Bookplates for your books


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Bookplates for your books
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
430 LIBllAllY TPE YOUNG CITIZEN Nooembtr, JO-IV _BOOKPLATES FOR YOUR BOOKS ·-- . LI Bf\ARY .OF l.~ _-=~· -_____.~ THE BOY OR GIRL who owns a small library will find a bookplate just the thing to show personal ownership of each book and to add distinction to the library. It is noi difficult to make a bookplate to suit one's fancy. On this page are given two designs for bookplates, but the boy or girl who is clever ·at drawing may make an original design. If either of tlic designs on this page are used, fill in name. After one has a design to »JH the fancy, copies of this bookplate design are to be made and one i!r to be P•»ted .in the front o.f each book. There are several ways of making copies of the design. One way is to take a photograph of the design, and from the photograph negative make as many photographic copies· as are desired. Another method is to draw th•e· design on tracing paper with drawing ink (or-· dinory ink will not do) and n:iake as many b' · print copies as are ·wanted. . ,f course one may take the design to ;, photoengraver and hove a cut made. From this cut a printer can print as many copies a. are desired. TJ:iis method is advisa~le when one has several hundrod books in a library. Thus you avoid losing your books.