Some outdoor games (Work and play section)


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Some outdoor games (Work and play section)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
110 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Marek, 1939 WORK AND PLAY SECTION Some Outdoor Games 1. Poison Snake TEN to twenty players stand in a circle with hands joined. A volley ball, basket ball, baseball bat, or any similar object is placed in the e-enter of the circle, and the object of the game is to have the players in the circle pull each other into the center so as to touch the object. Those who touch it are out of the game. This game is sometimes rough, so if possible it is well to have separate circles for the boys and girls. Teach the players to jump over the "poison snake" in order to avoid it, and to relax the pull suddenly in order to make some other player touch the ob· ject. 11op over you have a chanC'e to hook some other player's t1rm before you are tagged. But if you are tagged, then you will be the It and the foi'mer It will be the Runner. The other players try to avoid the Runner if they can. 3. Cross-Feet Tag Any number of boys or girls can play this game. The It runs after a player and tries to tag .him or her. The player who fails to cross his feet is tagged and will be the next It. The first It then joins the other players. No player can be tagged as long as he keeps his feet crossed. 4. Twenty Times Round The hands must be clasped throughout th e g.ame. When several have been eliminated from one circle, they may start another circle. Hopping Over. Have the players form two rings with their backs to the center of the circle. At a given signal they run around in a circle twenty times. The object of this game is to see which circle can turn a r o u n d 2. Partner Tag In :his game, all the players except It and another player, who is called the Runner, take partners and hook arms. The Runner will be chased by It. If the Runner, while being chased by It, hooks your partner's arm, you become the Runner. Then twenty times without first having their line break. 5. Hopping Over Fae~ the w.all in a standing position. Put your lt::ft toes against the ~all about two feet t1p from the floor. Try to hop over your left leg woth your right without taking your toes away from the wall.