Keeping the scout laws


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Keeping the scout laws
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
114 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Ma1·ch, 1939 Keeping the Scout Laws By MARCIANO J. ESPINOZA 1 OSE is a good scout. His father knows he can trust him, so one day his father gave him a hundred pesos to be deposited in the bank. "A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY." As Jose stepped into the street, he saw the flag flying in the breeze. He saluted the flag of his country. "A SCOUT IS LOYAL." He saw an old lady with a large, full basket standing on the corner. He carried the basket for her. "A SCOUT IS HELPFUL." He met another scout from another troop. He stopped and shook hands with him. "A SCOUT IS FRIENDLY." As his teacher passed, Jose· raised his hat to greet him. "A SCOUT IS ·COURTEOUS.'' A small dog rubbed against hiS leg. He stopped and patted its hBad. "A SCOUT IS KIND." He remembered the errand that his father had entrusted to him, and did as he was told. "A SCOUT IS OBEDIENT." As he .Passed a tienda he was tempted to .spend a ·peseta for some candy, but he did not. "A SCOUT IS THRIFTY." Jusl then he saw a girl trying to cross the street through many passing autos. He dodged between the autos, took the girl's arm, and lead her safely across the street. '"A SCOUT IS BRAVE." A passing auto splashed mud and water on !iis freshly laundered uniform. But he did not curse the driver nor say ba'd words. "A SCOUT IS CLEAN." He attends services at the church on Sunday. He carefully listens to everything. "A SCOUT IS REVERENT." Are you as good a scout as Jose? Do you keep the scout laws to the best of your ability? Here is a little poem for you and every boy scout in your troop to memorize: What kind of a troop would our troop be If every Boy Scout were just like me? Don't forget that every worthy Boy Scout does "a good tufil" every day-not ju~t once in a while, but every day. A good scout who carefully keeps the scout !aws wiil very likely become .a good man who respects and 1 obeys the laws of his c-ountry.