Enot na taon kan administracion ni Gob. Cledera


Part of The Bicol Star

Enot na taon kan administracion ni Gob. Cledera
Torres, Jacobo C.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
4 JStcol JBtai January II, 1969 Enot Na Taon Kan Administracion Ni Gob. Cledera ki jacobo c. torres Dawa sa irarom nin makuring katikapohan, an administration ni Cledera padagos asin dayaday na nagkokoniot sa paghaman kan kamawotan. An enot na taon kan arin man na bagong administracion parating pano nin paglaom asin gamagama—an gabos na ini huli kan kanigoan na pag-angat na kaipuban atubangon. Kun idtong nagtalikod na administracion nani bakong angay asin nagkulang sa pag-otob kan katongdan, an kasalihid manigong nin kakayahan sa pinaghimoyawot. sinanglean dai nagkaigwa nin kakundian patin may marhay na naginibohan sa credito ninda, kun siring an mga bagong oficiales igwa nin dakulang reto na dapat hampangon: MANIGO SINDANG MANAGIN MARHAY. Huli ta mayong adminis tracion na mangunguyog na magtindog na katampad sana kan nakaaging administracion kun dai man kaarog lamang; kun iyan lang an motivo kun siring dai na kuta minawot an pagbabago. Sa arog kaining pasohan an administracion ni Gobernado Cledera nagkaigwa nin tayo (form). An bagong administracion dapat makahimo nin labi kan naginibohan kan nagtalikod asin kun ini mahihimo puedeng mamansayan sa enot pa sanang tangga kan apat na taon na turno. Manigo gayod na laomon ta na labi kamasakit asin mapawot si ginibong decision pagpoon pa lamang. Asin ta puede ta man na laomon na an decision na iyan nakaburong sa isip kan mga critico —an mga nag-aariano patin nagduduwaduwa— orog na kun satuyang isipon na iyan nagkakaipo nin makuring pag-okit kan mga dai nin inaapilan na Compliments of: X. ■ Gov. A. B. Cledera paramasid. Nasa marhay na credito ni Gob. Cledera, na sia dawa sa sarong momento, dai naghomot na sukroon an katiwasayan kan prensa, ni supalpalon an bunyog kan mga periodistas na pig aapod na Fourth Estate minsan ngani iyan puede niang gibohon arog kan ginibo sa ibang rona kan kaporoan. Pigmarhay nia na pag-atidatidon an mga pagtuyaw alagad ta dai nanguyog na magpakalugom sa kamugtakan kan mga paralibak asin daing haros na mga tawo. Anom na bulan ngapit kan pagpogol kan cargo, nag-apod sia nin formal na orolay kan miembros kan prensa sa sarong daing arianong pagharampangan nin periodistas. Si Gobernador, sa arog kaining kaisipan, nagmawot na linawon an isip kan mga nalilibogan kaya hinimo nia an sarong libre, daing pag-alangan na pagpirislingan nin opinion dapit kan mga bagay na nakakafectar kan provincia. An mga paghingowang ini nagin sana daing kadatahan. Huli ta pakatapos pa lamang kaidtong dai nagpakagirong asin kan si dai naghohonong maghapot sa conferenciang idto, nagpoon na man an mga pagduhagi asin pagsiwag nin mga makamandag na tataramon. Minsan ngani si Gob. Cledera inomaw huli kan saiyang pagmalasakit asin pagmakulog kan kamugtakan social patin economico kan namamanwaan, an nagkapirang lado —idtong mga tawong gayod igwa nin motivo - padagos na nagsabwag nin mga karibokan saka pag-okag sa pagsaginsagin na an katuyohan iyo an pagfiscalizar. Makaoroogma lamang na paghonahonaon na si mga paglanghad saiya nakagantad logod kan marhay na n^aran ni Gobernador asin nakapatanaw kan maraot na kaisipan kan mga paraolang na ini. An Pagtogdas kan Research & Planning Division asin Provincial Engineer’s Office Tolos-tolos pagtukaw sa puesto, si Gob. Cledera dai nag-abala na pakarhayon an kamugtakan kan mga oficina sa gobierno provincial sa katuyohan na maotob an mawot kan administracion. Kaomawomaw sa gabos kaini iyo an pagparigon (revitalization) patin pagtao nin bagong ngaran sa dating Research and Statistic Office na ngonyan nginaranan na Research and Planning Division (RPD) kaiba an pagbugtak nin mga maninigo saka competenteng mga ^mpleados. An RPD, na kaidto dai midbid asin mayong nagiginibo, nagin sa laog nin santaon na paglingkod, centro nin pagplano kan administracion provincial sa pagtunggo kan mga The Old Historical Capitol of Camarines Sur facing the Plaza Rizal. in Naga city. Governor A.B. Cledera returned his Office to the old governor’s office on the right corner of the second floor. All previous governors except Governor Apolonio G. iMalinez > who had his office at the capitol annex building, held office at this corner' p2ngangaipo kan tawo, kan dapat mangnohon na proyectos asin kan mga kamalian kan presenteng palakaw patin an dayaday na pagtao nin tambal (solution) sa mga problemas. Sa pamoon ni Abogado Fred P. Cledera, an RPD nagkaigwa nin marhay asin malinaw na pag-ogid kan panlaenlaen na helang na nakakaolang kan progreso kan lalawigan. An RPD nagpoon na maggibo nin censo o survey kan mga tinampo asin mga tulay kan provincia. Pakatapos magibo an survey idinohol kan oficinang ini an mga recomendaciones kaiba an kaipuhan na presupuesto sa paghaman nin proyecto. Hinorot kan RPD an pag-aprobar kan P7.9 M na presupuesto sa laog nin apat na taon sa walong mahalagang tinampo na makakahidale kan pagpakarhay kan agricultura asin comercio sagkod an pagpalancao kan hanap o ingreso kan namamanwaan saka kan gobierno. Manigong sambiton na an apropriacion para sa mga tinampo asin tulay sa taon na ini inoyonan kan junta provincial bilang pagmidbid kan marhay na vision kan namamayo kan RPD. equipment asin an mga kamalian nin pagpadalagan kan oficinang ini. An siring na kamugtakan nagdanay sa halawig na panahon bago magpogol kan katongdan si Gob. Cledera alagad ta mayo nin nangyaring pagpakarhay kan oficinang ini sagkod na gibohon an survey kan RPD na iyo an nakahimukat kan balakid na bagay. An RPD iyo man an nagpaarog Ran dapat gibohon sa mga proyectos kan administracion. Yaon sa credito kan oficinang ini an pakahaman kan dakul na proyectos, na kutana dai na matatapos asin manini sayang na fondo publico, na padagQs na nahaman karapot digdi an paghanap kan nakakaolang kaini. Sa laog kan departamento kan RPD madudukayan an Performance Section, an masarig na oficina, na iyo an nagmamangno kan pagpatogdok kan proyectos patin iyo man an nagkukulibat sa mga contractor na mag-otob kan saindang katongdan sa pagdara nin materials sa proyecto sosog sa nalalagda sa bid contract o contrato. T The Staff, Administrative Division Office of the Secretary, Provincial Board SECRETARY OF THE PROV’L. BOARD SILVERIO B. VELUZ ATTY. ALFREDO ROSERO JUSTO D. MIDEM Legal Officer Administrative Officer An orog na nakaapod kan interes kan publico sa RPD iyo an pakatuklas kaini kan mga bagay dapit sa empleados asin kasangkapan sa Motor Pool kan provincia na dai igong makahimo kan kanigoan na proyectos kan administracion provincial. Dakul na bagay an nasukitan manongod sa kabilogan nin personaje, idtong dai na puedeng magamit na kasangkapan na inaapod na heavy Tanganing mapadagos an piano sa paghimo nin mga proyectos kan administracion, si Gobernador nagcrear kan Provincial Engineer s Office na suway -asin laen man sa Highway District Engineer's Office, na tinawan nin igong kapangyarihan, supervision asin paninimbagan siring sa sarong tunay na oficina. (Dagos sa pagina 5) TEODORICO TIBLE Technical Assistant GREGORIO P. AZUCENA, SR. Clerk-Stenographer, O. G. (Assistant on Spl. Detail) BENJAMIN O. PANOY Clerk-S tenographer LEONORA DE VERA Clerk-Stenographer RUBEN A. BALUYOT Confidential Aide ALBERTO FERNANDEZ Clerk-Typist TEODORO AGUILA Clerical Aide ROSEMARIE ORI1SJO Receiving & Mailing Aide NESTOR PURO Special Aide FELIX ABEJERO Technical Assistant (On Special Detail as Actg. Chief, Public Information) WILFREDO G. PENALOSA Corr. & Records Clerk BERNABE T. AGLIAM Correspondence Aide NESTOR RELUCIO Minutes Clerk LUIS LASCANO Liaison Officer JOSE MALANGYAON Clerk- Typist ROGELIO ALBO Clerical Aide PEDRO AfiES Laborer-Messenger SUSTINES CACERES Mimeograph Operator S. B. Veluz GRACE PAS ANO VICENTE REYTA Office Helpers JUANITO PREPOTENTE REYNALDO ANIEL CARLOS ROSALINAS An retrato sa itaas iyo an concretong grandstand can playground sa San Jose, Pili, Cam. Sur, harani saescuela de agricultura. Sa Campus na |ini’gigibo hon an carawat can Iuterscholastic Meet sa Marzo" 16-22, 1969. An mga macarawat mga piling teams hale si man-iba-ibang region can bilog na Pilipinas hale sa escuelas publicas sa Luzon, Visayas asin Mindanao. An tolong lalakeng nacalindog sa wala iyo sa Gob. Cledera, Foreman Filex asin architecto Jose An enot na... (ll»le u pagina 8) •\n Pagpalankaw kan Production sa Agriculture An s.ituyang Gobernador nsgaadol nin igot sa pagtanom o food production campaign sa bilog na provincia sa paagi nin pag-agyat sa mga paratanoin na maggamit nin tnaray na banhi o pananom na magtat'ao nin dakul na gosi. Nakaconsiguir an provincia nin 15 drum nin sarisaring pananom bale sa CARE palaen kan pananinon o vegetable kits na itinangro ni Mrs. Imelda Marcos. An produccion nin paroy ngonyan na taon tinamaan asin ntgabot sa 6,000,000 cavanes na labi nin 300,000 cavanes kan ani nin si nakaaging taon. An Camarines Sur namtdbid asin nagkamit nin honor bilang ikaduwang lugar sa mga provincias kan kaporoan huli sa halangkaw na ani nin paroy sa taon na ini. Huli sa pagkaigwa nin ani na 2,141,048 cavanes sa psggamit nin banhing halangkaw an gosi, an Camarines Sur dai nagbaya sa lalawigan nin Isabela na nakakua nin 2,198,867 cavanes na ani. An provincia niato sosog ki G. Nicano Clasio, provincial agriculturist kan Camarines Sur, kabilang sa nagkapira sanang provincia na talagang suficienre an kakanon. An laygay na pagbaba kan p rec io nin bagas, huli sa kagibohan kan mga paslong negociantes patin an dayaday na pagluwas kaini sa mga kadolon na provincias. Iba Pang Proy-ctos Igwa pa nin ibang saradit na proyectos na pinonan patin nahaman an provincia. An pig-aapod na provincial properly survey madale liang matapos. Gayod magngangalas an kadaklan na maaraman na igwa an gob>erno provincial nin mga rogaring (property) na sagkod ngonian mayo nin toltol na papeles o kaya titulo. Kaagid man na proyecto na municipal property survey an pighihimong aibohon sa mga barobanwaan. Sa programang ini karapot man an pig-aapod na socio-physical data kan lambang banwaan na kaipohan na gayo sa mga pinag aanganagan na proyectos nin capitalistas asin orog na ngani sa paggibo nin piano sa pagpakarhay kan mga banwaan. Sa gabos kaini masisignapan kan publico an enot na paghakot kan mga linagading kahoy hale duman sa 423 na troso na pinagturuyaw can mga critico na olay daa nawawara na. Kun bakong sa paghingorwa ni Gobernador, an mga trosong ini kuta na nagkaralapa na lang sa namumugtakan kun ini lubos na pinabayaan pakatapos na confiscaron. Ngonyan puede nang gamiton an mga linagading kahoy na ini sa pagtogdok nin mga escuelahan bilang pag-ayog sa dating piano dapit kaini. Kaya ngani, dawa sa mga pagtuyatuya patin pagbalubagi kan critico, an administracion ni Cledera padagos asin dayaday na nagkokoniot sa paghaman kan mga mawot o katuyuban kaini. Igwa kita nin dakulang razon na’ magtubod asin magtiwala na an mga nangyari pasiring giraray sa marayrahay asin mapakinabang na taon na umaaboton. Truck . . . lamang pigpadiclom an ilaw caya nasola an vista can chofer asin sa enotan can truck igua nin careta na may darang mga cawayan. Pagpalrcay sa careta si truck nacatagbang 9a cali asin dagos nacadagas sa sadit na harong. Si aking gadan pigembalsamar sa Funeraria Cosmopolita sa Naga gnoniai. na hapon. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— VICENTE ABELLA, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended x----------------------- x NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage/s executed by VICENTE ABELLA (by virtue of an assumption of the mortgage of the spouses Jose Abella and Imelda de la Rosa), single, of Elias Angeles Street, Naga City in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly REHABILITA T I O N FINANCE CORPORA T I O N, under date/s of March 24; 1953 and October 8, 1956 and for the satisfaction of the debt of P34.960.ll plus 8% annual interest on the amount of 1’34,960.11 from December 17, 1968 plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P3,496.01 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by the said mortgage/s, the undersigned Provincial & City Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on February 3, 1969 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff’s Office located on the 2nd Floor of the Piovincia) Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real property, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: Transfer Certificate of Title No. 574 -City ot Naga A parcel of land (Lot A of the subdivision plan, Psd-22082 being a portion of tbe land described on the original plan Psu-62546, G.L.R.O. Record No. 33619), situated in the Poblacion, City of Naga. Bounded on the Northeast, by Lot 2 of the subdivision plan; on the Southeast, by Real Street, now E. Angeles Street; on the Southwest, by property of Dorjteo Tolentino; and on the Northwest, by property of A.A. Ammen and Lot C of the subdivision plan, x x x Kickback . . . any knowledge of the alledged racket. , The conference also proved to be a gripe session after some contractors bewailed the practice of some ’’influential” contractors of hand-carrying Requisition and Issue Vouchers, which should only be done by government personnel. Only requisitions worth more than P5.000, are bidded while lesser amounts are awarded to contractors after canvassing of prices is made. One contractor proposed that to dispel all doubts and suspicions all requisitions should be bidded. This would also result to financial gain on the part of the government as bidded price is always very low, he added. Dr. Cledera asked the group if it is true that there are delays in the processing of papers and whether there is anybody deliberately causing such delays so that appropriate measures could be effected if necessary. The contractors admitted delays cannot be avoided but they could not however pinpoint anybody causing such delay. Press & Radio Club ^anuarg II, 1969 Qtye JBicof £tar 4-A Election Monday —------------------------------- ------The Naga City Press & Radio Club will hold an election of its 1969 officers on Monday, Jon. 13 at 7 p.m. The meeting and electtion will be held at the residence of Provincial Treasurer Jesus I. Calleja who will act as the host for the occasion. Eddie Po. Alanis, the incumbent president made the call for the meeting & election. Other important matters will be taken during the meeting, according to the call. r contairirg an area of FIVE HUND PED EIGHTY ONE , (581).sq' are meters. In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice wi'l be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the City of Naga and on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building in Naga City where the above-described property is located and where the auction sale will be conducted for the information of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the said property and the encumbrances thereon, if any there be. City of Naga, Philippines, January 10, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio City Sheriff of Naga City Pub. January 11, 18, 25, 1969. Note: This is a republ cation of the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - ( JJJc G.xtenb ©nr ®est ^Jlishes & ear f felt (greetings tn tl;e people of Camarines Jlur 8c JCaga fflitg fur ffje TJear, 1969 - Compliments of: Erasto T. Ongkeko AND Mrs. Vering SantiagoOngkeko N NAGA CITY and LAGONOY, CAMARINES SUR NOTICE In pursuance of Section 1, Bule 74 of the Bules of Court, notice is hereby given that the legal heirs of the late ALEJANDRO PAS AMEN who died intestate in Lupi, Camarines Sur on September 16, 1967, namely, Mana Sabino, the widow of the deceased and her children with the decedent, viz., Dominguito, Ester, Rolando, D'lla, Carina, Rodilo, and Myrna, all minors and surnamed Pasamen, thru the mother as natural guardian, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of the intestate estate covered by OCT No' 22234- Cam. Sur, under Tax Dec. No. 3745 valued ot P730, situated in barrio Bagnon, Lupi, Cam. Sur with an area of 50,987 Sq.M. adjudicating it among themselves Happy & Prosperous New Year to Our Customers & Friends TAMBAM LUMBER Tamban, Tinambac Cam. Sur Francisco Ibasco Manager & Prop. ________ ._____________ i Weekend Notes ... (From page 8) This brings us of necessity to the human satellities around the Presidency. Put a saint in Malacahang and in no time he will be the very devil, not because of himself but because of these deleterious elements wrecking his performance inspite of himself. They have done it time and again, and (Continued on page 4-B) gs co-owners. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Isidro Bulao by Maria Sabino, for herself and for the minor children on Jan. 6, 1969 at Naga City as Doc. No. 4; Page 36; BK. 16; S 1969 Pub. Jan. II, 18,25.1969 f? 'i> - indo B. Cledera has alwaus been an exponent of rural & community bicutificotirn Photo above shows him leading Irtf-plui ti ceremonies at Bato, Camarines Sur with the ass stance I his Lady, Mrs. Consortia 0 Cledera. Governor Armando B. Cledera with Boy Governor at er the usual brtifings duriig Boy Scout Week. Gov. Armam o R. Cl-dera’s "common touch” has always provided inspiration lo the youth of the province. An enot na ... An Provincial Coordinating Committee asin an Economic Development Council Duwang mapakinabang asin importanteng comi’e an tinogdas ni Gobernador pag ayaw nin pirang semana pagtukaw nia sa puesto. An mga ini iyo an Camarines Sur Economic Development Counc'l asin an Provincial Coordinating Committee. An enot, na pinamamayohan ni Gobernador mismo, binibilog nin mga representantes kan manlaenlaen na agendas asin hanapbuhay. Ini minukna ni Gob. Cledera sa pagtubod na sa paagi kan participacion kan mga tawong may pakanood, magogono an marhay na palakaw asin magigibo an husay na piano sa pagpatalubo kan vida economica kan provincia. An huring sinambit, na pinamamayohan ni Tesorero Provincial Jesus I. Calleja, minukna sa katuyohan na matabangan an ejecutvo provincial sa paghaman nin toltol na decision sa panahon nin madaleng pangangaipo. An comiteng ini nakahimo kan paghale kan makuring kaabalahan sa pag-aprobar nin papeles sa proyectong kaipuhan tawan atencion kan gobierno provincia). An halaga kan pagkaigwa kan arog kaining comite orog na nahiling kan mangyari an dakulang destroso nin kino asin an pagluwas kan helang na El Tor asin Flu. Pakatogdasa tolos an comiteng naonabihan. sonod na aldaw, na fondong kaipuhan na itagama nakua na kaya ngani an dakulang destroso sa tinanom asin buhay nin tawo nalikayan. An paglakop kan helang na El Tor asin Flu nasupil sa tabang kan Provincial Coordinating Committee. II, 1969 PSI Athletic Association Site Bakong kalabisan na sabihon sa tnytay nin mga naginibo kan presenteng administracion, an papakua na digdi gibohon sa Pili, Camarines Sur- an 1969 Interscholastic Med asin an pagtogdok kan kawatan (playground) na magigin pinakadakula sa Region Bikolana. An presupuesto para sa proyectong ini nag-abot sa Pl,020,000.00 palaen kan naconsiguir ni Gob. Cledera sa tabang kan kairiba sa junta provincial hale sa fondo kan Malacafiang para sa proyectong ini na naghahalagang P900.000.00 na ayuda ni Presidente. An provincia nakakaseguro na magkaigwa nin permamenteng edificio na kuta dai mapapasato kun sinalingny ni Gobernador an makuring pagtuya saiya kan mga critico dawa kan pagpoon pa lang na paghingowa na gibohon digdi satuya an pinakadakulang karawat nacional duman sa sarong national meet sa Zamboanga City. Ngonyan, an mga negociantes asin an gobierno makakalaom na magkaigwa nin ingreso huli kan mga dayohan na madigdi sa pagdalan kan karawat asin sa pagtanaw kan balakid na pangitaon na yaon digdi sa satuya. Siring man an satong mga parakawat na parating madaog sa kawat - puedeng makapahiling nin torotohanan na kawat asin magkapalad na makabalukad (recover) kan nawarang prestigio sa lantad nin pagkawat, huli gnani ta ini gigibohon sa sadiring natad. An gabos na ini, bilang pag-olit, kuta na dai puedeng laomon niato asin mangyari kun mayo nin kusog-boot patin hiwa9 nin hinilngan an namomoon kan satong provincia. Sa mga paglapigot, an credito dapat itao ki Dr. Jose P. Cledera, an project director kan interscholastic site, huli kan saiyang maimbod saka daing odong na pagmalasakit asin marhay na pagpalakaw kan trabajo sa proyectong ini. An Pili Airport An mga nagvaviaje hale sa Naga City asin Camarines Sur na kadanayan nalayon patin naoyo sa Legazpi City, ngonyan makakaginhawa na. An paghirahay asin pagcemento kan Pili Airport naghihinanapos na asin sa Marzo puede nang gamitan nin mga prop-jets dungan asin tamang tama pagbukas kan Interscholastic Meet. Alagad ta an P1.7M na proyectong ini dai magigin posible kun an presenteng administracion nagdinaing labot asin nag aliwalas sa paghingowang mapogolan an donacion kan dagang namumugtakan na an bagay nganing ini pinabayaan na gayo kan sinondan na administracion provincial. An Proyecto sa Pag-ampat kan Brha Pagkatapos kaidtong dredging o paghunggad na ginibo sa inontok na Flood C ontrol Project, si Gob. naggibo nin paagi namakakua nin awadawad na fondo sa Malacanang para sa proyectong ini. An proyecto na yaon na sa Channel 3, magastos nang marhay sa paglaog sa pinakaimportanteng kabtang kan trabajo. An pagtogdok nin tulay na malapgot sa railroad makaipo nin P2.5M na apropriacion sa kabiyoan na ha(Dagos sa pagina 7) HAPPINESS - PEACE & PROSPERITY ©or prayerful 'tUieljes to tlje people of fflamarineg Jlor Boring tlje ^gear 1969 Members of t he provincial board EI1ILI0 G. TIBLF, JR. • III L A RIO R. ABONAL • NICANOR A. 0R1S0 r l * tUljc JBirol S>tar * ENTERED. AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 2Ck‘ 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ★ Pominpo (A. ^ornlaute GENERAL MANAGER, PUBLISHER & EDITOR Anti res <S. Hie* ASSOCIATE EDITOR Xsnnj fEafuagnn JJniiue tie !»• JUal. ,/H. Jluw-tguiu ^illierio (Alcala ADVERTISING a PROMOTION jftmncn S. IL JjBcalaitis CIRCULATION a SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: P4.00 PER YEAR: P2.50 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES An enot na... (Hale sa pagipa 5) laga na P7 million. Linakftw ni Gob. na maconsiguir an P.6 M na ngonian naghahalat na lang lagdaan kan Budget Cdmmissioner asin itinao na sa pagmato kan Bureau of Public Works. Pinatunayan an bagay na ini kan pamayo kan RPD pakatapos kan orolay na ginibo kan oficiales na invuelto sa proyecto duman sa Infrastructure Operation Center sa Camp Aguinaldo na an resultado nagtao nin puglaom na an haloy nang dai nahahaman na proyecto may 'gilagila man giraray na matapos sa laog kan turno ni Gob. Cledera. (Sanitary II, 1969 W(ic JSicol ? ‘Courtesy is cheap but it does not che’pen.’ Editorial Rural Uplift Means Material Help And an gabos sa proyectong ini kaipuhan? An paghimo kan proyectong ini palaen kan pag- ’ ampat kan baha asin an kaayog na destroso sa tinanom pati rogaring (property) dai ta na baga sabihon an ratak sa buhay nin tawo, makakamejorar kan ginatos na hectareas nin katangyanan na mani marayrahay na tanoman. An aagihan kan tubig na kali puede man pakinabangan pagluwas nin mga productos. Faint heart ne’er won fair lady-M. de Cervantes NO. 1 INDUSTRY-We have to agree that our country's main industry is politics. Sometime ago a Vatican Order to its priests and hierarchies resounded throughout the world because of its sensational novelty in enjoining them to take active participation in the universal program of governments for rural improvement. The Order was received more enthusiastically in the Philippines where the Catholic Church is said to be more stable and richer than the government. $ What was therefore, expected was positive action from them and not from their parishioners that would spell rneterial interpretation; not just plan loud and bombaitic Stdlking about what is meant by rural improvement The holding of Rural Congress for the pur- ', pose of indorsing the idea to the parishioners operation' Pakikidamay bilang is certainly not implementation by them to kasanggawad kan administracion whom the Order was directed. Catholic Associa- provincial sa balakid na programs kaini. ' ' ■ 1 FAMILY PLANNING-is a wise use of leisure,'a wise use of work, a wise use of lave and the wise use of available fund. ■ ij Operation Pakikidamay Minsan ngani an presenteng administracion nasisibot pagpatogdok nin kanigoan na proyectos dai ini nagpabaya sa pagsalingov kan totoong kamugtakan kan satong mga daing sukat na kahimanuwa na dapat aridoyogan kan gobierno dawa ngani kadanayan sainda garo nagpaparaanga na .■ saria. Si Mrs. Consorcia Cledera, • agom kan gobernador, kaiba an nagkapirang may pagkamoot sa kasaraditan, nag-organizat kan POPULATION GROWTII-By the year 2000- 21 years that is from today- the world expectancy rise in population will have reached the three (3) billion mark. Red China the Communist giant of Asiatic mainland with its present, 700-million inhabitants will still lead the race followed by India’s present 690-millions. WASHINGTON- PEKING COEXISTENCE - During the ascendancy to power of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev - the Washington ■ Moscow coexistence flourished until Iodate; now Red China is responding coherently to president-elect Richard M. Nixon’s call for amity. NIXON IS AWED - The new president of the mightiest nation on earth IS A WED by the generous recommendation .. of President Lyndon B. Johnson for an increase presidential emoluments from the present $100,000 to $200,000 a year to begin January 20, 1969. U.S. Congress approved the recommendation inspite Nixon's pre-election campaign for budgetary, austerity performance. whom the Order was directed. Catholic Associations and Mandated Orders are not representatives of the Catholic Church because they receive no share from its income. Therefore, nang masasal implementation of the Vatican Order must be yaring ealamidad __ carried out by the priests and hierarchies be- sacao asin Naga City . „ „ cause they alone are the representatives of the kan pangangaipo kan mga nasoioCatholic Church; not the parishioners. It "" <,o“ means for them to go to the rural areas io find out for themselves what are needed by the poor for the improvement of their lot. It means for them to walk behind the dark alleyi of the poor to find out what the Catholic Church can do for the improvement of their living condition. Most important to find out is what material help did the Catholic Church give to the fire victims of Ragay and Pasacao who lost not only their homes but every precious personal belongings they had. If the Catholic Church did not give anything to them at the time when they were very badly in need of help, how could it be possible for the Church to be truly concerned of an objective which entails more sacrifices and money for implementation? Jesus interpreted to the world in positive action as the meaning of rural uplift. He traveled far and wide, even by night, to minister help to the needy. He dia it Himself at the head of His disciples. He lived, served and suffered with them. Do we see even a semblance of similarity between His lifejpf Catholic priests and hierarchies? A. G. D. An Operation Pakikidamay igwa nang masasabi sa mga nang'varinn (Vilarnirlad S3 Ragay, Pasa pagsorog an na victima nin kalayo. Nagbutas na an Operation Paktkidamay (kirn bibilogon) nin cabtidad na P16,000.00 sa mga bagay na ipinanao arog kan kakanon, gubing, materiales sa construcion asin iba pang sarisaring bagay na gikan mansana sa tabang kan mga mamomoton na mga ciudadano. An bilang patunay sa marhay na kaisipan kan pagkamukna kan Operation Paktkidamay iyo an pakaconsiguir kan mobile and floating clinic na ngonyan madale nang magrokat sa kabarriohan kan provincia. Kun dai markaanoano an piano, sa ikaduwang semana kan Enero, 1969, an enot na tolong grupo nin mobile clinic mahihiling nang maglingkod. Sa mga bulan nin Marzo, an duwang floating clinic puede na man magpoon na maglingkod duman sa mga lugar na haros dai inaabot nin bagting asin toltol na servicio publico. An Paz y Orden ★ Hr The Year of the Taxed The year 1969 will be an eventful year. This will be so in the sense that being a presidential election year- it will also usher the hopes of the presidential election bid come November 11., To the businessman - this reporter has had occasion* to pinpoint the colossal effort riveted on the RRS- rice, road and school administration performance which is an accomplished fact; however, the businessman is more concerned on the POLEMICS OF ‘HIGH-FINANCE’ and this will explain the disenchantment on the tight-money situation prevailing in the country. To the layman on the street- the year of the taxes bespeaks of the more than 14 tax measures recommended for legislative action during the last regular and special sessions. For sure the common tao will be more concerned with the national 1% real estate tax to answer the school funding -needs of the recurrent school crisis. T> duolicite the already existing 1% realty tax which provorlion I'ely accue to the province: its municipalities and barrios-will be felf mainly this year to begin a new era in realty taxes and this year essentially is a presidential md congressional eleciior. year. The commo man will have reason to raise his eyebrows one way or another. The gasoline tax and the rest of the tar measures which will have to answer the administration’s needs for all-out infrastructure projects has come the way of a presidential gamble when the people has to choose between more taxes for the desirability of “more tax-consciousness" for more public improvements and progress against the people’s complacency of the old-age tradition for stagnation. NOTICE The estate of the late spouses PABLO DATA AND CATALINA ABERGOS comprising of a parcel of land situated at Villazar. Sipocot. Camarines Sur with an area of 22 2 300 Hot. and more particu arly described under . CT No' RP- 180 .608), province of Camarines Sur has been settled ex ra - iudi-.ially by ’heir legal forced heirs on’ Apri 5. 1967 at Sipocot. Camarines Sur per do umen bearing Doc N->, 341, Page No. 37, Book No X. series of 1937 of notarial rigister of Notary Public Francisco Sabmdo. January 10, 1969, Naga 'City. EMILJA VDA DE DATA, et al. Pub. Jan. 11. 13 & 25, 1069 Si Lt. Col. Mircelino Corpuz, an provincial commander kan ._ _ Camarines Sur, sa pag-ogid kan NOTICE kamugtakan kan paz y orden sa lalawigan daing rimnimang nagThe estate of the la e ELIGIy pahayag na an Camarines Sur DE GONZAEESi, co nprisins of 8aro fcan matoninong kun bako an^ areij of 3.9961 Has., more kag-apat (14) na lalawigan kan or I ss and particularly described Southern Luzon. ' An crimen o un/a* Tit :No. 5787iassested at crime rate nag-ina sa taon na Pl'.i'-Ohasbeenextra-judicially ° > i pirtit’oned am-~1 f reed heirs on.j — —— — . ov at Sipocot,Camarines Sur. nin rogaring bakong sa pagratak labing gayo said ded^ bearing Doc. Nn.r.O; nin buhay njn tawo. k------------Page No. M; BooIrNo. XI Series . . ■ . . - of 1968 of rh^notirial eys'e ^Not ry public FraneLco, Sao. January' 10. 1969, Naga City. LORENZO GONZALES, Sr.,et al Pub Jan. /l,‘ /8 & 25, 1969 ing and branding team na pinagcrear sa katuyohan na manggianan asin magin mabagsik an pagdakop kan parahabon nin damulag saka vaca. > An soronod na sakyada kan mga sugalan pati lugar na pinagdadanayan nin juegos prohibidos kan nakaaging tolong bulan . ..... „.......... o ... . __ ___ nagkaigwa nin bunga sa pagkainiho asin ta an mga pagkakasala dakop nin damot na paralapas cion kan policia, an jueteng sa katapostaposi puedeng masukro asin mapara nang padagos. Manga Tulay asin Tinompo An pagsuway kan Provincial Engineer’s Office sa Oficina kan Highway District Engineer sarong hiron na nagtao nin paglaom ki Gob. Cledera sa pag-otob kan saiyang programs nin pagpatinampo. Nakapira na an pinagtogdok na bagong tinampo na puedeng ipag-abawabaw alagad ta an pag|.an mga raraot na dating tinampo nagkaigwa man nin dayaday na atencion sa saiyang administracion. Ini nanggad huli ta an heat y equipment o mga darakulai g (Dagos sa pagina 8) ting herle al tniho asin ta an mga pagkakasala dakop nin aamot na paraiapas September 24 namugtak sana sa pagringgaw kan ley. An jueteng bako nang • — . _ .. -.^i. arog kan paghona awaDaw a ta ; .... ----- ........ - * . kan mgaparalibak dawa ngani kan paghir8ah k An daing botahot na campana an mga agentes de outoridades . _ j ..- * } laban sa harabonan nin damulag nagsasabi na igwa sinda nin asin juegos prohibidos ipinagpa- dificultad sa pagsosog kan mga padagos kan PC bilang pag-lalay maolyas na mga kagsadiri kan sa Investigation Section kan jueteng. Alagad sa burugkos na Oficina kan Gobernador. Sarong pagingowa kan PC asin invest igrupo na pig-capod cattle screen- gation team kaiba an cooperaS Uirol .Star JJanuarg II, 1969 Weekend Notes BY MANUEL I. ABELLA N noy Aquino, I grant, spoke in all sincerity al the Bicol Rural congress but one cannot be blamed if one thinks that his suggestion that President Marcos be reelected by a political consensus of the leaders does not sound so at all. in this country of ours, the way we take our politics, any suggestion like that coming from the Opposition is either uttered with tongue in cheek or is madness pure and simplepolitical madness, that is, the worst madnes ever. X X X Senator Aquino was exhaustive in his explanations, yes, and he went all the g imut of his persuasive eloquence and logic, but he himself was aware that he was suggesting a n impossibility i n the political milieu of the Philippines. First, he said rhe it was just an idea of his. His party has not as yet heard of his brainchild. Then, he added that it was a notion so venture some, so drastic, so ouPof-this-world, he lelf the impression it would be a bitterly contested notion. r X X X The idea in itself was that unusual and a hard nui to crack; the implementation was yet a harder one to achieve. It would seem that only the Presidency would be the object of a consensus; as to the rest of the political realities, the same merry-go-round. And what is the good realized? A saving of some 600 million pesos, the cost of a presidential election. X X X The question naturally arises: What of the democratic substance which 'frill be reduced to the decision of a handful of political pundits of b»th major parties? In other words, it is a veritable sellout of a fundamental democratic principle. A pricetag has been placed on it; for 600 million we will become robots of a handful of politicians. This is a deprivation of suffrage but the Senator did not spell it that way. To him it was a saving of 600 million which, ir. his plan, would better be spent in the economic advancement of the country. XXX The Senator has forgotten that the solution of an expensive presidential election is to force it to be less expensive. This is the manly solution and not the scrapping of our young democracy. We are not going to solve our political ills by running away from them. We shoula solve them by facing up to them and purge them as drastically as possible. XXX That purging should consist in cleansing it of its abuses, chiefly the abuse of money by the corrupt politicians. There are beginnings along this line but we should do more. The Congress should enact laws with teeth in them making it criminal to buy votes, to spend scandalously in his electoral campaigns, to buy one's way into a fraudulent elective by bribing electoral employees and officials. And the President should sign them into laws real presto. X X X What prompted Senator Aquino to make this suggestion? Gratitude because it was a Nacionalista vote that cleared the way for him to the Senate? One cannot help suspecting that Senator Ganzon, the deciding vole, was instructed by the President to cast such a vote, Ninoy Aquino was less deadly in the Senate than let loose ranging all over the country as a martyr, a victim of Presidential persecution. Shades >f "Iguinuhit...” Is Ninoy’s Presidential political consensus the price? Not too far-fetched if one considers the beneficiary as sure reelectionist. A very grateful man this Aquino, one should say. The trouble with all this is that it makes a picture not of Ninoy al all. And this 1 say because he is not known as a man of sudden changes, even if the motivation is one of gratitude for a good turn done. XXX One other fallacy of the Senator regarding reelectionist President being perforce a good one due to his inability to succeed himself once again according to our Constitution, is the unpredictability of the human nature. And, also, because of the cogency of his becoming just evrything other than a good one, on the assumption it will be his last chance, anyway. If we must consider that he would not think of any other consideration except the good of his people, there being no reelection to prepare for what would prevent us to view him as a man in his las, fling in the enjoyment of Presidential powers and privileges? A man on the eve of his marriage usually has his Saturnalia, meaning that last chance to enjoy the fruits of bachelorhood. Similarly, a President would be likely to indulge. The belter reason in this case because the Presidency is by far an opportunity for greater benefits. XXX It is the height of disingenousness to predicate one’s speculations on the better aspect of human nature, for very few can resist rhe lure of power at its best. By this principle, it is dangerous to predicate a better human behavior on the certainty it is the last enjoyment of a given set of "goodies.” Four years of the Presidency, with a previous enjoyment of its appurtenant realities, is a temptation hard to resist in the average human. One must bear in mind that it requires superhuman virtues of which very few - - if at all - - do have. And, even if we have that rare case in Pres. Marcos, what will prevent his underlings from using his name to promote their own selfish interests? (Continued on page 4-A) 4n enot na ... (Hale aa pagina 7) kasangkapan na kaipohan, ngon' yan piggagnmit sa PSIAA site aain an katunayan dai puedeng magbukas nin tnga bagong tinampo sa presenteng kamugtakan nin fondo kan provincia. Siring man bakong tama aain matanos na mag-isip na magtogdok nin mga bagong tinampo mantang an dating raraot na tinampo dai ngani nahihirahay patin nagagamit sa karahayan kan publico, an kamugtakan na ini kan tinampo sinalod lamang pagtukaw kan presenteng administracion. Sa marhay man na pagpalakaw patin pagpadalagan nin oublic works proguim, kun iisipon, nagkakaipo na idto ngonang madaleng pangangaipo iyo muna an atubangon asin hamanon. Igwa na kita nin kagabsan na 22 na tulay na itinogdok asin hinirahay ngonyan na taon. Kadaklan kan mga tulay na ini itinotogdok pa sana asin an iba bagong hirahayon. Nagkakaduwang gat as na man na kilometro nin tinampo, kun dai man pinakarhay, binusogan nin esfalto kaya ngonyan bako nang gayong mapawot an pagviaje. Dakul nang proyecto an ginibo asin pinag-iisipan na gibohon (sosog sa priority road recommendation kan RPD) na ngonyan, kinabibilangan nin tulay asin tinampo, an mamumugtak sa marhay na tayo bago magtapos an taon na na 1970. An Penal Farm An Camarines Sur magkakaigwa man giraray nin sadiring penal farm o erokan kan mga preso. Nahiling ni Gobernador na an mga napipiot na prisonero dai makahimaladbad asin mamomoot na magbagong buhay kun sinda magdanay sa kamugtakan na mapungot na pinagtitios ninda. An provincia nakaipos nin limang hectariang daga na donacion sa Tinangis, Pili, pitong kilometro hale aa tinampo nacional asin harani sa alimpungay kan Mt. Isarog. Pinaglalaoman na an P44,000.00 na halagang proyecto matatapos sa laog nin limang semana. Incentivo Para sa Capitalistas An gobierno provincial naghingowang maagda an mga negociantes asin darakul na capitalistas. Kun an mga recursos naturales patin yaman nin kabukidan matanyog saka gamiton, ini huli kan atracion na itinatao ni Gob. Cledera. Sa sarong marhay na kaisipan (na nakaagyat nin pagtuyaw kan mga tawong mga bakong marhay na motivo) naagkay nia an junta provincial na magpasar nin resolucion na magbukas nin, sugar central o azucarera an Southern Luzon Sugar Central, Inc., digdi sa satuya. Sosog sa mga oficiales kan companiang naonabihan, an proyecto magkakaipo nin 40,000 hectareas na daing pakinabang na daga asin maempleo nin umabotkumulang 10,000 katawo na matao nin kulang-kulang P12.5 M taon-taon en forma de ingreso sa kaban kan gobiernos locales. Kangalasngalas lang na sabihon na igwa nin mga tawong nanguyog na itao an pamahala kan proyecto sa Bicol Development Company (BIDEGO) minsan pa ngani igwa nin pahayag si Presidente Marcos na ipahonod sa agendas privadas an pagpogol kan siring na proyecto "huli kan labi-labing ineficiencia o pagkukulang nin kakayahan kan mga corparaciones nin goberno" sa pagpalakaw kan arog kaining dakulang proyecto. Manpower Training An pagkukulang nin empleo iyo pa giraray an dakulang kaolangan sa progreso na kaipuhan nanggad hampangon kan presenteng nagpopogol kan reinda kan gobierno provincial. An administracion naghihimoyawot na gayong matawan nin solucion an bagay na ini. An Manpower Training ipinagpapadagoa ngonyan sa provincia na nagtotokdo nin mga uocaPonal courses o mga praclicong haralipot na curso para sa mga mayong hanapbuhay. Si Gobernador minatubod na dai nangad magkakaigwa nin pagkukulang nin empleo kun igwa nin dakul na tatao asin cualificadong magtrabajo. Siring man tanganing maSeguro na an mga matapos sa cursong Manpower Training matawan nin hanapbuhay, sinda tinatawan nin mga garamiton o kasangkapan sa trabajong nanodan ninda. Sarong oficina an ngonyan pigbabanabanang togdason na iyo art mamamahala kan pagtao nin trabajo duman sa mga nagpakatapos kan curso. Tourism Ngonyan pa sana nagkaigwa nin toltol na estudio o pag-adal sa pagpakarhay kan mga tcurist potential magagayon na pangitaon sa provincia. Si ginibong survey kan RPD nagpapatotoo na an lalawigan igwa nin damot o balakid na tanawon asin maoogmang pangitaon na huli ta dai tinatawan kan manigong importancia, pinaglimanliman lang an bagay na ini na puedeng makaalok sa mga turistas na magdigdi satuya. Sa marhay na paokipaqhadoyan sa Bureau of Tourist and Travel Industry, na iyo an nagpapadagos kan five-year tourist development program, sarong grtipo i,in BTTI field investigators an nagpadigdi sa pagsiyasat kan posibilidad sa pagmejorar kan mga tourist spots o pangitaon na makakatao nin ingreso. An RPD nagtipon nin Meet your friends or take your family to our place, with Exclusive Conference Room Combo Music Everyday Dining Hall with electric fans SAMPAGUITA SUPER CLUB Penafrancia Ave. Near ALATCO Terminal & Post Office, Naga City See us or Call Tel. No S2-S9-12 MRS. M. U. MARCELO - Prop.V Mgr. In Loving Memory 3rb (Amribersarg nf Dona Rosalia Hidalgo Felipe (who died January 13, 1966) MASSES will be offered January 13, 1969 at the following churches:San Francisco Church........................6:00 a. m. Metropolitan Cathedral................... 6:30 a. m. Peiiafrancia Shrine ......... 7:00 a. m. The family and relatives request the pious reader to offer a prayer for the eternal repose of her soul. NOTICE Please be informed that MR. FRANCISCO L. RAMOS is no longer connected with the under* signed company effective December 16, 196$. CONTINENTAL CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. MANILA, NAGA CITY mga datos asin lista kan mga tourist attraction o magayon na pangitaon sa laog kan provinqia na magigin complctong rcfercncia dapit sa bagay na ini. An Junta Provincial An mga meimbro kan junta Provincial nagpahiling nin pagkasararo sa pagmawaot sa paggibo nin tolos-tolos na accion sa ano man na bagay na karahayan kan provincia. Bilang patunay igwa na nin 479 resoluciones an Junta Provincial sa laog kan taon nin paglingkod, poon kan Encro 2 sagkod. Deciembre 31, 1968. An mga bagay na ini nagin posible sa pagkaburunyog asin pagbaranga nin respinsabilidad sa paagi nin nagkapirang comite na arog kan: 1) Committee on Rules - Hon. Mariano Trinidad, pamayo; 2) Committee on Labor and Commerce - Hon. Emilio Tible, Jr.; pamayo; 3) Committee on Reorganization - Hon. Mariano Trinidad, pamayo; 4) Committee on Agriculture - Hon. Hilario Abunal pamayo; 5) Committee on Community Development - Hon. Mariano Trinidad, pamayo; 6) Committee on Public Information - Hon. Emilio Tible, Jr., pamayo; 7) Committee on Peace and Order - Hon. Nicanor Orino, pamayo; 8) Committee on Laws and Resolution - Hon. Mariano Trinidad, pamayo; 9) Committee on Tourism - Hon. Emilio Tible, Jr.; pamayo; 10) Committee on Education - Hon. Hilario Abo/ial, pamayo; 11) Committee on, .Health - Hon. Nicanor Orino, pamayo; 12) Committee on Public Works - Hon. Hilario Abonal, pamayo; asin 13) Committee on Peace and Order,Hon. Nicanor Orino, pamayo. (Dagos sa pagina 4-A)