cacere3 Deacons of Honor. ......Reverend Justiniano de la Cruz Parish Priest Mercedes, Cams. Norte Reverend Floro Cabrera Parish Priest. Talisay Cams. Norte Assisting Presbiter....Very Rev. Francisco Pacie Parish Priest, Sagfiav, Camarines Sur Deacon. ...Revered Vicente Cornejo Parish Priesh, San Vicente, Cams Norte Subdeacon... 'Reverend Alfredo Marco Parish Priest, Tagbon, moan Camarines Sur Preacher....Reverend Manuel Concepcion Assistant Priest, Baa J.uCamarines Sur Master of Ceremonies ....... Reverend Benjamin Reblando .... Be. '00Sp.m. — PONTIFICAL LOW MASS (Penafrancia Kiosk) Celebrant....His Excellency the Most Rev Flaviano B Ariola, D.D. Bishop of Legazpi Donor ...Mr:&Mrs. Felipe Imperial 4:80 p m.-TRADITIONAL .......* spring. ijiKoa view, irosin way aroun Porfir10 ban Buenaventura Hill-top church, Buenavista 17-heotare A’ A i i v and Ivl ra H. ve miio . « . ■ __ a i _ . _ i • _ &Atty. and Mrs. Exequie Grageda 7:00a.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Alonse Family Thusday, Sept 10..-5:45a.m. — Mrs Lionila Patag SEPTEMBER 12, 1964 b:30a.m.-Mr. and Mrs. pLAZA KIOSK, QUEZON SQUARE, NAGA CITY Andres Cayetano (Deceased)' 7.00 a.m —Atty. Francis Garchitorana Friday, Sept. 11..4:30 a.m. — A Devotee 5:Q0 a.m —Mrs Nieolasa Vda. de Elizan & Children THEME'. CREDIT UNI0NS-r-“A Friend in NEED 6:00 am.—PONTIFICAL A Partner in PROGRESS” MASS view and the Sorsogon vincial capitol. ---- ---------- The three-day trip to San Agustin dr sogon of Mrs Adkin« ORATORICAL CONTEST ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY I—Opening remarks —Mr. Greg Gaite Pres. Isarog Chapter. *” Credit UnLn League DONORS Mrs; Salvcion Vda. de Imperial (Deceased) Dr< & Mrs. Floro Dabu Miss Benita B. Noble Engr. & Mrs. Manuel Lum- II—Musical Rondalla— NACITEA ban Mrs Elena Villareal Mrs. Gloria Villegas and Mrs. Lclita Cebalio, and IV—O ration Mrs. Prudencia Renolayan Mrs. Mercians Vda. de Villamora aad Family III — Welcome Address—His Honor, lipe, Jr. PHIL. Cooperative (PHIL.-CUL) ecu Mayor Ramoning FeMrs. Petronila Vda. de Pimentel Mr. & Mrs. Fidel Rivera li Agricultural College (AGCO) CCU 2. Baao Parish CCU 3. Coca-Cola CCU 4. Dept, of Health CCU 5. Fatima Parish CCU 6. Firet United Partido CCU 7. Iriga Parish CCU 8. Naga City Teachers NACITEA CCU 9. Naga City Government Employees (NACIGE) CCU 10. Naga Market Vendors (NAMARVEN) 11. Palsong Parish CCU 12. Pili Community CCU V —Double Duet — NACITEA CCU VI—T a 1 k b y . — Hon. Gov Johnny Frivaldo Sorsogon, Sorsogon and Atty.&Mrs Jose Delvo and Mr. & Mrs. Floro Osea . lr. & Mr. Epifanio Lopo Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Monponbanua 7:00 a.m —Hon. and Mrs. Gabriel Prieto & Family 8:00 a.m.—SOLEMN MASS Donor: Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Pinangang (Cont'd on page 16) ANDRES-Z1GA to CREDIT UNION sending the delegate winning the laf & 2nd Places IX— Awarding of Prizes to the Individual winning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place by—Gov. Johnny Frivaldo assisted by Mrs. RAMONING FELI PE, Jr. X— Closing Remarks-GOV. APOLONIO G. MALENIZA — RECESSIONAL . . . EMCEE— MRS. FLORENCE VELARDE JUANEZA Chairman-Oratorical Contest page 16 ★ The BICOL STAR ★ Land Reform . . the concept of social justiee so deeply rooted in our system. One of the overriding considerations for the enactment of the Land Reform Gode >s the eliminatron of eertain evils that have allegedly afflicted farm tenancy. The proposition animating the land reform program envisioned in this law may be framed as follows; A system is bad if there are evils in it; there are evils in farm tenancy; therefore, farm tenancy is bad, end must be abolished. The fallacy of tkto detect, A system ie not in its being. We do not just proceed to liquidate a person simply because he is full of ailments. Therefore, the abolition of share tenancy is not at all justified not only from the logical, but as previously pointed out, point as well. Anent the evils that have been attributed to tenancy .........-..... - by the proponents of the Wednesday, Land Reform Code as a *" * " ‘ ‘ justification for its abolition, suffiee it to say that historically, and by regulatory measures anacted by tbe legislature, our tenants all over the country have improved their lot thru the years. We have for instance -----------------------------------Republic Act 1199, other- form Code seeks to put wise known ae the Agneui- the landowners aside and tural Tenancy Act, which give way to the governregulates among others the ment to take over, relationship between landow- Now the question; Is the r _ ners and tenantsand which government a suitable subs- E3PIGAS give the tenant the freedom titute tenants? Can tbe " ’ to determine for himself the government's active aDd status under which he can direct participation in tbe best improve his lot. agricultural development ef It is an undeniable faet the nation — known only in tbat tbe tenants have gone dictatorial countries — be a long way since Spanish as personal, intimate and time in enhancing their well- productive as tbat supplied being. They are now pro- by the landowner? Can tbe tected by law--laws designed government feel the same -——---- , .....—B to prevent their exploitation way as the landowner bad SATURDAY, September 19: by unscrupulous landowners developed for his tenants? 6:00 a.m. — SOLEMN This shows the i n h e re n t Finally, is tbe government PONT IFICAL MASS—* strength of the democratic financially prepared t o Metropolitan Cathedral way of life, its flexibility in absorb, and assume full Officiating—His Excellency bringing about desirable responsibility ov^r the more the Most Reverend Pedro adjustments in soeiety, and than one million tenants in P. Santos, D.D. in making room and provi- the country who are now Arnhhi«h„n Ar sion tor progress among all being taken care ef by In fact, the so-called evils far exceeds tbat of the of tenancy have gradually vanished thru evolutionary transformation to a more harmonious relationship between landowners and tenants. Sueb relationship has developed into a olose-knit, cooperative and productive partnership. The Land RePenafrancia Religious.. (From page 3) NOVENA TO THE VIRGIN OF PENAFRANCIA (AT THE METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL) September 12 to 19; 6: a m.—s o l e mn ma s s for the Intention of tbe Donors. 5:00 p.m.- SOLEMN NOVENA — Rosary, Novena. Hymns, SERMON, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, SALVE apd final Hymn in honor of ------------ ---- ,„U¥ UI the Virgin of Penafrancia. the proposition ie not hard —PREACHERS DURING ;o „„t THE NOVENA— necessarily bad if evils exist Saturday, September 12..;; Reverend Castor Sanches; Assistant Priest, Legazpi Port Sunday, September 13...Reverend Felix Basquinec Assistant Priest, Polangui Albay Monday, September 14...Reverend Ernesto Villaroya Assistant Priest, Sorsogon, September 12, 1964 Tabaco Albay ft Lady..... ----------------------------- Subdeacon—Reverend Zo- " from 2) 8imo Vasguez Parish Priest, Ponso, Polangui, Albay Preaeher— -Very Reverend Anselmo Bustos, S.ViD. Director, Divine Word High School Sorsogon Sorsogon Master of Ceremonies— »Reverend Jesus Larraheta, RELIGIOUS AND ACA- C.M. DI MIC EXHIBITS at the Professor Majbr Seminary Santa Isabel College Altar Service—Semnarians THUR SDAY, Sept. 17, of the Arohdiocesar. 4.00 p.m. —SOLEMN ° OPENING OF EXHIBITS by His _______ „ Most Rev. Pedro Santos, D.D. Archbishop of Caceres P EN I T E NTIAL PRO- ________ CESSION: Ministers;— Very ReveSept. 18, 3:30 a.m.—Start- rend Jesus Varela; JCD;8TL. ing P/ace—.-Metropolitan Secretary and Chancellor Cathedral Archdiocese of Caceres Procession Route-South of Rev Benjamin Almoneda Naga City Officiating Priest.......Rev. Roman M^dino, Jr. Assistant Priest Libmanan, Camarines Sur Sept. 19, 3:30a.m. Procession Route -North of Naga City Officiating Priest—Rev. Bonifacio de Vera Assistant Priest Pili, Camarines Sur A Jesuit Father Friday, September 18 — Reverend (A If redo Erestain Professor, Sorsogon Minor _ Seminary THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY— Major Seminary of Caceres Choir—The Sohola Cantorum of Naga Major SemiExcelloncy the n«ry under the direction of p. Reverend Faustino I e a b a C.M. 3.30 p-m.-FLUVIAL PROCESSION Ministers'. (Conl’d on page 17) ion has not yet started. Mrs. Adkins eaid that this controversy is proving detrimental to the promotion of tourism in the province as the lake resort is the main attraction to tourists and tbe earlier it is settled, the better. She also underscored the need for more facilities like hotels and transportations in order to attract more tourists to Sorsogon. The newspaperwoman also conferred with Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo and other provincial officials at the Sorsogon Demonstration Fish Farm at barrio Cabidan, this capital town, where the provincial board was discussing the provincial bud(Con’t. on page 17) as previously pointed out, Sorsogon —a— from the constitutional stand- Tuesday, September 15.... .. STA. ISABEL COLLEGE DAY >A Vincentian Father S.ptember 16 IN CHARGE OF THE NAGA PA ROCHIAL PROCESSION: ~ SCHOOL DAY Reverend Prospero Arelleno Assistant Priest, Ragay, Camarines Sur Thursday, September 17-— „ , „ , _ ... ATENEO DE N A C A CpcTo'o" A Rector, Penafrancia Shrine Reverend Binjamin Almoneda Reverend Jaime San Andres Reverend Ludwig Pimentel Reverend Juan Alarcon. Jr. Reverend Lorenzo de los Santos Reverend Demetrio Imperial Reverend Gerardo Espedido Sound System., with TWO Seminarians to lead the ROSARY, during the precession . FRIDAY September 18: 8:00 P m. — VIGILIA DE Under the auspices of the Naga Section, Philippine Nocturnal Adoration (separate program) Place—-Metropolitan Cathedral In-Charge— Very Rev. Msgr Porfiri® Iligan, P.C. assisted by Visiting Priests. 6?od'a7m" -ToTfi MN Archbishop of Caceres aiwu iu> piugrcss among an »ciug is k «u vaio «i uy Deacons of Honors -—Reveclasses of tbe body politic; landowners whose number reBT° Benigno Elevado t _ .L. _____j _ . k » Parish Priest. Castilla Sorsogon Reverend Celso Solero Assistant Priest, Virac, Catanduanes Assisting Presbiter—-Very government agencies intended to replace them? What happens to the po< r tenant ______ v ____ when tbe government neg- Rev. Msgr. Jose Bellezai lects to attend to him, ee- D.P. pecially during off-election - • -years or probablv, decides Parish Priest, Tabaco, Albay k_______ _____- Deacon—Revei end Tomas to abandon him for lack of Robrigado funds? Parish Priest, San Vicente, (Concluded next iseue) Compliments of: Compliments of; ELEGANT FASHION & BUSINESS ACADEMV City of Naga Recognized by the Government Courses in Hair & Beauty Culture Embroidery Dressmaking Mrs. Constantia D. Directress Typewriting Stenography Men’s Tailoring Hidalgo DR. FLORO V. RAYOS Trained in U.S.A. Hospital General Medicine & Electrocardiography City of Naga Welcome and Best Wishes to Penafrancia Pilgrims and Visitors — A. G. MALENIZA Cam. Sur Provincial Governor & Mrs. APOLONIO G. MALENIZA CITY OF NAGA Congressman & Mrs. Emilio Espinosa, Jr. Lone District of Masbate