Profile: Engr. Vicente Albano Luz


Part of Daloy

Profile: Engr. Vicente Albano Luz
Daloy Taon I (Blg. 8) Agosto 1973
Luz, Vicente Albano
Upper Pampanga River Project
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PROFILE Engr. Vicente Albano Luz The R & R División has launched a month-long Health and Sanitation Drive in the three newly relocated barrios (Malbang, Villarica, and Liberty) at the Tanauan resettlement area Formally launched by the División Chief last August lst, the dive has won the support and cooperation of local youth groups and civic associations. Member^ of the Pambansang Kilusan sa Pagpapaunlad Ng Pamayanan. (PKPP Pantabangan Chapter) and the Pag-asa Youth Movement of barrio Malbang. are coordinating with the UPRP in various community projects designed to promote health and sanitation in the barrio sites. School children from Central Elementary Shooí and the Saint Andrew High School in Pantabangan (tcwn proper) have likewise embarked on similai projects. They have started planting ornamental and fruit trees along the streets óf the new town site. -oOoA six-room modern school building complete with both lighting and sanitation facilities was turned over recently to local school officials fot use by school children in the three newly relocated barrios The school building which was estimated at P85.000.00 in construction cost is the first of three structures being planned for the school sites in barrio Malbang. Development of the more than three hectares school ground will be undertaken jointly by the LIPRP and the settler children —oOo— Some 300 participants in the Pantabangan Resettle­ ment Socio-Economic Training Program (Resettlers Se­ minar) are scheduled to be awarded their certifica tes of completion on August 22. The graduation rites will be a simple but an appropriate one with a program designed for the pleasure of some distinguished guests. —oOo— What would you say about a man who have attended a series of ECAFE sponsored seminars on planning and design. have taken special lectures on design from SE ATO. and who handles the field de­ sign sectíon of the UPRP. You would say that he is all and only for design - that as an engineer he just might as w e 11 confine himself to going over maps plans and endless figures - the job he loves and which he is adept at. Any re-organization in the project have taken place, but his constancy in his line proves him firm in his position. He seems to have destined for such a role. That is what Engr. Vi­ cente Albano Luz is like. His diligence and the zeal with which he pushes on to p e r f o r m his delicate function need not to be jtold. In fact, his industry ’combined with his reticence, has long breóme his trade mark. He is of the reversed type who would rather read books at home during his free hours or play chess rather than to spend the time out with his fri^nds. In terms of ideas and thinking, he is not so oldfashioned and simple as would have you beleive. Actually. he has managed to blend the oíd and the new himself. resulting in a u n i cj u e personality, one cannot find f a u 11 with. Take the case of his ideas in the rearing of the child­ ren. h e believes that the parents must t e a c h the children to be independent little by little as they grow oíd. Engr. LUZ Vic, or Enteng. as he is fondly called. is 5’-7” in height, slight bodied at 115 pounds and is only 43 years oíd. In the family, he and his wife are both from Ilocos Norte, where he grew up himself. He be­ lieves that he looks like his father and got his reticent inclination from his father, too. He is quite hung up in music- ballads, operatic, a silent expression o f his taste that he shares with his wife. In his work. he derives the same flavor of tjie new and the oíd blended into an efficient forcé. As chief of the field design section. he exults in the many satisfaction he derives from it. The first class of the Resettlers Seminé rs for residents of East Población in Pantabangan townproper is scheduled to start on the 20th of August. About 10 classes of 70 participants each will be opened for all interested and qualified resettlers The "Oras ng Pantabangan”, a one-hour radio pro­ gram aired every_ Friday over DWAR radio station will soon feature talents from Pantabangan. Arrangements has been made with the program di­ rector for the inclusión of the musical numbers and poetry recitáis by talented youths from Pantabangan. Ang Paaralan ng ... (Muía sa pahina 2) lalong makapagbibigay sigla sa mga magsasakar'g kalahok sa "Masagana 99”. Dahil dito ay inaasahang ang lahat ng kinauukulan na ang proyekto ng Pangulo ang ating Bans¿ ay magtatagumpay gaya ng kanyang pangarap ukol si katagumpayan ng libo-libong mga magsasakang bumubuhay sa la­ hat ng mga Pilipino sa bansang Pilipinas. DALOY PAHINA 5