A Farmer's Prayer (A poem for this month)


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A Farmer's Prayer (A poem for this month)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
?ffarch, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN A POEM FOR THIS MONTH A Farmer's Prayer By LULU DE LA PAZ GABRIEL• NOW, dear Lord, to Thee I kneel, At Thy feet bring my appeal; Grant us more and more of rain, Soak the fields that bear our grain. Give us rain, 0 Lord most wise, Send us show'rs from out the skies: Drench the. earth baked hard as stone, Barren earth 'where sun has shown. . ) Teaf!her, Tondo. Primary School, Manila. We our grains must sow and till, Rice and corn from vale and hill; Beasts of burden help us to toilSend us rain and flood the soil. Let it rain, Lord bless'd of all, Make the plants grow green and tall; Make our grains turn into goldThen, Lord, thanks a hundred fold. Amen . 83