Choosing the correct word


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Choosing the correct word
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
March, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 111 Choosing the Correct Word By ANGEL V. CAMPOY* Choose the correct word from those in the parentheses. Draw a line through the words which are not correct. 1. Maria (is, are, were) my classmate. 2. We (go, gone, goes) to school everyct.ay. 3. Nieves (been, were, is) in the fourth grade. 4. (Her, she, he) teacher is Mr. Basubas. 5. This morning she (meet, met, meeting) Ana in school. 6. Urbana likes to (play, played, playing) with Rustica. 7. Where are you (go, went, going), Rita? 8. Maria (been, was1 are) ·absent this morning. 9. She (have, having, has) the headaehe. 10. Do you (playing, played, play) in school? 11. If I am sick, I (eat, drink, take) medicine. 12. A dog was (killing, killed, kill) by a truek. 13. Please excuse me (by, for, at) being absent. 14. Mrs. Amor told us to (bring, brought, bringing) our books to school. 15. Why (is, been, were) you late today? (Answers on page 118) "' Hea<l Trncher, Maslog Primary School, Sibulan, N egros Oriental. A Cross-Word Puzzle for Fourth Graders By MANUEL N. RESURRECION * Draw a square on your paper. Divide E1 2 :3 4 it into 16 equal 1 s ma 11 er squares. 2 · Number -them' on each side like the ii4 3 . lustration. Now, think of the words for the following cr~ss-word puzzle: ACROSS: 1. The title of a ruler. 2. A metal. 3. The name of a girl. 4. A small insect like a mosquito. DOWNWARD: 1. T1'e title of a ruler. 2. A metal. :3. The n.ame of a girl. 4. A small insect 1ike a mosquito. ~wers on page 118) Guess My Name I. I live in a shell; I am white and yellow. People, sick or well, say I'm a good fellow. (And then "they eat me.) II. When I am young I am green ; When I am old I am yellow. Everybody likes me because I am soft, and sweet, and mellow. (Answers on page 118) 118 THE FQUR FRIENDS (Continued frorri page 95) The poor M u d - D a u b e r jumped about so much thatcrack !-her w.aist broke in two, and she died instantly. The Snail had seen the two tragedies. She began to weep and wail. "Poor Draggie and Muddi~ are dead," she wept. She wailed so loudly that she actually loosened her body from the shell-rip! rip!and in a Jittle while she, too, died. Only the last of the four friends, the S h r i m p, remained. That morning she had busied herself with cleaning the yard before they should go on their outing. While she was at wor)\, her attention was attracted by the loud walling of the Snail. Soon she learned that her two friends, the Dragon-Fly and the Mud-Dauber, were no more. And then, before her very eyes, her friend, the Snail, came to an unhappy end, so that she was the only one· left. "Poor Draggie and GUESS MY NAME (Answe,·s fro·m pnge 111) I.An fC:JCJ THE YOUNG CITIZEN Muddie and Snailie are all dead, dead," she wept. "Oh, what shall I do?" Marek, 1989 MAKING OUR TOWN BEAUTIFUL (Contfnued from page 116) Announcer: Our principal She, too, began jumping will now award the prize. and lamenting. Hither and Mr. Cruz: This school is thither she jumped, neither proud to have a pupil like Maseeing nor caring where she rio Jovito. The ideas in his went. Suddenly she landed in composition are good, and he a pot of boiling hot water has explained them well. We which the Dragon-Fly had are all proud ·of Mario. Puprep.ared that morning to pils, you have heard his comcook their rice. Into the position. Now we must begin water she went-sizz ! sizz ! a campaign to get th e s e -and instantly poor Shrimp- things done in our town, and ie was scalded to· death-a so make our town beautiful. dreadful fate which caused Next Monday I shall call you the end of the last of the four all to the auditorium and anfriends. noun~e our plans. And now The news of the terrible to Mario J ovito, the winner of happenings spr~ad arid all the this contest, I award this neighborhood mourned for splendid book, Rizal: Man Draggie and Mudd i e and and Martyr by Laubach. I Snailie and Shrimpie. They congratulate y o u, M ·• r i o. buried them in the yard of (Gives Mario the book and the little house where the shctkes hands with him. There four had lived so happily. is much cippla:u.<;e. Mario bows To this day the folk of that his thanks to Mr. Cruz ctnd to community tell of the unhap- , the A.ssembly.) pv fate which overtook the Announce~: Now we ~hall Dragon-Fly, the Mud-Dauber, stand and smg ~ur nat10nal the Snail, and the Shrimp. anthem, after which we shall The always end their sad r~turn to our rooms. (T~e story b re ea tin this an- song is su1~g. Then all pu'!11ls y Y p g. d pa.SR to their room.<;. Curtmn.) cient saying: "Happ mess an sadness are the two extremes C&oss:WoRD PUZZLE of life. They come one after anothe1·. You are happy today, but tomorrow you may be sad or-dead." 1 CHOOSING THE WORD (Ans1ce1'8 from page 111) 2 1. is 2. go 3. is 4. her 5. met 3 6. play 7. going 8. was 9. has JO. play 11. take 12. killed 4 13. for 14. bring 15. were (Answe1·s from page 111) 1 ~ 3 4 K I N G I R 0 N N 0 R A G N A T