Book adventures


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Book adventures
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN November, 1940 POEMS FOR BOOK WEEK BOOKS BOOKS are doors tha.t open out, Let us travel round about Countries that are far away, While at home we still can stay. Books are windows through which we Other times and people see; Books are friends that cheer us, too; Without books, what would we do? * * * IF YOU LIVED IN A BOOK WHAT do your book friends think of you? Do they find you thoughtful in all that you do? Do you help them keep their houses clean, And all the rooms that are placed between - BOOK ADVENTURES I LIKE to take a book in hand, And travel to some foreign land, Land of adventure and pirates, too, Where men are needed who dare · and do. And so I get a thrilling book, And seek to find some quiet nook Where I can read, and in my mind A treasure island I can find. Ah! here's a story to thrill me through! Pirates! Fighting! Mutiny, too! And with my book my course is plainN ow I am on the raging main. The swish of a wave upon the sand-. And I have arrived at the pirate's land; The beat of a tom-tom, the throb of a drum Tell of adventures yet to come. What will happen within the hour? Who will gain and hold the power? Brave men fighting to keep the hold, Pirates· seeking treasure and gold. (Please turn to page 437.) Those bright new walls? Do you take care That you leave behind you no spot or tear ? 1 If you had to live all the time in a book, You would want to 1le careful of how it would look! November~ 1940 WAGNER (Continued from page 421) THE YOUNG CITIZEN 437 THE BAT COLLECTING BUTTERFIES (Continu~d from page 423) (Continued from page 435) and another is known as -ghosts that come out of ly. Then I. arrange them The M astersinger. 'There their graves at night, ac- in my display case. I fasten were knightly singers· who cording to superstition, and each specimen securely in wandered about Germany suck the blood of human place by a pin during the Midde Ages. beings. Of course, this be~ through it. Sometimes these singers lief is only a superstititon- My mother admires my met in contests to decide most certainly it is not true. collection very much. So who was the best singer. An There are thousands and. do many of my. friends, and artist has painted an imagi- thousands of bats in the some of them have gone nary. scene representing a Philippines which help and into the business of collectcontest of these minnesing- benefit the Filipinos. Have ing moths and butterflies.for ers, as they 'were called. A ,you ever seen thoughtless themselves. copy. of .this picture is Filipino boys stoning or I took my collection to shown on page 421. killing a bat? Do you think school where it was on disAfter years of exile, they. should do th~t? ·cer- play. My teacher showed Wagner was permitted to tainly not. We should pro- it ·to other teachers and return to Germany. With tect the bats, for that is the pupils and the visitors who considerable difficulty he only way we can repay came to 'our school. built a theiiter in the little them for their good work. Any one living here in city of Beyreuth 0 (pro- the Philippines can make nounced bigh-roit). He which place his famous a good collection of moths called this theater his Festi- theater is still in 'use. and butterflies. There are val Playhouse, and it has I plenty of specimens here. become very famous. It REVIEW took a long time to get it built, but at last it was finished. Wagner had fulfilled his dream of the union of arts in the creation of the music-drama and the Festival Playhouse. The last opera which Wagner wrote was Parsifal which tells of a knight named Parsifal and his deeds. This was completed in 1882. Failing health caused Wagner to spend the following winter at Venice, where, in 1883, he suddenly died. He was buried at Beyreuth, at I. Tell of Richard Wagner as a boy. 2. Tell of his early study of music. 3. When he was a young man what did he do in music? 4. Why did Wagner have to leave his country? · 5. What did Wagner call his musical plays? BOOK ADVENTURE (Continued from page 418) A sinking ship, a desolate cry, Tell of men who soon will die; The pirates now have gained the .top. Hurry! Can no man make them stop? 6. What stories did he One man left to save the use in his series known as ship! The Ring of the Nibelungs? One man left! He must not 7. Name the fou·r music- slip. dramas of this series. Far into the night so late, · 8. Have you ever heard I read to learn this one any of Wagner's music? man's fate.