Kickback racket denied; "Ridiculous" say contructors


Part of The Bicol Star

Kickback racket denied; "Ridiculous" say contructors
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Report Kan Administration ni Gob- Cledera, sa pagina 4 IS THEM FT OF LIFE BEA BLOOD DONOR Csll at your l o c al jaggy0™” Founded in 1933 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper Year 36 * Vol. 34 • No. 2* City of Naga, Jan. 11, 1969 * 10 Pages * 10 Centavos ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^LARGEST CIRCULATION ♦ X IN THE BICOL REGION:* ALBAY CAM. NORTE CAM. SUR CATANDUANES MASBATE SORSOGON IRIGA CITY LEGAZPI CITY NAGA CITY I ♦ 1 Harong Dinag’san Truck: Aki Gad*n; Bis Crowd of Baseball Fans Here Witness Chibans (Japanese) Beat Local Team Visitors Highly Applauded\ Local Boys Did Best 3 Na Hospital Truck Nacabanga sa Harong Naipit mga Taong Torog, 1 Gadan, 3 Nahaspitai The picture here showing the huge crowd that fill’d the grandstands and bleachers at the Cam. Sur High School Campus. Big crowd of baseball fans that filled to capa- The young Chibans (Kobayashi Secondary city the two big grandstands and bleachers last Team) who displayed their superior teamwork and Monday afternoon Jan. 6, at the Cam. Sur provin- playing almost finished the nine innings 14 to zero cial campus witnessed the Chibans (from Chiba, if the local team did not make a hit that scored a Japan) that trounched the Cam. Sur baseball team homerun, in the last frame. in nine frames 14 to 1 scores. (Contineud oh page 4-A) The Japanese players from Chiba, Japan (Kobayashi Secondary Team) receiving leis from local young beauties. Last Friday afternoon these boys returned to Japan by plane after completing a sweep of 8-game Philippine series, all to their credit. Kickback Racket Denied; "Ridiculous" say Ccntructors Casubangi may 11:30 si oras, sarong truck na auto panhakot paroy, nacatagbang sa cale, dagos sa harong na sadit sa harani can tinampo sa barrio nin San Roque sa may pagultanan can municipios nin Magarao asin Bombon. Si mga torog na tao sa laog can harong nagcairipit, nadalaganan, caya si aki na iimang taon an edad nagadan tolos asin si tolo dinara sa hospital provincial sa Naga City asin maraot an camugtacan can saro can isurat ini. An nagadan na aki iyo si Alexandro de la Merced. An yaon pa sa hospital iyo sa Manuel, Este lito, mga gnohod na tugang can nagadan asin si Mrs. Carmen Caliso de la Merced, ina kan mga aki. Si ibang cairiba sa harong iyo si magagom Arsenio' Caliso asin Eulogia Banahe, magurang ni Carmen na ina can mga aki. Si Dommador de la Merced na ama can mga aki yaon sa Manila ta sarong chofer duman, pinagtelegramahan na magpoli tolos huli can accidenteng ini. An Truck No. T-32840, bago pa, rogaring ni Emilio Nagrampa, sarong comercianteng may molino sa Pili. An chofer na nagdadsra can truck si Rafael Borja Bercial, na taga Bombon. An chofer nagpresentar tolos sa PC Trafcon, Sgc. Cesar Balaquiao, na harani sa sitio can accidente. Sabi ni Atsenio Caliso cascas daa an auto, mala ta nacatagbang sa cali, nadagasan pa an daculang cahoy na bayawas asin nacalaog pa sa harong nindang nagaba can pagbongoi, mientras sinda torog. Sabi ni Mr. Nagrampa an sabi daa can chofer nia may nasabat na autong sadit (Coney) na da; (Dagos sa pagina 4-A) Pili Airport, PSIAA Site To Be Finished on Time Fred P cledera The Pili Airport and the site for the Public Schools Ipterscholastic Athletic Association games at San Jose, Pili will be finished on time for the sportfests scheduled for next Ma-ch according to the announcement of the. Research & Hanning Division of the Office of Governor Cledera. According to the report of Atty. Fred P. Cledera, head of the RPD, the accomplishment of the airport as of Jan. 6 is 47.66% and that of the site if the PSIAA is 65.90% as of Jan. 10 Three young girls, all students in the J. Panganiban high school J. Panganiban, Cam. Norte,----.. , _ i.. 1 I » U ~ Q Three young girls, all students in the J. Panganiban high school J. Panganiban, Cam. Norte, were reported to the Bicol Star as missing from their homes since Jan. 3, 1969 by Mrs. Rufina Bermudo Vda. de Obias. mother of Corazon Obias, 15, one of the missing girls. The other two companions when they disappeared, are Elena Istabello, 16 and Dolores Olaso, 15. The two reported to the Bicol Star as missing from their homes since Jan. 3, 1969 by Mrs. Rufina Bermudo Vda. de Obias. mother of Corazon Obias, 15, 15, one of the missing girls. The other two companions when they disappeared, are Elena Istabello, 16 and Dolores Olaso, 15. The two girls appearing in the above picture are Miss Obias and Miss Istabello' Anybody who knows of their whereabouts may kindly write Mrs. Rufina B. Obias, Parang St., Jose Panganiban. Cam. Norte & receive » reward. No question asked. "This is ridiculous;” This was the general reaction of contractors when confronted last week by Dr. Jose P. Cledera, project director of the Interscbolastic site, on th: alleged kickback racket at the project. Gathered at the Governor’s Office to had light on the alleded anomaly as reported in a local paper, (not the Star) the contractors said it is impossible for them to give kickback io anybody considering that the price they are getting for sand and gravel is already lower than tbe prevailing market price by around P2 per cubic meter. The news p iper report said that a certain employee in the Governor’s office has been demanding Pl for every cubic meter of said and gravel. IrKed by tbe report, Dr. Cledera also questioi e J some employees in the Governor’s Office who are involved in the project, but all denied having (Continued^on page 4-A) the A crowd of 13,327, mostly Jehovah’s witnesses from 14 provinces and 12 cities in the Tagalog region overflowed at the Manila Jockey Club last Dec. 29. The some "Good News for All Nations” assembly is slated at th' Cam. Sur High School grandstand this week Jan. 9-12 for the Bicol provinces. Felix Fajardo will talk on the subject, "Man’s Rule About to Give Way to God’s^Rule,” a'. 3:00 pm. tomorrow. An enot na... (ll»le u pagina 8) •\n Pagpalankaw kan Production sa Agriculture An s.ituyang Gobernador nsgaadol nin igot sa pagtanom o food production campaign sa bilog na provincia sa paagi nin pag-agyat sa mga paratanoin na maggamit nin tnaray na banhi o pananom na magtat'ao nin dakul na gosi. Nakaconsiguir an provincia nin 15 drum nin sarisaring pananom bale sa CARE palaen kan pananinon o vegetable kits na itinangro ni Mrs. Imelda Marcos. An produccion nin paroy ngonyan na taon tinamaan asin ntgabot sa 6,000,000 cavanes na labi nin 300,000 cavanes kan ani nin si nakaaging taon. An Camarines Sur namtdbid asin nagkamit nin honor bilang ikaduwang lugar sa mga provincias kan kaporoan huli sa halangkaw na ani nin paroy sa taon na ini. Huli sa pagkaigwa nin ani na 2,141,048 cavanes sa psggamit nin banhing halangkaw an gosi, an Camarines Sur dai nagbaya sa lalawigan nin Isabela na nakakua nin 2,198,867 cavanes na ani. An provincia niato sosog ki G. Nicano Clasio, provincial agriculturist kan Camarines Sur, kabilang sa nagkapira sanang provincia na talagang suficienre an kakanon. An laygay na pagbaba kan p rec io nin bagas, huli sa kagibohan kan mga paslong negociantes patin an dayaday na pagluwas kaini sa mga kadolon na provincias. Iba Pang Proy-ctos Igwa pa nin ibang saradit na proyectos na pinonan patin nahaman an provincia. An pig-aapod na provincial properly survey madale liang matapos. Gayod magngangalas an kadaklan na maaraman na igwa an gob>erno provincial nin mga rogaring (property) na sagkod ngonian mayo nin toltol na papeles o kaya titulo. Kaagid man na proyecto na municipal property survey an pighihimong aibohon sa mga barobanwaan. Sa programang ini karapot man an pig-aapod na socio-physical data kan lambang banwaan na kaipohan na gayo sa mga pinag aanganagan na proyectos nin capitalistas asin orog na ngani sa paggibo nin piano sa pagpakarhay kan mga banwaan. Sa gabos kaini masisignapan kan publico an enot na paghakot kan mga linagading kahoy hale duman sa 423 na troso na pinagturuyaw can mga critico na olay daa nawawara na. Kun bakong sa paghingorwa ni Gobernador, an mga trosong ini kuta na nagkaralapa na lang sa namumugtakan kun ini lubos na pinabayaan pakatapos na confiscaron. Ngonyan puede nang gamiton an mga linagading kahoy na ini sa pagtogdok nin mga escuelahan bilang pag-ayog sa dating piano dapit kaini. Kaya ngani, dawa sa mga pagtuyatuya patin pagbalubagi kan critico, an administracion ni Cledera padagos asin dayaday na nagkokoniot sa paghaman kan mga mawot o katuyuban kaini. Igwa kita nin dakulang razon na’ magtubod asin magtiwala na an mga nangyari pasiring giraray sa marayrahay asin mapakinabang na taon na umaaboton. Truck . . . lamang pigpadiclom an ilaw caya nasola an vista can chofer asin sa enotan can truck igua nin careta na may darang mga cawayan. Pagpalrcay sa careta si truck nacatagbang 9a cali asin dagos nacadagas sa sadit na harong. Si aking gadan pigembalsamar sa Funeraria Cosmopolita sa Naga gnoniai. na hapon. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— VICENTE ABELLA, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended x----------------------- x NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage/s executed by VICENTE ABELLA (by virtue of an assumption of the mortgage of the spouses Jose Abella and Imelda de la Rosa), single, of Elias Angeles Street, Naga City in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly REHABILITA T I O N FINANCE CORPORA T I O N, under date/s of March 24; 1953 and October 8, 1956 and for the satisfaction of the debt of P34.960.ll plus 8% annual interest on the amount of 1’34,960.11 from December 17, 1968 plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P3,496.01 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by the said mortgage/s, the undersigned Provincial & City Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on February 3, 1969 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff’s Office located on the 2nd Floor of the Piovincia) Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real property, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: Transfer Certificate of Title No. 574 -City ot Naga A parcel of land (Lot A of the subdivision plan, Psd-22082 being a portion of tbe land described on the original plan Psu-62546, G.L.R.O. Record No. 33619), situated in the Poblacion, City of Naga. Bounded on the Northeast, by Lot 2 of the subdivision plan; on the Southeast, by Real Street, now E. Angeles Street; on the Southwest, by property of Dorjteo Tolentino; and on the Northwest, by property of A.A. Ammen and Lot C of the subdivision plan, x x x Kickback . . . any knowledge of the alledged racket. , The conference also proved to be a gripe session after some contractors bewailed the practice of some ’’influential” contractors of hand-carrying Requisition and Issue Vouchers, which should only be done by government personnel. Only requisitions worth more than P5.000, are bidded while lesser amounts are awarded to contractors after canvassing of prices is made. One contractor proposed that to dispel all doubts and suspicions all requisitions should be bidded. This would also result to financial gain on the part of the government as bidded price is always very low, he added. Dr. Cledera asked the group if it is true that there are delays in the processing of papers and whether there is anybody deliberately causing such delays so that appropriate measures could be effected if necessary. The contractors admitted delays cannot be avoided but they could not however pinpoint anybody causing such delay. Press & Radio Club ^anuarg II, 1969 Qtye JBicof £tar 4-A Election Monday —------------------------------- ------The Naga City Press & Radio Club will hold an election of its 1969 officers on Monday, Jon. 13 at 7 p.m. The meeting and electtion will be held at the residence of Provincial Treasurer Jesus I. Calleja who will act as the host for the occasion. Eddie Po. Alanis, the incumbent president made the call for the meeting & election. Other important matters will be taken during the meeting, according to the call. r contairirg an area of FIVE HUND PED EIGHTY ONE , (581).sq' are meters. In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice wi'l be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the City of Naga and on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building in Naga City where the above-described property is located and where the auction sale will be conducted for the information of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the said property and the encumbrances thereon, if any there be. City of Naga, Philippines, January 10, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio City Sheriff of Naga City Pub. January 11, 18, 25, 1969. Note: This is a republ cation of the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - ( JJJc G.xtenb ©nr ®est ^Jlishes & ear f felt (greetings tn tl;e people of Camarines Jlur 8c JCaga fflitg fur ffje TJear, 1969 - Compliments of: Erasto T. Ongkeko AND Mrs. Vering SantiagoOngkeko N NAGA CITY and LAGONOY, CAMARINES SUR NOTICE In pursuance of Section 1, Bule 74 of the Bules of Court, notice is hereby given that the legal heirs of the late ALEJANDRO PAS AMEN who died intestate in Lupi, Camarines Sur on September 16, 1967, namely, Mana Sabino, the widow of the deceased and her children with the decedent, viz., Dominguito, Ester, Rolando, D'lla, Carina, Rodilo, and Myrna, all minors and surnamed Pasamen, thru the mother as natural guardian, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of the intestate estate covered by OCT No' 22234- Cam. Sur, under Tax Dec. No. 3745 valued ot P730, situated in barrio Bagnon, Lupi, Cam. Sur with an area of 50,987 Sq.M. adjudicating it among themselves Happy & Prosperous New Year to Our Customers & Friends TAMBAM LUMBER Tamban, Tinambac Cam. Sur Francisco Ibasco Manager & Prop. ________ ._____________ i Weekend Notes ... (From page 8) This brings us of necessity to the human satellities around the Presidency. Put a saint in Malacahang and in no time he will be the very devil, not because of himself but because of these deleterious elements wrecking his performance inspite of himself. They have done it time and again, and (Continued on page 4-B) gs co-owners. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Isidro Bulao by Maria Sabino, for herself and for the minor children on Jan. 6, 1969 at Naga City as Doc. No. 4; Page 36; BK. 16; S 1969 Pub. Jan. II, 18,25.1969