66 year-old barong donated to museum


Part of The Bicol Star

66 year-old barong donated to museum
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Psgp 12___________________ THE BTCQL STAR_______________ September 12, 1904 Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROV INCIAL SHERIFF OFCA MARINES SUR City of Naga FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— EMILIO PARONDA. Mortgagor X _____ x NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real eatate mortgage executed by EMILIO PARONDA, married to Francisca Florendo del RiGa of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, in favor of tbe PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK at tbe City of Naga dated the 6th day of June 1955, and for the satisfaction ef the debt of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY TWO PESOS (P792.00), Philippine currency as of August 31, 1964, plus a daily interest of PO.0959 from September I, 1964, until fully paid, on the amount of P500.00, and plus attorney’s fees and the sheriff’s expenses and lawful fees in connection with this foreclosure and sale, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio for the province of Camarines Sur, announces that on September 21, 196 >, between the hours of 9.00 a m. and 4;00 p.m., in bis office located on the Second Floor ®f the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described real property together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LAND TAX DECLARATION NO.2009 ASSESSED AT P4.000.00 “A parcel of coconut land and bushesland, together with all tbe improvements existing thereon, situated at Toiatola, Denrica, Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, Philippines, containing an area of 24.0000 hectares) more or less; x x Bounded on the North, by Nicomedes Abrasaldo; on the East) by Deecracias Senar; on the South) by Macario Empeno; and’on the West, by Mangrove Swamps. Delimited on all sides by concrete monuments and living trees. Declared in the name of Emilio Paronda. Tbe property described above ie not registered under the Spanish Mortgage Law nor under the Torrens Title Act and the parties concerned agreed to register this present instrument under Act 3344, as amended (of tbe Philippine Legislature...” This notice of extrajudicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a regional weekly newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a general circulation in tbe Bicol region including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first p iblication to take place Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF OF CAMARINES SUR City ef Naga ~ PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, -versusSALVADOR MORA, Mortgagor FORECL 'SURE OF MORTGAGE X — — — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage executed by SALVADOR MORA, of Iriga, Camarines Sur, in favor of tbe Philippine National Bank at Naga City, dated the 18th day of January, 1954. and for the satisfaction of tbe debt of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY -ONE PESOS AND SIXTY-TWO CENTAVOS (Pl,371 62 ), Philippine currency, as of August 31, 1964, plus a daily interest of 1*0,1726 from September 1, 1964 until fully paid, and together with the attorney’s fees, sheriff’s fees and lawful expenses incident to thia auction sale, the undersigned Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur. announces that on September 21, 1964, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4;00 o’clock in the afternoon at the sheriff’s office, loeated on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of eamarines Sur in the City of Naga, be will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, tbe following described real property together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 16138 ASSESSED AT P2410.00 “A parcel of agrioultural land and all the improvements existing there o n, situated at La Anunciacion, Iriga, Camarines Sur, containing an area of 6.8668 hectares. Bounded on tbe North, by Matias Barbosa and Heirs of Eugenio Alferez: on the East, by Dionisio Mora and Jose E Mora; on the South, by Eugenio Tino and Jose E. Mora: and on the at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Garchitorena, Cam. Sur; where the foregoing described property is located and another three copies to be posted in tbe City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to tbe property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Philippines, this August 27, 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5, 12, 1964. 66 Year-Old Barong teKcsl°ot Philippine bislory Donated to Museum worn by Frank Powell, who MANILA —A 66-year-old served with the United States Barong Tagalog is the newest Army during the Spanisb~ American War in the Phil•pines in 1898. ‘Mr. Powell’s daughter, Mrs. Elioia P- Williams, last week presented the barong to Galo B. Ocampo, director of the National Museum. In presenting the barong, Mrs. Williams said her father had planned to donate the barong to the Texas Museum but because of his great love (Con't. on page 14) NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Pursuant to the provisions of Secliuns 1, Rete 74 of the New Rules of Court, notice ie hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Felix Atanacio who died intestate on May 2, 1962 in Pili, Camarines Sur and left ns known debts, left two parcels of land in Pili Camarines Sur indentified and described as follows: 1) Tax No. 7220. located in Tinagnis, Pili C. Sur having an area of 23.9752 hectares and assessed at P2, 720. 00; Covered by O.C.T. No. 1123. 2) Tax No.153 located in Binanuaanan (Curry), Pili, C. Sur. having an area ol 14 hectares and assessed at P710.00. The following heirs of decedent Felix Atanacio namely, Genaro Losa; Ana, Leona, Avelino, Santos and Dominga. all surnamed Atanacio. adjudicated among themselves, tbe parcel covered by O C.T. No 1123; declared under Tax No.7200; and the parcel declared under Tax No. 153 was adjudicated to tbe widow ol tbe decedent, Antonia Petallo Vda. de Atanacio. The extrajudicial settlement of estate was executed and aeknowledged by the undersigned beiore Notary Poblic Eduardo Oraa in Naga City, on tbe 11th day of May, 1964, bearing Not. Reg. No. 112, Page 33, ippines in 1898. Book IV; Series of 1964. Sgd. ANTONIA PETALLO VDA. DE ATANACIO, GENARO LOSA, ANA ATANACIO, LEONA ATANACIO, A V E L 1 NO ATANACIO; SANTOS ATANACIO, D0M1NGA ATANACIO, Pub. Aug. 29 Sept. 5, 12. 1964. Greetings from — Orlin Battery Shop Burgos St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims and Visitors— MVO Registrar West, by Heirs of Vicente Malate, Cerilo Barbosa and Mike D. Mora with visible boundaries around consisting of live hedges. “The above - described property is not registered under the Spanish Mortgage Law nor under tbe Torrens Title Act and the party concerned agreed to register this present instrument under Act 3344 as amended by tbe Philippine Legislature.” This notiee of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City cf Naga with a general circulation in the Bicol provinces including tbe province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of the auction sale’ Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notiee will be posted o d three different public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Iriga, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described real property is located, and another three copies of same notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place, for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title to tbe property and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Philippines, this 27th day of August, 1964. MAURO V. FAJARDO Actg. Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5,12, '64. Mrs. & Mrs. Damaso R. Requejo Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims aDd Visitors • PENAFRANCIA LUMBER . Dealer in all kinds of Native Lumber and General Hardware For Building Construction FERNANDO NG PEE 1 Manager & Prop. Tel. No. 14-92 Penafraneia Ave. City of Naga Greetings to tbe Penafrancia Pilgrims— Naga Music Lyric House Dealer on: Typewriting, Adding & Calculating Machine and other Office Equipments. Everlast Sewing Machine, Deutz German Rice Mill. Transistor Radios, Evinrude Outboard Motors. Briggs Straiten Generator, Pianos-Brand New and Rebuilt. Elias Angeles St. Naga City September 12. 1964 66 Years Old.... Page U________________ THE BICOL STAR_______ An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters (Continued from page 4) tha name and address ef the applicant and the date of the application and the action taken on the application. Sec. 10. Preparation of precinct Book of Voters.—The election registrar shall prepare the precinct book of voters of each precinct which shall consist of all the original cepies of the approved applications of voters for registration arranged alphabetically belonging to the same precinct, in a suitable binder or devioe. Each precinct book of voters, before delivery to the board of inspectors shall be duly sealed and certified by tbe election registrar tbat the approved applieations contained therein, stating the exact number, are complete for the precinct. The election registrar shall deliver this precinct book of voters to the chairman of the board of inspectors at tbe same time the board takes delivery of its official ballots, for the use of the board during the voting and which shall be returned to the election registrar for his custody at the same time the statement of election returns are delivered. Thirty days before a regular election and ten days before a special election, all precinct book of voters shall be sealed and shall not be available for examination by the public. Sec. 11. Permanent list of voters of each city, municipality or municipal district.—The approved applications of registration contained in all tbe preoinct books ef voters of the city, municipality or municipal district shall comprise tbe permanent list of voters of said city, municipality or municipal district Sec. 12. Provincial Central File of Registered Voters — The duplicate copies of all approved applications for registration shall immediately be sent to the Provincial Central File of Registered Voters which shall be under tbe custody and supervision of the eleetion registrar assigned in the capital. These applications shall be arranged alphabetically by city, municipality or municipal district and shall be open during office hours to tbe public with legitimate inquiries for purposes of election. Sec. 13. National Central File of Registered Voters.— The triplicate oopies of all approved applications for registration shall immediately be sent to the Commission on Elections. These applications shall be arranged alphabetically by eity, municipality or municipal district and shall be open during office hours to the public with legitimate inquiries for purposes of election. Sec. 14, Voter's Identification.— The voter’s identification card shall serve and be considered as document for tbe identification of each registered voter. No extra copy or duplicate of the voter’s identification eard shall be prepared and issued except upen authority of tbe Commission on Elections. The voter’s identification card shall be subject at any time to examination, change or renewal by the Commission on Elections, and any registered voter who fails, without cause, after due notice, to surrender his voter's identification card shall b- sufficient ground for its cancellation, Eaeh identification card shall bear the name and address of the voter, his age, sex, civil statue, occupation, bis passport or identification photograph, thumbmark, number of the precinct where be ie registered, hie signature and the signature »f tha registrar. No fees shall be collected for tbe issuance of the voter’s identification card. See. 15. Petition for exclusion of voters and decision thereon.—Any elector, representative ef a political patty or tbe election registrar of tbe city, municipality or municipal district may at any time except forty five days before a regular eleetion and twenty five days before a speeial election file with tbe J slice of the Peace Court or tbe Court of First Instance of the province a sworn petition for exclusion from the permanent list of voters of any voter on the ground that he is disqualified. disable or illegally registered, which petition shall be decided within fifteen days after filing The right of appeal as provided for in existing laws shall be available ,o any interested party. The election registrar upon receipt of tbe final decision ordering exclusi n of a voter shall remove bis application from tbe corresponding precinct book of voters and place said application in tbe inactive file, wherein tbe order of exclusion by the court shall be entered. The election registrar shall submit monthly reports or as often as the Commission on Elections may order, of all cancellations made by him pursuant to eourt orders, so tbe corresponding action can be taken on tbe copies of the application in the Provincial Central File and in tbe Commission on Elections. 8ec. 16. Cancellation due to death, conviction, and failure to vote in two successive preceding elections.—The election registrar shall remove tbe voter’s application for registration from the corresponding preeinet book of voters of tbe following after entering therein the cause for cancellation and shall place them in tbe inactive file; (a) Those who have since died as eertified to at tbe end of each month by the local civil registrar. (5) Those who have since been sentenced by final judgment to suffer an imprisonment of not less than one year or found guilty of having violated their allegiance to the Republic of tbe Philippines as certified to at the end of each month by tbe clerk oT court, tbe clerk of tbe municipal court in chartered citiesand the justice of tbe peace. (c) Three who did not vote in the two successive preceding regular elections as showD by tbe voting records ef each voter after tbe bolding of an election. (Continued on page 15) Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR lUth Judicial District BRANCH IV CH1O CHO, Plaintiff, -versusCIVIL CASE NO. T-84 — X NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Whereas, by virtue of the Whereas, on September I, 1964, the undersigned Frovincial Sheriff Ex O'fiom, levied upon and attached all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and participation which the defendants, hereon, have or might have in and over the following deecribed property together with all the improvements, thereon, to wit; “A parcel of coconut land, located in sitio Compilan, barrio of Tinorognan, municipality of Sagnay. Camarines Sur, having an area of 5.4589 hectares, more or less: bounded on the North, by Tamuyanon Creek; on tbe East, by Sagnay River;on tbe South, by Jacinto Jallores; and on the West, by Gregorio Borela. This property is declared in tbe name of Apolinaria Urtua under Tax Declararlion No. 6109 (old) and assessed at 1*590.00,” Therefore, by virtue of the aforeeaid writ of execution and in pursuant of the provisions of Section 16 pci auuuiu ui me aaiu o'uuuu u nuiv os. -------8 of from tbe date of filing this Court, the Provincial Sheriff 1964, at bis offiee for tbe Filipinos, be said that ‘‘this barong should come home.” Mr. Oeampo, in accepting the donation said, that "this .¥CtauB. barong will be a valuable FRANCISCO DEL CAScontribution to our histoiical fiLLO et 0| relics to be displayed at the Defendants Freedom House, Aguinaldo Shrine at Kawit. Cavite ” ( Mr. Ocampo said that tbe x Aguinaldo Shrine is the first historical museum to be so constituted and will house all relics depicting the various ¥¥UBreaSi oy viriue O1 lllo epochs in the Philippine wrjt of execution issued by struggle -or freedom’ the Court of Firet Inela[ice The museum director a so of Camarines Sur. Branch 1V, joined the Philipp ne Air jn tl,e above.entitled case, Force in expressing their daled the l5th dav of June graiilude for her enduring 19ti4 and received by the interest and hospitality she Sheriff’s Office on August 5, has extended to all Filipino 19e4 whereio tfae Pr0Bvinciai personnel of the PAF on Sherl(f 0f Camarines Sur 8r duty t°ur to the U.S. of his |awful deputles w n'n P‘»»‘>PPines, was oommanded to Hraake th. Williams were semi- pffective tbe 8um of 8IK of float I guests of the Phi- HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE lipptne Air horse. Mrs, Wil- PESOS P675.00), Philippine liams is Mommy Williams currency, plus interest at to 400 officers and men of the rate of six (6) per cent —--------the PAF who studied in per annum of tbe said amount Rule 39 of the Rules military bases in Texas. llllu& JliB On July 13, 1964, the case on October 18, 1962, announces, that on SeptemCity of Lipa passed board until fully paid, and plus ber 28, 1964, at his offiee resolution No* 1799, making the sheriff’s fees and other located on the .Second Floor tbe Williams the first adopted lawful expenses incident to of the Provincial Capitol of American family of the City, this execution; and Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest bidder, all the rights, title, interest, dominion and par ticipation tbat the defendants hereof have or might have in and over the above-desA Contest in literature on a Japanese theme will cribed property together be held in Tokyo in commemoration of the Tokyo Olym with all tbe improvements pics under tbe sponsorship of the Japan P.E N. with a thereon, in order to satisfy view to promoting goodwill among peopl. s and to further therefrom the amount of mural understanding. the execution, sheriff’s fees All Filipinos and ether non-Japanese national alike and lawful expenses incident residing in the Philippines are invited to send in an eri- thereto, ginal. unpublished poem, play, essay or short story to the Japan P.E.N. Club not later than December 20, 1964 This notice of auction sale The best entry will receive the Japan P.E.N. Award will be published in the of US$1,000 and four runners-up will receive US$500 each. BICOL STAR, a weekly reThe details of the contest follows: gional newspaper, published and edited in the City of The compitition is open to all non-Japanese na- Naga, having a general cirtionals. culation in the province of Any aspect of Japan may be dealt with, but Camarines Sur and Naga entries in any language other than Japanese, Chi- City, once a week for three nesej English, French, German or Russian must be consecutive weeks, the first accompanied by a translation into one of these six • ■ - ...... languages. The length should not exceed 6,000 words or thirty Japanese manuscript pages; not more than 5,600 characters if written in Chinese. Only one entry may ba submitted by any one writer. Pen names may be used. Manuscripts must be typed double spaced, if written in a language other than Japanese or Chinese The manuscript should bear the title of the piece but NOT the name of the author. Name, address, nationality and other personal data should be put on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the manuscript. Manuscripts (2 copies) should be sent to; The Japan P.E.N. Club c/o The A.abi Shimbun Bldg. Yurakucho, Cbiyoda —ku Tokyo, Japan They should be marked: OLYMPIC CONTEST. 9- Manuscript should reach the above address not later than December 20, 1964. Those airmailed with a December 10, 1964 postmark will be accepted even " if they arrive at the above address later than December 20. 10. The Award wili consist of US$1,000 for the best 2| entry and US$500 each for four runners-up. 11’ Results will be announced not later than March 15,1965 by the Japan P.E.N. Awards will be transmitted to the winning authors immediately after public announcement of tbe results unless otherwise requested by the authors. a 12. The entries will be judged by a committe selected ®eP^* 12, 19, 1964. by the Japan P.E.N. 13. The Japan PE.N, reserves the right of publication of the winning manuscripts in Japan, full or in part, in their original language as well as in Japa- PprycZ nese Any remunsration thus accrued will be paid to the authors. 14. The Japan P,E.N. reserves the above rights on the some terms in any other entry which has not won an award. 15 Manuscripts will not be returned and no correspondence will be accepted concerning the entries. Invitation to Participate in the Olympic Contest in Literature I. 2. 3. 4. 7. publicat on to take place at. least twenty (20) days before the date set for the public auction -sale; Likewise, for tbe same period ef time three (3) copies of this notice will be posted on three public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Sagnay, Camarines Sur where the above-described property is located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby injoined to investigate for themselves tbe title to the property, and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection ef their interest. Done in the City of Naga, Philippines, this September “ 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Ex Officio the Bicol Star