Art suggestions for book week


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Art suggestions for book week
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.µ8 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Not1tmber, If WORK AND PLAY SECTION ART SUGGESTIONS FOR BOOK WEEK On tht 14t, .Af<Jno9rom of l11itia/s. 011 the riglll, a Balanad Design. To HELP OBSERVE Book Week, boys and girls can make bookmarks of · various kinds. They may be for their own use or for gifts. A monogram of a child's initials makes a very attractive decoration for a bookmark. Monograms are easily made if they are first sketched on paper to be used as a pattern. When the pattern is made, place it over colored paper and cut it. Cutting at the same time both the pattern and the colored paper to be used for the monogram avoids the necessity of tracing around the patt~rn, which often gives a dumsy effect. Trace the monogram on Foltlt'tl Animal ·Bookmark Nootmher, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 429 a narrow strip of paper of contrasting color, and press it. The illustration on page 428 shows how it will look. Younger children can make ·balanced designs instead of monograms. They can fold the paper, and cut it freehand, cutting both pattern· and colored paper at the same time, as was done with the monograms for bookmarks. Other interesting designs are the funny imaginary animals i n silhouettes, m 0 u n t e d on pieces of bright colored paper. A pretty folder with a simple design may be used as a bookmark. A · s imp 1 e quotation about books - many s u ch quotations will be found on page 432 of this ; is s ue of THE --~ YOUNG CITIZEN J can be slipped over a leaf of the book in order to keep the ptace. The different kinds of bookmarks suggested in this article are illustrated on these pages. Notice the illustration showing monogram initials for ·a bookmark This wiil sug· gest, p-crhaps; a design for using desired initials. A"'balanced desian" iS al s o shown. in another illustration there is a picture of folded animal b oo kmarks. These arc clever and will please young people. There is illustrated, too, an attractive design for a folder bookmark; also a suggested silhouette bookmark. Try making some of these . bookmarks; you and your friends · will enjoy them: -or jingles like t !J e following may be written or printed i~­ side the folder : On th' left, Dtti9n for a Folder Booltmarlt O n J~e ri9h1, D esign for a Sifhouetle Bookmark If you are wanting some inexpensive gifts for b i rt hday or Y ou arc n friend of books; Y ours show it by their lo~ks. Cutting animals on folded colored paper, leaving ears, tail, or backs uncut on the fold, makes a marker which Christmas pres- · ents, bookmarks, made by yourself, are ideal. Your friends will like them all the better because you made them. And they will be very attractive gifts, too. The plan is worth trying.