U.S. asks humane treatment of prisoners in North Vietnam


Part of The Bicol Star

U.S. asks humane treatment of prisoners in North Vietnam
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• LEGAL NOTICES • 3 January K, 1969 ffitcol ffiar REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE MINORS TOMAS CARIOS MACANDOG, LEON Ma. HERNANDEZ, and MILAGROS PAULA M. ANTERO, OSCAR RAVANERA and ERLINDA H. RAVANERA, Petitioners. SPEC. PROCEEDINGS NO. 51 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK THE PHILIPPINES Mortgagee, —versus— SPOUSES BERNARDO COMPUESTO & VIRGINIA " COMPUESTO Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act SISS As Amended x------------------------x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties Under Act 3135, as Amended and/or Act 1508 By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgages executed by the spouses BERNARDO COMPUESTO and VIRGINIA M. COMPUESTO (Virginia Maravillas), of Sagnay, Camarines Sur in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK - OF THE PHILIPPINES, under date of May 15, 1962, and for the satisfaction of the debt of P7.345 • .73 plus 7% annual interest on the amount of P7.345.73 from February 1, 1968, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P734.57 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by the said mortgages, the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff, ANNOUNCES that on January 27, 1969 between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the Sheriff’s Office, ......__ _____ ... ....... I _______ 1_________ located on the Second Floor of .3190 hectare and declared before the date of bearing at the Provincial Capitol of Cama- under Tar Nt. 5004 has been • rines Sur in Naga City he will extra-judicially settled among sell at public auction, for cash, her forced heirs and therein to the highest bidder, the follow- sold in Javor of JULIANA ing real estate properties, together ESTONIDO for P800 on with the improvements thereon, November 26, 1968 at Calami the herein described chattels, banga, Camarines Sur per to wit: document bearing Doc. No. REAL PROPERTY COVERED 188;. Pa?et^°- 34’.Bookl11[\ BY TAX DECLARATION Series of 1968 of the notarial No. 277-SAGNAY, CAM. SUR W15?” °f N?tarU P Tinnin i. ixJHiinl A parcel of untitled land situated in the Barrio of Gaho, Patitiman, Municipality of Sagnay, Province of Camarines Sur. Bounded on the North by property of DeCt 28; Jan. 4 & 11 Regina Trea and Matias de Ver- 1969 gara; on the East by property of Andres Bien; on the South by -------------- ---------——----------properties of Pedro Pacay, Andres Bien and Fernando Buen- nonce QI ext lal saie OI agaua; and on the West by pro- mort d properties will be nertips of Lorenzo Saeuian anc , ... . • Li r a-nAn OF M. NOTICE Pursuan to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, the intestate estate left by deceased LEON BONTIGAO, who died in November 6, 1967 at barrio San Ramon, Bulan, Sorsogon which is a parcel of land, Lot 4481, Cad-263 of Bulaf$y Sorsogon with an area of 25JM>8 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. P-1034. Tax Dec. No. 1025 assessed af T*l,090 was extrajudicially settled by his only surviving Heirs, namely, Delfin, Bienvinida,. Guillermo, Honorato, Odon Geronimo, Luz, Jose, Casimiro and Leonida, all surnamed Bontigao, adjudicating unto themselves said estate, proindiviso, share and share alike & subsequently to the best interest of the heirs, ihe whole estate was odjudicated to DELFIN BONTIGAO with all other co-heirs quitting their claims, interest and dominion over said estate. The instrument was acknowledged by all the heirs before Notary Public Cesar R Enciso at Bulan, Sorsogon on Dec 23, 1968, per Doc. No. 209; Page 24; Bk. 9; S. 1968 of his notarial register. DELFIN BONTIGAO Pub. Dec. 28, 11, 1969. N 0 T X----------------------- X ‘68, Jan. I C E 4, The estate ..................... of F ELISA LET RAN covering a parcel of land situated at Borog, San Roque, Calabaaga, Camarines Sur will an area of .3190 hectare ' ’ ' ' ORDER A petition having been presented to this Court by the spouses Oscar Ravanera and Erlinda H. Ravanera, both of legal age, Filipinos and residents of Naga City, praying for the adoption of Tomas Carlos Macandog, whose parents are Luis Macandog and Efigenia Albao; Leon Ma. Hernandez, whose father is Jesus Hernandez; and, likewise, Milagros-Paula M. Antero, whose parents are Antonio J. Antero and Anita P. Matos, so that they may be regarded as their own children, and considering that the petition is sufficient in form and substance, with the affidavits of consent of the parents of Tomas Carlos Macandog, Leon Ma. Hernandez a.id MilagrosPaula M. Antero; Let the said petition be, as it is, hereby set for hearing on the 3rd day of February, 1969, at 9:00 o’clock in the morning in the Session Hall of this Court, on which date, time and place, all persons having opposition rnay appear to show cause why the petition should not be granted. Let this order be published petitioners’ expense, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in THE BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the province, upon request of the petitioners’ counsels, for the information of all concerned. SO ORDERED. ------- -ju .u ic u . Done in the City of Naga, r of Notary Public thia 17th day of December, 1968. David C. Naval. JOSE R. LUNTOK December 26, 1968. City Judge JUAN ESTONIDO, et al. Pub. Dec. 28, 1968, Jan. 4,11,’69. NOTICE NOTICE That the intestate estate Itfl by the late BENIGNO TIABA who died in the municipality of Ocampo, Cam. Sur on August 1, 1961, located in Sta. Elena, Bula, Cam. Sur w!th an area of 13.0565 Has. covered by OCT No. 1446 - HP. No. V-44286 and Tax Doc. No. 2638 valued at P870 in the name of Benigno Tiaba was extrajudicially settled by his heirs, viz., Cecilia Delloro, widow of the dece sei and Clemente Tiaba, both of legal age, and Pantaleon, Esteban and Felicidad, all surnamed Tiaba, children of the decedent, represented by Cecilia Delloro, adjudicating unto themselves the said estate. The instrument was acknowledged before Notary Public Vicente A. Parpan on the 19lh day of December 1968 at Naga City, per Doc. No. 242; Page 30; Bk. II; S. 1968. CECILIA DELLORO, el al. Pub. Dec. 28, '68; Jan. 4, 11, 1969. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights, has been executed by the Hrs' of Sebastian de los Reyes, namely: Laureana Lontok, the surviving wife and the only children, Maria, Lamberto and Enrique, all surnamed De los Reyes, over the property covered by Transfer Cetificate of Title No. 10052 situated in Bulan, Sipocot, Camarines Sur under Tax No. 3791 valued at P 1,170 and the other heirs waived their reights, interest, participation and dominion in favor of one of the heirs, Enrique de los Reyes. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Helario Espano of Canaman, Camarines Sur under Doc. No. 2196; Page 34; Book XXIV, Series of 1968. Pub. Dec. 28, 1968, and Jan. 4, & 11, 1969. U.S. Asks Humane Treatment of Prisoners in North Vietnam United Nations - - The U.S. has called on North Vietnam to “live up to the basic humanitarian standards of the Gene/a convention in its treatment of prisoners of war.” U.S. delegate Mrs. Jean Picker made the appeal Dec. 10 in the General Assembly’s Humanitarian Committee which is considering human rights in armed conflicts. Mrs. Picker also expressed the •hope that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) "on another impartial intermediary will be permitted to visit American detainees in North Korea." Hanoi Agrees to Let Captured Pilot Get Christmas Mail Washington - - For the first time in the Vietnam war, North Vietnam will permit captured U.S. pilots to receive Christmas packages and postcards from their families. This was disclosed Dec. 12 by State Department spokesman Robert J. McCloskey, who said the U.S. was “pleased." "On behalf of the captured pilots and their families, we are happy they will be able to recieve these postcards and packages,” Mr. McCloskey told a news briefing. The spokesman said a communication was received in Paris •the same day by W. Averell Harriman, head of the U.S. delegation to the peace talks, from his North Vietnamese counterpart, Xuan Thuy, stating that the Christmas gifts could be forwarded through regular mail channels directly to Hanoi. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the estate left by PEDRO NOORA who died intestate in San Fernando, Camarines Sur consisting of a parcel of land, located in Tagpucol, San Fernando, Camarines Sur coveted by OCT No. 20804 (Free Patent No. 271918) Lot No. 2570 Pls737-D, declared under Tax No. 3653 and assessed at Pl,480, having an area of 3.4130 hectares, more or less, in the name of the Heirs of Pedro Noora, was extrajudicially adjudicated by FELISA NOORA ROMA, who alleged to be the only daughter and heir of decedent Pedro Noora, who executed an Affidavit of Adjudication on December 28, 1968 at San Fernando, Cam. Sur, acknowledged before Notary Public Domingo A. Escalante on said date and place per Doc. No. 180; Page 29; Book V; S. 1968 of his notarial records. FELISA NOORA ROMA Pub. Jan. 4, 11 & 18, 1969. Bicol Star. In accordance with law, this Pursuant to Section 1, Rule notice of extrajudicial sale of 74 of the Rules of Court. Notice • _ •• •" 1 2 is hereby given to all whom r.Lr DTpnr c t a d " it may concern that the intespublished in the BICOL olAK, ta(e estate left by the deceased a weekly regional newspaper viz., GAFINO GUTIERREZ who published and edited in the City died on June 23, i960; MODESof Napa having a wide general TO BIG LET E who died on Ocot Naga, having a wine general i965, anJ MILAGROS circulation in the Bicol provinces GUTIERREZ who died on March I at Libmanan, Camaf a parcel of land v__ _ Plan Psu - 18670) --------- — .— r covered by and described in TCT twenty (20) days before tbe date No. 645—Cam. Sur, situated in of the auction sale. Likewise, for Sitio of Apid, Barrio Roghos, . . « . . nf ICam „ of 245,849 more or less, -ily settled and partitioning . - ...... area of _ ____ m. and Lot 3-E with an area 10,372 sq. in. to Nati!Jzd CzRzzzzz; L:t -D with an area of 36,293 sq. m. to Venerando Gutierrez; Lot 3F with an area of 76, >37 sq. m. to Patria Gutierrez and Lot 3-C with an area of 12,117 sq. m. Prospective bidders or buyers set aside for the proposed Provinof the above-described properties cial Road while the hiersof the u u lateGonzalo Gutierrez® Mtlagros are hereby enjoined to invest!- Gutierez waived thier rights gate for themselves the proper- & claims bn the above described ties, their titles and encumbran- property in favor of the other ces thereon, in case there be heiis named hereof. any, for their own protection. rhe instrument was executed ... . and acknowledged by all the Done in Naga City, Philippines, hiers before Notary Public FranDecember 27, 1968. cisco Frondozo on the 6th day of September, 1968 at LibmaFOR THE PROVINCIAL nan, C, Sur, per Doc. No. 65; SHERIFF: Page 56; Book 9; S. 1968. By LEONIDES DE LA CRUZ NATIVIDAD GUTIERREZ, et al. Deputy Prov. Sheriff of C. Sur Pub. Dec. 28, 1968; Jan. 4, & Pub. January 4,11, 18,1969. 11, 1969. perties of Lorenzo Saguian and Francisco Cea. Containing an area of 11.7142 HECTARES and assessed at Pl,220.00. PROMINENT LANDMARK: Dry Creek. jp _ | REAL PROPERTY COVERED including the province of Cama- 23, I968?all _________________ BY TAX DECLARATION rines Sur, once a week, for three rines Sur who are the registered No. 368-SAGNAY, CAM. SUR consecutive weeks, the first pub- 3^ " n""'01 n nn A parcel of land situated in location to take place at least covered a’ ni • c o _ t n/r- • twenty (20) days before tbe date No. 645—-Car the Barrio of San Isidro, Municipality of Sagnay, Province of Camarine8 Sur. Bounded on the North by the Sagnay-Nato Road; on f ” ' Borjal; . ....... r.-r. „ of Efigenia Parroca; and on the West by the San Isidro Street, properties Containing an area of ONE ,hree (3> ' THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTEEN '1,818) sq. meters, and assessed at P2,050.00. ot the auction sale. JLiKewise, ior uno oj npsa, parru. w M 1 n ™ rnp the same period of time three Municipality of Lib mat nannes bur. bounded on tne . ... , Sur, having an area < rth by the Sagnay-Nato Road; (3) c"P!es ?f thls.notice will be square meterSi ,nore the Fast bv Dronertv of Paula Posted in the municipality of Sa- was extrajudicially s the Bast by property or rauia province of Camarines Sur among the heirs and pz... ial; on the South by property gj. {tfollows:Lot 3-A with properties are located and another ®£z. ’£or /.‘b with an < three (3) copies to be posted in 74,324 sq, the City of Naga (one at the zr. zrzz 1;----- ... Bulletin Board in the Provincial "dad Gutierrez; Lot Capitol) where the auction sale will be conducted, for tbe in- Wuh MACHINERY AND EQUIP- formation of all concerned. MENT - Located at San Isidro, Sagnay, Camarines Sur ONE (1) “INTERNATIONAL” Diesel Engine, 10 HP, with two fly wheels, and one pulley for transmission; ONE (1) Huller, “E N G E L' BERG”, Syracuse, New York, estimated milling capacity of 60 cavans per 12 hours operation. The above-described machineries will be auctioned in Sagnay, Cam. Sur on the same date. buyers set aside for the proposed ProvinLEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the Late Santos de los Santos, consisting of a parcel of land situated in the Barrio of Pinit, Pili, Cams. Sur (now, Sta. Cruz, Ocampo), and covered by 1 .C.T. No. 4875, is the subject of an Extra-Judicial Settlement with Sale executed by his Heirs, namely: Petra, Lameseria, the widow and Mario de los Santos, the only son, who acquired the estate by succession, and subsequently sold the same unto Gavino Albano, in consideration of P2,700, the deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Melquiades Volante of Ocampo, Cam. Sur per Doc. No. 115; Page 25; Book III; S. of 1968 on Dec. 16, 1968. Pub. Jan 4, 11, 18, 1969. NOTICE NELIA OLANO DE SEVIDAL comprising of two (2) parcels of land situated at Sta. Cruz, Naga City with an area of 532 sq. meters and more fully described under TCT No. 252, City of Naga while the other with an area of 1,525 sq. meters, more or less and declared under Tax No. 13122 has been the subject of extrajudicial settlement among her forced heirs per document bearing Doc. No. 169; Page No. 26; Book No. V; Series of 1968 of the notarial register of Notary public Domingo Escalante dated December 27, 1968. January j2, 1969, City of Naga. AMPARO OLANO, et al, Pub. Jan. 4, 11, & 18, 1969.