The year of the taxes


Part of The Bicol Star

The year of the taxes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
r l * tUljc JBirol S>tar * ENTERED. AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 2Ck‘ 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ★ Pominpo (A. ^ornlaute GENERAL MANAGER, PUBLISHER & EDITOR Anti res <S. Hie* ASSOCIATE EDITOR Xsnnj fEafuagnn JJniiue tie !»• JUal. ,/H. Jluw-tguiu ^illierio (Alcala ADVERTISING a PROMOTION jftmncn S. IL JjBcalaitis CIRCULATION a SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: P4.00 PER YEAR: P2.50 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES An enot na... (Hale sa pagipa 5) laga na P7 million. Linakftw ni Gob. na maconsiguir an P.6 M na ngonian naghahalat na lang lagdaan kan Budget Cdmmissioner asin itinao na sa pagmato kan Bureau of Public Works. Pinatunayan an bagay na ini kan pamayo kan RPD pakatapos kan orolay na ginibo kan oficiales na invuelto sa proyecto duman sa Infrastructure Operation Center sa Camp Aguinaldo na an resultado nagtao nin puglaom na an haloy nang dai nahahaman na proyecto may 'gilagila man giraray na matapos sa laog kan turno ni Gob. Cledera. (Sanitary II, 1969 W(ic JSicol ? ‘Courtesy is cheap but it does not che’pen.’ Editorial Rural Uplift Means Material Help And an gabos sa proyectong ini kaipuhan? An paghimo kan proyectong ini palaen kan pag- ’ ampat kan baha asin an kaayog na destroso sa tinanom pati rogaring (property) dai ta na baga sabihon an ratak sa buhay nin tawo, makakamejorar kan ginatos na hectareas nin katangyanan na mani marayrahay na tanoman. An aagihan kan tubig na kali puede man pakinabangan pagluwas nin mga productos. Faint heart ne’er won fair lady-M. de Cervantes NO. 1 INDUSTRY-We have to agree that our country's main industry is politics. Sometime ago a Vatican Order to its priests and hierarchies resounded throughout the world because of its sensational novelty in enjoining them to take active participation in the universal program of governments for rural improvement. The Order was received more enthusiastically in the Philippines where the Catholic Church is said to be more stable and richer than the government. $ What was therefore, expected was positive action from them and not from their parishioners that would spell rneterial interpretation; not just plan loud and bombaitic Stdlking about what is meant by rural improvement The holding of Rural Congress for the pur- ', pose of indorsing the idea to the parishioners operation' Pakikidamay bilang is certainly not implementation by them to kasanggawad kan administracion whom the Order was directed. Catholic Associa- provincial sa balakid na programs kaini. ' ' ■ 1 FAMILY PLANNING-is a wise use of leisure,'a wise use of work, a wise use of lave and the wise use of available fund. ■ ij Operation Pakikidamay Minsan ngani an presenteng administracion nasisibot pagpatogdok nin kanigoan na proyectos dai ini nagpabaya sa pagsalingov kan totoong kamugtakan kan satong mga daing sukat na kahimanuwa na dapat aridoyogan kan gobierno dawa ngani kadanayan sainda garo nagpaparaanga na .■ saria. Si Mrs. Consorcia Cledera, • agom kan gobernador, kaiba an nagkapirang may pagkamoot sa kasaraditan, nag-organizat kan POPULATION GROWTII-By the year 2000- 21 years that is from today- the world expectancy rise in population will have reached the three (3) billion mark. Red China the Communist giant of Asiatic mainland with its present, 700-million inhabitants will still lead the race followed by India’s present 690-millions. WASHINGTON- PEKING COEXISTENCE - During the ascendancy to power of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev - the Washington ■ Moscow coexistence flourished until Iodate; now Red China is responding coherently to president-elect Richard M. Nixon’s call for amity. NIXON IS AWED - The new president of the mightiest nation on earth IS A WED by the generous recommendation .. of President Lyndon B. Johnson for an increase presidential emoluments from the present $100,000 to $200,000 a year to begin January 20, 1969. U.S. Congress approved the recommendation inspite Nixon's pre-election campaign for budgetary, austerity performance. whom the Order was directed. Catholic Associations and Mandated Orders are not representatives of the Catholic Church because they receive no share from its income. Therefore, nang masasal implementation of the Vatican Order must be yaring ealamidad __ carried out by the priests and hierarchies be- sacao asin Naga City . „ „ cause they alone are the representatives of the kan pangangaipo kan mga nasoioCatholic Church; not the parishioners. It "" <,o“ means for them to go to the rural areas io find out for themselves what are needed by the poor for the improvement of their lot. It means for them to walk behind the dark alleyi of the poor to find out what the Catholic Church can do for the improvement of their living condition. Most important to find out is what material help did the Catholic Church give to the fire victims of Ragay and Pasacao who lost not only their homes but every precious personal belongings they had. If the Catholic Church did not give anything to them at the time when they were very badly in need of help, how could it be possible for the Church to be truly concerned of an objective which entails more sacrifices and money for implementation? Jesus interpreted to the world in positive action as the meaning of rural uplift. He traveled far and wide, even by night, to minister help to the needy. He dia it Himself at the head of His disciples. He lived, served and suffered with them. Do we see even a semblance of similarity between His lifejpf Catholic priests and hierarchies? A. G. D. An Operation Pakikidamay igwa nang masasabi sa mga nang'varinn (Vilarnirlad S3 Ragay, Pasa pagsorog an na victima nin kalayo. Nagbutas na an Operation Paktkidamay (kirn bibilogon) nin cabtidad na P16,000.00 sa mga bagay na ipinanao arog kan kakanon, gubing, materiales sa construcion asin iba pang sarisaring bagay na gikan mansana sa tabang kan mga mamomoton na mga ciudadano. An bilang patunay sa marhay na kaisipan kan pagkamukna kan Operation Paktkidamay iyo an pakaconsiguir kan mobile and floating clinic na ngonyan madale nang magrokat sa kabarriohan kan provincia. Kun dai markaanoano an piano, sa ikaduwang semana kan Enero, 1969, an enot na tolong grupo nin mobile clinic mahihiling nang maglingkod. Sa mga bulan nin Marzo, an duwang floating clinic puede na man magpoon na maglingkod duman sa mga lugar na haros dai inaabot nin bagting asin toltol na servicio publico. An Paz y Orden ★ Hr The Year of the Taxed The year 1969 will be an eventful year. This will be so in the sense that being a presidential election year- it will also usher the hopes of the presidential election bid come November 11., To the businessman - this reporter has had occasion* to pinpoint the colossal effort riveted on the RRS- rice, road and school administration performance which is an accomplished fact; however, the businessman is more concerned on the POLEMICS OF ‘HIGH-FINANCE’ and this will explain the disenchantment on the tight-money situation prevailing in the country. To the layman on the street- the year of the taxes bespeaks of the more than 14 tax measures recommended for legislative action during the last regular and special sessions. For sure the common tao will be more concerned with the national 1% real estate tax to answer the school funding -needs of the recurrent school crisis. T> duolicite the already existing 1% realty tax which provorlion I'ely accue to the province: its municipalities and barrios-will be felf mainly this year to begin a new era in realty taxes and this year essentially is a presidential md congressional eleciior. year. The commo man will have reason to raise his eyebrows one way or another. The gasoline tax and the rest of the tar measures which will have to answer the administration’s needs for all-out infrastructure projects has come the way of a presidential gamble when the people has to choose between more taxes for the desirability of “more tax-consciousness" for more public improvements and progress against the people’s complacency of the old-age tradition for stagnation. NOTICE The estate of the late spouses PABLO DATA AND CATALINA ABERGOS comprising of a parcel of land situated at Villazar. Sipocot. Camarines Sur with an area of 22 2 300 Hot. and more particu arly described under . CT No' RP- 180 .608), province of Camarines Sur has been settled ex ra - iudi-.ially by ’heir legal forced heirs on’ Apri 5. 1967 at Sipocot. Camarines Sur per do umen bearing Doc N->, 341, Page No. 37, Book No X. series of 1937 of notarial rigister of Notary Public Francisco Sabmdo. January 10, 1969, Naga 'City. EMILJA VDA DE DATA, et al. Pub. Jan. 11. 13 & 25, 1069 Si Lt. Col. Mircelino Corpuz, an provincial commander kan ._ _ Camarines Sur, sa pag-ogid kan NOTICE kamugtakan kan paz y orden sa lalawigan daing rimnimang nagThe estate of the la e ELIGIy pahayag na an Camarines Sur DE GONZAEESi, co nprisins of 8aro fcan matoninong kun bako an^ areij of 3.9961 Has., more kag-apat (14) na lalawigan kan or I ss and particularly described Southern Luzon. ' An crimen o un/a* Tit :No. 5787iassested at crime rate nag-ina sa taon na Pl'.i'-Ohasbeenextra-judicially ° > i pirtit’oned am-~1 f reed heirs on.j — —— — . ov at Sipocot,Camarines Sur. nin rogaring bakong sa pagratak labing gayo said ded^ bearing Doc. Nn.r.O; nin buhay njn tawo. k------------Page No. M; BooIrNo. XI Series . . ■ . . - of 1968 of rh^notirial eys'e ^Not ry public FraneLco, Sao. January' 10. 1969, Naga City. LORENZO GONZALES, Sr.,et al Pub Jan. /l,‘ /8 & 25, 1969 ing and branding team na pinagcrear sa katuyohan na manggianan asin magin mabagsik an pagdakop kan parahabon nin damulag saka vaca. > An soronod na sakyada kan mga sugalan pati lugar na pinagdadanayan nin juegos prohibidos kan nakaaging tolong bulan . ..... „.......... o ... . __ ___ nagkaigwa nin bunga sa pagkainiho asin ta an mga pagkakasala dakop nin damot na paralapas cion kan policia, an jueteng sa katapostaposi puedeng masukro asin mapara nang padagos. Manga Tulay asin Tinompo An pagsuway kan Provincial Engineer’s Office sa Oficina kan Highway District Engineer sarong hiron na nagtao nin paglaom ki Gob. Cledera sa pag-otob kan saiyang programs nin pagpatinampo. Nakapira na an pinagtogdok na bagong tinampo na puedeng ipag-abawabaw alagad ta an pag|.an mga raraot na dating tinampo nagkaigwa man nin dayaday na atencion sa saiyang administracion. Ini nanggad huli ta an heat y equipment o mga darakulai g (Dagos sa pagina 8) ting herle al tniho asin ta an mga pagkakasala dakop nin aamot na paraiapas September 24 namugtak sana sa pagringgaw kan ley. An jueteng bako nang • — . _ .. -.^i. arog kan paghona awaDaw a ta ; .... ----- ........ - * . kan mgaparalibak dawa ngani kan paghir8ah k An daing botahot na campana an mga agentes de outoridades . _ j ..- * } laban sa harabonan nin damulag nagsasabi na igwa sinda nin asin juegos prohibidos ipinagpa- dificultad sa pagsosog kan mga padagos kan PC bilang pag-lalay maolyas na mga kagsadiri kan sa Investigation Section kan jueteng. Alagad sa burugkos na Oficina kan Gobernador. Sarong pagingowa kan PC asin invest igrupo na pig-capod cattle screen- gation team kaiba an coopera