U.S. regrets Hanoi's rejection of new proposal


Part of The Bicol Star

U.S. regrets Hanoi's rejection of new proposal
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
•1-jB Cljc JBicol JBtar JJaiutaru 11, 1969 Weekend.. Dr. Jose P. Rizal ... they are doing it right now with Marcos.The best of the Presidential crop we ever had - - the late Pres. R. Magsaysay - - u’os being degraded in a slow but sure process of erosion - - degraded by these elements. This was the consensus. His untimely death saved him from facing a fate his predecessors before him. and his successors after him, had to undergo. merited or unmerited. Democracy has many bn acute defect but it is the best mechanism to secure a consensus of the people’s will. We can improve it, not by emasculating it, but by educating the human elements. It is this that is troubling democracy and not democracy itself. The Rizcl Dav was celebrated under the auspices of the Order of the Knights of Rizal, Naga City Chapter whose Commander is Judge Jose T. Surtida. The program was as follows: 6:30 a.m. Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral with Msgr. Nicanor C. Belleza, parish priest of Naga, officiating. 7:30 a.m. tolling of church bells, anuoncing the Rizal Day. 4:30 p.m. floral offering at the foot of the monument of Rizal at Plaza Rizal by fh2 different civic and religious organizations, private and public schools, university and colleges, and other organizations in the City. After the laying of the wreaths, a short program was held at the foot of the Compliment of: GIMENO TRADING Contractor for the Construction of the PSIAA Swimming Pool at San Jose, Pili, Cam. Sur Tordilla & Pena - Engineers Gen. Luna St. Best Wishes for the Year 1969 To the People of: •CAMARINES SUR Aspirant For President Hi Sen. Sergio Osmefta Sen. Osmcfia is being launched by some LPs as one of the strong aspirants as candidate for President of the Philippines who will face re-electionist Pres" Marcos. monument, viz., opening remarks by Knight Ireneo Reyes, Jr. who acted as the master of ceremonies, followed by a vocal solo by a student of of Naga College. Next was the short speech by Acting City Mayor Virginia F. Perez and followed by a vocal solo by a student from the U.N.C; then short speech by Sir KR Commander Judge Jose T. Surtida, followed by the closing remarks by Sir KR Vice Commander ' Protacio G. Tolentino. From 7 to 7:30 p.m. a radio program over DZRB was also sponsored by the Knights of Rizal with the following numbers: opening remarks by Atty.Juan Magdaraog, KOR Chancellor; a musical number, then followed by a speech by Judge Perfecto R. Palacio, KOR Trustee. NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 71, Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the heirs of the deceased Filomeno Aguilar who died intestate in Calalranga, Camarines Sur on August’ 25, 1968 settled the estate consisting a parcel of riceland and residential house al Calabanga. Camarines Sur and a certificate of public convenience together with six units of jeepnep in which the entire estate was adjudicated unto the surviving spouse Juslina Tandog Aguilar ajter the other heirs repudiated their inhiriiance, as evidenced by a public instrument executed and acknowledged on January 7, 19b9 before Notary Public David C. Naval and recorded as Doc. No. 7, Page No. 45, B"ok No. Ill, Series of 1969. Pub. Jan. 11, 18, & 25 1969. In the afternoon of Jan. 4. Manuel Abella, former delegate to the Constitutional Convention that framed the present Philippine Constitution, and son of one of the Bicol martyrs, a doctor of laws, was the guest speaker during the celebration of the 15 Bicol Martyrs. The speeches and musical numbers were preceded by laying of the wreaths of flowers around the foot ■ of th.. monument of the 15 Bicol Martyrs. The following was the general program prepared by the government of the city: P. M. - MASS at the San Francisco Church; 4: 30 p. M. - WREATHLAYING at the foot of the 15 Bicol Martyrs monument by government officials, relatives of the martyrs, etc. Followed by: Pambansang Awit, led by a Girls Scout Leader - Naga City District Association-, OpeU. s. Regrets Hanoi’s Rejection of New Proposal Paris - T'hc U. S. delegation voiced "deep regret" January 6 over what appeared to be categorical rejection by a North Vietnamese press spokesman of procedural proposals it had put forward in an all-out effort to get the peace talk started. At the same time a member of the delegation said it has not received any rejection from the North Vietnamese through official channels and does not see the conference foreclosed or frozen," or the position hardened into immobility. Referring to the six separate designs advanced by Ambassador Cyrus Vance which would meet North Vietnam’s desire for a round table and still allow the two sides to be seated opposite each other, the delegation official said: “We would like to consider that the various proposals are still there and that we can come back to them sometime.” ning Remarks by Miss Amparo Olano, Catholic Women’s League; Chorus “Bayan Ko” Inner Wheel Club of Naga City. Vocal Solo ' Mi Bandera,’’ Mrs. Acacia Escalante of the Daughters of Isabella, Our Lady of Nativity Circle No. 1019; Int roduction of the Guest Speaker by Mrs. Leonor R. Dy-Liacco President, Cam. Sur-Naga City Federation of Women’s Club; Speech by Dr. Manuel Abella; Nocal Solo. Sunshine of Your Smile, by Mrs. Nena Pasilaban Marian Folklore, Handmaids of Mary; Choral Number by Naga Parochial School; Vocal Solo, Mutya Ng Pasig, by Mrs. Pilar Mellar ?Ragragio, Bicol Music Circle; Closing Remarks by Hon. Virginia F. Perez, Pres., Federation of Women’s Presidents; Recessional. Atty. Rosario Q. Losa was the Master of Ceremonies. •NAGA CITY •IRIGA CITY JESUS I. CALLEJA Provincial Treasurer of Cam. Sur Mrs.AraceliP. Calleja Haga City Compliments of: Liras Trading 414 Igualdad St. Naga City Dealer in: •COPRA • PALAY • CEMENT • HARDWARE • Other Building Materials Benito Lim Licensed Contractor Contractor of the New Red Cross Building Now under Construction in Panganiban Avenue, Naga City