Book quotations


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Book quotations
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.,.J2 THE YOUNG CITIZEN N Ofl~mher, 1'9411 CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP SECTION BOOK QUOTATIONS COMPILED BY MRS. GERONIM A CALDERON ANCHETA• FOR PRIMARY GRADES Books are faithful friends. Read and enjoy books. The child who read$ is the child who leads. Read and grow. Reading 0is the most impo1'1l•lt thing the child can learn in school. FOR INTERMEDIATE GRADES Books which help you most are those which make you thin,k most. A book carefully selected has a permanent value which nothing else can have. It is never too late to read. Good books are faithful teachers. They interest, inspire, and guide. It takes as long to read a poor book as a good one. · He lives a thousand lives who reads his books. Books are the greatest inheritance of the new generation. They preserve the wisdom and the beauty of the race, and carry it as a living, ever-growing stream. A library is the pupil's worksliop; it is the teacher's assistant; it is the professional'> chief outfit. Books are a guide and an entertainment in youth. •Teacher, Lukban Elementary School. Manila. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some to ·be chewed and digested. 'Tis the good reader that mak~s the good book. In every good book he finds passages which seem confidences hidden from all else and unmistakenly meant for his ear. All books are divisible into.two classes:. .books of the hour and books of all time. 'Reading has changed the "world and continues lo change it1 Tile man without books lives only the life of one individual, . No one can read a good and interesting book for an hour without being the better and the happier for it. He that loves reading has everything within his reach. Book-love, my friends, is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasures. It lasts when all ·other pleasures fade. It will support you when all recreations are gone. It will last you until yollr death. THE READ.ER'S SPAN THOSE who love to read have life Beyond their own short day; They travel through the centuries With authors years away. READING EVERY DAY I REAQ a good book ev'ry day, So I will grow up wis.e; I read a good book ev'ry day, So says the child who tries.