Salads (Young citizen pantry)


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Salads (Young citizen pantry)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
98 SALADS are appetizing and healthful. Perhaps the simplest salad to prep.are is lettuce salad. A good recipe for wilted lettuce salad is as follows: Wilted Lettuce Wasli 75 lettuce leaves clean and shake from them as much of the water as possible. Lay the leaves with their stems all in one direction. Mix together 3 tablespoons C'lf vinegar, 5 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar, I teaspoon of salt, and put the mixture into a hot frying pan (carajay) with 2 tablespoons of fat. Heat to boiling. Drop the lettuce leaves, uncut, into the hot liquid of the earajay still with stems in one direction in order to make it easier to turn them; turn them over several times while they are cooking, so that all leaves will be exposed to the hot liquid-they will then cook evenly. After about five to seven minutes all leaves will be heated and wilted. Be sure that the liquid is kept boiling all the time. Serve immediately while hot. The fine flavor is lost if the cooked lettuC'e is allowed to get cold before it is eaten. A good serving will allow 20 to 25 leaves for each person. THE YOUNG CITIZEN lht !Joung titiltn fantry SALADS Vegetable Sal<ut A vegetable salad may be · made of one kind of vegetable only, but usually it is made of several kinds of vegetables mixed together. A delicious salad . may be made by placing all together en one plate ripe sliced tomatoes, sliced onions, and · sliced green peppers, all raw. The only dressing this salad needs is a little salt sprinkled over it, although some may like a small amount of sugar and weak vinegar in addition. adds practically nothing in food value to a salad, so money spent for vinegar is really an extravagance. Thin round slices of cucumber may be added to the salad, or they may be used in place of the" slices of onion or of pepper if these cannot be secured. Any combination of these vegetables may be used. If lettuce is s3.fe to eat raw, it may be used as ,a '4bed" to garnish the salad; that is, the other salad ingred-ients may be placed on lettuce leaves which have been nicely arranged on a small plate. When leaves are used in this way in a salad, they should be of a kind that are palatable March, 1989 when eaten raw and safe to eat that way, for the leaves used as a bed or a gar .. nish for the salad should also be eaten. Lettuce leaves may be used to garnish many kinds of food. A raw vegetable salad is excellent food because of its good taste which satisfies hunger, and because vegetables contain substances that help to keep us well and strong. One of these is called Vitamin B. This strange substance, which is in vegetables in small .amount, has the power to prevent or cure beriberi. People who eat plenty of vegetables never have berilieri. Pineapple and Carrot Sal<ut Vegetables and fruits are often mixed in salads. A delicious salad may be made of pineapple and carrot - both raw. The followfng is a good recipe: Select a thoroughly ripe pineapple. Wash and peel the pineapple and ·cut it into slices about one centimeter thick. Place two slices in a i-;mall dish. Wash and scrape off the thin outer skin (only the very thin outer skin) from several carrots, grate the carrots", and put three or March, 1939 four tablespoons of the grated Carrot on the sliced pineapple in each dish. The salad is now ready to serve. It needs no dressing of any kind, for ils own delicious taste is enough. This salad is usually eaten with a fork. Beet Salad Another tasty salad is made from beets. W a s h and cook whole beets in boiling water until tender (two or three hours if the ~ets are old). Drain and remove the skins. Slice them .and place them in vinegar for several hours. Kemove from the vinegar and arrange the slices in a circle on a small dish. Place half of a hard boiled egg in the center. Some may want a dressing on their salad, so we include two recipes for dressing: French Dressing If:! cup of salad oil, 14 cup of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, %. teaspoon of pepper or paprika. Place the ingredients in a small covered bottle or glass jar. Chill thoroughly. Just before serving shake vigorously for two minutes. If desired in order to v.ary the dressing allow a small onion to stand in it; add 1;4 teaspoon of sugar and % teaspoon of dry mustard. Any or all of these three ingredients may be placed in the dressing or r.ot, as desired. Mayonnaise Dressing I/ 2 teaspoon of salt, 1/ 4 tea- . THE YOUNG CITIZEN spoon of dry mustard, a few grains of pepper, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 egg, 1 I/2 cups of olive oil or other salad oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix the dry ingredients; add the vinegar and the egg. Beat with an egg beater, add I/a cup of oil and beat until the dressing begins to thicken. A delicious .galad is. healthful. Add 11~! cup of oil and beat as before. Add the remaining oil, ljg cup at a time. Beat until thick. Thin with lemon juic-ePerhaps after you have rnade simple salads, you will want to try to make some not quite so simple, so we include several tested recipes for salads a Tittle more elaborate but which are easy to make and not at all expensive. .Avocado and Tomato Salad Cut three tomatoes into qu.arters and an avocado into pieces of the same size. Arrange all the pieces on lettuce leaves. Serve with French dressing. 99 Banana and Peanut Salad Remove the skins from the bananas. Scrape and cut them in half crosswise. Cut each piece in half lengthwise. Roll in finely chopped peanuts. Serve with either mayonnaise or French dressing. Or if no dressing is desired, put a dab of guava jelly on each pieCe. Potato Salad 2 cups of cooked potato diced; 112 of a small onion in small pieces. Mix with mayonnaise. Two hardb o i 1 e d eggs finely chopped may be added. 1 cup of cooked chicken diced. 11:! cup of celery in pieC'es and l/2 cup of apple diced. Mix the ingredients with mayonnaise. Seaon with salt. String-Bean Salad Mix 2 cups of cold cooked string beans with 1/ 2 cup of French dressing. Allow this to stand for two hours. Add one teaspoon of finely cut onion. Place the mixture in the center of a salad dish and arrange around the base thin slices of radish overlapping one another. Garnish the top with radishes cut to look like flowers. Health Salad Mix mayonnaise separately with ti n e 1 y chopped raw green-pepper, finely chopped raw cabbage, and grated raw carrots. Pack ·in layers in small timbale molds. Turn cut on lettuce leaves and garnish with radishes cut in ornamental shapes.