Josefina's reward (A little story for little people)


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Josefina's reward (A little story for little people)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
March, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 91 A LITTLE STORY FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Josefina1s Reward By RAMONA BALTAZAR* IT was Monday morning. Eightyear-old Josefina was preparing to go to school. She washed her face, put on her 8chool dress, ate her breakfast, and was ready to go. "Goodbye, Mother," said Josefina. "Goodbye, Fii;ta dear. Be careful on the way. Look out for the autos," said Mother. Josefina started to walk to school. On her way she met her teacher, Miss Enriquez. "Good morning, M i s s Enriquez," said Josefina very politely. "May I help you carry your books?" "Good morning, .Josefina. Thank you. You may, indeed, help me. Here are three books." Miss Enriquez and Josefina walked together to school. When they reached their room, Josefina laid the books on the table, and her teacher a g a i n thanked her. When the bell rang, the pupils Jined up and entered the room. * Moises Salvador Elementary School, Manila. As soon as all was quiet, Miss Enriquez said, "I want to tell you what a polite girl Josefina is, because she helped me carry my books on the way to school this morning. Let us call her 'the polite girl.' I hope every little girl will be as polite as Josefina." "Josefina, 'the polite girl'!" exclaimed her classmates. · When Josefina went h o m e f o r lunch she told her Mother of her reward for being polite. "It always pays to be polite," said Mother. "Yes, indeed, there is always a reward for politeness." "I shall always try to be polite so that I shall be called 'the polite girl' by everyone who knows me," said Josefina. "I think my teachers and playmates will like me more if I am polite to them." "Yes, Josefina," said Mother, "that will be a splendid reward." I agree with Josefina's Mother. Don't you? We all like the boy or girl who is polite to everyone. It pays to have the habit.