Red "Wall of Shame" is three years old


Part of The Bicol Star

Red "Wall of Shame" is three years old
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Pngo t_______★ Tbe RTCOL STAR ★ September 12. An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters FIFTH CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC) OF THE PHILIPPINES )S. No.275 Second Session ) (Republic Act No. 3588) An act to provide for permanent registration of voters and for this purpose to postpone tbe general renewal of registration of voters which is set for nineteen hundred siyty-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ot Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section I. Permanent list of voleis. - There shall be p permanent list of voters in each city, municipality and municipal district. Sec. 2. Who may be registered in the Permanent List of Voters. • All persons possessing all the qualifications prescribed for a voter and none wf the disqualifications, have tht right and duty to be registered in the permanent list of voters of the city, municipality or municipal district wherein they are domiciled and to be included in the precinct book of voters of their corresponding precinct. Any person who may not have on the date of bis registration the period of domicile required may also be registered upon proof that on the date of tbe election he shall have such qualifications. Sec. 3 Election Registrar. - There,shall be io each oity, municipality and municipal district at least one election registrar and a clerk appointed by the Commission on Elections. The salaries for the positions of election registrar and a clerk in the city, municipality and munipal district shall be at such rate as may be determined by the position classification to be mads by the Commission on Elections. Provided however, That in any city, municipality and municipal district havi g four thousand registered voters or less, the Commission on Elections may at its discretion appoint an election registrar, attach it to another political subdivision for purposes of registration, or appoint tbe city, municipal or municipal district treasurer as election re gistrar with additional compensation to be fixed by the Commission on Elections but not to exceed fifty per cent of his salary as treasurer. The city, municipal or municipal district council) as the case may be, shall provide a place for the office of the registrar. Sec. 4. Qualitication of Election Registrar. - Except in the case mentioned in the proviso of Section three hereof, only members of the Philippine Bar may qualify for appointment as election registrar: Provided, That if* there are no lawyers available for appointment, graduates of duly recognized schools of law, liberal arts and education wbc are civil service elegibles may be a ppointed. Sec. 5. Registration of Voters. - On any date, within sixty days after having acquired the qualifications of a voter, but not later than sixty days before the day of any regular election and not latjr than thirty days before the day of any special election, a qualified voter shall personally appear before the election registrar of his city» municipality or municipal district wherein he is domiciled and file with him a sworn application for registration in tiiplicate. To facilitate filing of applications for registration, the election registrar may hold office in any district, barrio or eitio within his jurisdiction, without any traveling allowance, subject to tbe rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission on Elections. Any person who fails to register within sixty days after having acquired the qualifications of a voter or is registered after 9aid period shall not be qualified to vote in the election immediately following his registration. For purposes of the nineteen hundred sixty-five elections, however, any person who is a qualified voter may legister any time before the sixty-day period preceding the date-of said elections. (As amended by R. A No 4074) See. 6. Application for registration - The sworn application for registration shall contain the specimens of the applicant’s signature and his passport or identitication photograph, which shall be at the expense of the government if the applicant should so request; and shall state the following: (a) name, surname and middle and/or maternal surname; (bj place of birth; (c) age on his last birthday; ' (d) Philippine citizenship: (e) civil statue, if married, tbe name of the spouse; (/) profession, occupation or work; (g) exact address with the name of the street, the house number or in case there be none, a brief description of the locality and place; (/?) that he possesses the qualifications required of an elector; (i) that he is not disqualified to vote; (j) that he is not registered in any other precinct; otherwise, he shall state the precinct number and the city, municipality or municipal district in which he previously registered, and attach thereto his swarn application for the cancellation of such previous registration; (k) the prints of all his ten fingers; (/) space shall be provided upon the lace of the application for the notation of the voting record of the person registered thereon: (m) such other informatien or data'which the ComRed ''Wall of Shame” is Three Years Old TIIiRD ANNIVERSARY—The third anniversary of the Berlin dividing wa I was observed in August This view shows East German workers, under the watchful eye of Communist soldiers, building up a section of the wall near the Brandenburg Gale. The Soviet Zone, regime hastily erected the concrete-and-barbed wire barrier along the 25-mile (tO-kilometer) border on August IB. 1961, to stop the flow of East German seeking freedbm in West Berlin. The Border interference was in violation of post-war agreements. Later, additional wire, cement and steel barricades were raised, trenches were dug and machine gun'fields-of-fire were cleared. A few refugees stilll manage to gel through, although many escape attempts have ended in death. Berlin —On August 13, quadruple row9 of two-me1961, the East German ter high concrete posts Communist built their ' wall Btrung with barbed wire, of shame" through the cen- Behind the barricade are ter of the city attempting earthen hreast-woika and a to sea) off the people of continuous line of trenches. East Berlin from contact The area is mined and the with West Berlin. tieoches are manned by Tbe steady westward flow guards armed with rilles and of refugees-- some four machine guns. . Observation million since 1945 --■ was towers have been placed at virtually elopped. strategic points, adding to Now. three years later, the concentration camp atthe barrier I continues to mosphere. stand as a daily reminder Despite these obstacles, cf the dramatic contrasts however, the Communists between life in free West have been unable to comBerlin and existence in pletely close their border Communist East Berlin. with West Berlin. Almost Since 1961, the Com- 10,000 East Berliners have muoists have razed build- managed to escape since the ings, torn up streets and wall was built. cleared the area behind the Some have tunneled unwall. They have strengthen- der the wall. Other have ed the barrier by adding swum the canal and river double and sometimes sections of the barrier. Still ethers have escaped by jumping ofl buildings bordering the wall or by crushing cars, trucks arid a milroad train into West Berlin. Some have not been so fuitunate. At least 65 persons have been shot and killed by the Communist police. No. one knows how m « n v perished in tha sewers of East Berlin alter the Communists began flooding this escape route Many of the refugees have been young, since East Germans in rhe 18 to 25 age group have been i n the forefront of opposition to tbe regime, along ’ with a number of leading educators. Professor Robert Hh v s - m inn, ot East Berlin’s Ilunbolt University, was attacked in February, 1964 bv n high-level Communist official for being a lesser Socrates who leads our youth astray.” The official admitted, however, that Dr Havemann had a “great following” among students. Mayor Willy Brandt called upon the popuiat on to stay at home between 8 P.M and 9 P. M. on August 13 for an ‘ hour cf silence” designed to tell "all who are looking at this eity that tbe wall remains an injustice.” Mayor Brand’s appeal was Supported by West Berlin’s political parlies, labor unions and press. Wreaths were laid at the memorials erected for the victims of the wall and re ligious service were held in several r-hiirches__________ Republic oi the Pnilippiuca COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE QUIEN GHO ROGEL1O QUIEN, Petitioner. SPEC. PROCS. NO. 995 X ----- X NOTICE OF HEa RING mission on Elections may require. '-ec. 7. Approval or disapproval of application and petition for inclusions. — Upou receipt of the sworn application for registration, the election legistrar shall set it for hearing, notice of which shall be posted in the municipal brilding for at least three days before the hearing. On the date of the hearing; the el ction • registrar shall receive whatever evidence that may be submitted for or against the application. The election registrar shnll de wide within ten days from filing, all applications submitted to him and issue the corresponding identification card to life registered voters. If tbe election registrar disapproves the application tbe applicant shall be furnished with a certilicate of disapproval wherein the ground for the disapproval shall be stated. The applicant may within fifteen days from the receipt of the certification of disapproval file with the Justice of the Pedce Court or the Court of First Instance of tbe province a petition for his inclusion, which shall be decided within fift en days after filing If the decision is for the inclusion of a voter in tbe permanent list of . voters, the eledtion registrar shall activate the application for registration which has been previously denied, by placing said application in the corresponding precinct oook of voters wherein the order of inclusion by tbe court shall be entered and shall mail or deliver to the voter hie identification card If the decision is adverse, the right of appeal is heretofore granted by existing laws shall be available. Sec. 8. Challenge of right to register.—Any elector or representative of any political patty of the city, municipality or municipal district may appear before the election registrar to oppose or challenge any application for registration slating the gound therefor. The challenge shall be under oath and shall be attached by the election registrar to the application together with proof of notice to the challeuger and the voter of the date set for hearing. Src. 9. Publication of application for registration.— Within two days from approval or disapproval of any application for registration; the election registrar shall post a notice in the municipal building giving (Continued on page 14) A verified petition having been filed with this Court by ROGELIO - QUIEN, represented by Atty. Guillermo R. Luntok, praying among others, that he be appointed administrator of the eetate left by the decedent QUIEN CHO who, as alleged in the petition died intestate on August 4, 1964 in the City of Naga, his residence at the timeof his death, leaving both real and personal properties with an approximate value of from EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (P80 - 000 00) to ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND PESOS (PlOO 000.00); WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said petition will be beard on September 17, 1964at 8:30o’cleck a.m., in the session hall of . Branch I of this Court at Naga City, on which date, time and place, all persons having opposition thereto may appear to show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted. Let this notice of heaving be published at petitioner's expense once a week for three consecutive werks in the “THE BICOL STAR”, a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga aod of general circulation in this province, for tbe info*mation of nil concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 21, 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Clerk of Court Pub Aug. 29,Sept. 5, 12, *64